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Teacher guide

Lesson 5
Spotting fake news Journalist Training School context

(PSHE education) A journalist’s main aim is to report the truth.

They need to be good fake news detectives so
that they don’t report fake news themselves!
Learning objective
• To identify fake news and its consequences Core knowledge/skills
• News produced by professional news publications is
Learning outcomes regulated (has strict rules to follow about fact-checking).

• Explain what fake news is and why it is created • However, sometimes people deliberately make up news
where they don’t tell the truth or only tell half of the
• Identify what questions to ask and what checks to make truth: this is called fake news or disinformation.
to decide whether a news report is fake or real
• Fake news is created and shared for many reasons:
• Infer how a fake news story may affect someone’s as a joke/an April fool; to generate money through
emotions and behaviour advertising; to influence people’s beliefs about a
• Give reasons why fake news can be harmful person/place/product.
• Fake news can have negative consequences because it
Curriculum links can make people believe something that isn’t true and
influence how people feel or act. For example, during
• Reading comprehension: fact-retrieval, evaluating an election, someone may publish fake news to make
the reliability of sources, drawing inferences people feel angry about a candidate and change the
way they vote.
• PSHE education – Living in the wider world:
• To judge whether a news story is truthful, take time
− recognise ways in which the internet and social to: stop, question, and check the information so that
media can be used both positively and negatively you can decide whether to believe, share or challenge
− how to assess the reliability of sources of it. See the News navigator for tips on how to check and
information online; and how to make safe, question whether a story is fake.
reliable choices from search results
Before teaching this lesson, refer to guidance on creating
− recognise things appropriate to share and things a safe learning environment for PSHE education,
that should not be shared on social media including establishing agreed ground rules for discussion.
− how text and images in the media and on social
media can be manipulated or invented; strategies
to evaluate the reliability of sources and identify

This lesson focuses on the

NewsWise value: truthful.

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Teacher guide

Starter/baseline assessment the source that you want the news to come from; eg,
football: BBC news. If you are unsure about a story,
Nav’s story: Pupils consider the following character always talk to a teacher or parent about it first.
situation: Nav is reading a news story. Nav wants to know
whether the story is ‘fake news’. What does Nav mean? 2. Reveal the answers to all the Fake or real headlines
If it is fake news, does it matter (why/why not)? What will stories. If Nav was reading any of the fake stories we have
help Nav decide? What should Nav do about it? looked at, what should Nav do about it?

Learning activity Questions for assessment

1. Using the Fake or real headlines pupils vote on whether What is fake news? Why might fake news be harmful? How
do we know if the news we hear, see or read is true? What can
each headline is real or fake, making a ‘gut reaction’
decision (don’t reveal the answers yet!). What do you you do if you think a story is fake?
think about this story headline? Is it easy to tell if a story is
real or fake (especially if we only read it quickly)? Did you Online resources checklist
have enough information to make an informed decision?
How might people react to each of these headlines? News navigator

Compare the ‘gut reaction’ process to what happens Nav’s story

when people share a funny/shocking story they have
heard in conversation/via messaging/social media Fake or real headlines
before taking time to question if it’s true. Relate this to Fake or real voting sheets
spreading rumours and gossip in the playground.
News story 1 and 2
2. Investigate two of the stories in detail by questioning the Trustworthy news sources and fake news clue words
source and checking the coverage (News story 1 and 2).
Pupils use the evidence and clues provided to work out
Fake news stories
which news story is fake and which is real. Pupils can use
support materials: Trustworthy news sources and Fake Don’t trust pictures on the internet
news clue words for professional news organisations
and fake news vocabulary to look out for in their Emotional and action responses
investigations. What clues helped you to identify the fake
news? What clues showed that you could trust the real story?
Extension opportunities
3. Pupils read two examples of Fake news stories, • As a class, create a fake news detective toolkit for the
inferring how they might make someone feel and what
future or create a guide for other pupils in the school.
they might motivate someone to do (teacher note: these
are not real examples, but have been developed for the • Explore how images can be manipulated using the
purpose of this lesson). How might someone feel reading Don’t trust pictures on the internet resource.
this story? How does the article try to make the reader
• Deliver a ‘fake or real’ news quiz in assembly.
feel an extreme emotion? What would happen if someone
believed this story? Could it affect how they think or act? • Choose an age-appropriate news story that everyone can
How could it affect their actions? What is the motivation investigate. Give pupils their own News navigator to take
of the story/writer? Why has this story been made up? home to investigate the story with their family. Compare
What type of fake news might cause harm? findings and the effectiveness of the News navigator.
• Pupils create a comic strip/storyboard to demonstrate
Plenary the fake news reaction chain: reading a fake news story
> feeling an extreme emotion > developing a thought-
1. Where can we get trustworthy news from? As a class, pattern or taking action. Some pupils might add a
create a list of reliable sources where pupils can get fourth step to their chain to demonstrate the effect
real and trustworthy information, including children’s of more than one person taking action or the impact
news organisations. Emphasise the importance of their thinking might have on others. Pupils can use the
reading across different organisations and sources Emotional and action responses resource for support.
of information – whether (and how) a story is being
reported elsewhere. When searching for a story, include
NewsWise 23

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