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Senior High School Department

Juan Sumulong Campus
2600 Legarda St., Sampaloc, Manila


PACUCOA Accredited – Level II

1st Grading
(Grading Period)

Media and lnformation Literacy

(Subject Area)

Name: Roldan, Freddie-Rico Date:

Grade and Section: 12 – Stem 8a DLP No.

Subject Teacher: Mr. Jayson Bohol Facilitator:

Activity Title: This is the sign

Learning Target/s:

References: Land Transportation Office


Media Language: This is what enables us to comprehend the significance of the material that others
have delivered to us. provides for the sending of codes, conversation forms, and symbols to
communicate messages.
Denovative Media: is the literal meaning of media.
Connotative Media: this is the interpretation and beliefs of people to media message.
Media Code: the means through which meaning is communicated through various mediums to
other people or the intended audience.
Types of Media Code
Technical codes: specific to a media form alone.
Symbolic codes: it is based on the interpretation of the audience.
Written codes: formal written language is used in creating media product.
Media Convention: this is the possible methods in which codes are organized in a product.
Types of Media Convension
Form Convention: this is the way the types of media are expected to be arranged.
Story Convention: it refers to the basic structure
Genre Convension; it is the common use of the elements of narrative.
Producers: People or group of people who creates or thinking of putting the media in content
Stateholders: Organization that’s share a same interest or intention.
Audience: people who likes the producer message.
No Blowing of Horn Oval Traffic Scheme No Parking
October 6, 2023 October 6, 2023 October 6, 2023
4:36 PM 3:29 PM 3:29 PM
UP Diliman Quezon City UP Diliman Quezon City UP Diliman Quezon City

October 6, 2023
4:56 Pm
UP Diliman Quezon City No Loading/Unloading
October 6, 2023
UP Diliman Quezon City

No Blowing of Horn: Drive in a considerate and noise-free manner by refraining from using the car
horn throughout your journey. Prioritize calm and patient driving, utilizing other communication
methods and safe practices on the road.

Oval Traffic Scheme: is implemented to facilitate smoother traffic flow and reduce congestion by
encouraging a circular, continuous movement of vehicles within the designated route. Vehicles
follow a circular path, ensuring efficient traffic management and minimizing disruptions at

No Parking: In this area, parking is strictly prohibited to maintain traffic flow and ensure safety for
all road users. Adhering to the "no parking" rule helps maintain order and accessibility on the
streets, promoting a smoother and safer environment.

Exit: is vital for guiding drivers and pedestrians to leave a particular area or property safely and
efficiently. Clear and well-placed exit signs provide crucial information during emergencies and
normal traffic flow, enhancing overall safety and ease of navigation.

No Loading/Unloading: signs signify restricted areas where loading or unloading of goods or

materials from vehicles is not permitted. Adhering to these restrictions ensures traffic flow is
unimpeded and safety regulations are followed in these designated areas.

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