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Detoxing rids the body of toxins responsible for ageing. It helps to increase the
nutrient level in the system. When the body loads with toxins it doesn’t function well.

Here are some measures you can take to detox your body.

1. Start the day with a glass of spring or lemon water

Starting your day on water act as a catalyst in fighting toxins in the body. Drinking
lemon water removes these toxins that pile up in the body due to food consumption.

Also, remember to drink lots of water throughout the day.

2. Drink a squeezed vegetable juice daily

Going green was once a trend; where everything you eat consists of vegetables. This
is hard to keep up with, and that is why drinking squeezed vegetable is a better

3. Drop toxic oils from your diet

Vegetable oil is the go-to oil for most people when cooking, but this oil increases your
system toxins. Replace with extra-virgin olive oil, coconut oil, avocado flaxseed oil
and flaxseed oil.

These oils are expensive in Nigeria. It is therefore advisable to reduce your oil intake
to help curb the effect of vegetable oil.

4. Eat more raw fruits, herbs and vegetables

Fruit, vegetables and herbs contain enzymes that aid digestion and improve nutrient

5. Cut or drop white sugar intake

These sugars are empty caloric in nature, they cause more harm to the body than
good. If you crave a sweet tooth opt for fruits instead.

6. Cut or drop white flour and white bread

White bread is also an empty caloric food, they act as glue to the body. Stick to wheat
bread instead which has zero amount of sugar and carbs.

(NOTE: If you have any health condition like Ulcer, Low or High blood pressure,
Cholesterol, etc, please do not try these recipes without confirmation from your
doctor that it is safe for you)

1) Leafy Green Vegetable Smoothies:

As you already expected, what is a detox plan without leafy greens? Leafy green
vegetables are very good for healthy dieting and weight loss as they contain a lot of
vitamins, minerals and fibre while having very low amounts of calories. They are very
good in flushing and cleansing the body as well.


2 cups of your preferred leafy green vegetables (African spinach, kale, pumpkin
leaves, bitter leaves, scent leaves, etc).

1 banana

Half cup of skimmed milk or water


Wash and chop the leaves in bits.

Slice the banana and pour in everything into the blender. Blend till smooth.

2) Beetroot Detox Smoothie:

Beets are rich in iron, copper, magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, fiber, and dietary
nitrates. Since the goal is to detox, beetroots prevent fatty acids from building up and
stimulates the liver cells, which can contribute to detoxifying them.


2 Raw Beetroots, 1 Ginger, 1 fresh lemon, Half cup of water


Grate the raw beetroots and ginger to the smoothest texture.

You can steam them (optional) for 30 seconds.

Squeeze the lemon juice into the mixture.

Place all ingredients in your blender and blend till smooth.

3) Cucumber-Pineapple Smoothie

Cucumbers and pineapples are filled with healthy digestive enzymes which flush out
toxins and cleanse the gut. Hence, this detox smoothie recipes can help you to
detoxify your body and lose belly fat very effectively.


1 fresh cucumber, 1 cup of chopped pineapple, 1 fresh lemon, 1 Ginger, Half glass of


Slice the cucumber into bits just like the pineapple.

Grate the ginger.

Squeeze the lemon juice into the mix.

Place them into the blender and blend until smooth.

4) Apple-Celery Smoothie:

Green apples are packed with healthy flavonoids and fibres that help to burn belly fat.
They are particularly rich in pectin fibre that breaks down slowly thereby promoting

Celery is filled with antioxidants and helps to reduce inflammation. Combining these
two super-foods helps with the best detox for belly fat.

1 green apple, A stall of celery, 1 Ginger, Lemon juice, Half cup of water


Dice the apple and celery to tiny bites.

Grate the ginger.

Place all ingredients into your blender and blend till smooth.

5) Mango-lime detox smoothie

Mangoes are known for their abundance of vitamins, antioxidants, fibre and minerals
while Lime juice can make you feel full, thereby reducing appetite. As such, this
mango smoothie made with lime juice targets belly fat in no small measure. It is
refreshing, delicious and full of vitamins.


2 cups of ripe mango chunks, 2 fresh limes, 1 glass of water, 1 ginger


Grate ginger to smooth texture.

Squeeze out juice from limes.

Combine all ingredients in a blender; blend until smooth.

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