5195 Syllabus Fall 2023

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Acute Care Gerontology Nurse Practitioner (AGACNP)

Acute Care Diagnostics and Procedures II (with Lab)

All terms

Course Credit
4 Semester Hours: Focus Session P/F- required to pass

Estimated Learning Time (ELT)

In order to demonstrate compliance with U.S. Department of Education regulations and
standards established by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), all Graceland University
faculty have created a good faith estimate of the learning time associated with each course they
design, coordinate and/or lead. Estimates of learning time are published in the syllabi for each
course offered. Regardless of the length of term or the mode of instruction, it is expected that a
student who is prepared for college-level work and reasonably motivated to succeed will spend a
minimum of 37.5 hours per semester hour credit in course-related activity. ELT may include
preparation time, attendance, and active participation in course-related activities. The conversion
ratio for clinical practice hours (see below) to academic (sh) credit varies across programs and is
calculated per the SON Assignment of Academic Credit for NURS courses.

Learning activities and distribution of ELT may vary from course to course and student to
student. Learning activities may include, but are not limited to, the following: reading
assignments, literature & database searching; literature & evidence analysis, live chats,
asynchronous discussions, peer-review, written assignments, group projects, case study analysis,
practice skill labs, quizzes/exams, individual & group presentations/demonstrations, field
experiences, clinical practice hours, practice projects, log & database entries. ELT for this course
is illustrated below.

Estimated NURS 5195 Acute Care Diagnostics and Procedures II w/ Lab (4

Learning Time s.h.)
(ELT) Learning Activities
Reading Assignments (text readings, database searching,
literature/evidence review & critical analysis, etc.) 5 hours/week average
Assignments (scholarly papers, case studies, projects; assessment videos,
research & writing), reflection paper (short)
5 Discussions (prep & participation)

Rev 8.1.2023

0 Quizzes / Exams (prep & completion)

Practice Hours (field experiences, clinical practicums, practice projects,
24 skill lab focus sessions): Attendance at 3-Day On-Campus Focus
Clinical/practice prep, log & database entries: Reviewing videos and
practicing skills prior to Focus Attendance
1 Other: EKG Refresher Content
150 TOTAL clock hours /term

Course Schedule

Learning activities are completed within a 16-week trimester. Weeks begin on Monday and end
on Sunday. Participation in asynchronous discussions is expected to occur throughout the week
on multiple different days as directed in the Discussion Guidelines. Graded learning activities are
due by midnight Sunday at the end of week. Focus session attendance will occur in week 12 of
the trimester.


There are a variety of options for communication between faculty & students including
asynchronous discussion boards, private communications, GU Outlook email, synchronous chat,
and telephone conferencing. Students should allow 24-72 hours during business days for
response from faculty. If a response is not received within 72 hours, please contact the SON
Graduate Programs Office at songraduateprograms@graceland.edu or 816.423.4677 for

A Virtual Office is provided in each weekly folder for student-faculty communications about
the course. Please post all questions or comments related to the course in the appropriate forum
so that all students may have access to the information.

Private communications between students and faculty are available via a Private
Communications for Faculty Dropbox on the course site, GU Outlook email or telephone.
Private consultation by phone or synchronous chat is available by appointment.

Students are responsible for all communications sent to their GU Outlook email account. It is
imperative that you plan to check your GU Outlook email account frequently! Emails sent from
eCollege and all official communications from the SON are sent to your GU Outlook email.

 Announcements
o Posted by faculty on the course home page as needed
o Check for new announcements every time course is accessed
 Virtual Office (Public Forum)
o Asynchronous discussion board available in Course Home; includes topics for
each learning unit

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o Preferred means of communication between faculty & students enrolled in online

o Q & A available to all students enrolled in course
o Check frequently for updated information
 Virtual Classroom (recorded synchronous live chat)
o Q & A in real-time
o Attendance and participation may be required or optional
 Private Communication
o Private email communications sent from online course site.
o Preferred mode for Private Communications between course faculty &
individual students. Record of “sent message” documented in course site.
 Email (GU Outlook)
o Email communications sent from online course sites and all official
communications from the SON are sent to your GU Outlook (sting) account
o Check your GU Outlook frequently
o Do NOT use a personal email account (Yahoo, Gmail, etc.) to send or receive
messages with GU Outlook.
 Tele/Video Conferencing
o Voicemail
o Teleconference (leading or joining a conference call for participants in multiple

Students are expected to communicate effectively and professionally with faculty and staff to
resolve any problems or concerns. Questions or concerns regarding academic issues should
initially be discussed and preferably resolved at the course instructor level. Course Lead Faculty
and then the Specialty Track Coordinator/Faculty Advisor may be contacted if further assistance
is required. Faculty advisors will consult with or refer students to SON administration as needed.
Staff are available to assist with non-academic issues such as registration, enrollment, financial
aid, programs of study, withdrawals, contracts, agreements, etc.

As a general rule, faculty log on to course sites at least 3-5 times each week (Monday through
Friday) to monitor student progress, respond to questions, review and score assignments.
Evenings, weekends and holidays are reserved for personal and family activities and faculty may
not routinely log on to course sites. Asynchronous discussion boards are the primary and
preferred means of communication between faculty and students enrolled in online courses.

Course Faculty

Instructor: La’Chelle Moore, MSN, ACNPC-BC, CCRN, lam8@graceland.edu

Requisites and Prerequisites

Prerequisites for this course are:

NURS5143: Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning (must be taken no more
than 2 terms prior to this course)

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NURS5192: Acute Care Diagnostics and Procedures I

Place of Course in Curriculum

Typically, in the fifth trimester of the full-time MSN program of study or later

Course Description

This course focuses on advanced health assessment demonstration and competency completion
of selected advanced practice procedures during a mandatory, face-to-face focus session held at
the Independence, MO. campus during Week 12 of the trimester.

Program Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) Addressed

The following are addressed by this course:

MSN Student Learning Outcomes

- MSN SLO-2: Demonstrates advanced knowledge and skills in selected functional role.

AACN Essentials of Masters Education in Nursing (2021)

- Domain 1: Knowledge for Nursing Practice

o 1.3: Demonstrate clinical judgment founded on a broad knowledge base
- Domain 2: Person-Centered Care
o 2.3: Integrate assessment skills in practice
o 2.4: Diagnose actual or potential health problems and needs
o 2.5: Develop plan of care
- Doman 4: Scholarship for the Nursing Discipline
o 4.1: Advance the scholarship of nursing

NONPF Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies (2022)

- NP Domain 1: Knowledge of Practice

o NP 1.3 Demonstrate Clinical Judgment Founded on Broad Knowledge Base
- NP Domain 2: Person-Centered Care
o NP 2.3: Integrate advanced assessment in NP practice
o NP 2.4: Diagnose actual or potential health problems and needs
o NP 2.5: Manage care of individuals
- NP Domain 4: Practice Scholarship and Translational Science
o NP 4.1: Advance the scholarship of NP nursing practice

Course Objectives

Upon satisfactory completion of course, objectives the student will:

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1.) Master physical examination of each body system and complete a head-to-toe assessment
on adult.
2.) Define and demonstrate proper techniques of procedural safety
3.) Define and demonstrate aseptic and sterile technique processes
4.) Return demonstrate competency of acute care invasive procedures learned in NURS5192
5.) Utilize clinical reasoning for determining necessity of diagnostic and therapeutic
6.) Complete comprehensive evaluation through in-person and practice case studies
7.) Review critical care concepts and radiographical interpretation

Course Materials


Bates' Visual Guide to Physical Examination (12-month access card to BatesVisualGuide.com

with OSCE Clinical Skills Videos) ISBN 9781469863856

- Bickley, L.S. Szalagi, P.G., & Hoffman, R.M. (2021). Bates’ Guide to Physical
Examination and History Taking. (13th Ed.). Wolters Kluwer. (available through online
access card)

Goodman, L. (2021). Felson’s Principles of Chest Roentgenology; A Programmed Text. (5th

Ed.). Elsevier

Herring, W. (2020). Learning Radiology: Recognizing the Basics. (4th Ed). Elsevier.

Wiegand, D. (Ed.). (2017). AACN Procedure Manual for High Acuity, Progressive, and Critical
Care. (7th. Ed). Elsevier


PCs are recommended. Macintosh computers may be used, but in some situations a Mac will not
support the requirements of a specific college course online. It is the student's responsibility to
ensure that they can access a PC in such situations. Recommended systems & software include
Windows 2000 or XP, 64 MB RAM, 28.8 kbps modem (56k), sound card & speakers, and
internet Explorer 6.0 or Firefox 1.x with JAVA enabled. For additional Information on
minimum system profiles or software requirements and support, log onto
www.gracelandonline.com and click "Technical Requirements".

Course Methodologies

1. Required Readings with systematic review

2. Review of video resources
3. Written assignments/class discussion, assessment videos, quizzes
4. On campus 3-day educational/evaluative session

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5. Focus session lectures

Course Policies

Assignment Guidelines:

1. Due dates for graded learning activities (participation, written assignments,

quizzes/exams, etc.) are clearly posted by faculty on the course schedule within
each course and.
2. The time stamp in eCollege officially documents date and time of submission.
Most graded assignments are due by midnight Central Standard Time (CST) of
the posted due date. Due dates for discussion posts (initial, peer-response,
final) may vary depending on the length and structure of the discussion period.
See course schedule and individual guidelines for each learning activity. Students
are expected to adjust the time for their zone to avoid late submission. For
example, if students in Mountain Time Zone, must submit, post, etc. by 11pm MT
to meet the midnight CST deadline. The date and time that faculty see for your
submissions is in CST.
3. Submission of assignments for faculty to review prior to grading or for re-grading
is not permitted unless otherwise specified in the assignment guidelines.
4. Rubrics for evaluation are posted for each graded assignment. Feedback is
provided for any deduction of points.
5. Students should generally expect feedback within 7 days of the posted due
date. Feedback may be delayed for up to 14 days from the posted due date in
certain circumstances, such as extended due dates (see below). Graded
assignments will not be returned to any student until all assignments have been
submitted. Faculty will notify students of any expected delays in response time.
6. Students are expected to review feedback on graded assignments and seek
clarification of any questions within 1 week of the grade posting.
7. Ten percent (10%) per day (or part thereof) will be deducted from
the earned score for all graded learning activities submitted past the posted
due date for up to a maximum of five (5) calendar days (this includes weekends
& public holidays).
8. Work submitted more than five (5) days overdue will not be graded by faculty and
a score of zero (0) points will be recorded. Timely participation is crucial for
meaningful and effective discussions; therefore, late submissions are not
accepted and zero points will be recorded for posts made after the posted due
9. As a general rule, faculty log on to course sites at least 3-5 times each week
(Monday through Friday) to monitor student progress, respond to questions,
review, and score assignments. Evenings, weekends, and holidays are reserved for
personal and family activities and faculty may not routinely log on to the course
10. 80% or higher is REQUIRED on in-person competencies and ALL
assignments require completion (regardless of tardiness) to pass this course.

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Due Date Extensions:

1. Students should post questions related to assignments and submit requests for due
date extensions to faculty in writing no later than noon on Friday prior to the due
date. Extensions are usually only granted for a maximum of one week.
2. Extensions are granted at the discretion of course faculty in emergency or
extraordinary circumstances such as the following:
• Medical illness: a medical certificate may be requested by faculty.
• Compassionate grounds: those situations for which compassionate leave is
normally granted in employment.
• Unexpected misadventure, hardship or trauma: documentation may be
requested by faculty
3. Work or other study commitments, computer crashes or printer failures are
NOT valid reasons for an extension.
4. No penalty will apply if an extension is sought and granted by the responsible
person or delegate. If the assignment is handed in after the extension period, then
established penalties will apply.
5. Students whose circumstances require extensions longer than one week are
advised to meet with faculty to discuss available options including course
withdrawal or incomplete grade assignment.
6. Extensions are not granted after the due date of an assignment.

Graduate Student Handbook

Students are responsible for the policies and procedures posted in the Graduate Student
Handbook. This handbook is updated on a regular basis, so please refer to the online version for
the most current information. Links are also available on the my.graceland SON Resource page.

Academic Integrity

Graceland University's School of Nursing highly values academic integrity and is committed to
the fundamental value and obligation of preserving academic honesty among our faculty,
students and graduates. Graceland University and the School of Nursing have academic policies
and procedures in place to ensure a safe and positive learning environment for students and
faculty. It is the student's responsibility to review and familiarize themselves with these policies.
View Graduate Student Academic Policies.


Students agree that by taking this course all written assignments, including research papers, case
studies and discussion posts, may be subject to submission, at the discretion of the faculty
member, for text comparison by Turnitin.com., a plagiarism detection service, and other means
of detecting plagiarism. All papers submitted to Turnitin.com will be included as source
documents in the Turnitin.com reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism

Rev 8.1.2023

of future papers. Use of the Turnitin.com service is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use
posted on www.Turnitin.com.

Students with Disabilities

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Graceland University is committed to full compliance with the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504)
and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Students requesting accommodations will
complete the Graceland University Accommodation Request Form online
(https://www.graceland.edu/academics/accommodation-request-for-disabilities). Next, the
student needs to submit disability documentation to the Student Disability Services office.
Documentation can be submitted in person by visiting the SDS office, located in the 2nd Floor
Staff Office Suite, by emailing SDS-Info@graceland.edu, or faxing information to 816-833-

Online Assessments

Maintaining the integrity of online assessments is a challenge and major concern for both
students and faculty working in online environments. Students enrolled in this course are held to
a professional standard and are required to comply with the following regulations. Failure to
comply with these regulations is in direct violation of the Graceland University Integrity Policy.

1. It is expressly prohibited to disclose, publish, reproduce or transmit any

part of a quiz/test/exam or written assignment in any form, by any means,
verbal or written, for any purpose.
2. Graded learning and assessment activities must be completed by the
enrolled student logged-on to the course site.
3. The completion of any course requirement on behalf of someone else is
strictly prohibited.
4. You may not obtain improper access to any part of an assessment (quiz,
test, exam, etc.) or assignment (case analysis, research paper, etc.) prior to
completing the activity yourself (i.e. observing someone else complete the
assessment, reviewing work previously submitted by another student).
5. Use of course materials (books, notes) & additional resources during
quizzes/tests/exams is permitted

Iowa SBN Administrative Code

2.5(5), chapter 2, nursing educational programs, curriculum: Nursing courses with a clinical
component may not be taken by a person:

a. who has been denied licensure by the board,

b. whose license is currently suspended, surrendered or revoked in any United States jurisdiction,

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c. whose license/registration is currently suspended, surrendered or revoked in another country

due to disciplinary action

Learning Experiences and Evaluation

Video Resource Review & Required Readings

Over the first 12 weeks in this course you will have an opportunity to review and self-practice
your assessment and procedure skills prior to coming to the on-campus Focus Session. During
the Focus Session, you will be expected to perform these assessments with at least 80% or higher
to pass this course.


Grades are earned individually through the completion of course requirements. Assessment
scores will not be curved and extra credit activities are not available. Grades are earned through
completion of course requirements. Points are awarded based on the level of achievement of
expected outcomes. The amount of time and effort required to satisfactory achieve expected
outcomes will vary among students. Earned points for each graded learning activity are posted in
the grades area at the top of the course throughout the term. Students are responsible for tracking
their own progress. Questions or concerns regarding points awarded for any graded learning
activity should be addressed to faculty within one week of the grade posting.

Grading Scale
A grade of B (80%) or better (above average work) is required to pass graduate level
nursing courses.

80% or higher is REQUIRED on in-person competencies and ALL assignments require

completion (regardless of tardiness) to pass this course.

Final grades are computed according to the following standard based on a total of 100%.

A = 90-100%
B = 80-89%
C = 70-79%
D = 60-69%
F = 0-59%

Grading Criteria (include points and/or assigned weight for each graded activity/assignment)

Points Assigned Graded Activity

Possible Weight
20 4% Week 1 Introduction to Infection and Safety
20 4% Week 2 Head-to-Toe Examination Techniques
X X Week 3 HEENT
20 4% Week 4 HEENT

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20 4% Week 5 Respiratory
20 4% Week 6 Cardiac
20 4% Week 7 Abdominal
20 4% Week 8 Breast/Genitals
20 4% Week 9 Musculoskeletal
20 4% Week 10 Neurological
X X Week 11 Invasive Procedures
260 50% Week 12 Focus Session- 3 days on campus
(Pass required)
20 4% Week 13 Comprehensive H&P, Radiology
20 4% Week 14 Comprehensive H&P, Radiology
20 4% Week 15 Comprehensive H&P, Radiology
20 2% (C/I) Week 16 Examination of Special Populations, Reflection & SLO

Focus Session Grade

You will need to complete all course assignments to pass the course.

Learning Labs

Learning labs (during Focus Session) are Pass/Fail. Completion of the material and/or exam
during the learning lab will result in a Pass. If you do not complete a learning lab, it is a Fail.
ALL learning labs must be completed to pass Focus. Place your signature on the "sign in" sheet
for each learning lab as a record of attendance. Learning Labs consist of attendance to in-person
Focus Session lectures, procedural exposures, and case studies. Learning Labs are guided
sessions requiring attendance and participation only.


Instructors may require remediation for a student who has not mastered a system assessment or
procedure. Remediation recommendation of more than 3 systems or procedures will result in a
failure and repeat of the entire course.

End of class

This class concludes after completion of your Reflection paper and Student learning outcomes
paper by Week 16.

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