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Q. 1. After how many hours did Krishna return to his hostel room from college?
Ans. Krishna returned to his hostel room from college after four hours.
Q. 2. Which writers did Krishna read for the fiftieth time before going to college?
Ans. Krishna read Shakespeare, Milton and Carlyle for the fifth time before going to college.
Q.3. What was the name of college in which Krishna taught?
Ans. The name of college in which Krishna taught was Albert Mission College.
Q. 4. How did Krishna deal with a few hundred boys of college?
Ans. Krishna brow beat, admonished and cajoled a few hundred boys of College.
Q. 5. Why did he do so?
Ans. He did so, so that the boys might mug up Shakespeare and Milton and secure high marks and save
him adverse criticism from his chiefs at 'the end of the year.
Q. 6. What was the salary of Krishna?
Ans. The salary of Krishna was one hundred rupees.
Q.7. Why was Krishna constantly nagged by the feeling that he was doing the wrong work?
Ans. The reason why Krishna was constantly nagged by the feeling that he was doing the wrong work, that
instead of writing poetry, he was teaching.
Q. 8. What was the name of the principal?
Ans. The name of the principal was Brown.
Q. 9. Why did Krishna check himself from pricking Gajpathy who looked heavily concerned with what the
principal had said?
Ans. Krishna checked himself from pricking Gajpathy because the latter was his senior, and could allot him
extra work.
Q.10. What did one day Mr. Brown, the principal of Albert Mission College say to the teachers of English?
Ans. Mr. Brown, the principal of Albert Mission College said to the teachers of English: I came across a
student of the English Honours who did not know till this day that 'honours' had to be spell with a 'u'.

Q.11. What point did Krishna drive home to Ganpathy?

Ans. Krishna drove home to Ganpathy the following point:
"Let us be fair. Ask Mr. Brown if he can say in any of the two hundred Indian languages."
Q. 12. What were the colleagues of Krishna talking about one night in the hostel-room?
Ans. One night in the hostel room the colleagues of Krishna were talking about the English spelling and
about the conference the English teachers had with Brown, the principal of the college.
Q. 13. Why were the municipal lamps Showing signs of paling?
Ans. The municipal lamps were Showing signs of paling because the dawn was about to break.
Q. 14. Why did the feet of Krishna burn deep down in the sand?
Ans. The sand was damp with the morning dew, but Krishna burned his feet deep down the sand because of
the previous day's sun.
Q. 15. What were hanging over the river?
Ans. The immense banyan trees were hanging over the river.
Q. 16. What were the birds doing?
Ans. The birds were stirring and chirping.
Q. 17. What did Krishna decide after being overwhelmed by the beauty of Nature?
Ans. On being overwhelmed by the beauty of Nature, Krishna decided to rush back to his table and write a
poem on nature.
Q. 18. What was the miserable condition of the picture of Krishna's wife?
Ans. For months together the picture of Krishna's wife was standing on the table. It was leaning against the
wall in its card board mount. It was covered with dust. It was bent by the weight of the books putting into
Q. 19. From where had Dr. Menon obtain his Ph-D. Degree?
Ans. Dr. Menon had obtained his Ph-D. degree from Columbia University.
Q. 20. How many letters did Krishna receive when he returned to his hostel room from the staff room?
Ans. Krishna received two letters when he returned to his hostel room from the staff room.
Q. 21. From whom did he receive these two letters?
Ans. He received these two letters from his father and wife.
Q. 22. How many times did his wife underline the town?
Ans. His wife underlined the town three limes.
Q. 23. Why did she do so?
Ans. She did so lest the letter should go off to some other town.
Q. 24. On which pad did Krishna's father write the letter?
Ans. Krishna's father wrote the letter on the memo pad of the Revenue Department.
Q. 25. Whom did his father take to Kavadi ?
Ans. His father took him, his elder brother and his lWO sisters to Kavadi.
Q. 26. Why did his father go to Kavadi ?
Ans. His father went to Kavadi to buy the ink material.

Q.27. What did his father buy there for his children?
Ans. His father bought edibles for the children. He also bought an exercise book and a pencil for the eldest
son and for others toys like doll, a ball and a monkey dangling at the end of a rubber piece.
Q.28. How old was Krishna's child when he received the letter from his father to take her and his wife?
Ans. When Krishna received a letter from his father to take his wife and child, the child was seven months
Q.29. What fragrance did his wife's letter carry?
Ans. The letter of his wife carried the fragrance of the trunk and jasmine.
Q.30. To whom did he entrust the care of the jasmine plant?
Ans. He entrusted the care of the jasmine plant to Singaram.
Q.31. What did Krishna do for watching the "To Let" signs?
Ans. Krishna scoured various parts of the town for watching the "To Let" signs.
Q.32. Over how many days did the search for house extend?
Ans. The search for the house extended over three or four days.
Q. 33. What vision was a nightmare to Krishna?
Ans. Krishna viewed in imagination that he has not been able to search the house till his wife and child
come to him. He imagines the situation that his wife and child have nowhere to go outside the station. This
vision is a nightmare to Krishna.
Q.34. Why was Krishna in constant danger of being tapped off into the street?
Ans. When Krishna went to the house owner, the latter compelled him to sit on a stool, which was placed
on the edge of the veranda. That is why Krishna was in constant danger of being tipped off into the street if
he moved his limbs a little carelessly.
Q.35. In which street did the house owner live?
Ans. The house owner lived in Ellaman Street.
Q.36. Where was the house which Krishna had gone to see?
Ans. The house which Krishna had gone to see was iri Sarayu Street.
Q.37. Which tree was there in the backyard of the house?
Ans. The coconut tree was there in the backyard of the house.
Q.38. What would Krishna show the child on the tree?
Ans. Krishna would show to the child a monkey on the tree.
Q.39. What was the rent of the house?
Ans. The rent of the house was twenty-five rupees.
Q.40. How much more would Krishna pay if the house-owner builds a garage for him ?
Ans. If the house owner builds a garage, Krishna would pay ten rupees more.
Q.41. Who paid Krishna good-bye when the latter left the hostel room?
Ans. Rangappa and the Mathematics teacher paid Krishna good-bye when Krishna left the hostel room.
Q.42. How much money did Krishna pay Singaram at first for his service?
Ans. Krishna paid Singaram at first one rupee for his service.
Q.43. How much more money did Singaram demand?
Ans. Singaram demanded eight annas more.
Q.44. How did Singaram bless Krishna ?
Ans. Singaram blessed Krishna that God would make him one day a big professor.
Q.45. Who came first to the house at Sarayu Street Krishna occupied ?
Ans. Krishna's mother came first at the Sarayu Street house which Krishna occupied.
Q.46. What did she bring from the village ?
Ans. She brought from the village a sack full of vessels.
Q.47. What did Krishna do first after occupying the house?
Ans. Krishna, after occupying the house first placed his table in the front room, arranged his books and
papers, hung the clothes and cleaned the whole house.
Q.48. Why did Krishna like the veranda of the house very much?
Ans. Krishna like the veranda of the house very much because of the cool breeze there.
Q.49. What criticism of the house did his mother make?
Ans. His mother criticised the house because the kitchen room was narrow, and the dining room was short
in length.
Q.50. What was the greatest passion of his mother?
Ans. The greatest passion of his mother was house-keeping.
Q.51. What got on the nerves of his father ?
Ans. The swish of the broom and the scrubbing of the vessels got on the nerves of his father.
Q. 52. In what was Krishna's mother completely wrapped up ?
Ans. Krishna's mother was completely wrapped up in the house-keeping duties.
Q. 53. In what did the essence of her existence consist?
Ans. The essence of her existence consisted in the thrills, pangs and the satisfaction she derived in running
a well-ordered household.
Q.54. In what did Susila spend most of her time before marriage?
Ans. Susila spent most of her time before marriage in reading, knitting and embroidery.
Q.55. With whom did Krishna's mother wrangle?
Ans. Krishna's mother wrangled with her first daughter-in-law.
Q.56. Why was Krishna pacing the little Malgudi railway station in great agitation ?
Ans. Krishna was pacing the little Malgudi railway station in great agitation because his wife and child
were coming alongwith his father-in-law.
Q. 57. What day was it ?
Ans. It was Friday.
Q. 58. Why was Krishna anxious?
Ans. Krishna was anxious because his wife was coming with the little child and a lot of luggage.
Q. 59. Why did he want that the railway authorities should make the carriages of safer dimensions?
Ans. He wanted the railway authorities to make the carriages of safer dimensions in the interests of baby
Q. 60. What do women never understand, while travelling?
Ans. Women never understand the importance of travelling light.
Q. 61. What was the number of the coolie Krishna had hired?
Ans. The number of the coolie Krishna had hired was Five.
Q. 62. Why did Krishna ask the station master to stop the train a little longer?
Ans. Krishna asked the station master to stop the train a little longer because he feared that all the heavy
luggage her wife was bringing could not be unloaded within seven minutes.
Q. 63. How much wages did Krishna offer the Coolie?
Ans. Krishna offered the coolie three times his usual wages.
Q. 64. For how long had the stationmaster been working at the Malgudi railway station ?
Ans. The stationmaster had been working at the Malgudi station for thirty years.
Q.65. What did Susila ask Krishna to carry down?
Ans. Susila asked Krishna to carry down the wicker box.
Q.66. How was Susila looking after getting down the train?
Ans. Susila was looking beautiful and fresh after getting down the train.
Q.67. What did Krishna's father reply when Krishna told him he hoped he would stay with them for a
Ans. When Krishna told his father-in-law he hoped he would stay with them for a week, his father-in-law
replied that he would return the same day by the evening train.
Q. 68. Which seat in the Victoria carriage did Krishna share?
Ans. Krishna shared the narrow seat behind the driver with his father-in-law.
Q. 69. How had his mother decorated the threshold, floor and the doorway?
Ans. His mother had decorated the threshold with a festoon of green mango leaves and the floor and
doorway with White flour designs.
Q. 70. How long did his mother stay with them?
Ans. His mother stayed with them for two months.
Q. 71. At what time did Krishna usually leave the college?
Ans. Krishna left the college usually at 4.30 p.m,
Q. 72. How much time did he take to reach his home?
Ans. He took about twenty minutes to reach his home.
Q. 73. What did he see as he turned the street?
Ans. As he turned the street he saw Susila tinkering at her little garden.
Q.74. What did he say to Susila in joke when she was worshipping?
Ans. He told Susila in joke, "Oh ! becoming a yogi !"
Q. 75. What did Krishna bring bulging in an envelope on the first of every month ?
Ans. On the first of every month Krishna brought ten rupee notes bulging in an envelope.
Q. 76. After how many days did Krishna go about without money?
Ans. Krishna went about without money after ten days.
Q. 77. Where did Susila keep the cash?
Ans. Susila kept the cash in a little lacquer box,
Q. 78. From where did Krishna purchase provision?
Ans. Krishna purchased provision from National Provision Stores.
Q. 79. From where did he purchase provision when he left National Provision Stores?
Ans. After he left the National Provisions Stores, he purchased provision from the Co-operative Stores.
Q.80. What happened when Krishna and Susila were sitting one evening in the front veranda.
Ans. When one evening Krishna and Susila were sitting in the veranda, an old lady appeared at the gate.
Q. 81. By which name did she address Krishna?
Ans. She addressed Krishna by his maiden name "Kittu" ?
Q.82. By which name did she refer to Krishna's mother?
Ans. She referred to Krishna's mother by her maiden name "Kamu" .
Q. 83. What did she take out from the corner of her saree ?
Ans. She took out a crumpled letter from the corner of her saree,
Q.84. What tragedy happened to her?
Ans. Her only Son died a year before.
Q. 85. Why did Krishna's mother not engage the old lady herself?
Ans. Krishna's mother did not engage the old lady herself because her husband grew irritated at the sight of
any extra person in the house.
Q. 86. What did Krishna want his wife to do if they engaged the old lady?
Ans. Krishna wanted his wife to devote her time to reading, stitching and singing if they engaged the old
Q.87. Which books did Susila have possess?
Ans. Susila had with her Walter Scott's Ivanhoe, Charles Lamb and Marry Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare,
Palgrave's Golden Treasury, the Bhagvad Gita, a book of hymns by a Tamil saint and
a few select stanzas of Kamba Ramayana.
Q. 88. How long did Susila laugh at the love poem?
Ans. Susila laughed at the love poems till she became red in the face.
Q. 89. Why did she search the pockets of her 'husband?
Ans. She searched the pockets of her husband to see if he had her heart there.
Q. 90. How many rupees did Krishna propose as the monthly pay of the old woman ?
Ans. Krishna proposed eight rupees as the monthly pay of the old woman.
Q. 91. How many rupees did Krishna propose to save instead of thirtyfives rupees every month ?
Ans. Krishna proposed to save twenty-five rupees instead of thirtyfive rupees every month.
Q. 92. What did the old lady do for the family?
Ans. The old lady cooked the food for the family, tended the child and gave to the couple the necessary
Courage when the child fell ill .
Q. 93. By which name did Susila and Leela (the baby) call the old lady?
Ans. They called her granny.
Q. 94. Which day was the tight day for Krishna in the college time table.
Ans. Thursday was the light day for Krishna in the college.
Q.95. How many pages did Krishna's note book of poetry contain?
Ans. Krishna's notebook of poetry contained about five hundred pages.
Q:96. How many pages did Susila say the note-book of poetry contain?
Ans. Susila said that the note-book contained over a thousand pages.
Q. 97. I How many pages of this note-book had Krishna hardly filled ?
Ans. Krishna had hardly filled ten pages of this note-book.
Q. 98. By which dear name did Krishna address his time piece?
Ans.. Krishna addressed his time piece as poor darling.
Q.99. What were clean swept in Krishna's study room?
Ans. The old newspapers and the magazines piled in the corner of Krishna's study room were clean swept.
Q.100. How old were the newspapers Susila sold?
Ans. The newspapers Susila sold were four years old.
Q.101. What did Krishna send the college servant to fetch for?
Ans. Krishna sent the college servant to fetch coffee and tiffin.
Q.102. How long did/Susila wait for Krishna for dinner?
Ans. Susila waited for Krishna for dinner till eight thirty.
Q.103. What did Krishna's father write to Krishna on the third birthday of his grand daughter?
Ans. On the third birthday of his grand daughter Krishna's father wrote to Krishna that he would advance
him money to purchase or build a house.
Q.104. Where did Krishna and his wife go to choose a site or a house?
Ans. Krishna and his wife went to Lawley Extension to choose a site or a house..
Q.105. What did Krishna reflect within himself, looking at the tall, slim figure of Susila ?
Ans. Looking at the tall, slim figure of Susila, Krishna reflected within himself that she was a divine figure.
Q.106. Where did they enter for refreshment on their way to Lawley Extension?
Ans. On their way to Lawley Extension they entered a restaurant Anand Bhavan for refreshment.
Q.107. What did Susila like in Anand Bhavan ?
Ans. In Anand Bhavan Susila liked the tiles.
Q.108. Where did Krishna suggest they would go ?
Ans. Krishna suggested that they would g~ for an All India tour and afterwards to England and Europe.
Q.109. Where did Krishna and Susila go to choose a house?
Ans. Krishna and Susila went to Lawley Extension to choose a house.
Q.110. What was Sastri doing when they reached his house?
Ans. When they reached Sastri's house,Sastri was sitting under a tree digging its roots.
Q.111. Why did Krishna refuse Sastri to choose a site?
Ans. Krishna refused Sastri to choose a site because he knew nothing about the house building.
Q.112. What did Sastri tell Krishna?
Ans. Sastri told that he should leave the problem of house building to him, that he would get his house
Q.113. Why did Krishna and Susila reject the first house?
Ans. Krishna and Susila rejected the first house because it was small.
They rejected the house especially because it was just like the adjoining houses and their child would lose
her way, not knowing which is her house .
Q.114. Which was the attractive thing in the new house they selected.
Ans. The new house, they selected, possessed two attractive jasmine creepers.
Q.115. What was the accommodation in the house they chose?
Ans. The new house they chose contained one hall, four living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and a lavatory.

Q.116. Where was Susila imprisoned?

Ans. Susila was imprisoned in a lavatory.
Q.117. What was the condition of Susila when she came out of the lavatory?
Ans. When Susila came out of the lavatory "he was shuddering, panting, trembling and shivering .
Q.118. In which temple did Krishna and Susila enter on their way home?
Ans. Krishna and Susila entered Srinivasa temple,on their way home.
Q.119. Which things did Susila buy for offering to the god?
Ans. Susila bought a Coconut, a packet of camphor, plantain and betel leaves for offering them to the god.
Q.120. What did Krishna buy for the child?
Ans. Krishna bought for the child a biscuit packet, a doll and a toy engine.
Q.121. What game were the child and her friend playing in the absence of Krishna and Susila ?
Ans. The child and her friend were playing "Home Keeping."
Q.122. Who had sent a dress for the child on last Deepawali ?
Ans. The brother of Krishna had sent a dress for the child on the last Deepawali from Hyderabad.
Q.123. What was the name of the doctor Rangappa introduced to Krishna?
Ans. The name of the doctor, whom Rangappa introduced to Krishna, was Shankar.
Q.124. What was the name of Dr. Shankar's Clinic?
Ans. The name of Dr. Shankar's Clinic was Krishna Medical Hall.
Q.125. Where was Krishna Medical Hall situated ?
Ans. Krishna Medical Hall was situated in Market Road.
Q.126. What diet did the doctor suggest for Susila ?
Ans. The doctor suggested for Susila rice and butter-milk.
Q.127. How much money did the doctor's clerk charge from Krishna for the medicine ?
Ans. The doctor's clerk charged from Krishna ten annas for the medicine.
Q.128. What fever did the doctor diagnose for Susila ?
Ans. The doctor diagnosed Susila’s fever as Malaria.
Q. 129. Was the diagnosis Correct?
Ans. No, the diagnosis was incorrect
Q.130. What did the doctor do one afternoon ?
Ans. One afternoon the doctor came, removed his coat, opened his bag, took out his sterelizer, and syringe
and took some blood from Susila's body.
Q.131. Why did the doctor took blood from Susila's body?
Ans. The doctor took some blood from Susila's body to test and find out the kind of fever Susila suffered
Q.132. What did the test reveal?
Ans. The test revealed that the fever was typhoid.
Q.133. In how many days did the doctor expect the fever to come down?
Ans. The doctor expected the fever to come down in eleven days.
Q.134. At what time did Krishna get up?
Ans. Krishna got up at 6 a.m,
Q.135. At which time's was the fever of Susila recorded?
Ans. The fever of Susila was recorded once in four hours starting with 6 a.m. and ending with ten at night.
Q.136. What was Susila reported when she asked about her recorded fever?
Ans. When Susila asked about her recorded fever, he was reported a degree or two less of the recorded
Q.137. How did Susila respond to her child's coming?
Ans. When Susila's child came, her eyes lit up with delight?
Q.138. Why did the parents of Krishna not come to see their ailing daughter-in-law?
Ans. The parents of Krishna could not come to see their ailing daughter-in-law. The reason is that his father
was down with his annual rheumatic attack and his mother was unable to leave his side.
Q.139. How much money did Susila's father promise to give her on her getting well?
Ans. Susila's father promised her to give her five hundred rupees on her getting well.
Q.140. What was Susila's father?
Ans. Susila's father was a landholder in his village. In addition to this he was on the directorate of a number
of industrial concerns.
Q.141. What was his philosophy about children?
Ans. His philosophy about children was that they should be spoiled. He used to say, "I believe in spoiling
children; who should be spoilt if not children."
Q.142. What was the age of the child Leela at present?
Ans. At present the age of Leela was three years.
Q.143. Who, according to Susila's mother, had fallen on Susila and who attacked her?
Ans. According to Susila's mother, the Evil Eye had fallen on her, and a malignant spirit had attacked her.
Q.144. What did Susila's mother and the old cook do in the kitchen?
Ans. Susila's mother and the old cook narrated in the kitchen each other's life and philosophy.
Q.145. Whom had Susila's mother arranged for Susila, with the help of the old cook?
Ans. Susila's mother had arranged for Susila with the help of the old cook, an exorcist.

Q.146. What did the exorcist do in Susila's room?

Ans. The exorcist uttered, in Susila's room, some mantras, rubbed a pinch of sacred ash on Susila's
forehead and tied to her arm a talisman.
Q.147. What did Susila's mother offer to the exorcist?
Ans. Susila's mother offered to the exorcist a tumbler of milk, a coconut, betel leaves and a rupee.
Q.148. What did the doctor send to Krishna for Susila ?
Ans. The doctor sent to Krishna for Susila an ice bag.
Q.149. Where had Susila probably caught typhoid?
Ans. Susila had probably caught typhoid in the Bombay Anand Bhavan.
Q.150. What did Krishna ask his child to see?
Ans. Krishna asked his child to see a picture book.
Q.151. Whom did the doctor bring with him ?
Ans. The doctor brought with him another doctor, a famous Madras Physician.
Q. 152. What was the monthly income of the Madras physician?
Ans. The monthly income of the Madras physician was about ten thousand.
Q.153. What did the two children buy when Krishna had taken them out for shopping.
Ans. The two children bought lozenges and bamboo whistles when Krishna had taken them out for
Q.154. What were the last words of the doctor to Krishna?
Ans. The last words of the doctor to Krishna were as follows:
"You may expect a change in about two and a half hours."
Q.155. Where was the child cajoled to sleep when Susila died ?
Ans. When Susila died the child was cajoled to sleep in the neighbour's house where her friend lived?
Q.156. What is the law regarding the dead body?
Ans. The law is that the dead body, even if it is an Emperor's, must rest on the floor, on Mother Earth.
Q.157. What equipment did the corpse-bearers bring with them?
Ans. The corpse-bearers brought with them bamboo and coir ropes.
Q.158. For how many hours was the child to be kept away?
Ans. The child was to be kept away for at least four hours?
Q.159. What did a mad man do and mutter?
Ans. A mad man, living in Ellamman Street, came by, looked at the face of Susila, broke down, followed
the funeral procession and muttered vile, obscure curses on fate and its ways.
Q.160. For how many weeks did Krishna's mother stay with him ?
Ans. Krishna's mother stayed with him for a couple of weeks.
Q.161. What seemed to Krishna the greatest task?
Ans. Living without illusion seemed to Krishna the greatest task in life.
Q.162. Why did the bus not move on time?
Ans. The bus did not move on time because the conductor was involved in a controversy with a villager
over the fare.
Q.163. What did the old village woman said when she saw the mother-less child?
Ans. When the old village woman saw the motherless child, she said,
"When is he (Krishna) marrying again ?"
Q.164. Within how many days, according to the old village woman, should a man marry after losing his
Ans. According to the old village woman a man should marry within fifteen days of losing his wife.
Q.165. How many times did the husband of the old village woman marry?
What was the number of this woman in order of precedency?
Ans. The husband of this old village woman had married four times.
This was the fourth woman in order of precedence.
Q.166. Within how many days did the husband of the old village woman marry after losing his third wife?
Ans. After losing his third wife the husband of this old village woman remarried her within fifteen days.

Q.167. How many children did the husband of this fourth wife had?
Ans. The husband of this fourth wife had fourteen children.
Q.168. What superstition did the old village woman practise?
Ans. The old village woman touched the child's cheeks and cracked her fingers on her temple as an antidote
for Evil Eye.
Q.169. What did Krishna often feel in the darkness?
Ans. Krishna often felt an echo of his wife's voice and speech and sometimes her moaning and delirious
talk in sickness.
Q.170. What was the age of the child when she came to her father's house?
Ans. When the child came to her father's house she was seven months old.
Q.171. What did the child often ask after her mother's death.
Ans. After her mother's death the child often asked why her mother's door was shut.
Q.172. Which book did the child bring for her father to read out?
Ans. The child brought a book which was a series of illustrations of tiger, lion, apple and sam.
Q.173. Who was absent for whom Krishna had to take extra period of the Fourth Hons. class of language?
Ans. The absent teacher was George for whom Krishna had to take extra period of the Fourth Hons. class
of language.

Q.174. Which book did the student bring from the library, sent by Krishna to fetch a book?
Ans. The student, sent by Narayan to fetch a book from the library, brought Nineteenth Century Essays.
Q.175. Why did Krishna not maintain discipline in the class?
Ans. Krishna did not maintain discipline in the class because he was too tired to exert himself.
Q.176. What did the boy bring to Krishna?
Ans. The boy brought to Krishna an envelope containing two letters.
Q.177. What did the Medium man do?
Ans. The Medium man looked after his land and farm in the village.
Q.178. Where had the boy and Krishna decided to meet?
Ans. Krishna and the boy had decided to meet at Cross Road.
Q.179. What had Granny promised to show the child?
Ans. Granny had promised the child to show a small doll's house which had electric light.
Q.180. What was the name of the mongrel who jumped at the boy?
Ans. The name of the mongrel who jumped at the boy was Tiger,
Q.181. What was, according to the Medium man, the sentimental cynicism of dog lovers?
Ans. The sentimental cynicism of some dog lovers, according to the Medium man, was that they preferred
dog to man.
Q.182. What mistake was committed by the soul of Susila about the name of her child ?
Ans. Susila called her child Radha instead of Leela.
Q.183. What are the necessary things for satisfactory communication as suggested by the souls?
Ans. The necessary things for satisfactory communication are an ideal unselfconscious state and wise
Q.184. What did the soul of Susila tell about Tamil?
Ans. The soul of Susila told that she had not learnt grammatical Tamil.
Q.185. What was the unwritten law existing between Krishna and Susila when the latter was alive?
Ans. The unwritten law between Krishna and Susila when the latter was alive was this: Whenever they
parted, they wrote to each other on alternate days, and when they met again Susila brought back all the
letters Krishna had written to her and offered them to be destroyed.
Q.186. Why did Krishna destroy the letters?
Ans. Krishna destroyed the letters to abolish memory.
Q.187. What did Krishna long for?
Ans. Krishna longed for seeing Susila's letter.
Q.188. How many letters did Susila claim she had saved?
Ans. Susila claimed to have saved fourteen letters.
Q.189. What did the soul of Susila want Krishna to keep for her sake?
Ans. Susila wanted Krishna to keep for her sake the sandalwood casket.
Q.190. What did Susila keep in the sandalwood casket?
Ans. Susila kept in the sandalwood casket all her nick-nacks.
Q.191. Who had given her this casket?
Ans. Her mother-in-law had given her this casket.
Q.192. Give a short description of this sandalwood casket.
Ans. This casket was about four inches wide. Its lid was not flat but slightly elevated. It was eight or ten
inches long.
Q.193. What did the child make for the first time in school ?
Ans. The child made for the first time in school some animals and other things.
Q.194. Which fruit did the child make?
Ans. The child made the clay brinjal.
Q.195. How many shirts and skirts did the child have?
Ans. The child had over forty shirts and skirts.
Q.196. Who sent the child silk pieces and clothes ever since the day she was born ?
Ans. Ever since the child was born her grandparents, uncles and aunts sent her silk pieces and clothes.
Q.197. When did the headmaster begin the school work?
Ans. The headmaster began the school work some ten or fifteen years ago .
Q.198. What did the soul of Susila urge Krishna to look for at every sitting?
Ans. At every sitting the soul of Susila urged Krishna to look for her sandalwood casket and the fourteen
Q.199. What evidence of her presence did the soul of Susila suggest?
Ans. The soul of Susila suggested to Krishna that if he wanted the evidence of her presence he should keep
under his pillow about ten jasmine buds; before she went away she would take away their scent with her.
Q.200. What did Krishna decide on a Sunday?
Ans. On a Sunday Krishna decided to spend the entire day in the company of the child.
Q.201. Why did Krishna feel sorry and guilty?
Ans. Krishna felt very sorry and guilty when one day he returned home and found the child asleep.
Q.202. About how many children had gathered in school on a Sunday?
Ans. About twenty students had gathered in school on a Sunday.

Q.203. What were the children doing in school on a Sunday?

Ans. The children were running about and playing in school on a Sunday. The swings and see-saw were all
in full use.
Q.204. What did the headmaster suffer from?
Ans. The headmaster suffered from sleeplessness.
Q.205. Where was the house of the headmaster?
Ans. The house of the headmaster was in Anderson Lane, a furlong east of Krishna's house.
Q.206. What happened as soon as they crossed the gutter?
Ans. As soon as they crossed the gutter the three sons of the headmaster hugged him.
Q.207. Which book did the headmaster pulled out from Krishna's table ?
Ans. The headmaster pulled out a critical book on Elizabethan dramatists.
Q.208. What was the age of the headmaster's wife?
Ans. The age of the headmaster's wife was thirty-five.
Q.209. How many sons did the headmaster have?
Ans. The headmaster had three sons.
Q.210. How long did Krishna miss his friend's sitting?
Ans. Krishna missed his friend's sitting continuously for three or four weeks.
Q.211. Why did the B. A. student rise in his seat?
Ans. The B. A. student rose in his seat to get a doubt cleared.
Q.212. What did Brown, the principal want Krishna to do ?
Ans. Brown, the principal, wanted Krishna to engage a special period of the history of English literature.

Q.213. What happened as Krishna was standing at the door of his house?
Ans. As Krishna was standing at the door of his house Leela's teacher, the headmaster passed along the
Q.214. Why did Krishna rush out?
Ans. Krishna did not like to call the headmaster. Therefore he rushed out to dispose of him in the doorway.
Q.215. What came from Krishna's friend one morning?
Ans. One morning there came a letter from Krishna's friend.
Q.216. Why did his friend return ?
Ans. His friend returned because one of his uncles had passed away?
Q.217. Why did Krishna Cajole his daughter to spend her time in the school?
Ans. Krishna cajoled his daughter to spend her time on Sunday in school because he wanted to
communicate with his wife.
Q.218. About what most important thing did Susila warn Krishna?
Ans. The most important thing about which Susila warned Krishna was that he should not allow himself to
be disturbed by anything.
Q.219. About whom did Susila tell the story?
Ans. Susila narrated the story about a weary, thirsty traveller.
Q.220. About how many days did Krishna's friend return to his garden?
Ans. Krishna's friend returned to his garden afterten days.
Q.221. Which image does Narayan use to express Krishna's feeling of hopeless misery?
Ans. Narayan uses the image of the ladder to express Krishna's feeling of hopeless misery.
Q.222. What did the soul of Susila see happen when Krishna was trying to concentrate for communication?
Ans. When Krishna was trying to concentrate for communication, a carriage passed through the street with
the wheels rattling and the driver singing.
Q.223. Which places did the soul of Susila mention where Krishna thought of her?
Ans. The soul ofSusila mentioned the road, home and the river bank where Krishna thought of her.
Q. 224. Why did Krishna feel regret?
Ans. Often Susila had expressed her wish to walk along the river in moonlight and for all the years of
married life Krishna had ill been able to give her this fulfilment even once. Now whenever he saw the
moonlight shimmering over the water surface, he remembered what he could not do for his wife, and felt
regret for not fulfilling her wish.
Q.225. What did the soul of Susila suggest to Krishna?
Ans. The soul of Susila suggests to Krishna that he should change night time to morning time for
Q.226. Why did the soul of Susila suggest to her husband to change for communication night time to
morning time?
Ans. The soul of Susila found that her husband was not receptive in the night because, she thought, he was
weighed down by the day's affairs. That is why she suggested to her husband that he should change for
communication night time to morning time.
Q.227. What was Krishna reluctant to change for communication night time to morning time?
Ans. Krishna was reluctant to change for communication night time to morning time because there was
hurry fer the child's school and his college, and because some visitor or tradesman could call on him in the
Q. 228. What kind of rigidity Susila did not approve of ?
Ans. Susila did not approve of Yogi-like rigidity.
Q. 229. What kind of Susila's image did Krishna make which was an obstacle in the way of receiving her
Ans. The stone image Krishna made of his wife was an obstacle in the way of receiving her ideas.
Q.230. Who came to Krishna's house at an unusual hour one night.
Ans. The headmaster came to Krishna's house at an unusual hour one night.
Q.231. What did Krishna regret?
Ans. Krishna regretted that he had not put out the light a minute earlier.
Q. 232. What happened when the headmaster came to Krishna's house in an unagitated state, and made a
Ans. When the headmaster came to Krishna's house in an agitated state, a donkey brayed and made a
request a donkey brayed.
Q. 233. Why did the headmaster tell that his request was well-timed?
Ans. As soon as the headmaster made his request, a donkey brayed.
The headmaster regarded the braying of the donkey as a good omen and told that his request was well-
Q. 234. What did the headmaster request to Krishna ?
Ans. The headmaster requested Krishna to take charge of his school.
Q. 235. Why did Krishna strain his ears?
Ans. Krishna strained his ears "to catch any sound of weeping inside the headmaster's house.
Q. 236. Why did the crowd wait for?
Ans. The crowd waited for an explanation from the headmaster about the death-affair.
Q. 237. What did the headmaster want himself to be treated?
Ans. The headmaster wanted him to be treated as dead or as one who had taken sanyas.
Q. 238. What ruts of routine does Narayan mention?
Ans. The ruts of routine Narayan mentions are set activities of child, school, college, boys, walk and self-
Q. 239. What were the things above which Krishna clung to belief?
Ans. Krishna clung to belief above reason, scepticism and immediate failures.
Q. 240. What did Krishna receive one day when he returned from college?
Ans. When Krishna returned from college one day he received a letter from his mother.
Q.241. What was written in the letter from his mother?
Ans. The mother had written that she was coming the following morning by the eleven O'clock bus.
Q. 242. What things did the child not throwaway as rejected items?
Ans. The child did not throw away the school books, five wooden vessels and a large doll.
Q.243. At what time did the eleven O'clock bus arrive?
Ans. The eleven O'clock bus arrived at twelve.
Q.244. What did the grandmother give to the child?
Ans. The grandmother gave to the child a gold chain.
Q. 245. In what was Krishna absorbed ?
Ans. Krishna was absorbed in the casket.
Q. 246. How did Krishna know for certain that it was the same casket as mentioned by his wife?
Ans. Krishna knew for certain that it was the same casket as mentioned by his wife by her following
message: "The casket is mounted on short ivory legs, resembling tiger paws."
Q.247. How many children were there at present in the house of the child's grandmother?
Ans. At present there were seven children in the house of the child's grandmother.
Q. 248. What did Krishna receive from his father a few weeks later?
Ans. A few weeks later Krishna received a letter from his father along with a scrap of paper on which his
daughter had scrawled.
Q.249. How much time did it take for Krishna to reach his village?
Ans. It took Krishna four hours to reach his village.
Q.250. When did Krishna's sense of loneliness cease to oppress him?
Ans. When Krishna saw the children at play in school, his sense of loneliness ceased to oppress him.
Q.251. How many children were now there in the headmaster's school?
Ans. There were now over two hundred children in the headmaster's school.
Q.252. Why did the headmaster decline his wife's offer of food?
Ans. The headmaster declined his wife's offer of food because he thought that it is here that all the trouble
Q. 253. What had, according to Krishna, the present education produced?
Ans. According to Krishna the present education had produced a nation of morons.
Q. 254. Why did Krishna tender his resignation?
Ans. Krishna found the college work as an obstacle in his way towards full concentration essential for
perfect communication with his wife. That is why he tendered resignation.
Q.255. What reason did Krishna give Brown for his resignation?
Ans. Krishna told that he wanted to do work in a school.
Q. 256. Why did Krishna tell that he did not regard college work as work?
Ans. Krishna told that he did not regard college work as work because what he did was only to mug up and
repeat in the class room.
Q. 257. At what time was the farewell party of Krishna to be started ?
Ans. The farewell party of Krishna was scheduled to start at 6 p.m.

Q. 258. Who spoke in the farewell speech of Krishna?

Ans. Four persons spoke in the farewell speech of Krishna, the principal Brown, Rangappa, Sastri and an
Honours Boy.
Q.259. What was Krishna enveloped in?
Ans. Krishna was enveloped in the fragrance of the jasmine and rose flower.
Q. 260. What did Krishna ask to himself regarding the jasmine?
Ans. Krishna asked himself, "For whom am I taking this jasmine home"?.
Q.261. What was the dreadful job for Krishna? .
Ans. Carrying the garland to a lonely house was a dreadful job to Krishna.
Q.262. Where did Krishna hang the garland?
Ans. Krishna hung the garland on the nail.
Q. 263. What did quicken a new life in the flowers?
Ans. A few drops of water which Krishna sprinkled on the flowers quickened them with new life.
Q. 264. With what was the atmosphere surcharged ?
Ans. The atmosphere was surcharged with strange spiritual forces.
Q. 265. Like what did the oblivion creep over Krishna ?
Ans. Oblivion crapt over Krishna like a cloud.
Q. 266. What was Krishna thinking of ?
Ans. Krishna was thinking of the day's activities, meetings and associations.
Q. 267. What bits of memory came floating in the mind of Krishna.
Ans. The bits of memory which came floating in the mind of Krishna were a gesture of Brown, the toy
house in the dentist's front room, Rangappa with a garland and the ring of the speeches.
Q. 268. What did Krishna softly call ?
Ans. Krishna softly called "Susila, Susila, my wife."
Q.269. What did Krishna see when he opened his eyes again '!
Ans. When Krishna opened his eyes again he saw Susila, his wife sitting on his bed looking at him with an
extraordinary smile in her eyes.
Q.270. What did Susila say when Krishna exclaimed, "You here !"
Ans. When Krishna exclaimed, "You here !" Susila said that she was here and had always been here.
Q. 271. With what was the saree of Susila shimmering?
Ans. The saree of Susila was shimmering with blue interwoven with "light".
What suggests the death of Krishna?
Ans. The death of Krishna is suggested by the sentences : "The boundaries of our personalities suddenly
dissolved" and "It was a moment .... for which one feels grateful to life and death."

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