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SESSION – 2023-24

Dear Children,

The holiday season is the perfect time to relax and reflect on the blessings in our lives
besides working towards enhancing our skills. Holiday Homework is fun being
interesting, informative and innovative. So, get ready for a fun filled Holiday Homework.
The intent is to promote not only academic learning through thought-provoking
assignments but also activities which will cater your hobbies too.

Here are a few suggestions for you:-

➢ Make sure to spend quality time with your family.
➢ Read interesting books and watch good English
➢ Original work of students will receive greater
recognition and appreciation.
➢ Develop Reading Habit
➢ Take the lead and use your imagination, creativity
and knowledge to do the assigned task.

Take care and stay safe !!



Remembering these famous lines by Robert Frost, you are reminded of sandbar @ Ross
& Smith islands, two islands connected with a strip of sand thus earning the nickname
“Twin Islands” which in itself is a unique spectacle of nature. Andaman and Nicobar Islands
are an Indian archipelago in the Bay of Bengal. These roughly 300 islands are known for
their palm-lined, white-sand beaches, mangroves and tropical rainforests. Coral reefs

supporting marine life such as sharks and rays make for popular diving and snorkelling
sites. Indigenous Andaman Islanders inhabit the more remote islands, many of which are
off limits to visitors.

Research more about these islands and make a Travel Bloom Flower. You can add photos
of various attractive tourist sites, write reviews (restaurants, excursions, lodging, etc.), and
add insider tips for future visitors. All the information collected about the chosen destination
to be creatively presented in the form of a Bloom Flower.

This is a template for making a Bloom Flower face. You need to make 06 faces for making
one Bloom Flower.

Sample of the Flower and Template

Helpful Hints:
a) Make each face of your Bloom flower neat and attractive.
b) Tap your creativity to use colour, pictures, illustrations, or designs
c) Be sure to label each face of your Bloom flower using labels.
d) Correct spellings, punctuation, and grammar are important.

Mode of submission: Paste Travel Bloom Flower on an A3 Size sheet

Instructions to make a Bloom Flower:

(Note: Assemble till the flower step, don’t make a ball)


Meet Ira Singhal, who was denied IAS post over 'disability' even after clearing UPSC;
secured AIR 1 in 4th attempt. Ira has scoliosis, or curvature of the spine since her birth. The
biggest irony is that on physical and medical grounds, Ira is ineligible to be an Indian

Revenue Services Officer, a clerk or a sweeper, but she showed the world she is no less.
Be it in physical terms or mental. She is an inspiration for many.
There are many such people in the world, who in spite of all odds and disabilities have
made a benchmark in their journey towards success. Research and make a collage
elaborating five success stories of differently abled people using Canva software. Your
research should include the following parameters:
• Name
• Extend of Disability
• Areas of Talent
• Work Done
• Awards & Achievements
Mode of Submission : Take a presentable coloured printout and submit the hardcopy.

Link for accessing Canva:

Video Tutorial for Canva:


When the holidays come around, it’s always tempting to relax and not do much. However,
it’s important to keep up with your English! The best thing is to do a little bit every day. Here
are some practice assignments from your Practice Book LIVING ENGLISH, to be done in
the book itself.
Reading Skills Practice: Page no. 17, 19, 21, 47, 50 & 53
Writing Skills Practice: Page no. 115, 116, 117, 118, 141 & 143
Grammar Practice: Page no. 194 to 206, 245, 246, 253, 254, 259, 260, 261 & 262
Literature Practice: Page no. 313, 316, 320, 321, 322, 326, 327, 328, 393, 394, 395, 396,
455, 456, 457 & 458


सामान्य निर्दे श :
• दर्दए गए निर्दे श के अिुसार कायय कीजिए |
• कक्षा में करवाए गए पाठ्यक्रम की पुिरावनृ ि कीजिए |
प्रश्ि 1. दहिंर्द र्दे श के निवासी सभी िि एक हैं ,
रिं ग रूप वेष भाषा चाहे अिेक हैं
दिल्ली भारत का दिल है तो अंडमान – ननकोबार व लक्षद्वीप भी अपनी सांस्कृनतक ,
भौगललक , व ऐनतहालसक दृष्टि से अपनी पहचान बनाए हुए हैं |
अत : इन स्थानों को ध्यान में रखते हुए कोलार्ज बनाते हुए यह ललखखए की भाषा, संस्कृनत
, वेषभष
ू ा , खान – पान , परम्पराएँ , लोकगीत , पयजिन स्थल आदि ककस प्रकार से इस
बात को लसद्ध करते हैं की – ‘अिेकिा में एकिा’ ही भारत की ववशेषता है | (A4 शीि पर
आकषजक पररयोर्ना कायज तैयार कीष्र्ए )
प्रश्ि 2. कबीर ,रहीम , बबहारी आदि कववयों के चचत्र चचपकाकर उनके ककनहीं पाँच िोहों को
ललखकर उनका अथज स्पटि कीष्र्ए तथा उनसे लमलने वाली सीख या संिेश A4 शीि पर
ललखखए |
प्रश्ि 3. अपने भाई को अनुशासन की आवश्यकताओं के बारे में समझाते हुए (PUNCH SHEET)
पत्र ललखखए |
प्रश्ि 4. दिए गए संकेतों के आधार पर लगभग 80-100 शब्िों में व्यवष्स्थत सारगलभजत तथा
प्रभावशाली अनुच्छे ि (PUNCH SHEET) पर ललखखए |
• प्लाष्स्िक की हाननयाँ
सिंकेि ब र्द
िं ु – कृबत्रम पिाथों में से एक , प्लाष्स्िक के क्षेत्र , गुण , िोष
प्रश्ि 5. चलो ज िंर्दगी को िीिे के ललए एक छोटा सा उसूल िािे हैं
रो कुछ अच्छा करिे हैं और कुछ ुरा भूल िािे हैं |
आपने अपने ग्रीटमावकाश में क्या – क्या अच्छे कायज ककए उनके बारे में (PUNCH SHEET) में
ववस्तार से ललखखए |
प्रश्ि 6. कला एकीकरण पररयोििा कायय –
जिसकी िैसी नियि है वो वैसी कहािी रखिा है |
कोई पररिंर्दों के ललए िंर्दक
ू िो कोई पररिंर्दों के ललए पािी रखिा है |
हम गलमजयों में पशु – पक्षक्षयों को ककस प्रकार से बचाने का प्रयास कर सकते हैं चचत्र चचपकाकर अपने
अनुभव ललखखए साथ ही ववलुप्त होते हुए पशु पक्षक्षयों की प्रर्ानतयों से संबष्नधत र्ानकारी एकबत्रत -
करचचत्र सदहत सच
ू ी बनाइए व उनके बारे में (A4 शीि पर ललखखए |)



Revise Number systems and Coordinate Geometry from N.C.E.R.T Book and
reference book.

1. Project Work:
1) History of pie
2) Maths in daily life
3) Any one Indian mathematician.

2.Art Integrated Presentation:

Construct square root spiral incorporated with art. Kindly follow the below examples.

3. Assignment:
1. Find an irrational number between 1/7 and 2/7. Given that 1/7 = 0.142857
2. Simplify: √72 + √ 800 - √18.
3. Simplify: 64-1/3 [641/3 - 642/3]
4. In the following equations, examine whether x, y and z represent rational or
irrational number
i) x3 = 27 ii) y2 = 7 iii) z 2 = 0.16
1/3 1/5
5. If 2 × 4 = 8 × 32 , then find the value of x.
𝑥 𝑥

6. Represent the following irrational numbers on number lines.

√8, √5, √11, √13, √18, √27
7. Represent on number line: i) √2 ii) √8
8. If x = 3+2 √2, then find whether x + 𝑥 is rational or irrational.
9. Express the following in the form of 𝑞, where p and q integers and q ≠ 0:
i) 3.2̅ ii) 18.48̅
10.Find the value of a and b, if = a+ b√3

√2+1 √2−1
13.If x = and y = , find the value of x2 + y2 + xy.
√2−1 √2+1

14.Prove that
Q1. The perpendicular distance of point from the x-axis is 9 and that from the y-
axis is 5. What may be the coordinates of this point in IV quadrant?
Q2. Plot the point P (-6, 2) and from it draw PM and PN as perpendicular to x axis
and y-axis respectively. Write the coordinates of points M and N.
Q3. A rectangular field is of length 10 units & breadth 8 units. One of its vertex lie
on the origin. The longer side is along x-axis and one of its vertices lie in first
quadrant. Find the other vertices of this field.
Q4. Plot the points A (1,5), B (3,2), C (1, -1) and D (-1,1). Draw the segments AB,
BC, CD, DA. Name the figure ABCD. Write the coordinates of the points
where AD cuts the y-axis and CD cuts the X-axis respectively.
Q5. Plot the points O (0,0), A (4,0) & B (0,6) on a graph and then find the area of
triangle OAB.
Q6. Complete the following statements:
a) The horizontal and the vertical lines drawn in the Cartesian plane to
determine the position of a point are respectively, the -------------- and the -----
b) The equation of the y –axis is …………………
c) The x-axis and the y-axis divide the Cartesian plane in ------------ quadrants.
d) The abscissa of a point on the y-axis is -------------.
e) The ----------- of a point is the perpendicular distance of a point from the y-
axis and the----------- of a point is the perpendicular distance of that
point from the x-axis.
Q7. Draw a quadrilateral with vertices A (4, 3), B (–4, 3), C (–4, –3) and D (4, –3).
Draw its diagonals and write the coordinates of the point where they cut each
Q 8. If M ( -2, 9) which can be expressed as (1 + x, y2) and y > 0, then in which
quadrant will these points lie. (i) P (y, x) (ii) Q (2x, – 3y)
Q 9. Graph the points P ( -3, 0) and Q (3,0). What are the coordinates of R and S if
PQRS is a square?
Q10. Plot the A (-3,4) and B (5,4) and draw the segment AB. What are the
coordinates of mid-point of AB?
Q11. Find the missing member in each ordered pair if the ordinate is twice the
(i) (3, ?) (ii) (0, ?) (iii) (-2, ? ) (iv) (? ,11) (v) (?, - 8.5)



• Depict any one of the following: Animal cell / Plant cell / prokaryotic cell
/mitochondria/ Chloroplast/nucleus artistically in 3 D.
• Also draw the diagrams of Animal cell , Plant cell, prokaryotic cell, mitochondria,
Chloroplast, nucleus on A 4 Size sheet
Write a Research Paper on Mangrove Forest in Andaman and Nicobar Island
and in Lakshadweep Island covering following points (on A 4 Size sheet)
• What do you mean by Mangrove Forest?
• What are the salient features of Mangrove?
• What is the significance of Mangrove?
• How much of the area covered with Mangroves in Andaman and Nicobar
and Lakshadweep Island?

• What are the challenges with Mangrove conservation?
• Discuss the causes of depletion of mangroves and explain their
importance in maintaining coastal ecology.
II. Give ten examples of chemical reactions that happen naturally without human

Answer the following questions (on A4 size sheets)
Q1. Give reason: Endocytosis is found only in animal cell?
Q2. Why does the skin of your finger shrink when you wash clothes for a long time?
Q3. A person takes concentrated solution of salt, after sometime, he starts
vomiting. What is the phenomenon responsible for such situation?
Q4. If you are provided with some vegetables to cook, you generally add salt to
the vegetables during the cooking process. After adding salt, vegetables
release water. What mechanism is responsible for this?
Q5. Which kind of plastid is more common in
(a) roots of the plant
(b) leaves of the plant
(c) flowers and fruits?
Q6. What are the two conditions required for osmosis?
Q7. In beaker A, a teacher soaked 10 grams of raisins in 35ml of distilled
alcohol and the same amount in a beaker B. The temperature in beaker
A was 20°C, and that of beaker B was 40°C. Compare the water
absorption of raisins in beakers B and A after an hour.
Q8. How does Amoeba obtain its food?
Q9. Why do plant cells provide large sized vacuole?
Q10. Differentiate between: a) Hypertonic, Isotonic and Hypotonic solutions
b) Diffusion and Osmosis
c) Nucleus and Nucleoid
d) Chromatin and Chromatid
e) Mitosis and Meiosis
Q11. You want to wear your favourite shirt to a party, but the problem is that it is still
wet after a wash. What steps would you take to dry it faster?
Q12. It is a hot summer day, Priyanshi and Ali are wearing cotton and nylon clothes
respectively. Who do you think would be more comfortable and why?
Q13. Why do people sprinkle water on the roof after a hot sunny day?
Q14. Give reason to explain why it takes longer time to dry wet clothes in humid weather?
Q15. Why do trees acquire more leaves during summer?
Q16. Why do we feel comfortable under a fan when we are perspiring?
Q17. Sugar crystals dissolve faster in hot water than cold water.
Q18. Sponge though compressible is a solid.
Q19. Water as ice has a cooling effect, whereas water as steam may cause severe
burns. Explain these observations.
Q20. Rate of evaporation of an aqueous solution decrease with increase in humidity.



Each student will prepare a handwritten project on ‘Specific Hazards and Mitigation’:
Select any 1 type of disaster and explain i.e., its meaning, causes, impact, any one
recent case- study, mitigation/protection strategies.
- Individual Project
-It should be hand- written by the student
- Project should have 10 -12 pages (use both the sides of the page)
- A-4 size -plain, lined or colored sheets, colors, graphs, maps, pictures etc. Your
project should be punched and tied with a tag.
GUIDELINES: Project will be developed and presented in the following order:
a) Cover Page: It should have - Title of the project and a slogan related to
Disaster–Management, student’s name, Admn. No., Roll no., School name, and

Social Science
Subject enrichment project
Your Title of the project
Session 2023-24
(Slogan, pictures or collage
related to your topic)

Student’s name:
Class /sec:
Admn no/roll no:
b) Index Page - it will contain all the sub- topics of the content
c) Acknowledgement Page - To the institution, teachers, library, places
visited and the persons who helped them in preparing the project.
d) Content – Content/ main part of the project should include the following:
a. Detailed information.
b. Include line charts, pie – charts, maps, graphs, bar diagrams, pictures,
clippings if required as per the need of your topic.
paired UT i.e., Lakshadweep or Andaman and Nicobar Island (Select any one
island group). Pamphlet must include any ONE art form (like Worli, Gond etc.)
comparative analysis of occurrence of any one recent disaster in Delhi
and any one Island groups. Report must include a recent case study,
graphs, data, map etc to enhance the report.

Prescribed Book: Together towards a Safer India- Part II, a Textbook on Disaster
Management - CBSE (You can also refer to E-book on NCERT site)
Suggested links for reference

2. Do the following assignment on A4 size punched sheet-
1. On what terms did Savita get a loan from Tejpal Singh? Would Savita’s
condition be different if she could get a loan from the bank at a low rate of
2. Differentiate between modern farming methods and multiple cropping
3. Case-based questions

▪ What capital did Mishrilal need to set up his jaggery manufacturing unit?
▪ Who provides the labour in this case?
▪ Could you think of any reasons when he might face a loss?
▪ Why does Mishrilal sell his jaggery to traders in Shahpur,not his village?

1. “Clearly, democracy is not a magical solution for all the problems”. Justify by
mentioning the demerits or arguments against democracy.
2. How can we say that democratic governments are a more accountable form of
government? Give example.
3. Mention any three instances of denial of the equal right to vote in some countries.
4. How does India occupy an important strategic position in South Asia?
5. Which ocean is named after India? Give two reasons why it was named after India
6. How has been mountain passes been helpful in India since historic times? Explain.
7. Explain any three features of the Constitution of France drafted in1789.

Revise the chapters covered so far.


1. Do the following activities on any online/offline software and Attach the

hard copy in your student’s portfolio file. Kindly strict to the digital copy.
Activity 1: AI mind map
How do you think Artificial Intelligence can help you in your daily life? Prepare one
mind map and write your ideas.
Activity 2: Dream Smart Home
A home is a dream of every human. Imagine and prepare a rough layout of the floor
plan of your dream smart home. You can include- smart locks, smart lights, Smart
Remote control , smart vacuum cleaners etc.
Activity 3: Letter to Future Self
Imagine the world in 2030 and write a letter to your future self. Be sure to mention
things that you think your future self would probably be doing and experiencing in
daily life.
Activity 4: Train your AI

AI for Ocean - “helping to conserve oceans is by fighting plastic pollution with
machine learning.” Self-explore the given link to gain deeper understanding about
how machines are trained using AI. Also download your certificate:
Activity 5: Job Ad Creating activity
Create a job advertisement for a firm describing the nature of the job available and
the skill set required for it 10 years down the line. Do research on how AI is going to
transform the nature of jobs and create the Ad accordingly.
2. Complete the given assignment in your AI notebook:


Q.1 Multiple Choice Question

1. Which of the following is the ability of intelligence?
i. to learn
ii. to think
iii. to solve problems
iv. All of these
2. Which of the following is a navigational app?
i. Facebook
ii. Netflix
iii. Snapchat
iv. Google Maps
3. The See & Spray robot is used in which of the following field?
i. Agriculture
ii. Business
iii. Education
iv. Healthcare
4. Which of the following is not a source of AI bias?
i. Data
ii. Algorithms
iii. People
iv. None of these
5. Which of the following SDGs aims zero hunger?
i. Goal 1
ii. Goal 2
iii. Goal 3
iv. Goal 12
Q.2 Write True or False:
1. INDIAai is the National AI Portal of India.
2. Reduced Inequality aims to reduce gender inequality.
3. Computers take output, process it and give input.
4. AI cannot be used to detect depression in a child’s speech.
5. Smart home is made of three basic components.
Q. 3 Fill in the blanks:
1. Peace, ………………………. and strong Institution provide access to justice for
2. Domain in which images and videos are provided as input
is ………………………. .
3. There are 17 SDGs as laid by the ………………………. 2030 Agenda.
4. AI is used in target ……………………, sales and business forecasting.
5. We can use data for ………………………. and ………………………. .
Q.4 Short answer type questions:
1. Name three different Domains of AI?
2. What is a Smart Home?
3. Give an application of computer vision in AI.
4. Name any three important areas where AI has made a remarkable impact.
5. How is Twitter using AI?


• One Folk Art Painting

• Two landscape
• One Abstract painting
• Three human figure sketches


Best out of Waste activity encourages to reuse unused products and to know the
importance of resources and their optimum utilisation. Keeping this in mind, as
a part of internal assessment, perform the activity given below during your


Prepare items, products etc as per the samples given below re- using locally
available waste material.

Nurturing a living plant helps lower anxiety, improve attention, and lessen the
severity of stress. The physical benefits like better air and more oxygen also
improves mental health. Almost all houseplants and medicinal plants improve
mental health, some very good examples are Snake plant, Aloe Vera, Jasmine,
Mustard, Holy Basil etc.
Grow any of these adding beauty to your home and environment. Click a picture/
photograph with your adopted plant and submit the hard copy in school.



‘You are the key to a cleaner and

pollution- free air’



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