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Structure Relation
Extension of elbow / • Triceps brachii.
Flexion of Biceps brachii / brachialis.
Deltoid Abduction of the arm (upper extremities)
Latissimus/pectoralis Adduction of the arm (upper extremities).
First 3 finger – lateral Anterior (flexion): Median nerve
side Posterior (extension): Radial nerve.
Last 2 fingers – Ulnar nerve: Anterior (flexion) and Posterior
Medial side (extension).
Oponens policis Little finger to thumb.
Long flexor muscle of Flex distal phalanx.
Superficial finger Flex fingers 4-5.
Dorsal Interosseous Abduct fingers away from themiddle finger.
Palmar interosseous Adduct fingers to the middle finger.

M.trapezius Location: Dorsal of the neck


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Quadriceps Extend the knee joint and supplied by femoral nerve.
Insertion: patella.
Hamstring Flex the knee joint
M. triceps surae In the posterior muscle of the shin
Scalenus anterior Location: posterior of spatium antescalenum (I rib).
Scalenus posterior Location: Middle third of the II rib.
Sternocleidomastoid Trauma: fixed sideways flexion of the head towards
the injured area.
Femoral nerve • Anterior thigh (Quadriceps Femoris).
• Knee jerk reflex
N. radialis Supplies triceps brachii muscle of the arm.
N fibularis profundus Upper third of the shin responsible for extending the
Hearing innervation Cochlear nerve supplies cochlea / Spiral / hearing
Axillary • Function: supplies Deltoid muscles which is
responsible for
• Location: posterior surface of his shoulder.
N. musculocutaneous Lateral surface of forearm.
Medial antebrachial Medial surface of forearm.
Hand innervation
Ulnar • Function: 2 little fingers - medial side from anterior
(flexion) and posterior (extension).
• Location: Medial condyle.
Radial 1. Function: extension of the 3 big fingers (lateral
side) from posterior.
2. Location: Runs in the middle third of the humrus.
Median • Function: Flexion of the 3 big fingers (lateral side)
from Anterior.

Face Innervation
Motor Nerve Responsible nerve: Facial nerves

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1. Down-turning mouth
2. Nasolabial fold
3. Can’t move his face.
4. Defect facial expression.

Sensory nerves Responsible nerve: Trigeminal nerve.

• Loss of thermal or touch sensations (numbness)

Innervation of Glands
Parotid Ganglion oticum → Petrosus minor

Lachrymal & nasal Pterygopalatine → Petrosus major.

cavity glands
Submandibular Chorda tympani.

Taste buds
Apex Sweetness
Posterior part Bitterness
Lateral surfaces Sourness
Submandibular Digastricus muscle.
Pirogov triangle lingual artery and N. hypoglossus.
Carotid triangle Internal jugular vein.
Femoral triangle Femoral hernia

Inguinal canal borders

Superior border – Roof Internal oblique (‫)اطلع المأذنه من جوا‬
Inferior border - Floor • Inguinal ligament (legs are low).
• Note: Inguinal ligament is inferior border of
inguinal canal and superior border of
femoral triangle.

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Posterior wall Fascia Transversalis:(‫)في ترين هيدوسك من ورا‬

Anterior wall Aponeurosis of the external oblique

Inguinal canal contents
1. Spermatic cord (biological males only).
2. Round ligament (biological females only).
3. Ilioinguinal nerve.

Superficial (External) Ring Opens into the outside of inguinal hernia comes
out from this opening.
Deep (Internal) Ring Opens inside the abdomen.

Vertebral positions

CSF sample • CSF: Fluid surrounds the brain and spinal

• Origin: L3 - L4.
• Function: get Sample from CSF to check
for meningitis.

Sympathetic cardiac nerves • Origin: Th1-Th5

• Function: Sympathetic activity of the heart.

Kidney location XI thoracic and III lumbar

Carotid artery Tubercle on the transverse process of the C6


Phrenic / diphragmatic nerve • Orgin: C3 – C4 – C5.

• Function: Innervates the diaphragm, so it’s
responsible for breathing.
• If damage below C5 = No damage.
• If damage above C5 = damage.

Knee-jerk reflex L3-L4 segments

Urethral sphincter S2 − S4

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Types of contraction
Isometric same length = no movement (holding)
Isotonic contraction = movement

Skull foramens
Spinous foramen: Middle meningeal artery

Jugular foramen Temporal and occipital

Magnum foramen basilar and occipital

Hypoglossal canal Occipital bone – condyles

Oval foramen 3rd trigeminal nerve (Mandibular)

Round foramen 2nd trigeminal nerve (maxillary)

Supraorbital 2nd trigeminal nerve (maxillary)

Infection Spread Pathways

Middle ear 1. To: Nasopharynx. By: Eustachian tube / auditory
tube which passes in Canalismusculotubarius.
2. To: Lamina superfificialis fasciae colli propriae
(Superficial cervical fascia).

Internal ear To: the meninges. By: Аqueductus vestibuli.

Cavernous Sinus 1. Pathway: Eyes → Angular vein → Cavernous

Sinus → brain meninges.
2. Location: Sella turcica.
3. Content:
• Ophthalmic (V1), maxillary (V2) of
• Abducens nerve (CN VI).
• Oculomotor nerve (CN III).
• Trochlear nerve (CN IV).
Anterior of the trachea To: Thoracic cavity - Anterior mediastinum.
(perivisceral space)

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Retropharyngeal To: Mediastinum posterior. (Posterior mediastinum)
From: little finger To: forearm by: communis mm. flexorum.

Metastasis spread
Breast cancer Axillary and parasternal.

Vocal cords Deep cervical lymph nodes


Superior lobe of Sternal lymph node.

the lung
Esophagus Thoracid duct.
Left principal Aorta

Knee-jerk / Ankle-jerk / 1. Function: one muscle contract and the opposite
myotatic reflexes muscle relax.
2. Check for
A. Muscle sensory (Muscle spindles / Stretch
receptor (proprioceptor).
B. Conduction.
C. Spinal response.
Viscero-motor reflexes Definition: Between organ and muscles.
Example: peptic ulcer and change in position

Viscerovisceral reflex Definition: Between organ and organ.

Example: peptic ulcer and heart pain
Aschner reflex Press on the eye to decrease heart rate
Fatigue reflex Nerve centres.

Internal carotid 1. Anterior cerebral: medial surface of the frontal gyrus
and cingulate gyrus.
2. Medial Cerebral : lateral / temporal part of the brain.
Vertebral artery Basilar Artery:
1. Pontine arteries: Supplies pons.
2. Cerebellar artery: cerebellum.

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3. Posterior cerebral arteries.
A. communicans Function: Communicates between A. Carotis interna and
posterior A. cerebri posterior
Facial artery Location: Mandibular angle
Eye angle Connection between carotis externa and carotis interna.
Temporalis • Temporal areaf
superficialis • Above the zygomatic arch
lingual artery Pirogov triangle.
Great saphenous Medial of thigh.
great saphenous Medial thigh and Chin.
vein and small
saphenous vein ✌️

Popliteal artery Below the knee joint – Below Patella

subclavian Artery • Interscalenum
• Note: subclavian vein → Anterscalenum
A.axillaris Location: Axillary crease
A. dorsalis pedis Function: Checks the pulsation of the foot.
• Running in the separate fibrous channel
• Between the tendons of extensor digitorum longus
and extensor hallucis longus.

Abdominal aorta
Coeliac Trunk 1. Right gastroepiploic / gastro-omental artery:
2. Splenic: Spleen.
3. Common hepatic arteries: Proper Hepatic +
4. Left gastric: Oesophageal branches + lesser
Inferior Mesenteric Left /sinister colic artery:
1. Left / sinister colic artery: Ascending colon.
2. Sigmoid artery: Sigmoid colon.
3. Superior rectal artery: Rectum.
Superior Mesenteric 1. Ileocolic artery: Appendix.

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2. Ascending colon.
3. Jejunal and Ileal Arteries: Jejunum and Ileum.
Internal jugular Carotid triangle
External jugular along the lateral edge of the sternocleidomastoid
Anterior jugular Anterior part of the neck below the hyoid bone.
Emissary veins Connect the extracranial venous system with the
intracranial venous sinuses.
Subclavian Vein Anterscalenum
Note: subclavian artery → Interscalenum.
V. saphena magna 1. Medial surface: thigh and shin.
(Great saphenous) 2. Anterior medial surface of the lower leg.
Popliteal • Behind knee joint (patella).
Small saphenous • Lateral surface of the shin.

Heart blood supply

(Not very important)
Right coronary 1. Right marginal artery (RMA) anteriorly
artery 2. Posterior interventricular artery (PIv)
Left coronary artery 3. left circumflex artery (Cx):
Sulcus of the heart
4. Anterior descending (LAD), or Anterior
interventricular artery:
• Anterior papillary muscle.
5. Marginal artery (LMA)

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