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Action plan

Project Goal:

 To write an insightful analysis that

includes the theme, summary, conclusion,
and your perspective on the lesson "Tiger
King" from the NCERT Flamingo English

Project Scope:

 Theme analysis
 Detailed summary
 Conclusion
 personal perspective on the lesson's

1. Research (2 days):
 Review the lesson "Tiger King" in-depth.
 Gather information on the author's background
and context.
 Familiarise yourself with the values conveyed
in the story.

2. Outline (1 day):
 Create a structured outline for your analysis,
including sections for theme, summary,
conclusion, and your perspective.
3. Theme Analysis (2 days):
Write a comprehensive analysis of the
theme(s) in "Tiger King." Discuss any
symbolism or deeper meanings.

4. Summary (2 days):

 Write a detailed summary of the entire

storyline, covering key events and character

5. Conclusion (1 day):

 Summarise the key takeaways from your


 Offer a thoughtful conclusion that ties together

the theme and the story's significance.

6. Personal Perspective (2 days):

 Share your personal perspective on the lesson's
values and the impact it has on readers.
 Connect it to real-life situations or personal

7. Editing and Proofreading (2 days):

 Review and revise your work for clarity,

coherence, and grammar.

 Make sure your analysis flows smoothly.

8. Citations and References (1 day):

 Ensure proper citations and references for all

the sources you've used.

9. Final Review (1 day):

 Go through your entire project one last time to

ensure it meets all the project requirements
and is free of errors.
10. Submission (1 day):
 Prepare your project for submission according
to your teacher's guidelines.

 NCERT Flamingo English book
 Byjus
 Tiwari (if this is a specific source)
 Learn CBSE websites
4.Students reflection
5. Bibliography

 "The Tiger King" by Kalki satirises society's

greed and power through a king's obsession
with tiger hunting. The story critiques the
exploitation of exotic animals and the dangers
of unchecked ambition, portraying the titular
character as a manipulative and narcissistic

 The main theme of the story "Tiger King" is

how wanting too much power and success,
without thinking about the consequences, can
lead to bad outcomes. It also talks about how
people sometimes harm nature for their own
gain. The story warns us that being too
focused on our own goals, without considering
what's right, can end in disaster.

 The birth of the Tiger King is shrouded in

mystery and legend. According to the story,
the newborn prince spoke his first words at
just 10 days old. During the prince's birth
ceremony, the chief astrologer predicted that
the king would die from a tiger, as he was born
during the year of the Bull, which is an enemy
of the tiger. This news quickly spread
throughout the kingdom, causing widespread
fear and apprehension.
 As the Tiger King grew up, he was closely
watched by his subjects who anxiously
awaited the fulfilment of the astrologer's

 Despite the pervasive sense of foreboding, the

Tiger King went on to become one of the most
celebrated rulers in the kingdom's history,
leaving a lasting legacy as a symbol of destiny
and the human spirit.
2. The Childhood days

 During his teenage years, the prodigal prince's

life was uneventful, but the kingdom remained
uneasy about the prophecy made by the chief
astrologer. The prince, determined to lift the
curse upon him, vowed to slay 100 tigers, but
the astrologer warned him to be cautious of the
hundredth tiger.

 After becoming king, he banned tiger hunting

for everyone except himself, recognizing the
importance of preserving the limited tiger
 This decision showcased the king's wisdom,
compassion and dedication for his goal,
ensuring the survival of the majestic creatures
for himself to slay and no one other than him.

 The King's quest to hunt tigers tested his

physical and mental limits. Despite occasional
missed shots, he remained driven by
unwavering determination.

 The Maharaja's fearsomeness was on full

display as he engaged tigers in hand-to-hand
combat, emerging victorious. With every
triumph, his confidence grew, bringing him
closer to his ultimate goal.

 His persistence and unwavering commitment

inspired awe and admiration, and after many
battles, he achieved his goal, becoming a
legendary symbol of strength and courage for

 As the King continued to hunt tigers, his skills

improved, and he learned to anticipate their
movements by understanding their habits and
 Despite facing tough challenges, the King's
unwavering determination never faltered,
inspiring awe and admiration among his
subjects. His relentless pursuit of his goal
elevated him to legend status, with his name
becoming synonymous with bravery and

 After many long and arduous weeks, the King

achieved his ultimate triumph, conquering the
last of the tigers and proving to himself and
others the power of determination and

 The King's pursuit of his dream to hunt a

hundred tigers was not without its challenges.
When a British officer arrived in his state and
requested permission to hunt the tigers, the
King knew that he could not allow anyone else
to diminish his chances of fulfilling his dream.

 He politely refused the request, knowing that

the tigers were a limited resource and that
allowing outsiders to hunt them would
jeopardise his own quest.

 The British officer persisted, asking only for a

picture with a dead tiger and hunting gear. The
King, however, saw through the request and
knew that the officer was only seeking
 He feared that granting this request would
attract more British hunters to his state and put
his own kingdom at risk.

 The King's wisdom and foresight saved his

kingdom from potential disaster. He denied the
request, knowing that it was not worth the risk.
Instead, he sent jewellery worth 3 lakhs at that
time to the British officer's wife, resolving the
matter amicably.

 The King's actions not only demonstrated his

shrewdness and resourcefulness but also his
commitment to protecting his people and his
 The incident became a testament to the King's
leadership and strategic thinking. He had not
only pursued his own dream but also protected
his kingdom from unwanted attention and
interference. The King's legacy would endure
not only for his remarkable hunting skills but
also for his ability to navigate complex
political situations and protect his people

 The King's dream to hunt a hundred tigers was

not just a personal ambition but also a matter
of pride for his kingdom.

 However, the limited number of tigers in his

own kingdom posed a significant challenge.
After the unjust hunting of 70 tigers, the tiger
population in Pratibandapuram had
significantly decreased, making it almost
Impossible for the King to fulfil his dream.
The King realised that he needed to think
outside the box to achieve his goal. He called
upon his trusted minister, the Dewan, to help
him to find a solution.

 The King's ingenious plan was to seek a bride

from a kingdom with the highest number of
tigers statistically. The Dewan searched far
and wide until he found the perfect match for
the King, a lady from a kingdom with a
bountiful tiger population.

 With his new wife's kingdom now his own, the

King had access to an abundance of tigers, and
he could continue his quest to hunt them
down. Whenever he visited his father-in-law,
he would seize the opportunity to hunt tigers,
bringing him closer to achieving his lifelong

 The King's ability to solve problems through

his ingenuity and resourcefulness was a
testament to his leadership skills. He had not
only fulfilled his personal ambition but also
preserved his kingdom's honour and pride. His
legacy would endure, not only for his
remarkable hunting skills but also for his
ability to think strategically and solve complex

 The King's obsession with hunting one

hundred tigers had led him down a path of
selfishness and disregard for the lives of the
animals he sought to kill.

 Despite the limited population of tigers in his

own kingdom and the harm caused to their
population by his hunts, the King remained
focused on his personal ambition. When the
final tiger proved elusive, the King became
desperate and offered the village redemption
from taxes in exchange for information on the
tiger's whereabouts When the tiger was not
found, the King's fury led him to punish the
entire village, regardless of their innocence In
a stroke of deceit, the Dewan procured an old
tiger from a zoo and released it in the field for
the King to hunt.
 The King's achievement was marred by the
fact that the tiger he shot was still alive when
brought to him for a ceremony and feast. Two
men killed the tiger out of fear of the King's
wrath, and the King was content with his
achievement, showing little regard for the life
he had taken. The King's downfall came in the
form of a wooden tiger gift for his son's
birthday, which caused a fatal infection that
ultimately led to his demise.

 His selfish pursuit of personal ambition had

blinded him to the consequences of his actions
and left a legacy of disregard for the lives of
animals and the well-being of his subjects.
While the King's determination and
resourcefulness were admirable, his disregard
for the consequences of his actions and lack of
empathy for others serve as a cautionary tale.
The King's legacy is one of personal ambition
at the expense of others, rather than of true
leadership and compassion.
 The story of "Tiger King" showcases several
themes and values, some of which include:
The dangers of obsession and greed: The main
characters in the show are consumed by their
desire for power, fame, and wealth, leading to
destructive behaviour and unethical actions.

 In conclusion, "Tiger King" by Kalki teaches

us valuable lessons about the dangers of
uncontrolled ambition and the importance of
ethical choices. It reminds us that pursuing
power and success at any cost can have
harmful consequences, both for ourselves and
for the world around us. This cautionary tale
encourages us to consider the impact of our
actions and to find a balance between our
desires and our responsibilities towards nature
and society.
Students reflection

 "Throughout the process of working on this

project, I gained a deeper understanding of the
themes and messages embedded in the chapter
'Tiger King' by Kalki. Analysing the story's
themes of ambition, power, and the
consequences of unchecked desires allowed
me to appreciate the complexity of the
characters and their motivations.

 One of the most enlightening aspects of this

project was gathering and considering my
fellow students' perspectives on the chapter.

 Their insights and opinions provided a broader

and more nuanced view of the story. It
reinforced the idea that literature can evoke
diverse interpretations and discussions among
 As I reflect on this project, I realise that
literature has the power to not only entertain
but also provoke thought and conversation.
'Tiger King' serves as a reminder that
storytelling is a dynamic and ever-evolving
process, and the diverse perspectives of
readers enrich our appreciation of the








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