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International Journal of Food Microbiology 57 (2000) 33–42 / locate / ijfoodmicro

Competitiveness and bacteriocin production of Enterococci in the

production of Spanish-style dry fermented sausages
a b a,
Raf Callewaert , Martha Hugas , Luc De Vuyst *
Research Group of Industrial Microbiology, Fermentation Technology and Downstream Processing,
Department of Applied Biological Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentaries, Centre de Tecnologia de la Carn, Granja Camps i Armet s /n, 17121 Monells,

Received 29 April 1999; received in revised form 25 August 1999; accepted 15 January 2000


Two different Enterococcus strains of nonmeat origin, namely Enterococcus faecium CCM 4231 and E. faecium RZS
C13, were used as starter cultures in sausage fermentation. Both strains produce a bacteriocin inactive against other lactic
acid bacteria but active against Listeria spp. The competitiveness and anti-Listeria activity of both strains was monitored
during sausage fermentation at both laboratory and pilot scale. The Enterococcus strains were partially competitive during
meat fermentation and strongly inhibited the growth of Listeria spp. The competitiveness of Lactobacillus amylovorus DCE
471, also of a nonmeat origin, was tested too. This strain is characterised as a strong acidifier and produces a bacteriocin
active against other Lactobacilli. However, this strain was not competitive in the meat environment. Since no production of
off-flavours was detected, the Enterococci may be suitable for addition to meat as cocultures to improve food safety.
 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Bacteriocin; Enterocin; Enterococcus faecium; Lactic acid bacteria; Meat fermentation; Starter culture

1. Introduction Lactobacillus, Carnobacterium, Pediococcus and

Leuconostoc bacteriocins as natural food additives or
Bacteriocins produced by lactic acid bacteria are of the bacteriocin-producing strains as starter cul-
antimicrobial peptides or proteins, which can be used tures or protective cocultures for in situ bacteriocin
as natural food preservatives to enhance the shelf life production are well known (Kim, 1993; Holzapfel et
and safety of food products (De Vuyst and Van- al., 1995; Stiles, 1996). For instance, it was shown
damme, 1994). Examples of the use of Lactococcus, that a Lactobacillus plantarum strain producing the
plantaricins S and T may control the natural lactic
*Corresponding author. Tel.: 1 32-2-629-3245; fax: 1 32-2- acid bacterial microflora in Spanish-style green olive
629-2720. fermentation (Ruiz-Barba et al., 1994). A paired
E-mail address: (L.D. Vuyst) starter culture system consisting of nisin-resistant

0168-1605 / 00 / $ – see front matter  2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S0168-1605( 00 )00228-2
34 R. Callewaert et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 57 (2000) 33 – 42

Leuconostoc mesenteroides and nisin-producing Lac- Cheddar cheese starter was found suitable to use as a
tococcus lactis strains may control the cabbage meat starter culture (Coffey et al., 1998).
fermentation to produce sauerkraut by retarding In this paper, the competitiveness of two bac-
proliferation of naturally present competitors (Breidt teriocinogenic Enterococcus faecium strains and one
et al., 1995). Bacteriocin-producing cultures of Lac- bacteriocinogenic Lactobacillus amylovorus strain
tobacillus curvatus (Vogel et al., 1993b), Lactobacil- from different nonmeat origin is compared in
lus sakei (Vogel et al., 1993a; Hugas et al., 1995) Spanish-style dry sausage fermentation. The bac-
and Lb. plantarum (Campanini et al., 1993) may teriocin production by the Enterococcus strains was
control the meat microflora and inhibit food-borne monitored against Listeria spp. during sausage fer-
pathogens during the production of fermented meat mentation at both laboratory and pilot scale.
products. The application of bacteriocins produced
by Enterococci and of bacteriocin-producing En-
terococcus starters or protective cultures is well 2. Materials and methods
documented in cheese manufacture (Sulzer and
´ et al., 1994;
Busse, 1991; Villani et al., 1993; Farıas 2.1. Bacterial strains and media
Giraffa et al., 1994, 1995a,b; Torri Tarelli et al.,
1994; Joosten and Nunez, ˜ 1996; Maisnier-Patin et The bacteriocin-producing (Bac 1 ) strains E.
al., 1996). One of the most interesting properties of faecium RZS C13 (isolated from cheese; Vlaemynck
many enterococcal bacteriocins is their very specific et al., 1994), E. faecium CCM 4231 (isolated from
and strong inhibitory activity against Listeria calf rumen; Laukova´ et al., 1993) and Lb.
(Parente and Hill, 1992; Arihara et al., 1993; Villani amylovorus DCE 471 (isolated from corn steep
et al., 1993; Vlaemynck et al., 1994; Giraffa, 1995; liquor; De Vuyst et al., 1996) were tested for their
Maisnier-Patin et al., 1996). The control of Listeria competitiveness in Spanish-style dry sausage fermen-
spp. is a major concern in food safety since this tation. Lb. curvatus CTC 371 (Bac 2) and Lb. sakei
pathogen can be present in many food products CTC 494 (Bac 1 ) were used as negative and positive
(Muriana, 1996). Listeria is able to grow or maintain control for bacteriocin production, respectively. The
itself in meat products (Farber and Losos, 1988; bacteriocin production by E. faecium RZS C13, E.
Johnson et al., 1988; Trussel, 1989), including faecium CCM 4231 and Lb. sakei CTC 494 was
fermented meat products (Berry et al., 1990; Luch- monitored by the use of sensitive, nonpathogenic
ansky et al., 1992; Campanini et al., 1993). variants of Listeria, namely Listeria innocua CTC
In a food environment Enterococcus spp. are 1012, List. innocua CTC 1014 and Listeria ivanovii
mostly associated with dairy products and occasion- LTH 3097, respectively.
ally with meat. However, bacteriocin-producing En- All strains were stored at 2 808C in the appro-
terococcus strains with strong anti-Listeria activity priate cultivation broth containing 50% (v / v) gly-
have been isolated from numerous, diverse nondairy cerol (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany). Lactic acid
environments including silage (Kato et al., 1994), bacteria were cultivated in de Man–Rogosa–Sharpe
fermented olives (Franz et al., 1996), and fermented (MRS) broth (Difco, MI, USA) and Listeria spp.
sausages (Lyon et al., 1995; Aymerich et al., 1996). were cultivated in tryptic soy broth (TSB) (Difco)
The potential use of enterococcal strains, from a supplemented with 0.6% yeast extract (Difco). Pal-
nonmeat origin (e.g. dairy), in a meat environment cam selective medium (Merck) was used to enumer-
has not been studied until now. In contrast, fermen- ate the Listeria density of the samples. Solid media
tation and preservation of meat with bacteriocin- and overlay agars were prepared by adding 1.5%
producing Pediococcus (Berry et al., 1990; Sabel et (w / v) or 0.7% (w / v) agar (Difco), respectively, to
al., 1991; Foegeding et al., 1992; Luchansky et al., the appropriate broth.
1992) and Lactobacillus (Schillinger et al., 1991;
Campanini et al., 1993; Winkowski et al., 1993; 2.2. Inoculum preparation
Vogel et al., 1993a,b; Hugas et al., 1995) has already
been described (Stiles and Hastings, 1991; McMul- To prepare the inoculum, lactic acid bacteria and
len and Stiles, 1996; Muriana, 1996). Recently, a Listeria spp. were cultivated twice overnight at 308C
bacteriocin-producing transconjugant Lc. lactis in MRS or TSB broth, respectively, starting from a
R. Callewaert et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 57 (2000) 33 – 42 35

culture stored at 2 808C. Subsequently, 10 ml of an were made in a pilot plant (Institut de Recerca i
overnight culture were centrifuged (12 000 g, 10 `
Tecnologia Agroalimentaries, Monells, Spain). In
min). Each of the pelleted cultures was resuspended these experiments E. faecium CCM 4231, E. faecium
in 1 ml of fresh cultivation broth, supplemented with RZS C13 or Lb. sakei CTC 494 were used as starter
1 ml of glycerol and stored until required at 2 408C. culture. List. innocua CTC 1014 was used as in-
Lactic acid bacteria and Listeria populations were dicator strain. The meat batter mentioned above was
enumerated on MRS or TSB agar plates, respective- prepared in a vacuum mixer. Approximately 500 g of
ly, and expressed as colony forming units (CFU) per the mixture was stuffed into 7 cm diameter collagen
ml. Approximately 10 6 CFU of the starter culture casings and the whole was finally dipped into a
and 10 4 CFU of the Listeria indicator culture per solution of Penicillium nalgiovense. All trials were
gram of meat batter were used as inocula in the meat done in triplicate. The fermentation was performed at
fermentation experiments. Either one Listeria in- a temperature of 22 to 248C, and at a relative
dicator strain or a mixed culture of three Listeria humidity of 90 to 95%. When the pH had dropped to
indicator strains in a proportion of 1:1:1 were used a value of 5.2 to 5.0 (see Sausage sampling and
(see below). analysis), the sausages were dried at a temperature of
158C and at a relative humidity of 70 to 80% during
2.3. Sausage manufacturing 4 weeks.

The meat batter used for the preparations of 2.4. Sausage sampling and analysis
Spanish-style dry fermented sausages contained the
following ingredients (g / kg): lean pork (800), back Model and real sausages were sampled at regular
fat pork (200), sodium chloride (25.0), sodium nitrite time intervals. To follow the fermentation profile, the
(0.1), potassium nitrate (0.3), sodium ascorbate pH was measured by inserting a pH electrode
(0.5), sodium pyrophosphate pH 5.0 (1.5), dextrose (Ingold A4-S7-35; Crison, Switzerland) into the
(7.0), lactose (10.0), skimmed milk powder (10.0), meat. Bacteria counts were determined as follows.
sodium caseinate (10.0), Ponceau 4R (0.02) SKW Ten grams of meat were taken aseptically from the
Biosystems, Rubı, ´ Barcelona, Spain, black pepper centre of the model or real sausages and diluted with
(3.0) and water (50). The meat was tempered at 2 1 90 ml of sterile saline solution (0.85% sodium
to 08C. chloride; Merck) enriched with bacteriological pep-
In a first series of experiments, sausage fermen- tone (1 g / l; Difco). The sample was homogenised
tation was followed in a model sausage system for 1 min in a Stomacher Labblender (model 400;
(Hugas et al., 1995). Five experiments were set up to Cooke Laboratory Products, Alexandria, VA, USA).
test the five different starter cultures mentioned The total lactic acid bacteria counts were determined
above. Each experiment was done in triplicate. on MRS agar. Serial tenfold dilutions were plated.
Therefore, the meat batter was prepared by mixing The plates were incubated anaerobically at 308C for
the different ingredients manually. Subsequently, a 48 h. Strain domination of the starter culture was
mixture of indicator strains (List. innocua CTC 1012, verified by testing at least four randomly chosen
List. innocua CTC 1014 and List. ivanovii LTH colonies according to a progressive colony sampling
3097) was added, followed by the starter culture (E. plan based on the accumulated binomial distribution
faecium CCM 4231, E. faecium RZS C13, Lb. sakei (Garriga et al., 1996). The authenticity of bacterial
CTC 494 or Lb. curvatus CTC 371). For the trials colonies was identified by plasmid profile analysis
with Lb. amylovorus DCE 471 as starter culture, no according to the method of Anderson and McKay
Listeria indicator culture was added. Petri dishes (1983). Their ability to produce bacteriocins and
were used as casings. Each casing was filled with inhibit a sensitive indicator strain was tested by
approximately 100 g of meat batter. The plates were direct antagonism (Barefoot and Klaenhammer,
incubated at 228C. After 3 days, when the pH had 1983). Bacteriocin production in the meat was
dropped to a value of 5.2 to 5.0 (see Sausage monitored by the reduction of the cell count (CFU)
sampling and analysis), the plates were stored at of sensitive Listeria indicator strains. Listeria spp.
158C to slow down the fermentation. were enumerated on selective Palcam agar (Merck).
In a second series of experiments, real sausages Plates were incubated aerobically at 308C for 48 h.
36 R. Callewaert et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 57 (2000) 33 – 42

Bacteria counts and pH values of three parallel

experiments were averaged and standard deviations
were calculated.

2.5. Sensory evaluation

The sausages manufactured with the Enterococcus

strains as starter cultures and not inoculated with
Listeria were evaluated by a panel of ten members.
The results were compared with uninoculated natu-
rally fermented sausages. Slices of dry fermented
sausages (3 mm thick) were checked for appearance,
texture and flavour after rinsing the mouth with
water. The following parameters were evaluated:
redness, hardness, colour, sweetness, saltiness, acid
taste, bitterness, sodium glutamate flavour, musti-
ness, cohesiveness, fat melting, uniformity of colour,
and crustiness. Results of the appreciation were
scaled from 0 (low intensity or absence) to 10 (high
intensity). The data were statistically treated using
the general linear model programme from the statisti-
cal package SAS (SAS, 1985).

3. Results

The competitiveness of the bacteriocin-producing

strains Lb. amylovorus DCE 471, E. faecium CCM
4231 and E. faecium RZS C13 was tested in
Spanish-style dry sausage fermentation. Both En-
terococcus strains produced a strong anti-Listeria
bacteriocin while the Lactobacillus strain produced a
bacteriocin only active against Lactobacillus spp.
and not against Listeria spp.

3.1. Competitiveness of E. faecium during sausage

Fig. 1. Model sausage fermentation: (a) pH profile, (b) total lactic
The sausage fermentation process was first simu- acid bacteria count on MRS agar and (c) Listeria count on Palcam
lated in a model sausage system. Five different agar of the experimental sausage trial inoculated with Lactobacil-
strains were separately used as starter culture: Lb. lus curvatus CTC 371 (j), Lactobacillus sakei CTC 494 (♦),
amylovorus DCE 471, E. faecium CCM 4231 and E. Lactobacillus amylovorus DCE 471 (s), Enterococcus faecium
RZS C13 (h) and Enterococcus faecium CCM 4231 (쏻) as starter
faecium RZS C13 were tested as new starter cultures culture. The values are the average of three experiments. The error
and compared to Lb. sakei CTC 494 and Lb. bars represent the standard deviations.
curvatus CTC 371, two strains able to dominate the
sausage fermentation process (Hugas et al., 1995).
The pH of the dry fermented sausages was monitored Each of the strains acidified the model sausage to the
to follow the fermentation profiles. Acidification same extent. The lactic acid bacteria growth profiles
took place mainly during the first 3 days (Fig. 1a). were similar for the different experiments (Fig. 1b).
R. Callewaert et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 57 (2000) 33 – 42 37

The meat, which was naturally contaminated with the colonies isolated, showed the presence of a
approximately 1.0 ? 10 4 CFU / g of lactic acid bac- heterogeneous lactic acid bacterium population. It
teria, was inoculated with approximately 1.0 ? 10 6 turned out that the indigenous microflora had over-
CFU / g of starter bacteria. After 3 days of fermen- grown the Lb. amylovorus starter culture.
tation the total lactic acid bacteria count averaged For the real sausage fermentation, where Lb. sakei
3.0 ? 10 8 CFU / g. Only the fermentation with Lb. CTC 494, E. faecium CCM 4231 and E. faecium
sakei CTC 494 as starter culture reached a higher RZS C13 were used as starter cultures, identical
cell count of 1.5 ? 10 9 CFU / g. Plasmid profiles of results as for the model sausage fermentation were
bacterial colonies isolated from the Lb. sakei CTC obtained. Fermentation of real sausage occurred at
494 and the Lb. curvatus CTC 371 fermentation similar acidification rates (Fig. 3a). The total lactic
experiments confirmed the competitiveness of these acid bacteria counts were similar for both Enterococ-
strains in a meat environment: identical profiles were cus trials. The total lactic acid bacteria count for the
found for at least four randomly chosen colonies. In Lb. sakei CTC 494 trial was more than 1 log CFU / g
contrast, in the three other experiments a variation of higher as compared to the Enterococcus trials (Fig.
plasmid profiles was observed. After 3 and 7 days, 3b). Whereas Lb. sakei CTC 494 was dominating the
approximately 50% of the colonies isolated from the fermentation, both Enterococcus strains were again
two Enterococcus starter culture experiments dis- only partially competitive in the meat environment.
played bacteriocin activity and possessed the same
colony morphology and plasmid profile as compared 3.2. Competitiveness of E. faecium during the
to the initial starter culture. This indicates that these sausage drying and maturation process
Enterococcus starters were only partially competi-
tive. Plasmid profiles of bacteriocin-producing During the sausage fermentation E. faecium
strains isolated from the Enterococcus trials are strains were able to maintain 50% of the total lactic
shown in Fig. 2. After 3 days, Lb. amylovorus DCE acid bacteria population (see above). Upon further
471 could not be recovered from the meat at all. No ripening, the Enterococcus starters gradually dis-
amylovorin L471-producing colonies could be iso- appeared from the microflora. After 21 days, no
lated. Colony morphology and plasmid profiles of colony could be isolated and identified as being the

Fig. 2. Plasmid profiles of Lactobacillus sakei CTC 494 (lane 6), Enterococcus faecium RZS C13 (lane 11) and Enterococcus faecium
CCM 4231 (lane 16). Lanes 1 to 5: plasmid profiles of colonies isolated from a noninoculated sausage trial. Lanes 7 to 10, lanes 12 to 15
and lanes 17 to 20: plasmid profiles of colonies isolated from the sausage trials inoculated with the Lb. sakei CTC 494 starter, E. faecium
RZS C13 and E. faecium CCM 4231, respectively.
38 R. Callewaert et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 57 (2000) 33 – 42

tures may be very effective at early stages of meat

fermentation guaranteeing the production of micro-
biologically safe end products.

3.3. Bacteriocin production and inhibition of


Bacteriocin production by the starter cultures E.

faecium RZS C13, E. faecium CCM 4231 and Lb.
sakei CTC 494 in the model sausage was monitored
by the reduction of the Listeria count of samples
plated on Palcam agar. The results were compared to
Listeria growth inhibition by the nonbac-
teriocinogenic Lb. curvatus CTC 371 strain. Due to
the drop in pH, the bacteriocin-negative control was
able to decrease the Listeria count by 0.86 log
CFU / g (Fig. 1c). The sakacin K-producing Lb. sakei
CTC 494 strain decreased the Listeria count by 1.65
log CFU / g. Both Enterococcus strains inhibited
Listeria growth to a greater extent than this positive
control. The Listeria count decreased by 2.42 log
CFU / g and 1.87 log CFU / g for the E. faecium RZS
C13 and the E. faecium CCM 4231 strains, respec-
tively (Fig. 1c). Similar results were obtained during
real sausage fermentation (Fig. 3c). The Enterococ-
cus strains were able to reduce the Listeria count by
2.00 log CFU / g after 3 days, compared to a decrease
of 1.26 log CFU / g for the Lb. sakei CTC 494 strain.
The Listeria count remained low during the follow-
ing maturation process and was nearly two-times
lower in the Enterococcus starter culture trials as
compared to the trials with the Lb. sakei CTC 494
strain. A total decrease of 3.28 and 3.25 log CFU / g
was obtained after 28 days for the E. faecium RZS
C13 and the E. faecium CCM 4231 strains, respec-

3.4. Organoleptic analysis

Fig. 3. Real sausage fermentation: (a) pH profile, (b) total lactic
acid bacteria count on MRS agar and (c) Listeria count on Palcam
agar of the experimental sausage trial inoculated with Lactobacil- Sausages for organoleptic analysis were made as
lus sakei CTC 494 (♦), Enterococcus faecium RZS C13 (h) and described above but omitting the Listeria indicator.
Enterococcus faecium CCM 4231 (쏻) as starter culture. The These sausages were presented to a taste panel.
values are the average of three experiments. The error bars Sausage fermentation with E. faecium RZS C13 or
represent the standard deviations.
E. faecium CCM 4231 as starter culture were
compared to sausage fermentations performed with-
original bacteriocin-producing Enterococcus starter out these starter cultures. Both sausage types gave
culture. However, total lactic acid bacteria counts similar results (Table 1). Fermentations with the
remained constant (Fig. 3b). This indicates that enterococcal starters resulted in a sweeter and less
bacteriocin-producing enterococcal meat starter cul- acidic taste compared to a noninoculated sausage.
R. Callewaert et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 57 (2000) 33 – 42 39

Table 1 C13. Both enterococcal strains produce a strong

Sensorial analysis (least-squares means for different characteris- anti-Listeria bacteriocin designated as enterocin
tics) and comparison of sausages manufactured with or without
Enterococcus faecium strains as starter cultures a 4231 (Laukova´ et al., 1993) and enterocin 13
(Vlaemynck et al., 1994), respectively. Lb.
Attribute Lots
amylovorus DCE 471 is a strong acid producer and
E. faecium E. faecium Without produces the bacteriocin amylovorin L471, which is
RZS C13 CCM 4231 inoculation characterised by a narrow spectrum inhibiting only
Colour 5.91 5.50 5.65 some Lactobacilli (De Vuyst et al., 1996). This strain
Uniform colour 6.00 5.56 5.75 was not able to lead the sausage fermentation since it
Crustiness 4.20 3.94 3.90
was immediately overgrown by the indigenous mi-
Sweetness 1.40 b 1.22 b 0.75 c
Saltiness 3.28 3.39 3.45 croflora. Sausage fermentation occurred at 228C to
Acid taste 2.90 c 3.42 c 4.53 b 248C, which does not favour growth of this Lac-
Bitterness 1.10 1.33 1.25 tobacillus strain since it grows optimally at higher
Glutamate 1.75 1.67 1.80 temperatures up to 458C (De Vuyst et al., 1996). The
Mustiness 4.55 b 5.17 b 2.00 c
E. faecium strains are less strong acidifiers but are
Hardness 6.15 6.44 6.15
Cohesiveness 6.15 c 6.33 c 4.05 b able to grow at lower temperatures. In this study,
Fat melting 2.00 1.22 1.80 both were shown to be partially competitive and able
The appreciation was scaled from 0, low intensity or absence, to maintain themselves among the meat microflora
to 10, high intensity. during fermentation. However, upon further matura-
and c , means within the same row with different superscript tion they disappeared from the food matrix. This
differ (P , 0.05). indicates their potential usefulness as coculture to
control the early stages of meat fermentation.
These properties were highly appreciated by the Compared to the bacteriocinogenic Lb. sakei CTC
consumer. The only less appreciated property was a 494 strain that was used as a positive control,
musty flavour. Listeria inhibition was much stronger when E.
faecium CCM 4231 or E. faecium RZS C13 were
used as starter culture. The bacteriocins from both
Enterococcus strains are indeed strongly active
4. Discussion against Listeria and do not influence growth of either
starter or nonstarter lactic acid bacteria, a typical
In contrast with fermentation of sterile milk, meat feature of many bacteriocins from Enterococcus spp.
fermentations do not start from a sterile raw material. (Parente and Hill, 1992; Villani et al., 1993; Giraffa,
Production of dry fermented sausage starts from 1995). The Enterococci investigated here demon-
nonprocessed raw meat. Food spoilage microorga- strate very promising characteristics with regard to
nisms or pathogens such as Listeria can easily their application, combined with other lactic starter
contaminate the meat. Fast growth of highly com- cultures, to improve food safety, in particular con-
petitive starter cultures and acidification of the meat cerning Listeria. A bacteriocin-producing E. faecium
are essential to the prevention of spoilage and strain was also proposed as an adjunct culture in the
pathogenic bacterial growth. The use of strains that production of cheese to prevent Listeria growth in
produce antimicrobial proteins or bacteriocins could milk (Giraffa et al., 1995a,b). The enhanced Listeria
be a major advantage in this competition. It has inhibition by the Enterococcus strains used in this
indeed been shown that dominance of Lb. curvatus work seems to be particularly interesting in meat
LTH 1174 (Vogel et al., 1993b) and Lb. sakei CTC fermentations. The suppression of Listeria during
494 (Hugas et al., 1995) in dry sausage fermentation sausage maturation suggests the continued presence
was attributed to bacteriocin production. and activity of enterocin throughout the production
In this paper, three strains of nonmeat origin were process. As a consequence, the growth of further
tested for their competitiveness in Spanish-style dry contaminants may also be prevented using enterocin-
fermented sausage production: Lb. amylovorus DCE producing cocultures. Similar characteristics were
471, E. faecium CCM 4231 and E. faecium RZS described for a pediocin-producing Pediococcus
40 R. Callewaert et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 57 (2000) 33 – 42

acidilactici strain in turkey sausages (Luchansky et addition to starter cultures applied to dry fermented
al., 1992). sausages.
The in situ action of many bacteriocins in a meat
environment is unsatisfactory. This may be ascribed
to limited bioavailable concentrations due to a poor Acknowledgements
solubility (as a result of an unfavourable pH), limited
diffusion and localised accumulation (as a result of Part of this research was financially supported by
binding to food particles and surfaces). Additional the Research Council of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel
factors responsible for low in situ bacteriocin activity (VUB), the Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Ag-
include decreased rates of bacteriocin production `
roalimentaries (IRTA), and the Biotechnology and
and / or environmental factors including the presence FAIR Programs of the European Commission (grants
of inhibitors, proteases and hydrophobic interactions BIO2-CT943055, ERB-CIPACT-940160 and FAIR-
with fats and proteins (Hurst, 1981; Jung et al., 1992; CT97-3227). R. Callewaert received a travel grant of
Daeschel, 1993). For instance, the low carbohydrate the Fund for Scientific Research—Flanders (FWO—
content and low ripening temperature of fermented Flanders). The authors thank Dr. ir. Geertrui Vla-
meat products may be responsible for a low bac- emynck and Dr. Andrea Laukova´ for providing the
teriocinogenic in situ activity (Vogel et al., 1993b; Enterococcus strains used in this study. The authors
Hugas et al., 1995). Furthermore, Listeria inhibition also gratefully acknowledge the technical assistance
in dry fermented sausages by bacteriocinogenic lactic of Mr. Luis Guerrero in the sensory evaluation.
starter cultures is strongly dependent on the meat
formulation used (Hugas et al., 1996) and the starter
culture population density applied (Buncic et al., References
1997). The occurrence of resistance of Listeria
towards bacteriocins is a concern for the use of these Anderson, D.G., McKay, L.L., 1983. Simple and rapid method for
anti-Listeria proteins (Harris et al., 1991; Davies and isolating large plasmid DNA from lactic streptococci. Appl.
Environ. Microbiol. 46, 549–552.
Adams, 1994; Rekhif et al., 1994). The application
Arihara, K., Cassens, R.G., Luchansky, J.B., 1993. Characteriza-
of a bacteriocin mixture may avoid development of tion of bacteriocins from Enterococcus faecium with activity
resistant Listeria (Hanlin et al., 1993; Davies and against Listeria monocytogenes. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 19,
Adams, 1994; Rekhif et al., 1994). There is hence a 123–134.
requirement for additional or better-adapted meat ˚
Aymerich, T., Holo, H., Havarstein, L.S., Hugas, M., Garriga, M.,
Nes, I.F., 1996. Biochemical and genetic characterisation of
starter cultures or protective cultures to improve the
enterocin A from Enterococcus faecium, a new antilisterial
food safety of naturally fermented meat products. bacteriocin in the family of pediocins. Appl. Environ. Mi-
Enterococcus strains as those used in this work are crobiol. 62, 1676–1682.
very promising. In addition, sausages fermented with Barefoot, S.F., Klaenhammer, T.R., 1983. Detection and activity
E. faecium RZS C13 and E. faecium CCM 4231 of lactacin B, a bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus
acidophilus. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 45, 1808–1815.
were sweeter and less acidic than traditionally pre-
Berry, E.D., Liewen, M.B., Mandigo, R.W., Hutkins, R.W., 1990.
pared dry fermented sausages. These properties are Inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes by bacteriocin-producing
highly appreciated by the consumers. Sausages pro- Pediococcus during the manufacture of fermented semidry
duced with the dairy starter culture Lc. lactis had sausages. J. Food Protect. 53, 194–197.
also a milder flavour than sausages produced with Breidt, F., Crowley, K.A., Fleming, H.P., 1995. Controlling
cabbage fermentation with nisin and nisin-resistant Leuconos-
Lb. sakei and Staphylococcus carnosus as starter
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