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David a Copenaghen.

of creativity into their work”. You’re from Copenhagen, and you live
here, I ask David - have you always lived here? “No, I actually
studied in France. I really enjoyed the wine. Apart from that, I like
living here. I like my work, I like the fact that there are about 15
different nationalities in my work team. I’d get bored in a normal
place with only Danes”. I ask him if he plans to raise his kids here.
“It’s possible that we will have an experience abroad, someday.
Maybe in India. There are more difficulties there, we might say, but
also more diversity; it is a very fascinating place, full of contrasts.
Here we are all quite similar in terms of social status, so contrasts
somehow intrigue me. Also I like Indian cuisine, obviously”.

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District: Frederiksberg “Vivere il calore scandinavo”. 149

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