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SEO Website audit checklist for crystal computer

Check Grading Notes Tools Completed

GOOGLE (13 checks)
Is Google Analytics Installed? Pass Notes for the check here
GA duplication check GA Debug Extension
Is Search Console setup? GSC
Are there any Search Console errors? GSC
Google cache analysis cache:' in browser
Is there a sitemap.xml file? Sitemap Check
Is there a discrepancy between indexed pages in Google and Sitemap? Check Sitemap in GSC and site:in Google
Are any invalid pages in the sitemap? Screaming Frog
Are there any negative search results for the brand? Google / Visual NO
Are there any negative Google Autosuggest? Google / Visual
Is there a Google News sitemap.xml file? GSC
Any manual actions? GSC
Are there any crawl errors? GSC

BENCHMARKS (6 checks)
Total Pages Indexed in Google Site: in Browser
Total Number of Backlinks Ahrefs
Total Number of Linking Root Domains Ahrefs
Total Number of Organic Keywords GSC / Ahrefs / SEMRush
20-50 Top Keyword Positions GSC / Ahrefs / SEMRush
Domain Age


Top 3-5 competitors identified? Client / SEMRush / Ahrefs
Has the competition been benchmarked? Visual / Export
Competitor top 10 keywords Visual / Export
Competitor average search positions Visual / Export
Top ranking keywords Visual / Export
Competitor Content Analysis Ahrefs Content Explorer

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