4.6 - Assignment 12 Portfolio (Milestone #4)

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6 - Assignment 12: Portfolio (Milestone #4)

Start Assignment

Due Friday by 11:59pm Points 100 Submitting a text entry box

NOTE: You will NOT be able to revise this assignment; No time.

NOTE: If it is 24 hours or less before the deadline and your teammate hasn't yet provided
what you need to complete the assignment, note that with your submission. You will not
lose points for a teammate being late. Complete all other parts of the assignment.

After scrubbing your code of smells, turn in your portfolio piece!

Create a captioned video showcasing your work. Show the following (IN THIS ORDER):

1. Show/explain each feature of your individual project, how it works, and that is satisfies its
corresponding Definition of Done.
2. Show the feature that uses the microservice your partner provided (no need to show how
it works---you already did that in Step 1)
3. Show/explain how each CSH is reflected in at least one way in your software
4. Show how a quality attribute, besides maintainability or usability, is reflected in your
5. Scroll through all your code, which should be free of code smells. Show the code for both
your individual project and the microservice you implemented. No need to show HTML/CSS.

Your video must be 8 minutes or less.

Follow the instructions in HOW TO: Create and Upload a Video.

Your video must be captioned. Instructions: HOW TO: Caption Videos


You will NOT be able to revise your submission after the deadline (not enough time) but you
CAN use your 2-day grace period (if you haven't already) or turn the assignment in late.


Su23 A12 Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

Step 1: You did this in video: Clearly show/explain each feature of 20 pts 10 pts 0 pts
your individual project, how it works, and that it satisfies a Full Partial No
Definition of Done that seems reasonable to the grader. marks marks

20 pts

Step 2: You did this in video: Clearly show the feature that uses the 10 pts 5 pts 0 pts
microservice your partner provided Full Partial No
marks marks
10 pts

Step 3: You did this in video: Clearly show/explain how each CSH 20 pts 10 pts 0 pts
is reflected in at least one way in your software Full Partial No
marks marks
20 pts

Step 4: You did this in video: Clearly show how a quality attribute, 20 pts 10 pts 0 pts
besides maintainability or usability, is reflected in your software Full Partial No
marks marks

20 pts
Step 5: You did this in video: Scrolled through all your code slowly 15 pts 7.5 pts 0 pts
enough for grader to inspect. Code has none of the 11 smells from Full Partial No
textbook. Code includes both your individual project code and the marks marks
code for the microservice you implemented.

15 pts

Video is 8 minutes or shorter. 5 pts 0 pts

Full marks No marks 5 pts

Instructions in "HOW TO: Create and Upload a Video" are 5 pts 2.5 pts 0 pts
followed. Full Partial No
marks marks 5 pts

Video is captioned. If the video has audio, the captions match the 5 pts 2.5 pts 0 pts
audio. Full Partial No
marks marks 5 pts

Adjustments (late penalties, etc.) 0 pts 0 pts

- - 0 pts

Total Points: 100

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