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Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70
Answer ALL questions
All questions carry equal marks
10 x 2
1. Derive the sum of min terms for the function f (a, b, c) = a′ b + b′ c′.
2. Implement the following function using only NAND Gates F=a(b′+ c′) + (bc).
3. Define Register Transfer Language.
4. What are the advantages of DMA?
5. Explain the data transfers in Priority Interrupt.
6. What is a Flip-Flop? Explain the characteristic equation of JK Flip-Flop.
7. Write the importance of Cache memory.
8. Give the four major I/O commands used to perform the execution of an instruction.
9. What is RISC Pipelining?
10. What is Asynchronous mode of data transfer?

Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
5 x 10
1. Explain Booth Algorithm with a flow chart for multiplication of signed 2’s compliment
numbers. Assume multiplicand B=10111 and multiplier Q=10011.
2. a) Draw a 4-bit binary adder-subtracter using full-adders and show its function table
b) Convert (AB613)16 into octal equivalent and convert (675.42)8 into base -16.
3. List various cache memory mapping techniques and explain Set-associative mapping in
4. Explain various addressing modes with examples.
5. a) What are the functions of typical I/O interface?
b) What are the different modes of data transfer between computer and I/O devices?
Explain in detail?
6. Explain various instruction formats with an example.
7. Explain the relation between pipelined execution and instruction execution with neat
8. Simplify the following Boolean function using k-map and draw the circuit using logic
gates F (A,B,C,D) = ∑(0,1,2,3,7,8,10) + d(5,6,11,15).


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