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Falcon Public School

Subject: Math ASSESSMENT T.M: 5

Name: ________________ Date: ____________
Class: Two

Class: Test 1
Subject: Math Marks: 15
Q.1: Skip count in 4s and till in the blanks. 2
(i) 8424= _________ , 8436 , _________ , _________ , 8448.
Q.2: Put these numbers is ………… 2
(i) Ascending order.
5090, 4999, 3099, 2629.
Ans: _____________________________________________________________
(ii) Descending order.
5684, 4864, 4926, 5099
Q.3: Write in expanded form. 2
(i) 5145 = _________ +_________ +_________ +_________
(ii) 74130 = _________ + _________ + _________ + _________ +_________
Q.4: Write the name of these numbers. 3
(i) 3625 =
(ii) 48975 =
Q.5: Write the value of circled digitdigets.
underline 5
(i) 7 1 8 9 6=
(ii) 3 4 8 0=
Q.6: Write the numbers 2
(i) Four thousand three hundred and fifty – two.= _________
(ii) Thirty – six thousand seven hundred and fifty. = _________
Q.7: Write the predecessor. 1
(i) _________ , 5870
(ii) _________ , 99,998.
Q.8: Write the successor. 1
(i) 2129 _________ .
(ii) 45054 _________ .

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