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Personal Voice Assistant is a friendly and helpful digital companion that listens to
your voice and helps you with everyday tasks. It can see time, answer questions in
wikipedia, and even play song. This paper introduces the concept of a Simple
Personal Voice Assistant, explaining how it works and the common tasks it can
assist with.
The main idea behind this kind of assistant is to make technology easy and accessible
for everyone. You don't need to be a tech expert to use it; you just talk toit like you
would with a friend.
This paper provides a beginner's guide to Personal Voice Assistants, making it easy
for anyone to understand and start using them in their daily life.
This abstract gives a straightforward overview of a Simple Personal Voice Assistant,
focusing on its simplicity and user-friendly nature. You can customize itfurther based
on your specific context or project.


In today's increasingly digital world, technology has the potential to greatly enhance
the lives of individuals, but not everyone has the expertise or comfort level to utilize
it to its full potential. Many people, including seniors and those with limited
technology experience, often struggle with the complexity of modern devices and
To address this challenge, the Simple Personal Voice Assistance Project aims to
create a user-friendly and accessible solution that empowers individuals, regardlessof
their technological background, to harness the benefits of voice-activated technology.
By focusing on simplicity and ease of use, this project can also serve as a stepping
stone for individuals to become more technologically literate. As users become
comfortable with voice interactions, they may gradually explore and adopt other
digital tools and services, expanding their digital literacy.

Imagine having a friendly digital buddy that talks to you and helps with things like
setting reminders, answering questions, and making life easier. That's what our
project is all about: creating a Simple Personal Voice Assistant (SPVA) that anyone
can use, even if you're not a tech expert.
In today's world, technology can be confusing, and not everyone feels comfortable
with it. We believe that technology should be easy and accessible to everyone, so
we're designing a voice assistant that you can just talk to, like talking to a friend.
Our project is all about making life simpler, helping people be more independent,and
making technology less scary. In this project, we'll explore how this Simple Personal
Voice Assistant can be created and why it's important in our tech-filled world.
In this endeavor, we will explore the underlying technologies, user-centered design
principles, ethical considerations, and the potential impact of a Simple Personal Voice
Assistant on individuals' lives. Our aim is to provide a comprehensive understanding
of why such a project is not only relevant but also crucial in addressing the evolving
needs of diverse user groups in our technologically driven society.
Join us on this exploration of simplicity, inclusivity, and the democratization of
technology as we unveil the potential of the Simple Personal Voice Assistant to
change the way we interact with and benefit from the digital world.

Literature survey

Voice assistant has a long history with several waves of major innovations. Voice
assistant fordictation, search, and voice commands has become a standard
feature on smartphones and wearabledevices. The study stems from an
overlooking literature review in order to present generic knowledge (theory and
concepts) about voicecontrol, virtual assistants, fields of use and more. When
looking at a number of currently available intelligent programs with natural
language processing capabilities, many examples can be found in everyday life
filling a variety of roles. Thefirst speech recognition system, named Audrey, was
created by Bell Laboratories in 1952. Audrey was rather rudimental and limited
technology wise,understanding only ten digits - spoken by particularpeople
(Pieraccini, 2012). About 10 years later, IBM developed and demonstrated their
ShoeboxMachine. The device recognized and responded to 16 different spoken
words, including all ten digits “0” to “9” as well as calculating commands such as
accurately as possible with the assistance of algorithms designed to help the
program learn from its inputs.

Problem statement

To build the voice assistance system neural network.

Despite the various benefits provided by speech recognition, the system is also
plagued withlimitations. By implication the development of speech recognition
applications also inherits these limitations. The existing Voice Assistants use
pattern recognition techniques of python which lack in the context.
In our modern world, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives,
offering immense potential to improve convenience, productivity, and accessibility.
However, a significant portion of the population, including seniors and individuals
with limited tech experience, faces barriers in effectively utilizing these
technological advancements.
The problem at hand is the need to bridge this digital divide by creating a Simple
Personal Voice Assistance system that empowers users, regardless of their
technological expertise, to interact with and benefit from technology effortlessly

propoed Methodology

he proposed system of voice assistant will solve some issues of existing system
as well introduce new features for better quality and usage. So, let’s have a brief
of the new updated version of thevoice assistant.

Instead of pattern recognition technique which has been used in previous

models, we use Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to recognize the
text which is context based rather theusual pattern based. This Operates

in online as wellas offline mode. System a

mode, whereas web based operations run on onlinemode. Data is Storedin


itself, rather than cloud which reduces Time and Space Complexity. It even
reduces the economic cost dueto reducing high bundles of data usage.

1. Project Setup and Planning:

Define project objectives.
Form a diverse team.
Gather user requirements.
Establish ethical guidelines.
2. System Design:
Create user-friendly interface.
Design voice commands and responses.
Architect scalable system.

3. Development
Build the voice assistant


Voice Controlled Personal Assistant System will use the Natural language
processing and can be integrated with Machine learning techniques to achieve
smart assistant that can perform actionon various applications and willa make
human life comfortable. The system
will have the following phases: Data collection in the form of voice; Voiceanalysis
and conversion to text; Data storage and processing; generating speechfrom the
processed text
output. This application will also make lifeeasier for those whoare
disabled and every common user who is fascinated by voicerecognition.
raising awareness forsystems like this for students can give them better
understanding of topics like Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, Natural
Language Processing, Machine Learning and Human ComputerInteraction and
also how to improv
e user experience in application development. Theformulated solution is able
to process voice commands offline allowing users to cut down on the cost of
data bundles. This also helps to
make it faster in comparison to alternative applications likeApple’s Siri, Google
etc. Moreover, the solution is capable of carrying out a variety oftasks with ease
as telling the date and time, playing music/videos, googling information etc..
This paper can also act as a prototype for many advanced applications.

Resource Requirement
Hardware Requirements
Software Requirements:
Manjusha Jadhav1, Krushna Kalyankar2, Ganesh Narkhede3, Swapnil

Kharose4Guide – Prof. Priyadarshani Doke1

1,2Department of Computer Engineering, Alard College of Engineering and Management, Pune-57.
Abstract – In this modern era, day to day life become smarter & are already predicting that 50% of searches
interlinked with technology. We already know some voice
assistant like google, Siri etc. Now in our voice assistantsystem, will be via voice by 2020.virtual assistant are
it can act as your smart friend, daily schedule manager, to do turning out to be smarter than ever. Permit
writer, calculator & search tool. This project works on speech
input & give output through speech &text on screen.
your brainy subordinate to make email work
for you, notice determined, choice out
This assistant attaches with the world wide web to provide
result that the user required. Natural language processing
significant statistics, systematize procedure,
algorithm helps machines to engage in communication using and distribute modified reply.
natural human language in many forms.
Key Words: Personal Voice Assistants,
Speech Recognition, Artificial Intelligence. User needs to manually accomplish
numerous sets of applications to
1. INTRODUCTION comprehensive single task. We already
have multiple voice assistants but there is
Virtual assistant is software program that
problem voice reorganization. There is
helps you ease your day-to-day tasks, such as
need of a voice assistant that can
showing weather forecasting, listing
understand English in Indian accent &
reminders, creating to do list etc. They can
work on it.
take commands as voice or text. Voice based
intelligent assistant need an invoking words or Voice assistant should e able to model
wake words to active the listener, followed by complex tasks, it needs to be tasted for
commands. For my project the wake, up word finding optimize path when a task
is “MANAV”.
Our voice assistant is designed to be used
efficiently for all users. This personal
assistant software improves users’
productivity by managing day to day tasks &
providing information from online sources to
Voice searches have dominated over text
search. Web search can conduct via mobile
devices have only just overtaken those
carried out using a computer and the analysis
has multiple subtasks & each sub task can with voice and it furthermore respond to the
have its own sub tasks. voice charge of the client in this scheme open
data is assembly consideration for imaginative
1.2 MOTIVATION: administrative creation, mainly in the region
A voice assistant makes our life easier, ancient government, bio science and attached
saves out time &OneVoice assistant undertaking.
helps user with functions that are the Schlash s [5]. This paper presents a voice
backbone of our day. Someone who talks associate which apply exposed information
with you when your alone or feel lonely as its education is highlighted
someone who manager your daily by alteration of exactness as per the user
routines take care of your mental & reproaches and procurement of unregistered
physical health. Main motivation is the statistics by the user provision.
voice assistant helps adults & disables
people to perform their day-to-day tasks.

Voice assistant consume stood the hot topic

of AI in fresh studies. We collect a number
of papers in order to examine voice assistant
and then analyze data.
P. meliorate [1]. A computer mainly grounded
method for execution a command through a
voice user interface on a subdivision of
items. The item contains written contents
that’s converted to voice output.
A.M Weeretunga [2]. This project is mainly
focused to help visually disabled to access
social media and other internet- based
services, because understanding digital
content is an extremely important and hard
problem for this user group.
Prajyot Mane [3]. The system enables the user to
get fractures provided by different
applications on a single platform. The
application will world and provide profile
management automation. This system
performs statically without any human
Veton Kepuska [4]. The most familiar
application of phone is “SIRI” which reasons
the end user to inform end user adaptable

Based on past work and assessment, the Data Extraction: It is the procedure of mining
project is accomplished with understanding systematized statistics from the chaotic
of an intelligent assistant capable of taking machine-readable documents. In our proposed
user command and analyses it and respond the system, we have extracted the relevant data
user by using voice media. Python libraries that has been asked by user.
and speech reorganization APLs are used to Text-To-Speech Module: this component is
integrate the personal voice assistant python tremendously useful to persons who have
speech to text model is used. trouble in interpretation. Text- to-speech
3.1 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE engine can be implemented in a variety of
languages, dialects, and advanced
vasculatures by using third party libraries.

Fig: system Architecture

Speech Recognitions Modules: The system
uses speech reorganization module named
python-text-to- speech(pyttx3) module. It is
used to adapt user input to text. The pyttsx3
component of python has constructed in
speech- to-text and text-to-speech machine. It
makes system more interactive with the user.
API calls: An API is a package interface that
allows dual program to interconnect with one
another. In petite API is the connection that
directs the demand to the provider and then
returns the reply of that demand.
Python Backend: the python backend
receives the users query in the form of text
and determine if the query is an API call or
data extraction then result is sent back to
python backend, at any point of time, this
system is able to react with an appropriate

Python -we are using python 3.7 and 3.9

versions not working well with TensorFlow
module currently,3.7 is more stable version of
TensorFlow-This is an endwise open-
source stage for machine learning .it is
comprehensive, stretchy environment of
tools, lending library and public properties
that lets investigate drive the state of the art
level 01
in machine learning and developers’
informal figure and organize machine
learning motorized application.
4.1 data flow diagram:

Fig: DFD

Fig: DFD level 02


Voice assistant will remain to proposal additional distinct involvement as they get
improved at distinguishing amongst speech. however, it’s not just developers that need
to address the complexity of developing for voice as brand also need to understand the
capabilities of each device and integration and if it makes sense for their specific
brand. They will also need to focus on minting a user experience that is consistent
within the coming year as complexity becomes more concern. This is because the
graphic interface with voice subordinate is absent user basically cannot realize or
touch a voice assistant interface.
• A voice assistant makes your life easier.

• It can be an expert in any field.

• A voice assistant allows you to provide more coverage in all kinds of different technologies.

• You have a smart and intelligent friend always with you.

• Requires internet connection.

• Mediocre sound quality

• Accent and speech reorganization.

• Background noise interface

• Voice tech in healthcare

• Mobile app integration

• Disabled’s helping guide

• Adults helping hand.


Through this voice assistant we have automated various services using a single line
command it ease most of the tasks of the users like searching the web, retrieving
weather forecast details daily news and medical related queries.
We mainly aim to make this project a complete server assistant and make it smart
enough to act as a replacement for a general server administration. This system is
designed to minimize the human efforts and control the device with just human voice.
[1] P. Meliorate∗, S. School ¨ ∗, G. Chollet∗, J. Boudy, A. Esposito G. Pelosi “BUILDING THE NEXT
©2014 IEEE

[2] A.M. Weeratunga, S.A.U. Jayawardena, Hasindu P.M.A.K.,

W.P.M. Prashan and S, Thelijjagoda" Project Nethra - An Intelligent Assistant for
the Visually Disabled to Interact with Internet Services" 978-1-4799-1876-
8/15/531.00 2015 IEEE.
[3] Prajyot Mane, Shubham Senone". Nachiket Gaikwad and Prof. Jyoti Ramteke “Smart Personal Assistant using
Machine Learning"978-1-5386-1887-5/17/$31.00 2017 IEE.

[4] Veton Kepuska, Gamal Bohouta" Next-Generation of Virtual Personal Assistants (Microsoft Cortana, Apple Siri,
Amazon Alexa and Google Home)"978-1-5386- 4649-6/18/$31.00 €2018 IEEE

[5] Schlash S, Prajwal N Stivatsa, Sille S, Ullas A, Santosh Artificial Intelligence-based Voice Assistant"978-1- 7281-
6821-4/20/831.002020 IEEE Yash Mittal, Pradhi Toshniwal “A voice-controlled multifunctional Smart Home
Automation System”, 2015 India Conference (INDICON), IEEE.

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