Unit - 3 生词 - (A)

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Unit – 3

1. 挺 quite / rather
2. 紧张 nervous
3. 信心 confidence
4. 能力 ability
5. 招聘 recruit (zhao pin )
6. 提供 provide
7. 负责 to be in charge of ( fuze )
8. 本来 orgianlly , at first
9. 应聘 apply for job ( yingpin )
10. 符合 accord with (fuhe )
11. 通知 to inform
12. 律师 lawyer
13. 专业 major
14. 另外 in addition
15. 收入 income
16. 咱们 we , us
17. 安排 arrange
18. 首先 1st
19. 正式 formal
20. 留 leave
21. 其次 2 nd
22. 城实 honest
23. 改变 change
24. 感觉 feeling
25. 判断 judge , decide ( panduan )
26. 顾客 customer
27. 准时 on time
28. 不管 no matter
29. 与 with
30. 约会 to date , appointment ( yuehui )

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