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[22 Project management © Rate these jobs on a scale of : to 5, according to which ones you think are the most difficult and thankless (5), and which ones that you think are the most enjoyable and rewarding (:). Discuss your answers. estateagent teacher aittraffc controller nurse trader accountant Read section + of the web article on page 109. Why do you think these firms don’t have enough project managers? Read sections 2-4 and check yout answers. Read the rest of the article and match the following headings to the different sections. There is one extra heading. a) Project managers have to be tethered to the office b) Technical expertise above communication skills ©) The higher education system doesn't do the job 4) Project manager is avery difficult job @) Make the job of project manager easier f) Not enough good project managers? ) Project manager— sometimes a thankless job. © Find words and expressions in the article with these or a similar meaning. 4 underachievers (section 2) 2 praised by everybody (section 3) 3 complaining (section 3) 4 extremely satistying (section 3) 5 annoying interruption (section 4) 6 being contactable via e-mail/|ntemet (section 4) 7 practical section 5) 8 constraining (section 6) D cronmarrefreee cohesion page 199 the article refer to? @ What or who do the highlighted words 1 it (section 1) 6 that (section 5) 2 it (ection 2) 7 we (x2) (section 6) 3 it (x2) (section 2) 8 them (section 6) 4 they (section 3) 9 stuff (section 6) 5 this (section 4) 20 they (cection 6) @ Discuss these questions. a To what extent do you agree that the higher education system doesn't turn cut competent project managers? 2 How could projects be the most exciting work of companies? 3. Research claims that people only consistently perform at high levels when they are appreciated at least once every seven days. Do you agree? Why (not)? 108 fo fren rd Zweig Miche tnsiead a lamenting the lack of goed proect manages, lesen shoul focus on why that's he ‘iy theory is that ne firmis completly happy wth how it handles project menageren. Ther re kway poblens. Ad one of he sermon onplits head is, 'We dort have enocgh geod roect manacers While wil accept tat as fact ie areca, engineenng ad endvonmenta firms DONT have ‘enough geod projet manages — tmay be hebul to-expoe the quesion cl WHY thats the case Hew aremy thoughts 2 a oe ‘Theres no dovbi about beng 3PM isa tough fol AS 3PM, you may at responsi for ompleing a ob yeu didnt start. Alot of bad decsions elt have bees made that youl ave to ie wth, The fee allocated 0 doe work may befoo lw. Th cent could be peas to plese, et yur job's to please then You could bostucknitha team of ow prfrrers end net have the authority 0 get them, The ob you are assed tb manage may te one oft 40s that you are responsible or managing. Your computer system may net support mowng the workaround the fm to get completedby those best quified to do t. Ther justisr't encugh tino, money ae manpewa 0 do the od repay Tne faci, project manager probably tha mest lial nthe frst do wel for any number of reasons 3 Nat ony is beng 2PM tough jb, ba you get ‘ey ite appreciation fam yeur frm fordoing it Ife budgets ore tinal acceded, deiverabes late or ual lacking for any numberof easons, itso wonder Pvsare tL uns lauded ‘ur fim Te actthat many, nota ofthese things were navare not under the cnt of tre FAY gmat usualy rough up when top imanagerentis gripng about tor when other errpoyees who aren't poiect managers ate Tocking for semeore to blame about the ack of {hon The good neve for Pe that hoy cn a eas get same poste feedback fom the ‘lent Az the lea person handing he project {rem the archtecrl,enaneeng o eturonmertl fir they ate 960 nthe best pation to ee the firms sueceses rom the clert’s ont ot ww, That’ remendeusty rating 4 ‘while most everyone these days n any position of Fesporstiy 2 design or consulting fam has to 42 Project management | The voice of reason for architecture, engineering and environmental consulting firms _accept mote iron of work ime into personel time (especialy if we let personal time intrude on worktime occsonaly), oroject managers probably ace more of ths than anyene eke Chants ect an immediate resonseto every question, Team members need tobe informed of changes direction immealatay, Contactors with {uestiosin the fed need an immeiate fesparse, The need fx roid esponse equkes thatthe cellphone be turred on ande-mal be constant checked and this lee of comnectescan cee sesh your persona i Beer \Whal the systen dots ted to tur cut are experts {you can call anyone with a teennical degree an ‘expert. What mean by expat, someone vith speafic teehnial knowledge ina paricular enaineerhaidesian/cientfic cir. NOamount of technical knowledge, however, a replacement fer being able to communicate, beng able to work well wth others c Being able to ove complex problems ‘Thee ae the sks that ar essential to beng 3 good projet inayat, ond ther realy are not ‘emphasied inthe npical engineering, architectre ‘orstience education. The reasons fo thatare mary. Employes want people with crtain trang, accreditation boads dive higher instution curcua nceran drecters, and academics often lack real wort wor experienc. If we want to solve the problem of not enough {ood project managers in our Tems, we ae going to ave t9 do some thinas cifferent, That inclides makirg thejob as eas) as ve can for our Mi by ging them some permanently assigned staf resources, fixing accounting poles that sont encourage resaurce sharing, and bulding Intaligent wide-area networks, ‘Wengedio thank our effecuve PMs forthe amazing job they do, and we need t0 get those ‘who dont do se wel inte roles that hey can be successful at dang, We need to male sure we ‘dort have overly restrictive polies on work hours ‘or ebsences during the day if we expect on-call response {rom the Pts 247 AAné wo nood "9 make sue wecan tall people ‘what the PM role sand provide some good [udance ta those who want to succeed as project ‘manages, not allowing them to'go on with a fysiuncional dea that is less important than the technical stuff they do. Al of these tingswwil help?

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