W4 Electronic Speadsheet

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SESSION 2023-2024

Name of the Student: ________________________________ CLASS & SECTION:________

DAY & DATE: ________________


Q1. Which of the following functions are available in consolidate window?
a. Max b. Min c. Count d All choices
Q2. Formula to refer a cell A3 in sheet named S1 is
a. =S1A3 b. =S1.A3 c. =S1′.A3 d. None of the above
Q3. Scenarios are tool to test ______________ questions.
a. if else b. what else c. what if d. if
Q4. We can shift from one scenario to another by _____________
a. Navigator b. Find and Replace c. Data Source d. None of the above
Q5. Which option is suitable to calculate the effect of different interest rates on an investment?
a. Scenario b. Subtotal c. Consolidate d. None of the above
Q6. Default name of first scenario created in Sheet1 of Calc is ________
a. Sheet1_Scenario1 b. Sheet1_Scenario_1
c. Sheet_1_Scenario1 d. Sheet_1_Scenario_1
Q7. When you open a new spreadsheet, by default it has sheet named ______________.
a. Sheet1 b. Sheet_1 c. Sheet 1 d. None of the above
Q8. We can insert the new sheet in Calc by clicking on _________ menu option.
a. Format b. Edit c. Insert d. Tool
Q9. Which of the following elements are present in “Insert Sheet” dialog box.
a. After Current Sheet b. Before Current Sheet
c. No. of Sheets d. All of the above
Q10. We can rename a new sheet in Calc.
a. After inserting a new sheet b. While inserting a new sheet
c. Both of the above d. None of the above
Q11. Suman and her friends wants to work together in a spreadsheet. They can do so by
a. Sharing Workbook b. Linking Workbook
c. Both of the above d. None of the above
Q12. After sharing the worksheet, the word _______________ is then shown on the title
bar after the worksheet’s title
a. Sharing b. Shared c. Sharing Sheet d. None of the above
Q13. The following features are known to be disabled in a shared spreadsheet
a. Edit > Changes, except for Merge Document b. Insert > Names
c. Insert > Comment d. All of the above

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Q14. A __________ border, with a dot in the upper left hand corner, appears around a cell
when changes are made in a shared work sheet.
a. Blue b. Green c. Red d. coloured
Q15. Click __________________ to stop the macro recorder
a. Close Recording b. End Recording c. Stop Recording d. None of the above
Q16. When sharing worksheets authors may forget to record the changes they make. Calc
can find the changes by _____________________ worksheets.
a. duplicating b. comparing c. checking d. None of the above
Q17. Record Changes feature of Calc help
a. Authors and other reviewers to know which cells were edited.
b. to record the screen
c. to make changes permanent
d. None of the above
Q18. All scenarios have the same name.(T/F) ____________
Q19. Comment in Create Scenario dialog box is Optional(T/F) ___________
Q20. Function names in Calc are not case sensitive.(T/F) ___________________
Q21. Several users can access shared workbook simultaneously.(T/F) ___________
Q22. We cannot unshare a spreadsheet, once it is shared.(T/F) ________________
Q23. Anil is the author of shared worksheet so he has the right to accept or reject changes
made by the reviewers.(T/F) _______________
Q24. In Open office Calc, _________________________ feature allows you to gather data from
different worksheets into a master worksheet.
Q25. Consolidate option is available under ____________ menu option.
Q26. While using consolidate option, If you select the option ______________________ then any
values modified in the source range are automatically updated in the target range.
Q27. Using ___________ function, you can choose a statistical function to arrange data in an
array(that is, a group of cells).
Q28. When a document is created and saved, it automatically contains a library named
Q29. To select random multiple cell hold down ____________ key as you click on each cell.
Q30. Scenario option is available in ___________________ menu option.
Q31. ________________ is more elaborate form of Goal Seek.
Q32. We can insert the new sheet in Calc by clicking on _________________ menu option.
Q33. In Calc, link to external data is present in _____________ menu option.
Q34. Macros are especially useful to ______________ a task the same way over and over
Q35. Name the feature of Calc that help to see the changes made in the shared worksheet?

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