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The “Mozart Effect” is essentially

THE MOZART EFFECT: PANDEMIC PLAYLIST the study that music affects the memory
centers of your brain. Whether we are
Name__________________ Top 5 songs you love to Songs that pump me up:
experiencing a memorable event or need
listen to right now:
a device to help us remember something,
One Rule: 1. ___________________
Songs have to be school appropriate
by________________ music is used as a tool to help us
remember important information.
Top 3 Favorite Artists: 2. __________________
1.______________________ by________________
2.______________________ Use the form provided to help
3.______________________ create a playlist that will act as a time
3. __________________
by________________ capsule to transport you back to the
You should name this playlist
something awesome like: Songs that make me feel Spring of 2020. Each submission can be
4.__________________ calm/relaxed: from the past or present, regardless of
by________________ your musical tastes.
Oldies but goodies
5. __________________
(songs or artists):
Answer the questions and write
down your answers; you may use the
Favorite Genres space provided or create your own
For me, listening to music while
Christian document for more space. When you
I work is:
Distracting Country
submit your selections, Mrs. Emily will
Helpful (I can stay focused)
Disney create a playlist and share with Emily’s
Songs that describe my Whatever (Neither helpful or Metal Music Studio members. Songs must be
town or school: hurtful) Pop
Other: Rap “school appropriate” and duplicates will
only appear once.
When I’m needing new music, I Other:

Best lyric/life advice from a song:

Emily’s Music Studio 2020 __

Who or what has made the most influence on what you listen to?

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