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Nama : Nurhayati

Nim : 20040150012
Kelas : B

Reference the journal 1 : ( Primary school teachers’ attitudes toward technology useand
stimulating higher-order thinking in students: a review of the literature )

+Included in review 2: Teachers’ attitudes toward stimulating higher-order thinking in

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thinking skills. International Journal of Instruction, 9(2), 61–76.

*Alhassan, R. (2017). Exploring the relationship between Web 2.0 tools self-efficacy
and teachers’ use of these tools in their teaching. Journal of Education and Learning,
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Critical thinking skills for primary education: The case in Lebanon. Turqu oi s e
International Journal of Educational Research and Social Studies, 1(1), 1–7.+Al-Nouh,
N. A., Abdul-Kareem, M. M., & Taqi, H. A. (2014).

Primary school EFL teachers’ attitudes towards creativity and their perceptions of
practice. English Language Teaching, 7(9), 74–90.,

M. A. (2014). Islamic teachers’ perceptions of improving critical thinking skills in

Saudi Arabian el-ementary schools. Journal of Education and Learning, 3(4), 37–48.,

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