Ce Inst 1-De Vera - Mark - L Activity2

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BSCE 4-1


1.RA 9729

RA 9729, also known as the Climate Change Act of 2009, is a law in the Philippines that addresses
climate change and promotes sustainable development. It establishes the Climate Change
Commission as the lead policy-making body and creates a National Framework Strategy on Climate
Change. The law emphasizes integrating climate change into local development plans, promoting
climate change education, providing climate financing through the People's Survival Fund, and
supporting research and development on climate change. Overall, it aims to enhance resilience and
mitigate the impacts of climate change in the country.

2.RA 10121

RA 10121, also known as the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010, is a
comprehensive law that addresses disaster risk reduction and management in the Philippines. It
establishes the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) as the lead
agency and mandates the creation of local offices at different levels. The law integrates disaster risk
reduction into development plans, emphasizes early warning systems and response mechanisms,
and promotes community participation. Its goal is to build a culture of safety and resilience in the

3.RA 10174

RA 10174, also known as the Climate Change Act of 2012, is a significant law in the Philippines that
addresses climate change. It requires the integration of climate change considerations into
government policies and establishes the Climate Change Commission as the leading agency in
addressing climate change issues. The law emphasizes the incorporation of climate change in
development plans, promotes resilience and adaptive capacity in vulnerable communities, and
encourages the participation of stakeholders in climate change programs. Overall, it aims to
strengthen the country's resilience to climate change and promote sustainable development.

4. Climate change framework

The climate change framework guides understanding, assessment, and response to climate change.
It includes scientific research, policy and governance, mitigation, adaptation, financing and
technology transfer, and stakeholder engagement. It helps prioritize actions and promote
coordinated efforts at all levels.

5.PDRRM Framework

The PDRRM Framework is a comprehensive approach to disaster risk reduction and management
in the Philippines. It includes risk assessment, early warning systems, preparedness and response,
mitigation and prevention, rehabilitation and recovery, and governance and institutional
arrangements. Its goal is to enhance community resilience, reduce risks, and minimize the impact
of disasters.

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