Spe - Contrct 1

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TSignmCnt -1

cia Contvacl

Namc Sucit ig
A LG ( ) - C
K tl.mo19
d e t a l oasl
Catzacl- of Guaratia in
u A aiyze lt
inguist it w t H
Contoac- c indenty
Guanantee -A
Kie hn 126 defins Jie Catacl t
iwstues haee parhe
GiLtyac- f g t l a a t a
7c lates o +he per fomanee behae contact eh

i r d porsum whereby fullling his ebigah om

uder e contbact bu the guarants
iy called t h e
Thepern nhe gves He guarurtie
i espect of whose dopaultHe
e t pevn
urantee iy gne uneseal Oebto
Called the

an e perym to whom tt guarate iy ginen p

be ethes
Cllel h e Ceditos .tuarANtie may
o Mal oT w H e n fsomn,

les a forn - ogeha loaon goods en caedt
On Cploymthf, ane Cornm Conme ternand anel
.tnsunes He lder of-hhe dpplies h e mployer
cial emau oe tauy Jed ael u C a ant
Lelant) tiolent nclerfake to bcroopor4ible

m Si7 kmyr V. hmeCl tH Con Naid whene


teral quaraTee anAs ndhein fuo perens Conne

op, o o er -to buy,te tu gire Ccdu


prdniing.e seller stahng i e deesn t

a y J u . 1his is do Collateral 8uarantate
law,quarute u clafiedl as a prenise
g lsl anothe
-tle debt, dofault ntaitue f
T Ftor
1 L A a t e o s ane a baclcup nihee t e pmne
quarntee act as vecomol eocke

ssential teahuaas e ua7antie A

uarantie y a tnpaDhte
debt: A Lontraot
( foindigal olobtos
cantemplates the pintipal
recment wPcl
ulhoulol exirt
Celitoer andd t e duneh There
Iuenhcal tearHheuhould
indoeedent debt,
debter n d o a s - l a k e
debt h o n - t e
e a pnipal
be a duunety n u k a prnpal
CLdto. thene Cant
Con siclerahon:n esoen-tLal. elements e Contha
ninith d h o u a lu pEIent i n a
tona clera hpn
t CALn lee a n t fopm
Conbacf guaraNtie
largely benofit pnnueal dchto
a l a : A seCs auol
deluney 9oas to C afleruuard
Due (5 e s h e dob+ J o
quest A fo forbear -to
tat, dos so, Cuil pay
ayean,ad p o n t s e
paymenty B, A g r e e e
en dodault of
i Ths b dbuenf can-
to fonbear ncqwoted

denalson for C' o i t e

Liabi a f inee
dunehy i secOLdag11-8, vme anf ad
Cenbac t nao b| l e tedi tos
t p ay tbe
incieal Aebtos a oCity tojuite
Tes conbact ies pr mant
mncfa debtio t i Dnly L dJault
n i n c i t a l olebfor Ulal}e dney

rooentals ef analid
Mtunt t a n t u al t e
u a
CentroCf , dine a Cntnact f 9uanautie

Co At} apluy to granallt hee consen,

ducl a
aliol cenriolorabon offoT, & accoptance,itenKa
to eneatt a ufl nclatoslp ett. ae nogu d

Feck 27l enAdha s l o u A

o COn Lealwe tnt o
a e ikely
yuooe t fL snthy ql facks that
to fect suety iaorety, 1he guanart
Ctaied t h o o u g t o n c o a l o n d f a c ase uali4

uua Cl y h e Cmediter obtaing th

uar toe
CAOLColent as
etauc T quaata
vhontd nol
N o Miincpes
efrexnd e c-tsto
A e 6 a i n e o l lonis

e ICA, l972.
guanautae dech m I29
hnuing gua
meany nlu c cxt
guanate ni
Ld to a atme e transachens all
trauple A, in Conhderahon&af (, titl tplo c ell
B to e
CAng-He >tnh c Bs zannodlan, Promuiey
cspoiblc t» e awt. fTSooo, Joy He due CelLecku
AP ent by f -hox 7eyts.
chahndlas e-
Aevocatto (cnhnuin4 quauntee y

30 A loihnung quaTantee may ak any tume

AcoKec y t e s n e t , ay ho u d farjdCh Ong ,
totice t t l e CntdT ta

Conhack of Guarunt
e per fmm H pranmise
o dischog4iUalili
t h e ro loss couLed by
oj kis olelavf
cthen ffenos
p n m a y lalili y y e
Pincipal alobta He Laly-
OLL uPmary
G y 4unehy u MCCndary.
3 Contoa /w H indcmnifier Conhat <[ snehy 4Pinej
Qu-d e fnclornihy Rolder i pal dalo hr inpied &
bw Ceolitur ¥- pineípal
debhos appey
( fue fahes - Inodlemnffer r e e parhes creolihs,

i - d emnihy kololer e printipal debfur ¥ Luetiy

fookck tbe ronuse ou G oo fduney t

u Can raot arnat ?

Ce hlha
l4g ej idian
curnent dahd AnAe
as chjo
Act1972 He delney e gecdy y
c wndd dhe specific purfoe toPlele
eln nna hs ca fw deri ce a t snni ce

Cenbe y *armpl b o ' e t .

bai tos
egocds ii knanwn
d Ssiu deine mg
e poryo to Intiogcods a- dalinorcd
CAO a b e t Cee

Cuey Lrllat ae -l duhe, el
h e y af barlee. ' - to sccKo
eod >
l a k e Proees Ca take cae ac
duhi et a bailee to
T tIs s l v o u l o t a k e cae
h i . Bai lee goads
hcu lcdto t k e Care R o
an odinany ma
u a l u e ,q u a t y , a n d q a L

uie A pev
t to make make avny

S 3 , 4 e Bai lee 4
lhall nof thauth-
he niakes any
bauled J h
9o0ds bailnont.
qhen h a u l a
Catem inai tL
l e d ust,
a to Aec 154,,
Caalo tlaunty danng
bar le
needarto koep l goed
cpanate . H e s k a u l e l mo
(3Keep q e d
frem ba duun gepd gcod.
inately boilnent nuih Ais cu
te queds u s i uuuFK ds au 0ods
my e qoods
casc boy le muxes
e H e bailo
hat He
balo .
to 24AOAE Hu
C Nlet fovible lr fr |
e a

a o l e e t t e t o t J ° o c l s haslec
etum Cyooyte duy t
Ketum fle barlee iy to e u r
e geeols wHeut denannd on fle acconftishnan
tle fufiz He expisahlen Hhe fine pe.

Ke-tuom ucreape 6r prof1h A bailee sAall oekum

e gedeols along wit an ticnca e re
tothegced) Yo {he oal'ssU -H abnce
f au
Centna f Ao -£h Cotrry

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