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FOURTH QUARTER : Prepared by : Kian Kyle Angelo Cosio, 11- STEM 2

Political organization the chief. This defines their main difference from
● A Political organization is any entity that is states.
involved in the political process, it includes State
political institutions, political parties and political ● is a centralized political structure that
groups. The purpose of the existence of political administers a large population, having a
organization is to control people’s behavior or government of their own to which the great body
maintain social order and the distribution of of inhabitants render obedience and enjoying
power within a group. freedom from external control.
Band ● The four elements of state are people, territory,
● is a basic social unit, it is the natural grouping of government and sovereignty. It includes a
humans consisting typically of few extended bureaucratic structure thus, a state is the most
families united by strong family ties. formal and complex form of political
● Band members have easy access to food and organizations. States are socially stratified into
other day to day subsistence. Each band is distinct classes not according to one’s
independent but not isolated. relationship to the chief or leader but in terms of
● Bands from nearby regions may meet for wealth, power and prestige.
ceremonies, to trade goods and even to search AUTHORITY AND LEGITIMACY
for spouses. Meetings between or among bands Authority
may serve as a factor in the formation of a tribe. ● refers to the right to command or the power to
Tribe give orders or enforce rules. A political authority
● is usually a collection of bands or lineage groups defines the government, the governed, the
they share a similar language and occupy a manner the power is to exercise, and even the
distinct territory. nature of relations between the government and
● A tribe may have been formed to collaborate in the governed or jurisdiction.
sharing and storing food or in response to Legitimacy
certain circumstances like war and may last only ● is a value whereby something or someone is
until the war ends. acknowledged as acceptable, lawful, right and
● A leader relies on authority rather than on proper. Politically, legitimacy refers to the public
power. Bigger and more complex than band, the recognition or popular acceptance of the
tribe has the potential to become a more authority of a governing power.
complicated form of government such as ● Whereby authority has political power through
chiefdom. consensus and mutual understanding. A
Chiefdoms principle in political science states that the
● is a political organization led by a chief chief who authority has to establish its legitimacy because
holds power over more than one community ‘legitimate authority’ is the foundation of all
group. Chiefdom is more densely populated than governmental power.
a tribe. Also, the name chief implies chiefdoms TYPES OF POLITICAL LEGITIMACY
are not egalitarian but instead have social ranks, Traditional legitimacy
with the chief and his family holding power. The ● This stems from societal custom, convention
chiefs are usually chosen by heredity, this and habit that stress the history of the authority,
usually gives his family and their inner circle the often selected based on inheritance. This kind of
nobility and the reigns to power. legitimacy is found in monarchy and tribalism.
● Chiefdoms practice redistribution in which goods Charismatic legitimacy
are accumulated by one central person or power ● is based on the personal charisma or inspiring
who then decides how to allocate them among ideas of a leader, a person whose imposing
the people. The chief is also in charge of solving personality attracts and influences the people to
disputes, planning and leading raids on other agree with his government’s regime and rule.
groups and consolidating labor into public works. When the term or rule of the charismatic leader
However, chiefdoms typically have no form of ends for whatever reason, his or her government
bureaucracy and written laws that help support
FOURTH QUARTER : Prepared by : Kian Kyle Angelo Cosio, 11- STEM 2

also comes to an end. This type of leadership of and advance the interests of its members in the
government is typically fragile and ineffective. workplace.
● This popular acceptance of authority derives ● Transnational advocacy networks have different
from a system of rules that is applied ranges or categories that support or plead the
administratively and judicially. In other words, causes of several issues. Examples are Human
the basis of this legitimacy is the public trust and Rights Watch and Amnesty International which
confidence that the government will properly are groups of people that share the same
abide by the law and other sensible political advocacy of the importance of basic human
principles. rights. The phenomenon of globalization is to
STATE AND NON-STATE INSTITUTIONS draw attention to share the advocacy beyond
State Institutions country borders.
● are institutions supported in whole or part by DEVELOPMENT AGENCIES
general fund money, such as schools, hospitals, ● Every state and many local governments have
some banks and corporations. economic development agencies dedicated to
Non-State Institutions assist new and established businesses start,
● are groups or organizations which operate grow or succeed.
outside the support of any state or government. ● The services provided by these agencies
In general, they develop certain services needed includes startup devices, training and resources,
by the members of the society for their progress. financial assistance, business location and site
BANKS AND CORPORATIONS selection assistance and training to develop
Banks skills.
● a financial institution which receives money from NON-GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS (NGOs)
those who want to save it and ● NGO’s are non profit organizations that are
lends money to those who need it. Role of Banks independent from states and international
● Banks are where people can safely deposit their governmental organizations.
savings and banks then pay interests on. ● Usually funded by donations and run primarily
● They are responsible for the payment system. by volunteers, may be registered for tax
Electronic payment today is becoming more exemption based on recognition of social
important as people tend to do cashless purposes.
transactions. ● Others may be fronts for political, religious or
● Banks issue loans to both people and other interests.
companies to start business, buy homes or to Roles of Non-Governmental Organizations
make investments. ● Development and Operation of Infrastructure
Corporation ● Supporting innovation, Demonstration and Pilot
●is a company or group of people authorized to Projects
act as a single entity and recognized as such in ● Facilitating communication with the government
law. Corporations can either be for profit or can about social issues. Technical assistance and
issue stocks. training
COOPERATIVES AND TRADE UNIONS ● Research, monitoring, and evaluation
Cooperative ● Advocacy for and with the poor.
● is a firm owned, controlled and operated by a Education
group of users to meet their common economic, ● is the process of facilitating learning. or the
social and cultural needs. Each member acquisition of knowledge, skills, values. beliefs,
contributes equity capital and shares in the and habits.
control of the firm on the basis of one-member, ● Education can take place in formal or informal
one vote. settings and any experience that has a formative
Trade union effect on the way one thinks. feels, or acts may
be considered educational.
● is an organization whose members are made up
● The the methodology of teaching is called
mainly of workers. Its main objective is to protect
FOURTH QUARTER : Prepared by : Kian Kyle Angelo Cosio, 11- STEM 2

Formal Education ● Education enables the children to grow as

● is imparted by direct instruction. A formal productive citizens by following the social &
education program is the process of training and moral standards set by the society
developing people in knowledge, skills, mind. FUNCTIONS OF EDUCATION:
and character in a structured and certified Individual:
program. Development of inborn potentialities
Informal Education ● Education helps the child to develop the inborn
● comes about indirectly; the learner often is potentialities of the child providing scope to
unaware that he is having a learning experience. develop.
Informal education is a spontaneous process of Modifying behavior
helping people to learn. It works through ● Education helps to modify the past behavior
conversation and dialogue, and the exploration through learning and through different agencies
and enlargement of experience of education.
AIMS OF EDUCATION ● All-around development: Education aims at
A. Individual Aim: the well-rounded development of the learner-
physical, mental. Social. Emotional, and
● Development as an individual of a human being. spiritual.
● Moral & spiritual development. Preparing for the future
● Cultural development. ● After completion of education the child can earn
● Harmonious development its livelihood getting proper education. Which
● Promote positive physical development. has productivity. The education should be
● Development of a right personality imparted according to the own interest of the
● Development of good citizenship child.
● Development of good leadership Developing personality
● Emotional & mental development
● The whole personality of the child is developed
● Character building
physically. Intellectually. Morally. Socially.
B. Social Aim: Aesthetically and spiritually. He is recognized in
● Through education the individual child should be society.
provided with the require assistance to become Helping for adjustability
a useful and well-adjusted member of the
● Man differs from a beast. Man has reasoning
society, irrespective of socioeconomic status.
C. Vocational Aim:
● Education should prepare the child to earn his B.
livelihood so that he can lead a productive life in TOWARDS THE SOCIETY:
Social change and control
D. Intellectual Aim:
● Society is never stagnant. It is progressive and
● Development Of intelligence through education
Will enable the child to lead an independent life
● The child who lives in the society is influenced
with confidence.
by the social environment. His life and
E. Cultural Aim: personality can be developed.
● By undergoing education Child becomes ● Our customs and traditions preserved and
cultured & civilized. Cultural development is transmitted to us through generations are
through development of aesthetic sense & ever-changing.
respect for others’ culture ● We Should not be blinded by false beliefs. Nor
F. Moral Aim: be hindered towards our development.
● Moral values like honesty, loyalty, tolerance. Education helps us to keep up with the
Justice. Self-control & sincerity promote the development of science and technology.
social efficiency of an individual Reconstruction of experiences
G. Good Citizenship:
FOURTH QUARTER : Prepared by : Kian Kyle Angelo Cosio, 11- STEM 2

● Education is a life-long process. Life is ★ The layering of these social categories into
education and education is life. Life is full of higher and lower positions of prestige or respect
experiences. is called social stratification.
● One cannot live with his past experiences which ★ Sociologists use the term social stratification
are unable to adjust in the society. to describe the system of social standing.
● So education helps the individual to reconstruct ★ Social stratification refers to a society’s
the experience and adjust with the environment. categorization of its people into rankings of
Development of social and moral value socioeconomic tiers based on factors like
● Society is always in tension with individualism or wealth, income, race, education, and power.
selfishness. There is no social or moral value, ★ Society’s layers are made of people, and
today many people are behaving like animals. society’s resources are distributed unevenly
But this selfishness and animal-like behaviour throughout the layers. The people who have
can be changed with mom! education. more resources represent the top layer of the
● Education teaches the moral value and social social structure of stratification. Other groups of
value tolerance. sympathy, we-feeling, love/ people, with progressively fewer and fewer
affection. respect towards elders, helping the resources, represent the lower layers of our
poor and th needy persons. society.
Providing opportunity or equality The Caste System
● The Philippine Constitution emphasizes equality ● Caste systems are closed stratification systems
among the citizens in terms of opportunities and in which people can do little or nothing to
privileges in all aspects o' society, change their social standing.
● Education teaches us to give equal opportunities ● A caste system is one in which people are born
in all aspects irrespective of stratification. into their social standing and will remain in it
political beliefs. regional sex and religion. their whole lives.
TOWARDS THE NATION: ● People are assigned occupations regardless of
Inculcation Of civic and social responsibility their talents, interests, or potential. There are
● Education helps to make the rising generation virtually no opportunities to improve a person’s
understand its rights and duties as citizens 01 a social position.
democratic Country. ● In the Hindu caste tradition, people were
Training for leadership expected to work in the occupation of their caste
and to enter into marriage according to their
● The leadership quality of the individual is
caste. Accepting this social standing was
developed when he participates in all spheres of
considered a moral duty.
social. political. religious and educational
● Cultural values reinforced the system. Caste
systems promote beliefs in fate, destiny, and the
National integration
will of a higher power, rather than promoting
● We are living one country having diversities in
individual freedom as a value.
respect of color or skin. economic status. dialect.
● A person who lived in a caste society was
food preferences, and mode of dressing. habits
socialized to accept his or her social standing.
and physical environrnent.
The Class System
Total national development:
● A class system is based on both social factors
● Education helps for bringing about total national
and individual achievement. A class consists of
development by developing all sectors i.e.
a set of people who share similar status with
social, economic. cultural, spiritual. Moral.
regard to factors like wealth, income, education,
educational. etc.
and occupation. Unlike caste systems, class
systems are open.
● is the method of relating people in terms of
● People are free to gain a different level of
certain social characteristics and the classifying
education or employment than their parents.
them into social categories based on these
● They can also socialize with and marry
members of other classes, which allows people
to move from one class to another.
FOURTH QUARTER : Prepared by : Kian Kyle Angelo Cosio, 11- STEM 2

● In a class system, occupation is not fixed at ● Caste systems correlate with high status
birth. Though family and other societal models consistency, whereas the more flexible class
help guide a person toward a career, personal system has lower status consistency.
choice plays a role. Ascribed and Achieved Statuses
● In class systems, people have the option to form ● Statuses are not the same. We get different
exogamous marriages, unions of spouses from statuses in different ways. Some are ascribed
different social categories. statuses, which are assigned or given by the
● Marriage in these circumstances is based on
society or group on the basis of some fixed
values such as love and compatibility rather than
category, without regard to a person's abilities or
on social standing or economics. Though social
performance. Examples of ascribed status are
conformities still exist that encourage people to
sex, family background, race, and ethnic
choose partners within their own class, people
heritage. You did nothing to earn these statuses;
are not as pressured to choose marriage
you have no control over these characteristics
partners based solely on those elements.
and had no opportunity or chance to choose
● Marriage to a partner from the same social
your family, your sex, and your race.
background is an endogamous union.
● On the other hand, achieved statuses are
Three Social Classes:
earned by the individual. Example, you become
The upper class an actress and singer because you won the
● consists of the elite families who are the most search/contest "Starstruck". You land a good
prolific and successful in their respective areas. Job after graduation because the quality of your
● These are the groups of people who are stock performance satisfies your employer. With
holders, investors, and who live in an exclusive achieved statuses, you establish which statuses
neighbourhood. you want. Frequently you struggle and exert
● They own many houses; mingle with the same more effort with others to get hold of them.
class, and value heritage most over wealth.
Prestige and Esteem
The middle class
● These are mostly professional people like
● refers to the evaluation of status. You have
lawyers, doctors, managers, owners of small
prestige according to your status. For instance,
businesses, executives, etc.
being a senior
● They live in spacious houses situated in best
suburbs. Their income can afford them a
● refers to the assessment of our role behavior.
comfortable lifestyle.
The measure of esteem we have depends on
● They value education most since education to
how well we carry out our role.
them is the most important measure of social
status. Social Mobility System/Structure
The lower class ● The act of moving from one social status to
another is called social mobility.
● These are the office and clerical workers, skilled
and unskilled craftsman, farm employees, ● Social mobility makes the inequality of social
underemployed and indigent families. class reasonable and, in the point of view of
● They live in smaller houses. They are short of some, even justifiable.
revenue, education or trainings, acquaintances, ● If social mobility is high, even though individuals
and communication. They depend on their pay have unequal social origins, everyone believes
check. that they are equal in having an opportunity of
Status Consistency getting a higher social class position.
● And if social mobility is low, it is clear that the
● Social stratification systems determine social
majority of the people are stationary with respect
position based on factors like income, education,
to the status of their ancestors.
and occupation.
● Sociologists use the term status consistency to ● Mobility applies to both groups and individuals.
describe the consistency, or lack thereof, of an The two kinds of mobility very often go together.
individual’s rank across these factors. A disadvantaged
FOURTH QUARTER : Prepared by : Kian Kyle Angelo Cosio, 11- STEM 2

People may change their social class position power on a society is being treated with less
either of two ways. priority, in some cases policy making is directed
➢ They can move from one position to another to the main group of society.
position within their social class. ● Racism is the mainstream view of society
➢ They can move into another class. depicted in the contemporary.
Horizontal mobility Types of Stratification/Classification that
● is the movement of a person within a social divides countries and people.
class level. For example: if a person leaves the The Three World Model
job of a Principal to become an Education ● was popularized by the Americans. It [originally]
Supervisor, that person remains in the same categorized countries based on the economic
social class. policies that the country adapted, First World
Vertical mobility countries the capitalist nations, Second World
● is the movement of the person between social Countries comprises of Communist nations, and
class levels. The movement may be upward or the Third World Countries were basically the
downward. In other words the person may either others.
rise or fall in the social class structure. ● Another depiction known today as the
Social Capital Developed Countries countries who are
● It is centered on social relationships where it industrialized with advance technology, and the
viewed as the collective asset which is shared Developing Countries that are more reliant on
by the group. agriculture.
● It could also be viewed as a harmonious ● This kind of stratifications secludes countries
relationship between people within the group as based on its economic performance.
a social network that shares things in common. Modern Global Stratification
Social Status ● was a result of The World Bank categorizing
● The place of a person within a group it also countries based on the National Income Per
implies the importance, power, and wealth that Capita of a country the categorization are
the person has. High-Income Countries, Middle-Income
● It has also something to do on how other Countries, and Low-Income Countries. H-I
member of the group view the person. Countries are developed countries which
Social Position technological advancement is a key, M-I
● The person’s place in society. The Position could ● Countries are developing countries that gears
be because of cultural stratification. their policy and development towards an
Industrial one, and L-I Countries are developing
Income Inequality countries that struggles in increasing its
● The gap on income between individuals, group development and services to uplift its peoples
of people, countries. Wealth has a factor to play living status.
on the inequality. ● This kind of classification will reflect on how
● The wider the disparity between group or households will be classified in the Philippines
classes the more income inequality the social classes are the following Upper Class,
is seen in society. Middle Class, Lower Middle Class, Working
Gender Inequality Class, and the Poor. This classification is not
universal but texts and written articles use this
● Pertains biases and discrimination from other
● It views a certain gender with a role that has less Social Inequality
significance in the society they belong. ● is not a new challenge in our society looking on
● Gender discrimination is also a huge factor in the social formation even before the colonization
contributing to inequality in a society. of the Spaniards in the Philippines, our ethnic
social stratification depicts nobles and
Ethnic Minorities
● Racial or Ethnic inequality was a result of racial
stratification where the less influence, numbers,
FOURTH QUARTER : Prepared by : Kian Kyle Angelo Cosio, 11- STEM 2

● The spread of Islam from the south upward on ● The disparity in the health care shows VIP
the island the practiced of chieftain headed by Culture, different in treatment quality, and
Datus was common. discriminative gestures from healthcare workers.
● The practice of the Northern Ethnic groups does Human Development
not directly refer to a Datu but their formation of ● Human Development and Poverty Reduction
council where it comprises of elders showed that Cluster
stratification was a practice. ● Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (CCT)
● In the succeeding years of the colonization and ● K to 12 Basic Education
pacification of foreign countries to the islands of ● Responsible Parenthood
Philippines the social stratification changed from ● Sin Taxes
an ethnic one to foreign, but the inequalities ● Universal Healthcare Law
would be more prevalent not just because of the Economic Development
disparity in status but also because of race. ● Public-Private Partnership Philippine
● Inequalities in the Society as a topic in general is ● Development Plan 2011-2016
very vague to be covered. The following ● Comprehensive Tax Reform
● Build, Build, Build” (BBB) Program
Environment and Climate Change
discussion on Inequalities are the aspects to be ● Development Plan 2011-2016
focused for this week lesson. ● Comprehensive Tax Reform
Income Inequality ● Build, Build, Build” (BBB) Program
● in the Philippines is so widespread that the Acknowledgement
workforce of the country is being focused on a ● of the Inequalities is one step on finding solution
location. or mitigating it before it becomes more severe.
● This kind of setup also shifts population density Fortunately, the Philippine Government
in certain geographical location where in time if acknowledges the inequalities that exist in the
not moderated additional problem occurs like society, and it formulates programs to address
displacement of family member, health issues, these inequalities to mitigate its effect on the
crime rate, carbon footprint, etc. masses. The following are programs of the
● The gap on the profit made between farmers Country addressing different Social Inequalities.
and distributors/retailers is also a part of this SOCIAL STRATIFICATION
inequality and becoming a problem as the
● People in all cultures vary from one another
supposed next generation farmers look for other
based on their age, gender, and personal
means of income.
Education ● Human culture is not homogeneous, but rather
● is one of the basis on the calculation of the diverse. Human beings are distinguished not
Human Development Index. only by genetic distinctions, but also by
● The literacy rate of a country is also affected by generally accepted standards.
education. ● Individuals are treated socially unequal from the
● The system adapted or developed must suit the standards based on social rewards like status,
cultural and social needs of the country. power, income etc., which is considered as
● One of the reasons why the educational system social inequality. Social inequality simply means
has variation between countries. the existence of socially created inequalities.
● Discrimination in terms of education happens ● Social stratification is a form of social inequality.
when University or College attended becomes a A society organizes its members in terms of
factor for hiring or promotion. superiority, inferiority, and equality.
Inequality in Health ● Stratification is the mechanism by which certain
● is depicted when admittance for health facilities individuals come to rank higher than others by
becomes inaccessible for the public. interaction or differentiation.
● This inequality also covers the absence of ● The division of society into separate strata or
updated technology for treatments and adequate layers is referred to as social stratification.
FOURTH QUARTER : Prepared by : Kian Kyle Angelo Cosio, 11- STEM 2

● It involves a social group hierarchy. Members ● Gumplowioz and others contended that the
within a certain layer share a common identity origin of social stratification is to be found in the
and have a similar lifestyle. conquest of one group by another.
● An example of a stratification system is the ● According to Spengler, social stratification is
Indian caste system. The society in which founded upon scarcity which is created
divisions of social classes exist is referred to as whenever society differentiates positive in terms
a stratified society. of functions and powers.
● Modern stratification is fundamentally different ● Racial differences accompanied by dissimilarity
from primitive stratification. Two phenomena are also leads to stratification.
involved in social stratification; Characteristics of Social Stratification
❖ differentiation of people or groups based on the ● Social stratification is universal. No
possession of certain characteristics whereby society in this world is free from stratification.
some individuals or groups come to rank higher However, modern stratification differs from that
than others, the ranking of individuals according of primitive societies. Stratification is a
to certain criterion of evaluation. worldwide phenomenon. According to Sorokin
Definitions of Social Stratification “all permanently organized groups are stratified.”
By Ogburn and Nimkoff; ● Stratification is social Education, property,
“The process by which individuals and groups are power, experience, character, personality, etc.
ranked in more or less enduring hierarchy of status is are considered to be more significant than
known as stratification” biological characteristics. As a consequence,
By Lundberg; stratification is social in nature.
“A stratified society is one marked by inequality, by ● It is ancient. The Stratification system existed
differences among people that are evaluated by them as even in the ancient times. The differences
being “lower” and “higher”. between the wealthy and poor, weak and
By Gisbert; powerful existed. Even the importance of
“Social stratification is the division of society into political, social and economic inequalities was
permanent groups of categories linked with each other emphasized during the time of Plato and
by the relationship of superiority and subordination”. Kautilya.
By Williams; ● It is in diverse forms. Forms of social
Social Stratification refers to “The ranking of individuals stratification are not the same in all societies.
on a scale of superiority- inferiority-equality, according to Different societies, old or present, big or small
some commonly accepted basis of valuation. are characterized by diverse forms of social
By Raymond W. Murray; stratification. Class, caste and estate are the
Social stratification is horizontal division of society into general forms of stratification. For instance, the
“higher” and “lower” social units.” ancient Greeks were divided into freemen and
By Melvin M Tumin; slaves and the ancient Romans were divided
“Social stratification refers to “arrangement of any social into the patricians and the plebians.
group or society into hierarchy of positions that are ● Social stratification is consequential:
unequal with regard to power, property, social Social stratification has two significant
evaluation and psychic consequences, one is “life chances” and the
gratification”. other one is “life style”. Members of a class have
Origin of Stratification similar social chances but social chances vary in
● According to Davis, social stratification has every society. Among these are chances of
come into being due to the functional necessity survival and of good health, opportunities for
of the social system. education, chances of getting justice, marital
● Professor Sorokin attributed social stratification conflict, separation and divorce etc. On the other
mainly to inherited difference in environmental hand, life style denotes a style of life which is
conditions. distinctive of a particular social status. It includes
● According to Karl Marx, social factors are matters like the residential areas, mode of
responsible for the emergence of different social housing, means of recreation, the kinds of dress,
strata, i.e. social stratification. to which one is exposed and so on. Lifestyle
FOURTH QUARTER : Prepared by : Kian Kyle Angelo Cosio, 11- STEM 2

may be considered as a subculture in which one

stratum varies from another within the
framework of the overall culture.
The major types of stratification are
● Caste is a hereditary endogamous social
category in which a person's rank and related
rights and responsibilities are determined by his
birth into a specific group.
● This system is considered “close” because it
does not facilitate vertical social mobility.
● Once status is assigned, members of the society Estate
cannot advance and improve their social status
● Another form of stratification in medieval Europe
in any way.
was the estate system, which placed a high
● Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Sudras in
value on birth as well as wealth and
India are of this type.

● Each estate had its own state. The estate

system is synonymous with feudalism.
● The nobility were ordained to defend all, the
clergy to pray for all and the commons to
provide food for all

● In modern societies, class-based stratification
prevails. In this system, a person's status is
highly dependent on achievement and ability. It
is defined by a person's abilities, wealth, money,
● It is an extreme form of inequality in which some
intelligence, power, education, income, and so
individuals are owned by others as their
property. In this system, every slave had a
● Vertical mobility is extremely easy in this system
master to whom he was subjected and the
because there are no barriers to moving from
latter’s power over the former was unlimited.
one status to another.
● Slavery had an economic basis. Societies of the
ancient world based upon slavery (Greek and
Roman) and southern states of the USA in the
18th and 19th centuries.
Social Mobility
FOURTH QUARTER : Prepared by : Kian Kyle Angelo Cosio, 11- STEM 2

● Movement within the social system from one results in a shift of social standing within one
social class to another is referred to as social generation.
mobility. According to Britannica Encyclopedia (2016),
● It denotes a change in social status. All societies social change, in sociology
allow some degree of social mobility. However, ● is the alteration of mechanisms within the social
they differ in the degree to which individuals may structure, characterized by changes in cultural
move from one class or category to another. symbols, rules of behavior, social organizations,
Types of Social Mobility or value systems.
In social stratification the movement occurs in three Sources of social, cultural, and political change
directions. Innovation
❖ From lower to higher ● is the social creation and institutionalization of
❖ From higher to lower new ideas.
❖ Between two positions at the same level. ● It is a concept of integrated innovative solutions
Social mobility is of two types: to address problems and issues a society is
Vertical mobility facing such as unemployment poverty or
● Vertical mobility is the movement of people from environmental issues.
one status or/ and stratum to another, from lower Diffusion
to higher or higher to lower level. ● is the spread of innovations from one social
● It includes changes in class, job and power. setting to another it occurs when one group
There are two types of vertical mobility; upward borrows or incorporates something from another
mobility and downward mobility. group such as norms, values, food, clothing, and
Upward mobility other innovations.
● happens when an individual shifts from a lower Acculturation
to a higher status. ● is the processes of change in artifacts, customs,
Downward mobility and beliefs that result from the contact of two or
● When an individual moves down from one more cultures. The term is also used to refer to
position to another and changes his status. the results of such changes.
Horizontal mobility Assimilation
● Horizontal mobility refers to the movement from ● is the process whereby individuals or groups of
one social group to another positioned on the differing ethnic heritage are absorbed into the
same level. dominant culture of a society.
● This implies that the ranks of these two classes ● The process of assimilating involves taking on
are the same. the traits of the dominant culture to such a
● It involves change in position without the change degree that the assimilating group becomes
in status. socially indistinguishable from other members of
Aside from the two general types of social stratification the society.
described above, there are two other types of social ● As such, assimilation is the most extreme form
stratification in terms of time dimension. They are as of acculturation.
follows: Social contradictions and tensions
Inter-generational mobility ● (e.g., inter-ethnic conflicts, class struggle, armed
● Intergenerational mobility occurs as changes in conflict, terrorism, protests, gender issues)
position occur from one generation to the next. Some of Socio-Cultural Changes in the
● For example, if a son changes his status by Philippines are concern with:
taking on a higher or lower rank occupation than ● Politics
his father, inter-generational mobility occurs. ● Job Opportunities
Intra-generational mobility ● Pattern of Infrastructure
● Intra-generational mobility occurs as changes in ● Marriage Patterns
rank happen within one generation. ● Social Get Together
● Intra-generational mobility refers to the rise and ● Health Awareness
fall of a family's occupational system, which ● Eating Habits
FOURTH QUARTER : Prepared by : Kian Kyle Angelo Cosio, 11- STEM 2

● Technology ● This will vary from country to country depending

New challenges to human adaptation and social on what is admissible by law in that particular
change country.
Global warming and climate change ● In the Philippines, partylist system was created
Global warming in the 1987 Constitution with the aim of giving
marginalized sectors or groups, including labor,
● is the long-term heating of Earth’s climate
peasant, urban poor, indigenous cultural,
system observed since the pre-industrial period
women, youth, and other such sectors as may
(between 1850 and 1900) due to human
be defined by law (except the religious sector),
activities, primarily fossil fuel burning, which
representation in Congress.
increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels
in Earth’s atmosphere. Participatory governance
Climate change ● is embodied in processes that empower citizens
to participate in public decision-making, and it
● is a long-term change in the average weather
has been gaining increasing acceptance as an
patterns that have come to define Earth’s local,
effective means to tackle ‘democracy deficits’
regional and global climates.
and improve public accountability.
Transnational migration and Overseas Filipino
New forms of media and social networking
Workers (OFWs)
● The New Media Institute defines new media as
Transnational migration
“a catchall term used to define all that is related
● is defined as “a process of movement and
to the internet and the interplay between
settlement across international borders in which
technology, images and sound.” Examples of
individuals maintain or build multiple networks of
new media include websites, blogs, e-mail,
connection to their country of origin while at the
social media networks, music and television
same time settling in a new country” (Fouron &
streaming services, and virtual and augmented
Glick-Schiller, 2001).
● Transnational migrants can actively participate
● That's in contrast to “old media,” which
can range from immigrants remaining active in
PCMag defines as all forms of communication
the politics of their native country, including
that came before digital technology, including
voting for their desired leaders.
“radio and TV and printed materials such as
Overseas Filipino Worker
books and magazines.”
● is a term often used to refer to Filipino migrant
● Social networking is the use of
workers, people with Filipino citizenship who
Internet-based social media sites to stay
reside in another country for a limited period of
connected with friends, family, colleagues,
customers, or clients.
● There are over 10 million Filipinos working
● Social networking can have a social purpose, a
abroad, making the Philippines "one of the
business purpose, or both, through sites like
biggest export countries of labor"
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.
Responding to social, political, and cultural
Social movements
● A social movement is defined as an organized
Inclusive citizenship and Participatory
effort by a large number of people to bring about
Governance or impede social, political, economic, or cultural
Inclusive citizenship change.
● is a form of direct democracy in which all ● Sociologists identify several types of social
citizens are involved in policy making and the movements according to the nature and extent
government of their city. of the change they seek.
● It is a government policy that gives all citizens Reform movement
equal access to public services, funds and ● seeks limited, though still significant, changes in
democratic rights and the ability to represent in some aspect of a nation’s political, economic, or
government. social systems.
FOURTH QUARTER : Prepared by : Kian Kyle Angelo Cosio, 11- STEM 2

● It does not try to overthrow the existing

government but rather works to improve
conditions within the existing regime.
In the Philippines, some of these movements are:
Children's Education First Coalition
● sought ways to address congestion in among
Foundation for Economic Freedom
● team working on property rights
Revolutionary movement
● seeks to overthrow the existing government and
to bring about a new one and even a new way of
History-making revolutionary movements happened
in the Philippines:
1896 Philippine Revolution
● revolution against Spanish colonizers
1986 EDSA People Power Revolution
● aimed to end the dictatorship of President
Ferdinand E. Marcos and begin a new era
marked by true freedom and democracy.
Reactionary movement
● tries to block social change or to reverse social
changes that have already been achieved.
● They highlight the importance and greatness of
traditional values, ideologies, and institutional
arrangements. They strongly criticize the
fast-moving changes of the present.
Self-help movement
● involve people trying to improve aspects of their
personal lives.
Examples are:
Hesed Foundation
● is dedicated to programs relating to youth and
education, health, and community building

Self-help Organization of Disabled Persons
● run by self-motivated disabled persons to enable
disabled peers in their community to become
similarly self- motivated, and self-reliant.
Religious movements
● aim to reinforce religious beliefs among their
members and to convert other people to these
Examples are:
Rizalista religious movements
● believe in the divinity of José Rizal who is
believed to be is still living and that he will
deliver his followers from oppression and

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