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1. “We’ve finished washing the wall.”

“Now is the time ….. them.”
a. paint
b. painting.
c. for paint.
d. to paint.
2. “Can you recommend a good place to eat?”
“There are many nice restaurants here ………..Loy’s , the Old National, etc.”
a. as such
b. as
c. like as
d. such as
3. “How was your Math exam?” “It was the hardest test I have ….. seen.”
a. never not
b. not ever
c. ever
d. never
4. “Should I go with Pete or Al?” “Make your choice. Neither Pete’s car nor Al’s
driving…….me much confident. ”
a. are given
b. to give
c. gives
d. giving
5. “When did you hear that story?” “The people I’m speaking of told me …..”
a. themself
b. themselves
c. himself
d. my self
6. “Why couldn’t you sleep last night? ” “I read some …… stories before I went to bed.”
a. frighten
b. frightens
c. frightening
d. frightened
7. “Does Ken still work for that company?” “Oh yes, he ……there since he left college.”
a. works
b. is working
c. has been worked
d. has been working
8. “Did Barbara go to the movies last night?” “Yes, but she …… have stayed home all
evening and studied.”
a. will
b. must
c. should
d. may
9. “Does that bicycle belongs to John?” “No, it doesn’t, but I know ….it is.”
a. whom
b. whose
c. which
d. that
10. “When are you going home” “as soon as the class …..”
a. is finished
b. is finishing
c. to be finished
d. finished
11. “How Bill go to Washington?” “He is being ……there”
a. drive
b. drove
c. driving
d. driven
12. “Why were you angry when you saw Jane in the kitchen?” “Well, I wish she .……. started
dinner before I arrived.”
a. didn’t
b. hasn’t
c. hadn’t
d. weren’t
13. “Do you like dancing?” “Yes, and ……. better.”
a. the wilder the
b. the wilder
c. wilder
d. wild
14. “How many people will come?” “I sent invitations to 80 people,……have replied.”
a. only 20 who
b. only 20 of these who
c. of whom only 20
d. of whom only 20 of these
15. “I have an appointment with the dentist tomorrow; I hope I remember.” “I will ……it.
Don’t worry.”
a. remember you to
b. remember you of
c. remind you of
d. remind you
16. “This look like a nice toy.” “I don’t know if I …… like to buy it or not.”
a. could
b. am
c. will
d. would
17. “Did you hear that George got on the basketball team?” “If he ….. shorter, he wouldn’t
a. were to be
b. is
c. has been
d. had been
18. “Did you enjoy the circus?” “Yes, it was ……”
a. delight
b. delighted
c. delighting
d. delightful
19. “What your test score?” “A 92, …… that means.”
a. what
b. which
c. whatever
d. whichever
20. “Why did you close the door?” “I’m tired ……to the baby crying.”
a. of listen
b. of listening
c. to listen
d. listening
21. “Did you enjoy the concert?” “Yes, …….such a fine perform of the Grateful Dead.”
a. ever have I heard
b. ever I have heard
c. never I have heard
d. never have I heard
22. “How did you like the movie?” “My first impression …… it was good.”
a. on
b. for
c. of
d. to
23. “What does Canada export?” “Large quantities of wheat ……sent abroad.”
a. is
b. are
c. have
d. is being
24. “Will Harry be able to begin soon?” “Yes, he has all……he needs now.”
a. equipments
b. the equipment
c. the equipments
d. of equipments
25. “When can you use your tape recorder?” “Never! ….. time should you touch that machine.”
a. no
b. at no
c. any
d. at any
26. “Will Alice arrive soon?” “I don’t know …… or not.”
a. she is coming
b. if she comes
c. if she is coming
d. is she coming
27. “Did you finish your work last year?” “Unfortunately not, despite..…..”
a. I hope to finish
b. I hope of finishing
c. my hope of finishing
d. my hoping of finishing
28. “Did John think he would pass the test?” “No, he was very lucky……”
a. to pass
b. for passing
c. that passed
d. the he passed
29. “When did you get sick?” “I began to feel sick …… the morning.”
a. on
b. by
c. while
d. during
30. “What the most useful modern invention?” “Can you imagine…..without electricity?”
a. live
b. living
c. to live
d. yourself to live
31. “I get a cold very winter.” “I don’t anymore, but I …..”
a. used to
b. used to do
c. use to get
d. was used to
32. “When will I see you again?” “I’ll call you in …… future.”
a. nearly
b. a near
c. the nearly
d. the near
33. “Did John see the accident?” “No, no sooner ……than the accident happened.”
a. he went
b. he had gone
c. his going
d. had he gone
34. “What will you do after school is over?” “I …….work for a year, but I haven’t decided
a. must
b. might
c. will
d. would
35. “Do you attend all the film festivals?” “No, but I wish I …… ”
a. had time to
b. had time to do
c. have time to
d. have time to do
36. “Have you been to Mexico?” “No, I…..last year, but Dad wouldn’t let me.”
a. went
b. were to go
c. was to have gone
d. was gone
37. “Did Joe finish the work?” “I don’t know, he might……,”
a. did
b. done
c. have done
d. have
38. “Can you go to the movies tonight?” “No, I have……. work to do.”
a. too much
b. too many
c. much too
d. many too
39. “I was surprised to see wild flowers in Alaska.” “Many people think there is nothing there
…….ice and snow.”
a. except than
b. else
c. than
d. other than
40. “What do you think about the election?” “As far as …….., I’m not voting.”
a. concerning that
b. that concerns
c. it concerns
d. that is concerned
41. While I was helping in washing dishes I broke two cups and a …..
a. muffin
b. stunt
c. stork
d. saucer
42. Did you hear that fable?
a. story
b. song
c. noise
d. advise
43. He could have made a lot of money as a professional, but he decided to remain…….
a. a conservative
b. a volunteer
c. an escort
d. an expert
44. The symptoms of over population are quite clear.
a. beginnings
b. fears
c. signs
d. problems
45. The store on the corner was robbed last night by a lone………
a. bandit
b. skipper
c. vassal
d. porcupine
46. I tried to understand his lesson, but it was ……
a. a narrow escape
b. a clean sweep
c. down and out
d. over my head
47. I’m sorry, but we can’t transmit this.
a. open
b. explain
c. sell
d. send
48. I said John was being unfair, but he immediately ……. that he was.
a. asserted
b. dispute
c. determined
d. denied
49. He was quite eccentric
a. angry
b. devoted
c. strange
d. busy
50. The loss of 12 games in the row was without ……in baseball history.
a. prologue
b. predecessor
c. precedent
d. preliminary
51. Send shoes for the infantry.
a. soldiers
b. dancers
c. children
d. models
52. My old coat isn’t nice, so my husband is going with me to ……. a new one tomorrow.
a. pick over
b. pick out
c. set up
d. set loose
53. We looked at the breach in the wall.
a. break
b. stones
c. door
d. nail
54. I couldn’t help but chuckle when I heard his story.
a. stare
b. scatter
c. laugh
d. worry
55. Al really wanted to learn Spanish, so he tried …… for two years.
a. subsequently
b. earnestly
c. vaguely
d. ultimately
56. He hurled the book.
a. printed
b. read
c. bought
d. threw
57. We will compile statistics.
a. provide
b. combine
c. memorize
d. gather
58. Every morning we send our three-year-old child to ……. school.
a. an offspring
b. a childish
c. a foster
d. nursery
59. John continued to defy the boss.
a. avoid
b. admire
c. oppose
d. guide
60. I didn’t advocate that.
a. forbid
b. admire
c. order
d. recommend
61. I can always trust John to do what he says very …..
a. reliable
b. obedient
c. legitimate
d. competent
62. I was looking for out my window when I saw barge go down.
a. boat
b. fleet
c. house
d. frame
63. When we arrived at the gate of the a …… told us to stop.
a. shawl
b. shanty
c. scruple
d. sentry
64. I will have to go at it.
a. leave
b. try
c. send
d. bring
65. They wanted to get an early star, so at 6:00 they ……
a. set out
b. shaped up
c. came off
d. showed up
66. I can’t find a copy of today’s paper; can you …… for me?
a. do one in
b. do one up
c. do one ever
d. dig one up
67. You won’t understand the results of your test until they are …. by an expert.
a. decided
b. interpreted
c. indicated
d. exaggerated
68. I didn’t like the way that book ……
a. turned in
b. turned out
c. turned up
d. turned over
69. Little Herman is just learning to walk; he ….. first his steps last week.
a. gave
b. lifted
c. put
d. took
70. The display was upset by the clerk.
a. designed
b. taken down
c. built
d. knocked down
71. I don’t profess to know anything about that.
a. claim
b. try
c. intend
d. wish
72. He was so surprise to see me, he just stood there in……
a. awe
b. bliss
c. phase
d. repose
73. They frolicked for half an hour.
a. practiced
b. played
c. rode
d. walked
74. That university does not get money from the state. It is privately ….. ..
a. compensated
b. situated
c. authorized
d. endowed
75. We can use the carcass.
a. body
b. material
c. automobile
d. suit
76. I never can understand what Jack’s talking about. His words …
a. mistrust
b. babble
c. baffle
d. stub
77. Loneliness is a feeling I often ……
a. consist of
b. exist
c. experiment
d. experience
78. His loyalty was without equal.
a. intelligence
b. honesty
c. devotion
d. energy
79. Joe remained aloof.
a. apart
b. forgotten
c. silent
d. afraid
80. My uncle bequeathed his house to Dr. Smith
a. rented
b. left
c. showed
d. sold

Manuel and Joe were traders with the Pawnee Indians. Each of them tried to acquire by the trade
as many furs as possible for himself, using whatever means possible and without showing mercy
towards the other. For that reason, they often quarrel. In order to prevent such wrangles they
agreed that if a band of Indians arrived at their trading posts for the purpose of exchange and
barter, nether would attempt to take advantage of the other. Manuel, however, had no intention
of trading on honorable terms for any length of time; once when both of them expected a band of
Pawnee, he tried to circumvent Joe. While he ordered his post supplied in secret with
commodities to barter with the Pawnee, he went over to see Joe in order to put him off his guard,
by his own presence there to hinder preparations, and to see what was really going on in the
other storehouse. Joe played the part of unsuspecting host just as well as his opponent played his
role. He acted just as though he had allowed himself to be really fooled. He invited Manuel to
drink a glass of champagne to the success of prospective trade; but regretted that on account of
his bad back he was not able to stoop down and therefore, would have to ask Manuel to fetch the
cask from the cellar. The latter obligingly raised the trapdoor in the room and went down the
steps. Joe let fall the door, rolled a cask upon it, with mocking words left his opponent
imprisoned, then, went off to trade alone with the Pawnee.

81. Why did Manuel go to Joe’s?

a. He wanted to start a quarrel.
b. He wanted to make an agreement.
c. He wanted to help Joe get his commodities prepared.
d. He wanted to hinder Joe’s trading preparations.
82. Why did Joe ask Manuel to fetch to champagne?
a. Joe was too lazy to get it.
b. Joe wanted to trap Manuel.
c. Joe was too busy to get it himself.
d. Joe had a bad back and could not stoop down
83. How did Joe feel about Manuel’s visit?
a. He was completely fooled.
b. He knew the real reason for it.
c. He was angry with Manuel for coming to his house.
d. He was glad that Manuel had accepted his invitation for a drink.
84. Why were Manuel and Joe often quarrel?
a. Because Joe locked Manuel in the cellar.
b. Because they couldn’t trade with the Pawnee Indians.
c. Because they couldn’t trade as many furs as they wanted to.
d. Because they competed mercilessly with each other.
85. According to the story, how did Manuel regard the agreement he made with Joe?
a. He intended to keep it.
b. He took it seriously and intended to keep it.
c. He wanted to keep it but believed that Joe would not keep it.
d. He never intended to keep it.

The “war” is won only by Spirit-anointed Christians, positioned strategically across the varied
sectors of society (the home, law or accounting firm, school or hospital, police or military
barracks, office or factory floor), who are equipped to destroy the “strongholds” or “power”
which dominate society, and to take every thought captive for Christ. Here lies the critical
problem of training Christians for society and cultural transformation. Most educational
programs are content with the outcome of mere personal piety and church involvement; the
wider Kingdom task is either ignored or considered too complex.

86. The author implies that……………..

a. Society is at “war”
b. “war” is going on between the Spirit and Christians
c. There is “war” among Christians.
d. Christians are at “war”
87. The home, law or accounting firm, school or hospital, police or military barracks, office or
factory floor ……..
a. are equipped to face “war”
b. are examples of the varied sectors of society.
c. are strategically positioned.
d. will destroy the “strongholds” or “powers”
88. The “war” is going to be won only by………..
a. Christians who work in the varied sectors of society.
b. Christians who are positioned strategically.
c. Christians who dominate society.
d. Christians who are empowered by the Spirit.
89. The wider kingdom task is either ignored or considered too complex by…….
a. the varied sectors of society
b. the Christians
c. the Church
d. most educational programs
90. Who are “to take every thought captive for Christ”?
a. the “strongholds” or “powers” which dominate society
b. the Spirit –anointed Christians
c. the varied sectors of society
d. the home, law or accounting firm, office, etc.
An eight-year-old is actively curious, almost like a four-year-old. He has lots of energy, more
than when he was seven. He is now more fond of rough play and boisterous games. He tends to
do everything in high gear-talking, reading, writing, running, and even eating.

It is at the age of eight when the two sexes are beginning to show the difference in their
development. Perhaps, this is a good age to divide boys from girls-mainly because of the
difference of development! Boys of eight tend to shout derision to a group of girls. A group of
boys will definitely segregate themselves from a group of girls.

The eight-year-old needs to develop character qualities of cooperation, loyalty, sportsmanship,

friendliness, etc. Watch his speech and teach him to express positive qualities of life with his
lips. He has a strong sense of justice, so play the game fairly and with rules. he is learning to
evaluate ethical issues.

The eight-year-old has new curiosities, especially about the origin of life, procreation, sex,
babies, and marriage. He has certain inquisitiveness about all human relationship. A wise teacher
will teach the proper use of sex, babies, and the necessity for faithfulness in marriage.

91. An eight-year-old child………

a. likes four-year-old children
b. likes to be actives as four-year-olds
c. is liked by four-year-olds
d. is like a four-year-old
92. An eight-year-old ………
a. is never cooperative
b. is very cooperative
c. needs cooperation
d. needs to become cooperative
93. At age eight, boys……
a. like a joke with girls
b. develop differently from girls
c. begin to like girls
d. like the company of girl
94. Eight-year-old boys………..
a. like to shout insults to make fun of girls
b. like to shout playful to girls
c. like to shout nice jokes to girls
d. like to shout words of love to girls
95. An eight-year-old child…….
a. begins to think about getting married
b. begins to find out about creation
c. begins to find out how life began
d. begins to have fear about having babies

Webster’s dictionary calls a casserole a mold made painstakingly of rice or mashed potato, or
pastry, filled and baked with vegetables or meats in various sauces. Also, it is an open, deep
sided bowl in which foods are baked and served. The “Larousse Gastronomique” calls a
casserole a dish made of two or more elements, rice, spaghetti, etc., in combinations with meats
or fish plus a sauce or gravy, and often a variety of vegetable. This one-dish meal can be
prepared in advance, cooked and served in a decorative casserole bowl. There are basic rules for
casserole cooking that should be instinctive, but they can be learned by the most unskilled
beginners. Naturally, such rules are used along with the cook’s own taste, but they have little to
do with personal prejudices. Never use foods that may look or taste dull as can happen to a
remnant left too long in the back of the refrigerator or overnight, uncovered. A good casserole
will have clear-cut textures and flavor, and old reheated food will not survive in the slow baking
it should be given. There shouldn’t be a pointless mixture of flavors and textures just to use up
leftovers. The ingredients must be firm or completely fresh. Crispness can be added with
thinly sliced vegetable or nuts, according to the cook’s judgment. It is hard to say which is
worse, a casserole made of a dozen indistinguishable hints of exhausted flavors or one that is
mushy like baby-food. One ingredient must dominate, so that the dish is plainly made, say, of
chicken, or shrimp, or lamb. The starch backbone of the dish must be fresh. Prepare what holds it
together just before the whole is assembled. Rice, if correctly cooked and stored, will hold its
texture for a few days, but most kinds of starches do not improve with age.

96. A casserole is a one-dish meal or…….

a. a bowl in which food is cooked and served.
b. a kind of starch food.
c. a mushy baby-food.
d. a mixture of nuts and vegetable.
97. Vegetable or nuts can be used in a casserole for…..
a. a mixture of textures and flavors.
b. the dominant ingredient.
c. holding it together , as a backbone.
d. giving crispness to the dish.
98. An unskilled beginner would…….
a. be able to learn the rules for making a casserole.
b. use his own tastes in making a casserole.
c. have a difficult time learning to make a casserole.
d. make a casserole by instinct.
99. A good casserole should have…..
a. mixture of flavors and mixtures to use up leftovers.
b. firm or completely fresh ingredients.
c. a dozen of indistinguishable flavors.
d. a mushy texture like baby-food.
100. What does rice do in a casserole?
a. It is the starch backbone of the casserole.
b. It gives texture to the casserole.
c. It makes the casserole mushy like baby-food.
d. It gives crispness to the casserole.

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