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International Journal of Food Microbiology 46 (1999) 219–229

Characterization of lactic acid bacteria isolated from a Thai low-salt

fermented fish product and the role of garlic as substrate for

¨ *, Hans Henrik Huss, Lone Gram

Christine Paludan-Muller
Danish Institute for Fisheries Research, Department of Seafood Research, Technical University of Denmark, Building 221,
DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark

Received 22 July 1998; received in revised form 18 September 1998; accepted 24 November 1998


Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from raw materials (fish, rice, garlic and banana leaves) and processed som-fak (a Thai
low-salt fermented fish product) were characterized by API 50-CH and other phenotypic criteria. Lactococcus lactis subsp.
lactis and Leuconostoc citreum were specifically associated with fish fillet and minced fish, Lactobacillus paracasei subsp.
paracasei with boiled rice and Weisella confusa with garlic mix and banana leaves. In addition, Lactobacillus plantarum,
Lactobacillus pentosus and Pediococcus pentosaceus were isolated from raw materials. A succession of aciduric,
homofermentative lactobacillus species, dominated by Lb. plantarum /pentosus, was found during fermentation. In total, 9%
of the strains fermented starch and 19% fermented garlic, the two main carbohydrate components in som-fak. The ability to
ferment garlic was paralleled by a capacity to ferment inulin. An increased percentage of garlic fermenting strains was found
during fermentation of som-fak, from 8% at day 1 to 40% at day 5. No starch fermenting strains were isolated during
fermentation. Three mixed LAB cultures, composed of either starch fermenting Lc. lactis subsp. lactis and Lb. paracasei
subsp. paracasei, or garlic fermenting Lb. plantarum and Pd. pentosaceus, or a combination of these strains were inoculated
into laboratory prepared som-fak with or without garlic. In som-fak without garlic, pH was above 4.8 after three days,
irrespective of addition of mixed LAB cultures. The starch fermenting LAB were unable to ferment som-fak and sensory
spoilage occurred after three days. Fermentation with the combined mix of starch and garlic fermenting strains led to
production of 2.5% acid and a decrease in pH to 4.5 in two days. The fermentation was slightly slower with the garlic
fermenting strains alone. This is the first report describing the role of garlic as carbohydrate source for LAB in fermented
fish products.  1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Low-salt fermented fish products; Som-fak; Lactic acid bacteria; Garlic; Inulin; Starch

1. Introduction

*Corresponding author. Tel.: 1 45-4588-3322, Fax: 1 45- Traditional lightly salted fermented fish products
4588-4774, E-mail: are widespread in South-East Asia (Ishige, 1993;

0168-1605 / 99 / $ – see front matter  1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S0168-1605( 98 )00204-9
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C. Paludan-Muller et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 46 (1999) 219 – 229

Adams et al., 1985). They are typically composed of of inulin (Van Loo et al., 1995), which is a polymer
freshwater fish species, salt (2–7%), a carbohydrate of D-fructose linked by b(2-1) bonds with an a-(1-2)
source (boiled / roasted rice, millet, sugar or fruit) linked D-glucose at the terminal end of the molecule.
and spices (garlic, ginger, chilli, pepper). Som-fak is Microbial formation of fructose from inulin involves
a Thai product composed of minced fish fillet, salt a single enzymatic step requiring inulinase, whereas
(2–5%), ground boiled rice (2–12%) and minced the degradation of starch needs two enzymatic steps
garlic (4%). The mixture is tightly packed in banana to glucose and at least three steps to fructose
leaves or plastic bags and left to ferment for two to (Vandamme and Derycke, 1983). Our hypothesis is
five days at 308C (Saisithi et al., 1986). Som-fak can therefore, that garlic may be directly involved in the
be served raw or cooked either as a main course with fermentation process of som-fak by supplying the
vegetables or as a snack. A meat analogue is found LAB with fermentable carbohydrates.
in nham, a Thai fermented pork sausage (Steinkraus, The aim of this study was to characterize the LAB
1996). on raw materials and during fermentation of som-fak
In som-fak, rapid growth of lactic acid bacteria with the main purpose of identifying the species
(LAB) causing pH to decrease below 4.5 in two days essential for fermentation. The importance of garlic
is essential to prevent spoilage (Østergaard et al., and rice as substrates of fermentation was also
1998a) and to ensure safety of the product. Pediococ- investigated.
cus sp. and Lactobacillus sp. have been identified as
the dominating LAB genera in commercial samples
of som-fak and those prepared in the laboratory 2. Materials and methods
(Kimhamanon, 1994; Tanasupawat et al., 1993;
Saisithi et al., 1986). However, a detailed study of 2.1. Origin of bacterial isolates
the succession of LAB species in som-fak and their
fermenting properties has to our knowledge not been LAB were isolated from samples of raw materials
published. (fish fillet, minced fish, boiled rice, garlic mix and
The lightly salted fermented fish products always banana leaves) and from som-fak at days 0, 1, 2, 4
contain a carbohydrate source and in som-fak, rice- and 5. The samples were obtained on the day of
starch is assumed to be the substrate for fermentation production from a factory in Bangkok, Thailand. The
by LAB. However, increasing the percentage of rice processing of som-fak, sampling and microbiological
in som-fak from 5 to 20% caused only a slight extra analyses have been described by Østergaard et al.
decrease in pH (Saisithi et al., 1986). It has been (1998a). LAB were isolated and purified on MRS
suggested, that the main role of rice is to reduce the agar (CM361, Oxoid, Hampshire, England) and
high buffering capacity of the fish in order to obtain stored frozen at 2 808C in a freezing media with
a rapid decrease in pH (Owens and Mendoza, 1985). glycerol (Gibson and Khoury, 1986). For identifica-
Since fish contains very little carbohydrate ( , 0.5%) tion and fermentation experiments, isolates were
other ingredients may act as substrates for fermen- cultured at 258C in MRS-broth (1,10661, Merck,
tation. Garlic is added to som-fak and many other Darmstadt, Germany) for 24 h or on MRS agar for
fermented fish products as a flavouring agent, often two to three days in anaerobic jars containing 90%
in high levels (2–6%). Garlic is believed to affect N 2 and 10% CO 2 .
the microbial flora in two ways; (1) by acting as an
antimicrobial agent, in particular against Gram-nega- 2.2. Phenotypic characterization of lactic acid
tive bacteria, due to allicin (Feldberg et al., 1988; bacteria
Beuchat, 1994); (2) by stimulating the growth of
LAB (Nes and Skjelkvale, ˚ 1982; Zaika and Kiss- All isolates were initially tested for colony mor-
inger, 1984). In the Korean fermented fish product phology, Gram reaction by the KOH method (Gre-
gajami sikhae an increase of the garlic content from gersen, 1978), catalase reaction by the 3% H 2 O 2
2.5 to 5% resulted in a lower final pH of the product method, cytochrome oxidase by DrySlide Oxidase
(Souane et al., 1990). Garlic contains approximately strips (Difco Labs.), cell morphology using phase
30% of fructo-oligosaccharides, mainly in the form contrast microscopy, oxidative / fermentative utiliza-
C. Paludan-Muller et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 46 (1999) 219 – 229 221

tion of glucose (Hugh and Leifson, 1953), NH 3 complete linkage and average linkage (UPGMA).
production from arginine with glucose added in final The type strains of Lactobacillus plantarum (DSM
concentrations of 0.1% and 2% (w / v) (Leisner, 20174), Lactobacillus casei (DSM 20011), Lac-
1992), gas production from glucose, and final pH tobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei (DSM 5622),
after growth in modified MRS-broth (Shaw and Lactobacillus pentosus (DSM 20314), Lactobacillus
Harding, 1984). brevis (DSM 20054), Lactobacillus curvatus (DSM
LAB isolates were further characterized by their 20019), Leuconostoc citreum (5577), Leuconostoc
carbohydrate fermentation pattern using the API-50 mesenteroides subsp. mesenteroides (DSM 20343),
CH system (bioMerieux, France). The type strain of Pediococcus pentosaceus (DSM 20336) and Weisella
Lb. plantarum (DSM 20174) (Deutche Sammlung confusa (DSM 20196) were included as references.
von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen,
Braunschweig, Germany) was included for every
2.3. Fermentation of som-fak with and without the
identification of 25 isolates and 10 strains were
addition of garlic
identified twice as a control of test reproducibility.
Danish trout (Salmo trutta) was filleted and
2.2.1. Capacity of LAB strains to ferment starch,
minced. Three kg of fish mince was mixed with 0.12
garlic and inulin in model substrates
kg of salt (3%), 0.45 kg of boiled, minced rice
All isolates were tested for their capacity to
(12%) and 0.15 kg of peeled, minced garlic (4%). In
ferment the carbohydrate components in som-fak.
another portion, 3 kg of fish mince was mixed with
The fermentation substrate used was modified MRS-
0.11 kg of salt (3%) and 0.43 kg of boiled, minced
broth without glucose, with chlorophenol red as
rice (12%). Three different mixed LAB cultures
indicator and pH adjusted to 7. The carbohydrate
were prepared using strains isolated from raw materi-
sources were added individually in final concen-
als and processed som-fak. Each mix was composed
trations of 10% soluble potato starch (Sigma, St.
of five strains with a capacity to ferment either
Louis, MO, USA) or 1.3% inulin (from Chicory root,
garlic / inulin (mix G), starch (mix S) or both garlic /
Sigma) before sterilization of the substrate (1158C,
inulin and starch (mix G / S) (Table 1). The strains
10 min). Garlic was added after sterilization as a
were grown individually in MRS broth, mixed,
20% extract prepared as described by Kyung et al.
harvested (6500 g, 10 min, 258C), and diluted in
(1996), except that the garlic was homogenized with
sterile 0.9% NaCl (w / v) and 0.1% peptone saline
sterile distilled water using an ultra Turrax homogen-
(w / v). 0.5 ml of LAB mix was added per 50 g of
izer. Fifty ml of extract was added aseptically to 200
som-fak to an initial level of approximately 10 7
ml of media to give a final concentration of 4%
cfu / g. Uninoculated som-fak with and without garlic
garlic. The media were dispensed into 4-ml tubes
was included as controls. All samples were vacuum-
and inoculated with isolates grown on MRS-agar-
packed in 50-g bags (Riloten / X / 40 / 50 Conovac,
plates. The tubes were covered with paraffin oil and
Otto Nielsen Emballage, Lyngby, Denmark) and
incubated at 308C for up to five days.
stored at 308C. Samples in duplicates were with-
drawn daily (for six days) for chemical and mi-
2.2.2. Analysis of phenotypic data
crobiological analysis.
The NTSYS-pc version 2.1 (Exeter software, New
York, USA) was used to analyse data based on 40
tests: 32 of the API-tests (17 tests were either 2.3.1. Chemical analysis
positive or negative for all isolates tested, and thus The pH was measured with an autocal pH meter
not included in the numerical taxonomy analysis), (Radiometer, Copenhagen, Denmark) in 5 g of
cell morphology (rods / coccoid rods or coccoids), gas sample homogenised with 5 ml of deionized water.
production from glucose, final pH after growth in Using the same homogenate, the amount of total
modified MRS-broth (pH # 3.7; 3.7 , pH # 4; pH . titratable acid was determined by titrating against 0.1
4.0), fermentation of garlic and starch. Similarities M standard NaOH to a final pH of 8.0. The % (w / w)
were assessed using the simple matching coefficient acid in the sample was calculated by multiplying the
(Ssm ) and the similarity matrices were clustered using volume of alkali (ml) by the factor 0.09.
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Table 1
Strains isolated from raw materials and during fermentation of som-fak used in mixed LAB starter cultures for the fermentation of som-fak
with and without the addition of 4% garlic
Mixture of LAB Strain API-50 CH identification
strains designation Species ID (%)
Mix G 314 Pediococcus pentosaceus 99.9
(garlic)a 455 Lactobacillus plantarum 98.3
506 Lactobacillus plantarum 79.6
509 Lactobacillus plantarum 99.9
516 Lactobacillus plantarum 92.8

Mix S 302 Lactococcus lactis lactis 99.3

(starch)b 303 Lactococcus lactis lactis 99.9
344 Lactobacillus para. paracasei 97.2
383 Lactococcus lactis lactis 99.4
396 Lactococcus lactis lactis 99.9

Mix G / S 314 Pediococcus pentosaceus 99.9

(garlic and starch) 455 Lactobacillus plantarum 98.3
509 Lactobacillus plantarum 99.9
303 Lactococcus lactis lactis 99.9
383 Lactococcus lactis lactis 99.4
4% (w / w) minced garlic.
12% (w / w) minced rice.

2.3.2. Microbiological analysis was added to the substrate. Strains were pre-cultured
Ten g of sample was homogenised in 90 ml of individually in MRS-broth for 16 h and 500 ml of
0.9% (w / v) NaCl and 0.1% (w / v) peptone for 60 s in each mix (100 ml of each strain) was inoculated into
a stomacher 400 Lab Blender (A.J. Seward, Bury St. 10 ml of substrate corresponding to an initial level of
Edmunds, UK). LAB were determined by spread- approximately 5 ? 10 7 cfu / g. Optical density at
plating on MRS-agar and plates were incubated in OD 600 (Pharmacia LKB, Novaspec II) and pH was
anaerobic jars containing approximately 10% CO 2 measured daily for up to five days.
and 90% N 2 for three days at 258C. Aerobic counts
were determined by spread-plating on Tryptone Soy
Agar (TSA) (CM131, Oxoid, Hampshire, UK) and 3. Results
plates were incubated for three to four days at 258C.
Direct microscopy was carried out using the primary 3.1. Characterization of lactic acid bacteria
dilution from all samples.
Of 202 representative and dominant strains iso-
2.4. Comparison of the capacity of LAB mixed lated from MRS-agar, 193 (96%) were tentatively
cultures to ferment 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8% garlic in identified as LAB. Rods or coccoid rods were the
model substrates dominant LAB on raw materials accounting for 63–
100% of the isolated strains (Table 2). The LAB of
Garlic extract was prepared as described in Sec- vegetable origin were dominated by obligate or
tion 2.2.1 above and 25, 50, 75 and 100 ml was facultative heterofermentative and aciduric (end-
added aseptically to 225, 200, 175 and 150 ml pH # 4 in MRS-broth) Lactobacillus species, where-
modified MRS-broth without glucose, containing the as the LAB isolated from fish raw material were
same amount of MRS components, to give final dominated by Lc. lactis subsp. lactis strains with
concentrations of 2, 4, 6 and 8% garlic. Substrate end-pH . 4 in MRS-broth. An increase in aciduric,
without extract was included as control. No indicator homofermentative Lactobacillus spp. was found
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Table 2
Characterization of LAB isolated from raw materials used for production of Thai som-fak and from som-fak during fermentation
% Positive isolates
Raw materials Days of fermentation
Discriminative Boiled Banana Garlic Fish Fish Day 0 Day 1 Day 2 Day 4 Day 5
tests rice leaves mix fillet mince
Rods / coccoid rods 100 63 67 100 87 95 100 87 93 100
NH 3 from arginine 100 88 87 100 73 55 56 53 15 43
CO 2 from glucose 25 63 60 9 27 50 16 20 0 0
End-pH in MRS # 4.0 17 88 93 18 27 45 52 100 100 100
Starch fermentation 30 0 0 21 38 28 0 0 0 0
Garlic fermentation 0 38 33 0 7 20 8 21 21 40
No. of isolates tested 12 8 15 11 15 22 25 30 27 28

during fermentation (Table 2). Starch fermenting

strains were isolated from fish fillets (21%), fish
mince (38%) and boiled rice (30%) (Table 2). In
som-fak, starch fermenting strains were only isolated
at day 0 (28%), before the start of fermentation.
Garlic fermenting strains were isolated from garlic
mix (33%), banana leaves (38%), fish mince (7%)
and throughout fermentation of som-fak (8–40%)
(Table 2). The estimated level of garlic fermenting
strains increased from approximately 10 6 cfu / g to
10 7 cfu / g during the first day of fermentation and
reached 10 8 cfu / g at the end of fermentation. All
garlic fermenting strains, except one strain of Lb.
coprophilus and three strains of Lb. plantarum, also
fermented inulin. The relationship of 185 strains of
the 193 strains identified (nine strains were un-
clustered) is illustrated in a simplified dendogram
(Fig. 1).
Cluster A (83% S) consisted of 27 strains, iden-
tified as Lc. lactis lactis, isolated from fish fillet, fish
mince, day 0 and day 1 during fermentation (Table
3). Cluster B (87% S) consisted of seven strains,
identified as Lb. paracasei subsp. paracasei, isolated Fig. 1. Simplified dendrogram showing relationship among 185
from boiled rice. The cluster differed from the type LAB strains isolated from raw materials and during fermentation
strain of Lb. paracasei subsp. paracasei by the of som-fak. The horizontal scale represents similarities. For
capacity of strains to ferment glycerol, D-turanose description of clusters see Table 3.
and, for five of the strains, starch (Table 3). Starch
fermenting strains were only included in these two
clusters (Table 3). Cluster C (78% S) consisted of 42 subsp. delbrueckii, although the similarity level was
strains, all isolated during fermentation. The type very low (50%). Cluster D (89% S) consisted of 18
strains of Lb. casei and Lb. paracasei casei were in strains isolated from garlic mix, banana leaves, day 0
this cluster at a 85% and 84% similarity level, and day 1 during fermentation. These strains were
respectively. However, by API 50-CH the strains identified as ‘‘Lb. coprophilus’’ (Weisella confusa,
were identified as Lb. acidophilus or Lb. delbrueckii Collins et al., 1994) and 22% of the strains fer-
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Table 3
Origin and fermenting capacity of LAB strains, isolated from raw materials and during fermentation of som-fak, divided in clusters by
numerical analysis using UPGMA clustering
Cluster No. of Similarity API-50 CH Origin % Fermenting strains
isolates identification Garlic Starch
A 27 0.83 Lc. lactis lactis Fish fillet 0 44
Minced fish
Days 0 and 1
B 7 0.87 Lb. para. paracasei Boiled rice 0 71
C 42 0.78 Lb. casei Days 1, 2, 4 and 5 0 0
D 18 0.89 W. confusa Garlic mix 22 0
Banana leaves
Days 0 and 1
E 8 0.87 Leuc. citreum Minced fish 0 0
Days 0 and 2
F 8 0.75 Leuc. mesen. Days 1 and 2 0 0
G 7 0.81 Lb. curvatus Days 0, 1, 2 and 5 0 0
H 15 0.78 Lb. pentosus /Lb. plantarum Fish fillet 13 0
Garlic mix, (rice)
Days 0, 1, 2, 4 and 5
I 32 0.83 Lb. plantarum /Lb. brevis Days 0, 1, 2, 4 and 5 59 0
J 5 0.86 Pd. pentosaceus Minced fish 100 0
Garlic mix

mented garlic. Cluster E (87% S) consisted of eight 3.2. Fermentation of som-fak with and without the
strains, identified as Leuc. citreum, isolated from addition of garlic
minced fish, day 0 and day 2 during fermentation.
Cluster F (75% S) consisted of eight strains iden- Aerobic counts (not including LAB) reached 10 8
tified as Leuc. mesenteroides subsp. mesenteroides, cfu / g after one day in som-fak without garlic,
isolated at day 1 and day 2 during fermentation. whereas in som-fak with garlic, the counts were
Cluster G (81% S) consisted of seven strains iden- 5 ? 10 6 cfu / g (results not shown). After two days, the
tified as Lb. curvatus, all isolated during fermen- total counts were 2 ? 10 9 cfu / g in som-fak without
tation. Garlic fermenting strains were found in garlic and 8 ? 10 8 in som-fak with garlic. LAB counts
cluster H, I and J, which were similar at a 70% level increased from 10 3 cfu / g to 5 ? 10 8 in two days
(Fig. 1). Cluster H (78% S) consisted of 15 strains, irrespective of garlic addition.
identified as Lb. pentosus /plantarum, isolated from When the three mixtures of LAB strains were
fish fillet, garlic mix and during fermentation. Cluster added, the numbers increased from an initial level of
I (83% S) consisted of 32 strains, identified as Lb. 10 7 –5 ? 10 7 cfu / g to approximately 10 9 cfu / g in two
plantarum, all isolated during fermentation. The type days (results not shown). In som-fak without added
strain of Lb. plantarum was included in a subcluster LAB strains or with the addition of starch fermen-
containing 10 strains at a similarity level of 85% ters, the pH was above 4.8 after three days of storage
(results not shown). More than 80% of the strains not (Figs. 2 and 3). In contrast, the mixed cultures of
included in this subcluster differed from the type garlic or garlic and starch fermenting strains were
strain by their capacity to ferment garlic / inulin. able to ferment som-fak, but only when garlic was
Cluster J (86% S) consisted of five strains, identified added (Figs. 2 and 3). Garlic and starch fermenting
as Pd. pentosaceus, isolated from garlic mix and strains produced 1.6% acid after two days corre-
minced fish. sponding to a decrease in pH to 4.5 (Fig. 3). After
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Fig. 2. Changes in content of (a) total titratable acid (%) and (b) pH during fermentation of laboratory prepared som-fak without garlic.
Inoculation with mixtures of starch fermenting LAB (mix S), garlic fermenting LAB (mix G), or garlic and starch fermenting LAB (mix
G / S).

Fig. 3. Changes in content of (a) total titratable acid (%) and (b) pH during fermentation of laboratory prepared som-fak with 4% garlic.
Inoculation with mixtures of starch fermenting LAB (mix S), garlic fermenting LAB (mix G), or garlic and starch fermenting LAB (mix
G / S).
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six days, the amount of acid was 2.5% and pH was and starch fermenters had been added was described
about 4.3 (Fig. 3). With the garlic fermenting strains as sour after three days of fermentation.
alone, acid was produced at a slower rate, but the The mix of garlic fermenters and the mix of garlic
final amount of acid was higher (3%) and pH and starch fermenters were able to ferment 2, 4, 6
slightly lower (4%) (Fig. 3). and 8% garlic in model substrates (Fig. 4). Two
After two days of fermentation, the odour of all percent garlic was fermented within one day with a
samples of som-fak was described as cod roe. Som- decrease to a final pH of 4.5. Garlic fermenting
fak with garlic was characterized by a strong odour strains fermented 4, 6 and 8% garlic at a slower rate,
of garlic throughout the fermentation period. The but a lower final pH of 4.1 was reached after five
odour of som-fak without added LAB strains was days. Garlic and starch fermenting strains fermented
described as fishy, rotten and sour after three days. 4% garlic in two days, with a decrease in pH to 4.1,
With the addition of starch fermenting isolates whereas with 6 and 8% garlic a similar pH was
similar odours were developed after six days. Som- reached after five days (Fig. 4b). The decrease in pH
fak to which the mix of garlic fermenters or garlic corresponded to the growth of the mixed cultures
measured as optical density (results not shown). In
substrates with 2% garlic, the cell density of both
garlic and garlic combined with starch fermenting
strains reached an OD 600 of 1.4 in one day. When a
concentration 4% garlic was used, the cell density of
the garlic fermenting strains did not exceed an OD 600
of 0.6, whereas the garlic and starch fermenting
strains reached an OD 600 of 1.8 (results not shown).

4. Discussion

One-hundred and eighty-five LAB, isolated from

raw materials and during fermentation of som-fak,
were identified and clearly separated in clusters
according to their origin and species identification by
phenotypic characterization. At the start of fermen-
tation, Leuconostoc spp. Lb. brevis and Lc. lactis
subsp. lactis were dominant, followed by more acid
tolerant species of Lb. curvatus, Lb. casei, Lb.
pentosus and Lb. plantarum, the latter dominating
the LAB microflora towards the end of fermentation.
This sequence of LAB growth is similar to vegetable
fermentations (e.g., sauerkraut, brined cucumbers
and korean kimchi) (Lee, 1997). An initial growth of
LAB producing mixtures of lactic and acetic acid is
suggested to be important for a rapid decrease in pH
(Adams and Hall, 1988). Acetic acid is also found to
be more effective than lactic acid against spoilage
bacteria in fish silage (Nygaard and Mjelde, 1987).
An association of heterofermentative Lactobacillus
Fig. 4. Changes in pH during fermentation of modified MRS sp. (W. confusa) and Pd. pentosaceus from the raw
without glucose containing 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8% garlic by (a) a
mixture of garlic fermenting LAB (mix G) and (b) a mixture of materials of plant origin, garlic mix and banana
garlic and starch fermenting LAB (mix G / S) inoculated to an leaves, was found in this study in accordance with
initial level of approximately 5 ? 10 7 cfu / g. Daeschel et al. (1987). In contrast, the LAB mi-
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croflora associated with rice and fish fillet were starch fermenting strains compared to the garlic
dominated by homofermentative Lactobacillus sp. fermenters alone was found to correlate with a higher
(Lb. paracasei subsp. paracasei and Lb. pentosus) growth rate of the mixed culture in garlic substrate.
and on fish fillet in addition by Lc. lactis subsp. Some fermented fish products that do not contain
lactis. These strains were also less aciduric than the garlic are prepared using substrates prefermented
strains isolated from plant material. The fermenting with yeasts and moulds providing amylases for the
properties of strains were in general associated with degradation of rice starch, such as red burong isda
the main carbohydrate substrate of their origin. Thus, (Sakai et al., 1983), plaa-paeng-daeng and plaa-
starch fermenting strains originated from boiled rice chao (Phithakpol et al., 1995). Yeasts are found in
and garlic or inulin fermenting strains from garlic levels of 10 6 –10 8 cfu / g, whereas in som-fak, yeasts
and banana leaves. Fish fillet contained starch fer- are found in lower levels of 10 2 –10 5 cfu / g (Saisithi
menting strains and minced fish both garlic and et al., 1986). In another Thai product, a plaa-som
starch fermenting strains. Starch fermenting LAB variant of Southern Thailand, which is prepared from
have been isolated from fresh tropical fish (Nair, fish, salt, palm sugar and sometimes roasted rice,
unpublished results) and from fermented fish prod- yeasts were also found in high levels together with
ucts (Olympia et al., 1992). However, a starch LAB (Paludan-Muller ¨ and Madsen, unpublished
fermenting Lc. lactis subsp. lactis strain isolated results). A growth inhibitory effect of garlic has been
from the Thai product plaa-som was unable to found against different types of industrial and food
ferment laboratory prepared som-fak (Østergaard et spoilage yeasts (Conner and Beuchat, 1984) and
al., 1998b). Inulin fermenting Pd. pentosaceus and garlic is also found to inhibit food pathogens, such as
Pediococcus sp. have been isolated from fermented Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi, Es-
Thai foods, including fish products (Tanasupawat cherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes (Kumar
and Daengsubha, 1983). In our study the inulin and and Berwal, 1998). In this study, the aerobic counts
garlic fermenting strains were found among Lb. of bacteria (not including LAB) were lower during
plantarum, Lb. pentosus, Pd. pentosaceus (faculta- the first two days of fermentation in som-fak with
tive heterofermentative) and W. confusa (obligate garlic as compared to som-fak prepared without
heterofermentative). Lb. plantarum has recently been garlic. Thus, garlic may play a dual role in fermented
used as starter culture for the fermentation of blan- fish products by inhibiting Gram-negative bacteria
ched garlic with lactic acid as the major end-product and yeasts and providing LAB less sensitive to garlic
(de Castro et al., 1998). Otherwise the fermentation with a carbohydrate source for growth. The viability
of fructo-oligosaccharides by LAB has been found of the parasite Cysterticus cellulosae in nham, Thai
among Lb. paracasei subsp. paracasei, Lb. plan- fermented pork sausage, was found to be prolonged,
tarum, Lb. brevis and Pd. pentosaceus ( , 1% of the when 3% garlic was used as compared to lower
species) naturally occurring on grasses (Muller and levels of garlic (Keittivuti et al., 1986). The effect
Lier, 1994) and among oral streptococci (Hartemink was explained by a slower decrease in pH due to
et al., 1995). In som-fak we found a succession of inhibition of LAB by garlic, although the samples
garlic fermenting Lb. plantarum strains during fer- did also contain higher levels of salt, which may also
mentation, suggesting that garlic may be more delay the fermentation process. Garlic may be an
important than rice-starch as a carbohydrate source important selective factor for the sequences of LAB
for fermentation. The results indicate that an initial growth during fermentation of som-fak and since the
presence and growth of LAB with a capacity to capacity of LAB strains to ferment and tolerate garlic
ferment garlic is essential for a rapid decrease in pH. is variable, a succession of specific strains for use in
The addition of garlic or garlic and starch fermenting starter cultures could improve safety and prevent
LAB starter cultures to som-fak confirmed this, since sensory spoilage. The growth of individual LAB
a decrease in pH similar to factory som-fak was strains within the mixed cultures as well as the
obtained. Model substrate containing 4% garlic as selection of LAB strains during fermentation will be
the only carbohydrate source was fermented at a further studied and the type of organic acids pro-
similar rate as som-fak with garlic. The more rapid duced by LAB in fermented fish products containing
decrease in pH obtained by the mix of garlic and garlic and starch as carbohydrate sources will be
228 ¨
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