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First Term Notes for Class 2 S. St.

Lesson:1 About Myself Page-2,3,4

1. My name is ………..
2. My friends call me ………
3. I was born on …………..
4. I am ……. years old.
5. I am …….. tall.
6. I weigh …… kg.
7. My address is ……………
8. My telephone number is ……………….
9. I am in class ………….
10. My favorite subject is ………….
11. I enjoy playing …………..

Q: Look at the family tree on page 3 and try to name these people.
1. Mr.Raza Ali's father: Mr Habib Ali.
2. Anum's mother Zainab.
3. Yasir's uncle Anwar.
4. Yasir's grandmother :Mrs. Habib Ali
5. Ahmed's brother : Mehmood

Work page: 5 Ex A.B.C

Lesson:2 Mr. Raza Ali's Day Page 8

Answer these questions.

1. Where does Mr.Raza Ali work ?

Answer: Mr.Raza Ali works as a Manager in a bank.

2. At what time does he go to work at 7:00 am.

Answer: He goes to work at 7:00 a.m.

3. What time do you go to school?

Answer: I go to school at 7:00 a.m.

4. When do you wake up on Sunday?

Answer: I wake up at 8:00 a.m. on Sunday.

Work page: 9 EX(A.B.C.)

Lesson: 3 Your School Page:15

Answer these questions.

1. What is the name of your school?

Answer: The name of our school is St. Francis’ High School.

2. In which subject do you learn about numbers?

Answer: We learn about numbers in Mathematics.

3. Write the names of the languages you learn in school.

Answer: We learn Urdu and English in the school.

4. Why are sports good for us?

Answer: Sports help us relax and keep us healthy.

Work page: 16 Ex A.B.C.D

Lesson: 4 Weather Page :68

Answer these questions.

1. Have you ever seen a rainbow? What are the colors in a rainbow?

Find out.

Answer: Yes, I have seen a rainbow. The colors in a rainbow are; red,

orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

2. Have you heard thunder and seen lightning? What did you feel?

Answer: Yes, I have heard thunder and seen lightning. I felt frightened.

3. What season is it now?

Answer: It is summer now a days.

4. Does snow fall where you live?

Answer: No, Snow does not fall over here.

Work page: 69 Ex A,B,C

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