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Sigue, Bryant Exel G. (2017) et al, the concept of inventory, stock or work-in-process has been extended
from manufacturing systems to service businesses and projects, by generalizing the definition to be "all
work within the process of production- all work that is or has occurred prior to the completion of
production." In the context of a manufacturing production system, inventory refers to all work that has
occurred – raw materials, partially finished products, finished products prior to sale and departure from
the manufacturing system. In the context of services, inventory refers to all work done prior to sale,
including partially process information. Inventory System for Laundry Shops, Study Guides, Projects,
Research for System Analysis and Design

According to D. Sai Sravan (2017), All the Book Shop Keepers can use our project to run their store easily.
By using this project, they can store all the info. Related to the books available in the store. They can also
search for a particular book easily by getting the info. From the project. In this we also define the
information for all the customers who wants to purchase the books from their store. In this they can also
store the info. Of all the orders of all those books which are not available in the store. Because of this
computerization, any bookstore owner can run their store easily in User friendly Environment. Book shop
inventory system, Study Guides, Projects, Research for Data Structures and Algorithms

Laundry business is an easy and convenient business to start. It is not capital or management intensive.
You can start this business right from home and grow from there. It is a very lucrative business, as not
everyone that puts on clothes has the time to do the laundry.

In addition, Based on the survey conducted the reasons why they go to the laundry shops instead of doing
it to their own are because of tight schedule especially those students who have a lot of extracurricular
activities in school, others says they don’t like washing their clothes because it is just a waste of time
(laziness), and some boarding houses didn’t allowed washing clothes in consideration to the consumption
of water. Feasibility Study-Laundry Services Nerissa G. Mosende (2014)

According to Manahan (2016), laundry cleaning service is a rising business in the Philippines. There is
continuous growth and development in the laundry cleaning service industry in-line with urban economic
growth. The demand for laundry cleaning service is in high correlation to the economic indicators as
population continuously grows in urban areas. There will be a greater need for quality laundry facilities.
The rise of another form of laundry service is currently observed as the coin-operated laundry systems of
self-service laundry facilities. Those are unique commercial scale laundry set up that does not require
chemical inventory and regular manpower. Their new coin-operated laundries are valued based on actual
construction and equipment cost. A Comparative Study Between Online Laundry Services and Laundry
Shop Based On Costumers Level of Sat


In similarly, Inventory management is an essential part of making all the decisions in handling the inventory
in an organization such as activities to be carried out, policies of inventory management and procedures
in handling the inventory to ensure enough quantity of each item is always kept in the warehouse.
Inventory management is the building block of the supply chain house; it is the fluid that lubricates its
wheels (Wild, 2017). Inventory is an essential factor in SME production costs to boost competitive
advantage (Hasbullah et al., 2021). Singh and Verma (2018) highlighted the scope of inventory
management that covers many topics, such as replenishment scheduling, managing costs of storage and
inventory, asset management, inventory forecasting, inventory valuation, inventory visibility, future
inventory price forecasting, physical inventory, available physical space, quality management,
replenishment, returns and defective goods, and demand forecasting. Inventory is essential in
manufacturing production costs (Hasbullah and Santoso, 2020). The existence of inventory will cause
certain risks that the company must bear due to the stock (Rossit et al., 2019). The fluctuations and risks
of mismatching predictions with actual demand impact on changes in production planning made so far
(Shao et al., 2021). Safety stock determines how much inventory is needed during the Grace period in
meeting the amount of demand (Godichaud and Amodeo, 2019). Inventory management can play a
positive role in small firms' growth. This has brought important messages that the input markets and the
business environment in Vietnam have not yet stimulated well-economic activities, so they exploit and
create additional financial resources such as borrowing to consolidate their endogenous resources (Park
et al., 2020). Inventory management systems of small and medium enterprises in Bangladesh. Md. Kausar
Alam, Oli Ahad Thakur, Fakir Tajul Islam (2023)
As per Makanjuola, (2016) Laundry firms presently utilize a manual framework for the board and upkeep
of basic data. The current system requires a great deal of paperwork, with information stores spread
through the clothing firm administration foundation. Frequently data is deficient or doesn't observe the
executives’ norms. Structures are frequently lost on the way between divisions requiring a far-reaching
study cycle to guarantee that no essential data is lost. This has prompted irregularities in different
information due to the enormous volume of differentiating client subtleties prompting mistakes of
garments in the clothing firm which consequently prompts delay in gathering the garments back. This
system consequently can keep records anyway faces the test of questionable information the board
(dispersed/lost records, inadequate information), helpless planning and restricted instalment alternatives.

Dr. Deepa Prasad Venkatraman (2020), Housekeeping inventories refer to the stocks of purchased
operating supplies, equipment and other items held for future use in housekeeping operations.
(G.Raghubalan 2015).Stock control eliminates overstocking as well as understocking of the material
needed for smooth operations. Inventory control ensures the movement of each item and minimizes any
form of pilferage or wastage. However, the system of inventory control should ensure that the stock is
available to meet the demands and the material is available also in case of emergencies. Study on
housekeeping linen inventory management with reference to star category hotels in pimprichinchwad-

Engr. Dr. Oluwagbemiga Omotayo Shoewu et al, laundry firms currently use a manual system for the
management and maintenance of critical information. The current system requires numerous paper
forms, with data stores spread throughout the laundry management infrastructure. Often information (on
forms) is incomplete or does not follow management standards. Records are often lost in transit during
computation requiring a comprehensive auditing process to ensure that no vital information is lost.
Multiple copies of the same information exist in the laundry firm data and may lead to inconsistencies in
data in various data stores. Design and Implementation of a Laundry Management System

Abraham, John Martin V. (2022), Laundry services are becoming more and more popular. The new laundry
store essentially provides self-service laundering and drying, but clients must additionally enter the
laundry facility. When there are too many clients and not enough washing machines, the self-service
laundry conundrum occurs, forcing customers to wait longer for a suitable machine. Even though they are
unable to drive, some housewives rely on the laundry to assist with the home chores. There is also no one-
of-a-kind laundry service that delivers laundry to your home. The goal of this paper is to give a study of
the pickup and delivery laundry service apps and systems, with the goal of showing the existing
applications that are currently used for this purpose and suggesting the best applications that consumers
may use to save time. Laundry booking system.

Lisa Schwarz (2022), Inventory control enables the maximum amount of profit from the least amount of
investment in stock without affecting customer satisfaction. Done right, it allows companies to assess their
current state concerning assets, account balances and financial reports. Inventory control can help avoid
problems, such as out-of-stock (stockout) events. For example, Walmart estimated it missed out on $3
billion worth of sales in 2014 because its inadequate inventory control procedures led to stockouts.
Inventory Control Defined: Best Practices, Systems, & Management.












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