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unit – 1

1. 法律 lawyer
2. 俩 both , two
3. 印象 impression
4. 深 deep
5. 熟悉 familiar
6. 不仅 not only
7. 性格 character , personality
8. 开玩笑 kidding
9. 从来 always , all along
10.最好 had better
11.共同 common
12.适合 to suit , to fit
13.幸福 happy
14.生活 life , live
15.刚 just now
16.浪漫 romantic
17.够 enough
18.缺点 shortcomings
19.接受 accept
20.羡慕 admired , to envy
21.爱情 love
22.星星 star
23.即使 even if
24.加班 over time
25.两 亮 - to shine , to be lit
26.感动 touch , move
27.自然 naturally , certainly
28.原因 reason
29.互相 mutually
30.吸引 attarct
31.幽默 humourous
32.脾气 temper

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