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Section 1: Establish business analysis approach 5

Section 2: Plan business analysis activities and communication 8
Section 3: Manage business analysis 12

Student name & ID:



Business this assessment is

based on:

Business analysis initiative 1:

Business analysis initiative 2:

Numeric and Financial data:

Section 1: Establish business analysis approach
Provide business overview Worlducation Sydney, Australia
Provide an overview of the The nonprofit organisation World Education produces tablets
business, including:
again for the top students. Its mission is to examine the issue of
name of business illiteracy and to serve as the catalyst for a society without
description of what the illiteracy by influencing educational reform and expanding
business does. service delivery to those who are currently without it.

Describe business analysis Initiative one

Describe the two selected ICT
business analysis initiatives Software for distance education has to be rethought so that
associated with the business. students and instructors may work together online utilising a
Include: variety of readily available computing and communication
a brief outline of each tools.
initiative, including:
S- Sales staff, software developers, CEO, and end users in
the type of ICT project
addition to schools and individual families
a description of the initiative
W - COVID-19-Related School Cancellations
an explanation of how each
initiative supports the O- Refine currently available programmes to provide educators
organisation’s vision and with elevated monitoring and management of student progress.
strategy Increase user access to modified software and make the
an appropriate business software more user-friendly.
analysis tool to illustrate and
fully define the initiative (e.g. T - Production halts and shipping delays.
SWAT analysis)
two objectives of each
Initiative two
Business-to-Business (B2B) or ERP systems: Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) is an information system used by big
organisations and sometimes by small and medium-sized firms.
The ERP unifies a number of departments, including
accounting, logistics, and marketing. The software may also
manage processes including sales, payments, manufacturing,
stock control, and HR administration.
One of the main benefits is that different departments within the
company may communicate with one another. In addition, it
improves coordination among the company's departments,
implementation is relatively fast (less than six months), and a
bespoke ERP must be built from the ground up.

S- Taking full use of the newest, most cutting-edge tools to

perform urgent repairs and upkeep.
W- Expensive machinery and skilled labour drive up
maintenance costs.
O- up-to-date IT education for company staff
T- Extremely high potential for virus and system attacks

Legislative and organisational SaaS, Cloud, and Host Policies: This plan and the documents
requirements that back it up give a framework for doing just that, allowing
Establish the legislative and Worlducation and its clients to evaluate potential cloud, hosted,
organisational requirements and SaaS solutions and make more informed choices. The goal
related to each complex
of the University is to deliver a high-quality education in the
issue, including:
most efficient, accessible, cost-effective, and safe way possible.
a summary of the relevant
legislation Software Engineering Directives: The purpose of this policy
a summary of applicable is to ensure that all enterprise-level, centralised, mission-critical
standards online applications and internet services are developed using
a summary of the associated
the best practises in the industry. Apps and services that deal
organisational policies and with human resources, financial, consumer, student, or course-
procedures related data have a special responsibility to protect the
Attach any relevant policies to confidentiality, integrity, and availability of such data.
your portfolio.
Privacy Procedure and Policy: This policy describes
Worlducation's practises regarding the protection and
processing of personally identifiable information, as well as its
obligations under the Privacy Act 1988.
Methods and policies for managing performance: To make
sure that practically all employees and upper-level managers
understand the goals and options for setting up systems to track
and assess worker performance, as well as for providing
incentives for those who perform well.
Methods and Policies for Documentation: All employees are
required to use Worlducation's templates for all official
company papers. The files will be stored in the cloud using
Worlducations. All feedback has to be recorded in a comment
log, and the software's in-built review functionality needs to be

Identify stakeholders Following are the recognised internal stakeholders:

Produce a complete list of ● First, although workers had no voice in the program's
everyone involved in, affected
end result, they did have input into the development of
by or responsible for each
initiative. In your answer: requirements and how the new EPR will effect their
work. Identifying champions from within this
use an appropriate business
analysis technique (e.g. community may provide insightful comments and
affinity diagrams) to identify suggestions, as well as drive adoption among their
all stakeholders peers.
establish a list of internal and ● Second, the need for a massive ERP project
external key stakeholders, management at the institution might be piqued by
including: interested investors; they may have questions regarding
the use of an appropriate the ERP's need, cost, impact, and change management
technique (e.g. power/interest techniques, as well as how it would improve the
working environment.
who they are and how they ● Third, the IT programme manager is a key player in the
relate to the initiative
ERP project's setup and ongoing maintenance after
which stakeholders have launch. This provides a one-of-a-kind look of the
authority over business organization's current platforms, and it will aid in the
analysis activities
analysis phase process of making sure data can move
explain how you will identify freely across them as necessary.
and deal with new
● Fourth, Board members may wish to understand more
stakeholders throughout the
duration of each initiative. about ERP's necessity, cost, influence on the
organisation, transition management approaches, and
how it will enhance the working environment if the
project is large.

These are the external stakeholders:

● One of the most important groups that will be affected
by the company analysis project is the clientele. They
are useful in determining if the efforts are successful or
whether further work is required.
● Members of the community assist spread the word about
the business analysis programme.
● NGOs and INGOs have a role in shaping how business
analysis projects are implemented and used.

Establish process needs Determine who needs to be a part of the business analysis
Use standards and project and who are the key stakeholders. This group is made
policies/procedures to up of specialists from different groups who have knowledge
establish organisational about the effort. Talk to them about what you'll do. Their
process needs applicable to
thoughts might be gathered via interviews, surveys, and focus
each business analysis
initiative, including: groups.

Relevant personnel
Engagement with personnel Employee participation is crucial to the success of business
to obtain information on how analysis. Develop a plan to boost employee participation.
work will be completed (e.g.
Gatherings, email updates, and the distribution of draughts
draft email and minutes of
meeting) papers for comments are all instances. Conversations and
choices made during an encounter may be documented in either
A description of an
appropriate project emails or meeting minutes.
management method or tool
to support the business
analysis initiative. Use an appropriate project management method or piece of
Attach proof of engagement software to aid in the business analysis effort. This is helpful
with staff to your portfolio. for directing projects. The organization's preference and the
complexity of the project will determine whether Agile,
Waterfall, or Hybrid project management is employed. Pick a
method or instrument that works with the available time,
money, and other factors at your firm. This results in efficient
business analysis with well-defined goals, timelines, and
Plan execution of activities ● Determine the scope, expected results, and deadlines for
Plan the execution of the project. This emphasises and guides the discussion.
business analysis activities ● Learn what is needed by consulting with stakeholders
according to organisational and professionals in the field. Needs, expectations, and
requirements for each
trouble areas might be uncovered via interviews,
seminars, and surveys. Organise and define the criteria
in order to achieve the project's objectives.
● Put needs in order of importance and how much they
will affect the initiative's success. This helps in making
decisions and allocating resources.
● Involve key decision-makers in the solution's
development to win their support and ensure that one's
efforts meet their needs. Include diagrams, mockups,
and prototypes in one's documentation of proposed
● Collect feedback from affected parties on potential
remedies. Verify that the proposed remedies meet the
requirements and alleviate the problems. Modify in
response to user input.
● Document and share all business analysis decisions,
requirements, and outcomes. Make all of your
paperwork simple to read. The goal is to get input from
relevant parties and to keep them updated on
● Keep tabs on the business analysis, and evaluate its
success against the targets. Make the necessary
adjustments. Keep everyone in the loop and update the
strategy as needed.

Organisational policies and procedures



Proof of engagement with staff

Section 2: Plan business analysis activities and

Summarise the outcomes
of the stakeholder
meetings Stakeholder meetings:
Summarise the meetings
High-level officials talked about fresh commercial patterns and
with key stakeholders for
each initiative, including: their costs. Their approach was forward-thinking and open to
stakeholder attitudes development.
towards the initiative
at least two risks
Individuals involved in the promotion of goods or services were
associated with the reached out to in order to gain insight into the demands and
preferences of the market and customers. Their assistance aided in
decide how to best
mitigate the identified risk enhancing the sales process and fulfilling customer requirements.

at least three business Manage risk:

analysis deliverables,
including: Interested parties might oppose novel commercial frameworks.
the deliverable Engaging affected persons in the decision-making procedure and
tasks/activities associated providing truthful details regarding the anticipated advantages of
with the deliverable
the modifications could alleviate their concerns and gain their
the use of a technique/tool backing.
to outline the activities
performed by the Inadequate examination of the market could result in an ineffectual
business analyst and
business approach. Market research, study of customer
when (e.g. project
schedule) preferences, and comments from users are all essential for this.
stakeholder requirements,
Business analysis:
list of requirements
explanation of the tool or
Cost-benefit analysis
technique used to illicit
Deliverable: Cost-Benefit Report
Attach proof of the
Collect approximations for various company approaches, assess
technique used during the
meeting to illicit pros and cons, compute return on investment, and provide a

Calculations related to expenses, profits, and return on investment

can be performed by software tools designed for financial analysis
or spreadsheets.

Feasible Study:

Deliverable: Feasibility Study Report

Evaluate the feasibility of every business plan in terms of its

technical, operational, and financial aspects. Take into account the
potential hazards, available assets, and feasibility of every option.

A possibility chart or choice chart could evaluate business model

alternatives based on expenses, expandability, customer need, and
competitive edge.

S.W.O.T. Analysis

Deliverable: SWOT Analysis Report

Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of each business model,
along with its potential rewards and hazards. Evaluate the potential
impact of both intrinsic and extrinsic variables on the effectiveness
of the endeavours and provide guidance.

Utilise a SWOT analysis framework or chart to document and

illustrate discoveries.

Requirements from interested stakeholders:

The parameters that stakeholders consider when evaluating

forthcoming business models encompass economical viability,
expandability, consumer need, edge over rivals, flexibility, and
client contentment.

Thorough discussions, questionnaires, and group discussions with

interested parties collect requirements. Forms and data collection
tools could organise this procedure and accumulate information.

Determine business Deliverables and activities:

analysis scope
Records, course streams, and stakeholder evaluations are just some
Scope business analysis
activities for each instances of outputs that need to be generated for every
initiative, considering: undertaking.
deliverables and activities
approved at the
Provide a plan detailing the necessary actions to achieve the
stakeholder meeting desired outcomes, including engaging with interested parties,
acceptance criteria, level conducting collaborative sessions, and evaluating existing
of detail, level of formality
and frequency protocols.

how risks identified in Acceptance criteria, level of detail, level of formality and
Section 1 can be
mitigated frequency:

how to address competing Guarantee stakeholder contentment by defining clear-cut standards

for each delivery.

Based on the scale and importance of the task, it is advisable to

determine the required level of detail for each examination.

Select the level of formality for documenting your tasks, ranging

from brief annotations to comprehensive analyses.

Devise a schedule for the frequency of updates and remarks

pertaining to each delivery.

Risk Mitigation:

Potential hazards, such as disturbances in the distribution network

or fresh contenders, ought to be enumerated for every suggested

Devise strategies to mitigate the effects of possible adverse

consequences, such as enhancing promotional activities to
differentiate yourself from competitors or broadening your
network of suppliers.

Competing demands:

Prioritise initiatives based on their strategic importance, anticipated

impact, and resource accessibility.

Collaborating in unison can enhance the handling of opposing

requirements and guarantee the fulfilment of each individual's

Concerned parties must be informed about the constraints on

resources and potential compromises.

Develop estimates for Algorithmic unit assessment and the labour partition framework
business analysis work
are a couple of techniques that could be employed to approximate
Use an appropriate
technique to estimate commercial examination duties. The magnitude of the task, its
business analysis work, complexity, and the necessary assets can all be computed. This
including the use of
numeric and financial requires contemplation regarding the quantity of distinct software,
information and data points, and commercial procedures implicated.
mathematical calculations.
Approximations of effort, duration, and finances may be computed
through established conventions or historical data within the
industry. An authentic approximation for the task of analysing the
business may be produced by considering these factors and
utilising suitable tools for estimation.

Plan internal and external First: Sales Process Improvement

communication for each
initiative, considering for
each stakeholder: Internal stakeholders:
how to:
receive information
Team communications via email and a customer relationship
distribute information
access information
management system are essential for salespeople. Information is

update information gained via sales reports and group meetings. Get entry to the

escalate information customer relationship management system and the team's shared
Communication documents. CRM data should be kept up to date. Notify the team
constraints (list at least leader or sales manager.
Meetings and correspondence within the Operations Team's Sales
Group. Meetings and production schedules help spread the word.
ERP systems and shareable documents are sources of data. ERP
sales orders must be checked and approved before data can be
updated. Inform production and administration.

External stakeholders:

Customers can get details through salespeople, printed materials,

and the company's website. Fill out the order remarks and sales
comments. Information is made available through the website, the
customer portal, and the sales personnel. Either alter the needs of
the order or ask for assistance. Get in touch with sales or support
directly to escalate a problem.

Communication Constraints:

Worlducation may have difficulty communicating with both

internal and external stakeholders in multilingual countries because
to language barriers. Because of this barrier, interpreters or other
language-specific means of communication may be necessary.

It may be difficult to respond in real-time if your headquarters and

staff are located in different countries due to time zone differences.
This difficulty might be diminished by frequent get-togethers and
electronic messaging.

Plan business analysis Business Performance Analysis Management:

performance management
Plan business analysis
Business Analyst KPIs:
performance. Include:
Requirements Assess the business analyst's requirements
at least three metrics to documentation. Counting required modifications and confusing or
measure work performed
by business analyst
conflicting requirements might assess this. Fewer corrections or

reporting format. adjustments indicate better requirements gathering and


Assess project managers, development teams, and end-users'

satisfaction with business analysts. Surveys, focus groups, and
frequent reviews can assist.

Track project success to assess business analyst engagement. This

may be measured by the number of projects that were finished on
time, within budget, and met their goals. Business analysts' ability
to gather, interpret, and document project requirements impacts
project performance.

Reporting style:

The report should explicitly state the business analyst's

performance. Include these:

Discuss the business analyst's accomplishments and growth during

the reporting period.

Use charts or graphs to visualise performance trends.

Based on measures, identify successes and areas for improvement.

Professional development, training, and process improvement
might be suggested.

Showcase the business analyst's ability to elicit requirements,

communicate with stakeholders, and solve challenges via project

Discuss the business analyst's future goals to ensure they align with
the company's and the analyst's professional progress.
Give the business analyst constructive comments and recommend
strategies to improve to cover performance gaps.

Develop a requirements Requirements Management

management process.
Develop a requirements
management process by
A requirements repository is needed to efficiently acquire, track,
establishing a
requirements repository, and manage project needs. The repository centralises needs data.
The requirements repository should have all project needs.
Description of the
repository Versioning, controlled access, and indexed searching aid
Attributes to be captured management.
Outline of the need and
process for traceability
In the repository, each requirement should have a unique
considering applicable identification, description, priority, source, owner, status, and
connected documents or artefacts. These traits simplify need
Requirements change
process identification, categorization, and monitoring.

Traceability may be ensured by linking requirements to design

documents, test cases, and change requests. Traceability helps
change impact analysis and ensures requirements meet project

Requirements Modifying a requirement follows the requirements

change procedure. Proposing, analysing, approving, and
implementing changes is detailed. Record, analyse, and authorise
change requests. Adjustments must be evaluated, conveyed, and
integrated into the project.

Prepare for stakeholder Update project deadlines for stakeholder meetings. The project's
timeline, milestones, and deliverables must be evaluated and
Prepare for the
stakeholder meetings updated. To suit stakeholder needs, timetables must be adjusted. If
(e.g. by updating the the correct themes, data, and presentations are chosen, stakeholder
project schedules).
meetings may be more productive and enlightening. Meetings are
Attach proof.
more effective when everyone has the information they need to
make decisions.

Prepare for business Metrics:

analyst meeting
Evaluate the business
Documentation Accuracy Assess the business analyst's
analyst’s performance requirements documentation. Check the criteria for clarity,
against pre-determined
metrics and identify any
succinctness, and accuracy in representing stakeholder needs.
problems or areas of
Stakeholder feedback on business analyst communication,
improvement. Use the
format determined teamwork, and issue resolution is needed. Check the analyst's
previously in this section.
stakeholder management skills.
If applicable, use the
Performance Evaluation Assess the business analyst's ability to finish tasks on time and
produce documentation, reports, and other deliverables.
Attach proof.

Problems and improvements:

Explain how ambiguous requirements documentation confused


Calling out the business analyst's failure to communicate changes,

updates, and risks to stakeholders promotes transparency and
excellent decision-making.

Time management involves addressing issues like meeting project

deadlines or submitting papers on time and suggesting ways to

Proof of requirements tool/technique used in stakeholder meeting

Preparation for stakeholder meeting (e.g. project schedule)


Business analyst performance evaluation

Section 3: Manage business analysis
Summarise the outcomes of Stakeholder meetings yielded important discussions and
the stakeholder meetings conclusions. Some parties want to amend their position or add
Summarise the meetings with criteria. Collaboration and iteration will manage these changes.
stakeholders, including: The business analyst will assess how these changes will effect
any changed positions or project goals, timelines, and resources. They will inform those
requirements the who need to know, evaluate the consequences, and collaborate
stakeholders may have
with the project team to develop a strategy to deal with the new
identify any new stakeholders parameters. All parties will communicate and participate to
Explain how the changed manage change-related risks and conflicts. Additional
positions/requirements will be stakeholders were identified and their interests noted for future
project discussions and decisions.

Summarise business analyst Business analyst performance management meetings analyse

meeting work against standards. The description highlighted accurate
Summarise what was requirements documentation and pleased stakeholders.
discussed at the business However, more exact criteria and forceful communication were
analyst performance
needed. Corrective actions include requirements analysis and
management meeting. In you
answer include: communication training. Attendees underlined the need of
professional growth and stakeholder collaboration to improve
A summary of the discussion
the business analyst's performance and the project.
Corrective actions required

Confirm recommendations Subject: Management Business Analyst Performance

Confirm the Evaluation
recommendations made
Dear Business Analyst,
during the performance
management evaluation using I'm confirming the performance management review's
an appropriate decisions. These tips will improve the business analyst skills
communication channel (e.g.
and our cooperative efforts.
updated project schedule,
email). We recommend adding training or resources to requirements
Attach proof. documents to improve clarity and accuracy.
One’s proactive communication approach will benefit from
better alerting stakeholders of project status, changes, and
Manage time to fulfil project deliverables on schedule.
These tips should improve the business analyst skills. Please
contact me if one has any questions.
Warm regards

Problem solving As a business analyst, I've learnt to tackle business analysis

Explain how you managed jobs methodically. I begin by identifying the issue and
problem solving for business explaining the conclusion. I then investigate, interview
analysis activities drawing on important players, and review current documentation to gather
your existing experience.
data. After that, I analyse the data and decide what to do and
how. I discuss options with relevant stakeholders and choose a
path. Finally, I create a plan and implement it, revising as
needed. Business analysis solutions need stakeholder
engagement, critical thinking, and effective communication.

Proof of confirmation of performance evaluation


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