Computer Aided Design

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7 gost seor en pee ea NDED DESIGN—DIFFERENT APPROACHES oul ion of digital computers to the problems of , se sso Inthe early stages, the use of digital Sectacerimeranan eon seer poo to transformers only. In the year 1956, Moore! et al and Williams? et al dloguoeed the sited W aigital computers to the design of transformers equally hold good forthe ance a @ ines. ee year, Veinott$ published a Paper on application of digital computers for the design sin TS {A flow chart was developed giving basic procedure for the design of polyphase seis ors. The input data consisted of machine specifications alongwith complete dimensions ces rotor and the output data gave performance details like resistance, magnetizing mmf, toes breakdown torque and costs of iron and copper. The paper in fact developed the analysis erste desig of polyphase induction motor. Toe encept of optimization in electrical machine design was introduced by Godwin‘ in 1959. ean for optimization of design of squirrel cage induction motors has been presented in this for The program eliminates a large number of non-useful combinations of design parameters. wr vpl parameters were retained and a few variables varied to give optimized design in the gm of satisfactory performance. In 1959 itself, Heroz® et al, through their paper, introduced the concept of two commonly seetable approaches to machine design, namely @ Analysis method and (ii) Synthesis method. 234 Analysis Method The analysis method of design is depicted in Fig. 16.1. In this method the choice ofdimensions, 1d these are presented to the computer ‘derials and types of construction are made by the designer an ‘input data. The performance is calculated by the computer and is returned tothe designer for him ‘nine. The designer examines the performance and makes anather choice of input, if necessity ‘lhe perforaane in cocctenlated. This procedure is repested over and over again till the requirements are satisfied. ; ee of term analysis method means the use of computer only for the purposes of analysis = — of eae tothe designer: se eginning with he se of Plicati is method ign it lent starting poin' m - Salpgn tsital meee Se felecce ne vines anddin fact most of the designers > ted off with this method. eee Fig. 22.1. Analysis method of design. ‘The advantages of analysis method are : @ Itis fairly easy to program, to use and to understand. (i) It results in considerable time saving thereby giving quick returns on investments made. (iii) The programs based upon analysis methods are simple but they become the foundations for later day larger and sophisticated programs. (iv) The results of analysis method are highly acceptable by designers. 22.3.2 Synthesis Method This method is depicted in Fig. 22.2. The desired performance is given as input to the compute. The logical decisions required to modify the values of variables to arrive at the desired performan are incorporated in the program as a set of instructions. Unlike in the case of Analysis method, the program or computer run is therefore not interrupted for the designer to take logical decisions. ‘Synthesis method of design implies designing a machine which satisfies a set of specifications or performance indices. Given a set of performance indices, an infinite number of designs can be produced to satisfy them. Therefore, the synthesis design should be such that it produces an optimum design because the object of any good synthesis program is just that only. Synthesis without optimization has no meaning. 7 The greatest advantage of synthesis method is the savings in time in lapsed time and engineering man hours on account of the decision making left to the computer itself. ‘ The synthesis method, however, suffers from a number of serious disadvantages. TheY “_ 1. The synthesis method involves too much of logic since the logical decisions are lef for computer to take. Now, these logical decisions have to be incorporated in the progr” before they are incorporated the team of design engineers have to agree upon ther Firstly, the logical decisions to arrive at a optimum design are too many and then a too many people with too many ways to suggest to produce an optimum design andit ber, really hard to formulate a logic that really produces an optimum design, @ des" " every contributor believes is optimum. Fig. 22.2. Synthesis method of design. 2 The formulati : ‘i mulation of a synthesis program taking into account the factors listed above would it too complex. The complex program so formulated at high cost would require the use computer and also large running time involving huge expenditure. ofa : ade. Dey, i t cannot be used for ever. This py ted a high in materials, manufacturin an bay i ‘ket conditions ‘ rds, relative costs of materials, sect sons an ‘. “ o performance sander Togie itself. Therefore, a synthes vali ii e desi - fa; se i coat in order that it is kept upto dat 22.6 mr thesis program formu’ aA 3. men ‘and up dated keeping in Vi Baie ie ig as well as the synthesis methods in the pr, i i tes both the analysis a! : Beste the Pog esaesiaad beeewreneartreirt involve greater cost, the major part of the programs is baseq 5 mn synthesis. analysis witha limited portion ofthe program being based upon SY” 22.3.4 Optimization - 2 ‘The aim of optimization in the design cf sec ca given problem from the multitude of posi Wan the choice of various variablesin guch a ‘The optimization process, therefore, involves the Capea prance ins that the design in regard to a particular feature is the best, and ee ie Satisfies a limitations or restraints imposed on its performance. Hence, optimization is a collective process of finding a set of conditions required to achieve the best results from a given sit uation. : In order to achieve the best possible solution, it is necessary to define the objectives of study ‘The objective may vary from one problem to another, but for industrial applications it may be either economic or technical. Such economic aims as maximum profit or minimum cost are common, while possible technical objectives might include the largest yield of a particular product from a plant Normally most industrial optimization has to be carried out within an economic frame work. A characteristic feature of optimization in design of electrical machines is the presence of conflicting or opposing influences. For example, the cost of active materials in induction motors can be reduced by using high values of specific electric and magnetic loadings but these high values of specific loadings will result in unsatisfactory performance like high temperature rise and poor power factor. The choice of low values of specific loadings has the opposite effect i.e. high cost and better performance. The best design will be obtained by the compromise of two main factors i.e. cost and performance, the two exerting opposing influences. 22.3.5 General Procedure for Optimization The general objective in optimization is to choose a set of values of the independent variables, subject to various restrictions which will Produce the desired optimum response for the particular problem under examination. A general approach or procedure can be listed below : @ Define a suitable objective for the problem under examination. Gi) Examine the restrictions imposed upon the problem by external agencies. (iii) Choose a system or systems for study, () Examine the structure of each system and the inter-relationshi elements Earnie inter-relationship of the system cl machines isto choose the best solution, (v) Construct a model for the system. This is the en techni i hich allows the objective to be defined in terms of the system variable, en eee ariables,

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