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Arduino is an Italian open-source hardware and software company, project, and user
community that designs and manufactures single-board microcontrollers and microcontroller
kits for building digital devices. The software is licenced under the GNU Lesser General
Public Licence (LGPL) or the GNU General Public Licence (GPL), but its hardware
components are covered by a CC BY-SA licence. This allows anybody to produce Arduino
boards and distribute the software. ("Getting Started: FOUNDATION > Introduction". Archived from the original on 2017-08-29. Retrieved 2017-05-23.)

Designs for Arduino boards use a range of microprocessors and controllers. These boards
provide sets of digital and analogue input/output (I/O) pins that may be connected to
breadboards or expansion boards (also known as "shields") for prototyping and connecting to
other circuits. Additionally, these boards have serial communication ports, and some variants
have USB connectors for loading programmes. (Yusuf Abdullahi Badamasi et al., 2014).

Arduino boards use sensors and actuators to communicate with their surroundings. It is
constructed with a basic microcontroller the building and programming of boards using an
open source computer platform technology-based objects. Like other microcontrollers, it has
the ability toserve as a small computer by receiving inputs and managing the outputs for
various electronics devices.

Additionally, Arduino boards have serial communication ports, and some variants have USB
connectors for loading programmes. Developers utilise Embedded C, a combination of the C
and C++ programming languages, to programme the microcontrollers on Arduino boards.
This is made possible through the Arduino Programming Language, a common API that is
inspired by the Processing programming language and compatible with a modified version of
the Processing IDE (Leo Louis, 2016)

There are several varieties of Arduino boards available in the Arduino board family. Boards
with built-in Bluetooth modules, like the Arduino BT, can communicate wirelessly.
Additionally, some built-in modules may be purchased individually, which can then be
interfaced to it after that. These modules are known as Shield. (Alisher Shakirovich Ismailov
et al.,2022)

Popular Arduino shields include:

• Arduino Ethernet shield: With the aid of this shield, an Arduino board may uses the SD
library to read and write to an SD card and the Ethernet library to access the internet.
(, 'Arduino - Products', 2015. [Online].
Available: [Accessed: 25- Feb- 2015]
• Arduino Wireless shield: this shield enables communication between the Arduino board
using Zigbee wirelessly. (, 'Arduino - Products', 2015. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 25- Feb- 2015]

• Arduino Motor Driver Shield: This shield enables communication between Arduino
boards with a motor driver, etc. (, 'Arduino - Products', 2015. [Online]. Available [Accessed: 25- Feb- 2015]

Various sorts of Arduino boards are categorised according to crucial factors such the types of
microcontrollers, processing speeds, operating voltage, size, and form factors :

 Arduino Uno (Alisher Shakirovich Ismailov et al.,2022)

o A beginner-friendly board with 6 analog inputs, 14 digital I/O pins, USB connectivity,
and versatility for various projects.
o Microcontroller: ATmega328P
o Processor Speed: 16 MHz
o Size/Form Factor: Standard
o Operating Voltage: 5V

 Arduino Nano (Alisher Shakirovich Ismailov et al.,2022)

o Similar to Uno but in a smaller form factor, ideal for space-constrained projects.
o Microcontroller: ATmega328P
o Processor Speed: 16 MHz
o Size/Form Factor: Compact
o Operating Voltage: 5V

 Arduino Mini w/Atmega328 (Alisher Shakirovich Ismailov et al.,2022)

o Designed for minimalism, it offers 14 digital I/O pins and 8 analog inputs.
o Microcontroller: ATmega328
o Processor Speed: 16 MHz
o Size/Form Factor: Miniature
o Operating Voltage: 5V

 Arduino NG (Alisher Shakirovich Ismailov et al.,2022)

o An older model with 6 analog inputs and 14 digital I/O pins.
o Microcontroller: ATmega8
o Processor Speed: 16 MHz
o Size/Form Factor: Older Standard
o Operating Voltage: 5V

 Arduino Pro or Pro Mini (Alisher Shakirovich Ismailov et al.,2022)

o Meant for advanced users, it's available in 3.3V and 5V versions for integration into
custom projects.
o Microcontroller: ATmega328 or ATmega168
o Processor Speed: 16 MHz
o Size/Form Factor: Compact, Pro series for custom PCBs
o Operating Voltage: 3.3V or 5V options

 Arduino BT w/ATmega 328 (Alisher Shakirovich Ismailov et al.,2022)

o Features Bluetooth connectivity for wireless communication.
o Microcontroller: ATmega328
o Processor Speed: 16 MHz
o Size/Form Factor: Standard
o Operating Voltage: 5V

 LilyPad Arduino w/ATmega 328 (Alisher Shakirovich Ismailov et al.,2022)

o Intended for wearable electronics and e-textiles applications.
o Microcontroller: ATmega328
o Processor Speed: 8 MHz
o Size/Form Factor: Designed for Wearables (Circular)
o Operating Voltage: 2.7V to 5.5V

 Arduino Mega 2560 or Mega ADK (Alisher Shakirovich Ismailov et al.,2022)

o Offers an extensive number of I/O pins (54 digital, 16 analog) and increased memory
compared to Uno.
o Microcontroller: ATmega2560
o Processor Speed: 16 MHz
o Size/Form Factor: Large
o Operating Voltage: 5V

 Arduino Leonardo (Alisher Shakirovich Ismailov et al.,2022)

o Capable of emulating a computer mouse or keyboard, suitable for Human Interface
Device (HID) emulation projects.
o Microcontroller: ATmega32u4
o Processor Speed: 16 MHz
o Size/Form Factor: Standard
o Operating Voltage: 5V

 Arduino Duemilanove/ATmega328 (Alisher Shakirovich Ismailov et al.,2022)

o A previous model succeeded by Uno, with standard Arduino features.
o Microcontroller: ATmega328 or ATmega168
o Processor Speed: 16 MHz
o Size/Form Factor: Standard (Predecessor to Uno)
o Operating Voltage: 5V

The core parts of an Arduino board include both hardware and software (Leo Louis 2016)

Hardware elements:

Microcontroller: The Arduino board's microcontroller serves as its brain. It supervises the
board's operations, processes commands, and communicates with sensors and actuators.
Different microcontroller types, such as the ATmega series or ARM-based microcontrollers,
may be used in Arduino boards. (Leo Louis 2016)

External Power Supply: Arduino boards can be powered externally using a DC voltage
source typically ranging from 9 to 12 volts. This power supply ensures stable operation. (Leo
Louis 2016)

USB port: USB port is necessary for programming, which is included on Arduino boards.
Users can utilise a USB cord to upload sketches (programme code) to the microcontroller. In
some circumstances, the USB cable also supplies the board with 5V DC power. (Leo Louis,

Internal Programmer: The programming procedure is made simpler by the internal

programmer included on Arduino boards. (Leo Louis, 2016)

Reset Button: If necessary, the reset button is a useful feature that allows users to restart or
reprogram the microcontroller. (Leo Louis, 2016)

Analogue Pins: Analogue pins on Arduino boards are primarily used for analogue input and
output. Depending on the particular board type, the number of analogue pins may change.
(Leo Louis, 2016)

Digital I/O Pins: The Arduino's digital pins are utilised for performing digital input and
output tasks. variable Arduino variants have a variable number of digital pins. (Leo Louis,

Power and GND Pins: Arduino boards contain pins that may connect to ground (GND) and
various voltage levels, such as 3.3 and 5 volts. These pins are necessary for powering
circuitry and external components. (Leo Louis, 2016)

Software elements:

The software aspect of Arduino involves the development environment and the code (sketch)
that runs on the microcontroller:

Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment): The Arduino IDE is the software
used for creating, editing, and uploading sketches to the Arduino board. It includes the
following components (Leo Louis, 2016):

o Text Editor: This is where you write the program code in the C/C++ programming
language. (Leo Louis 2016)
o Message Area: It displays feedback, error messages, and information related to saving
and exporting the code. (Leo Louis, 2016)
o Text Console: The console provides textual output from the Arduino environment,
including comprehensive error messages and other relevant information. (Leo Louis,


The purpose of a smoke detection system is to locate smoke particles in the atmosphere that
might signal the beginning of a fire. These systems are essential for early fire detection,
enabling prompt fire suppression actions and evacuation.

Types of Smoke Detection Systems:

1. Ionisation Smoke Detectors: These are the first type of smoke detection system.
These detectors function by ionising the air in a chamber and producing a tiny
electrical current using a radioactive source. An alert is set off when smoke
particles interrupt this current. (, ‘Smoke Detection System Using
Arduino’, 2020)

2. 2. Photoelectric Smoke Detectors: These devices employ a sensor and a light

source. The sensor notices a change and sounds the alert when smoke enters the
chamber and scatters the light. (, ‘Smoke Detection System Using
Arduino’, 2020)

3. Smoke Detectors with Dual Sensors: Some contemporary smoke detectors use
both ionisation and photoelectric sensors. (, ‘Smoke Detection System
Using Arduino’, 2020)

4. Detection of Aspirating Smoke: This cutting-edge device collects air samples

and examines them for smoke particles, offering extremely early detection in
dangerous conditions. (, ‘Smoke Detection System Using Arduino’,

Due to its simplicity and ease, the Arduino Uno board will be utilised to create the smoke
detector out of all the available Arduino boards.

Arduino UNO is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P. The device contains a
16 MHz ceramic resonator, 6 analogue inputs, 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 may
be used as PWM outputs), a USB port, a power connector, an ICSP header, and a reset
button. It comes with everything required to support the microcontroller; to get started, just
plug in an AC-to-DC converter or battery, or use it to power a computer through USB.

The Arduino Uno is essential due to its user-friendly design, versatility, and widespread
community support, making it an ideal choice for beginners and experienced makers alike to
prototype and develop a wide range of electronic projects and innovations (Banzi, M., Shiloh,
M., & Cuartielles, D., 2014).

The multipurpose and often used microcontroller board Arduino Uno is essential for
improving smoke detector performance. This significance is derived from its capacity to
effectively interpret data and integrate with a variety of sensors. The ATmega328P-based
microcontroller, multiple digital and analogue connections, and the ability to connect to a
wide variety of sensors and modules are just a few of the features that the Arduino Uno is
equipped with. (Jordon, R. 2018)

Some of its features include:

1. Microcontroller: The Arduino Uno is powered by the ATmega328P microcontroller,

which contains input/output connections for connecting to sensors, displays, and other
components as well as flash memory for storing programmes and data (,
'Arduino - Products', 2015)
2. Digital and Analog pins: It contains 6 analogue input pins for reading analogue
inputs from sensors and 14 digital input/output pins, 6 of which may be used as PWM
(Pulse Width Modulation) outputs (, 'Arduino - Products', 2015)
3. USB Interface: The Uno may be simply powered and programmed by connecting it
over USB to a computer. As a result, newcomers who might not have specialised
programming gear can use it (, 'Arduino - Products', 2015)
4. Open-Source: Since the design files, software, and hardware specifications for
Arduino are all publicly available, anybody is allowed to alter or create their own
Arduino boards (, 'Arduino - Products', 2015)

Creating a basic smoke detector using an Arduino Uno involves interfacing a smoke
or gas sensor module with the Arduino and programming it to detect smoke or
hazardous gases and trigger an alarm when necessary.

The Components required for this project are as follows:

- Arduino Uno
- Smoke or gas sensor module (MQ-135)
- Buzzer
- LEDs (optional)
- Resistors (if required for sensor)
- Wires
- Breadboard
- USB connectivity
- Arduino Programming

The importance of an Arduino Uno-based smoke detector, particularly in terms of

automation and fire safety, might be summed up as follows:

1. Early Fire Detection: Smoke detectors are crucial for the early identification of
fires. Prior to the appearance of flames, they may detect the presence of smoke or
dangerous gases. Early detection can save lives and property by giving important
time for evacuation and fire suppression (Shiva Karthik, P. 2021)

2. Accessibility and Affordability: The Arduino Uno microcontroller platform is

affordable and readily accessible. Making a smoke detector out of an Arduino
makes fire detection technology more available to people, especially in places
where access to commercial smoke detectors is restricted (Shiva Karthik, P. 2021)

3. Integration with Smart Homes: Arduino-based smoke detectors may be

included into systems for smart homes, enabling automatic reactions like shutting
off appliances, sending notifications to smartphones, or activating sprinkler
systems in the case of a fire (Shiva Karthik, P. 2021)

4. Research and Development: An Arduino-based smoke detector may be used as a

low-cost prototype for testing and innovation in fire detection technology by
researchers and developers in the field of fire safety (Shiva Karthik, P. 2021)

5. Adaptability and Customization: Arduino enables the smoke detector to be

tailored to meet certain requirements and conditions. Users may edit the code to
add features like remote notifications, home automation system integration, or
distinctive alarm patterns (Shiva Karthik, P. 2021)

6. Learning & Education: Using an Arduino to construct a smoke detector is an

educational tool. Through practical application, it aids people in learning about
electronics, sensors, programming, and fire safety concepts, particularly students
and hobbyists (Shiva Karthik, P. 2021)

7. Community Projects: Community-driven initiatives might include Arduino-

based smoke detectors to increase fire safety in underprivileged areas or locations
that have a higher risk of fires (Shiva Karthik, P. 2021)
8. Emergency readiness: To improve emergency readiness, DIY smoke detectors
may be installed using Arduino in outlying or temporary places, including
camping grounds or disaster relief activities (Shiva Karthik, P. 2021)

9. Environmental Monitoring: Because certain gas sensors used in smoke detectors

are also capable of detecting other dangerous gases, they are valuable for
environmental monitoring in commercial settings or other places where gas leaks
are a concern (Shiva Karthik, P. 2021)

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