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Chapter 1

-this experiment was developed by a student who looked into the effect of using
vegetable peel and dry leaves as a substitute for non organic fertilizers,she wanted to
know and discover the good and bad effects of using these ingredients in making the
fertilizer, to help people who wants to save their money from buying fertilizers, this is
also environmentally friendly because it can help communities use their waste in other
ways to prevent harmful activities like burning leaves that can cause adverse health
effects and to save food scraps in the kitchen. Fertilizer is a substance that is added to
soil to boost or improve its fertility and to aid in promoting plant growth.Using vegetable
waste as fertilizer can improve soil and increase crop yield.

Nowadays modern fertilizers are not only pricey but they also include chemicals that
when applied improperly, can be dangerous to humans as well as your plants.
Vegetable peels such as those from potato, carrots, squash, chayote,cucumber ,green
leafy vegetables etc. and dry leaves are frequently found in kitchen and garden garbage
that can be utilized to improve the soil and bolster plant growth. Instead of throwing
them away, they can be crushed and used with the soil as an organic and natural
fertilizer rather than being discarded. These vegetable leftovers contain a variety of
nutrients that, when mixed with crushed dry leaves and added to soil, can provide
vitamin A and vitamin C to your plants,with this you can preserve your vegetable scraps
and make a product that can help you grow your plants at home or in your garden.

Fertilizers are expensive which some gardeners or farmers find it difficult to afford,but
this study aims to identify less expensive organic and natural fertilizer alternatives using
the components that can be acquired at home. Gardeners can avoid spending a lot of
money on buying expensive and non organic fertilizers ,this organic fertilizer is easy to
make and it makes the soil in the garden fat(mataba). This method has many benefits
such as: it reduces the amount of waste that goes to landfills and reduces greenhouse
gas emission, it provides essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium ,
calcium ,and vitamin C to the plants, it improves the soil structure and water retention
capacity,and last but not the least, it can be beneficial for people who burns leaves in
their community because they can use this method to make organic fertilizer and this
method has many advantages, including reducing the amount of waste that goes to
landfills and greenhouse gas emissions.

Statement of the problem.

This study aims to have an alternative way for gardeners who struggle on buying
expensive/non organic fertilizer,
To test and discover the quality of growing plants with this organic fertilizer,
To create fertilizer with the help of organic ingredients,
To have an eco-friendly way to reduce waste and provide the essential nutrients your
plants need.

-Will it work to help and grow plants easier and faster?

-How much time would it take to complete the decaying process of the vegetable
peels and leaves?

-What are the advantages and disadvantages of using organic fertilizer?

-Would it help gardeners and farmers save money from buying non organic

Formulation of hypothesis.

The fertilizer will help to increase the growth of the plant,it may take some time because
the vegetable peel will take a long time to decay in the soil but it is environmentally
friendly and sustainable.the vegetable scraps will attract pests and wildlife animals that
can dig up your garden and destroy your plants, to prevent this we must properly mix
the vegetable peels in the soil 2-3 inches deep so that the pests and animals wouldn't
see it easily. These substances contain nutrients that can support plants' growth and
increase the fertility of the soil. Vegetable peels and leaves are both readily available
and inexpensive,they can be found in the kitchen or garden where we will not have a
hard time finding these substances.

Significance of the study

It is important for us to find different ways on how to save money and reduce waste
around us. This method can help us reduce the waste in our surroundings especially in
the kitchen and garden, and also for us to spend less money on fertilizers when it
comes to planting vegetables and plants.this organic homemade fertilizer is non toxic to
humans and pets,it is also safe for the environment since it is based on natural
ingredients.this study can raise the knowledge and awareness of the audience
regarding to the impact of how important plants is in the ecosystem,it will be beneficial
to gardeners and farmers who uses non organic fertilizers. This can contribute to
environmental pollution(waste/burning leaves) recycling vegetable peels can help
reduce greenhouse gas emission by reducing the amount of organic waste that
decomposes in landfills and releases methane gas into the gives a
positive impact not only to the cleanliness of the surroundings but to our plants also.

Scope and delimitation of the study.

This study primarily focused on the effectiveness of vegetable peel with crushed dry
leaves from a mangosteen tree(garcinia mangostana) as an alternative for non organic

-variable limitation
The variable used in this study is vegetable peels with crushed dry leaves from a
mangosteen tree(garcinia mangostana) as an independent variable the procedure done
and ingredients used in this experiment is an alternative for non organic fertilizer does
not affect the humans health in any ways for it is made solely from natural

-subject limitation
The focus of this study is to know the effectiveness of vegetable peel with crushed dry
leaves from a mangosteen tree(garcinia mangostana) as an alternative for non organic

-time limitation
The study is conducted from october 11,2023 up to november 4,2023

-place limitation
This experiment took place in Purok 35,Samonte Subdivision, Poblacion Makilala North
Cotabato. That was where the available materials were used.

Definition of terms.
Vegetable peel- also known as rind or skin of a vegetable that is peeled or removed
before cooking or eating,that can be used to make broth or compost.

Fertilizers -are substances that are added to soil to improve its fertility and promote
plant growth

Nitrogen ,phosphorus,potassium -three main nutrients

Non organic fertilizers- are fertilizers that are made from synthetic chemicals and
minerals ,they can be harmful to the environment if used improperly

Chemicals -are substances that have a defined chemical composition and structure, it
can be found in nature or can be synthesized by humans

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