Collocation 1

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Bài tập Collocation

Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to inducate the correct answer to each of the following
1. “How was your exam?” “A couple of questions were tricky, but on the _____ it was pretty easy.”
A. spot B.general C. hand D. whole
2. If you practice regularly, you can learn this language skill in short _______ of a time.
A. period B. aspect C. arrangement D. activity
3. Students can _______ a lot of information just by taking an active part in class.
A. concern B. install C. appear D. memorize
4. A few years ago, a fire _____ much of an overcrowded part of the city.
A. battled B. devastated C. mopped D. developed
5. I have learned a lot about the value of labour form my _______ at home.
A. credit B. energy C. chores D. pot plants
6. Although he tried to hide it, it was ______that Peter didn’t like his birthday present.
A. foolish B. basic C. obvious D. vigorous
7. Environmental groups try to stop farmers from using harmful ________ on their crops.
A. economy B. agriculture C. investments D. chemicals
8. If you ______ too much on study, you will get tired and stressed.
A. concentrate B. develop C. organize D. complain
9. Good heath and methods of study are very necessary, or _______ for success in college.
A. available B. dependable C. essential D. efficient
10. In order to _______ their goals in college, students need to invest the maximum amount f time,
money, and energy in their studies.
A. manage B. catch C. establish D. achieve
Exercise 2: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
1. Before choosing a job, you should take into consideration several_______ including the supply and
demand for professionals in any particular field.
A. turns B. factors C. remarks D. sides
2. The Business Advisory Council has been specially designed for those in ________ of advice about
setting up new businesses.
A. absence B. duty C. want D. need
3. The city has ________ of young consumers who are sensitive to trends, and can, therefore, help
industries predict the potential risks and success of products.
A. a high rate B. a high proportion C. a high tendency D. a great level
4. Don’t ________ to conclusions, we don’t yet know all the relevant facts.
A. hurry B. jump C. rush D. run
5. I wonder if you could _______ me a small favour, Tom?
A. bring B. make C. give D. do
6. Scientists warn that many of the world’s great cities are _______ flooding.
A. being B. at risk C. in danger of D. endangered
7. The boy’s strange behavior aroused the ______ of the shop assistant.
A. thought B. consideration C. expectations D. suspicions
8. The young should _____themselves in social activities.
A. determine B. serve C. involve D. promote.
9. I know from ________that everything will be all right.
A. conscience B. experience C. wisdom D. care
10. Your second essay ______improvement on the first one.
A. showed B. made C. cast D. presented
Exercise 3: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following

1. The Women’s World Cup is _______ in popularity.

A. competing B. establishing C. advancing D. growing
2. Our class team has won four ______ football matches.
A. successful B.unsuccessful C. success D. successive
3. We interviewed a number of candidates but none of them _______ us.
A. enlivened B. encouraged C. delighted D. impressed.
4. ___________ to British universities depends on examination results.
A. Admission B. Admittance C. Permission D. Permit
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5. I prefer _______jobs because I don’t like keep on moving and changing all the time.
A. demanding B. challenging C. tough D. secure
6. The investment has had _______ on the development of our project.
A. results B. progress C. interruptions D. effects
7. In China, there are still a lot of ____ families sharing the same house.
A. extent B. extension C. extended D. extensive
8. The deadline is coming, and we still have a lot of _______ problems.
A. unsolving B. unsolved C. insolved D. solving
9. He receive a medal in _________ to his bravery.
A. turns B. response C. favour D. reward
10. He left the country _______ arrest of he returned.
A. in fear that B. with fear of C. under threat of D. with threat of
1. Although we argued with him for a long time, he ______ his ground.
A. remained B. stood C. kept D. persisted
2. I can’t go out this morning. I’m up to _____ in reports.
A. eye B. ears C. feet D. fingers
3. My father ________ when he found out that I’d damaged his car.
A. saw pink elephants B. hit the ceiling
C. brought the house down D. made my blood boil
4. I haven’t had an accident yet but I’ve had a number of _____ shaves.
A. near B. narrow C. close D. tiny
5. While Long has turned over a new _______ , his brother is still racing around in fast cars and causing
A. leaf B. page C. face D. book
6. You can talk till the _______ come home – you’ll never make me change my mind.
A. sheep B. cows C. dogs D. chickens
7. The escaped prisoner fought _______ before he was finally overpowered.
A. head over heels B. tooth and nail C. heart and soul D. foot and mouth
8. He is always full of ___ . He can play football all day without tiredness.
A. beans B. millet C. rice D. peaches
9. Since he started his own business, he has made money hand over _______.
A. palm B. fist C. cheek D. head
10. You should _________ before buying because it is very expensive.
A. cost an arm and a leg B. take it for granted
C. pull your leg D. take it into account
11. I ______ to answer all their questions.
A. did my level best B. worked my fingers to the bone
C. pulled my weight D. kept my chin up
12. The President is determined to _______ for peace.
A. pull his socks up B. make a meal
C. go the extra mile D. raise a finger
13. We cannot afford to carry members who are not _______.
A. doing things by halves B. making a meal of it
C. knowing beans about it D. pulling their weight
14. If you know what you really want, you should ______ to get it.
A. pull their weight B. go all out
C. pull your socks up D. fight tooth and nail
15. She _______ in order to send her children to school.
A. cut corners B. worked her fingers to the bone
C. made a meal of it D. called it a day
16. When you’re ________ trying to start a business, you should utilize every minute you have.
A. breaking your back B. raising a finger
C. pulling your socks up D. going through thick and thin
17. It’s obvious that she’s lying through her _____.
A. hat B. teeth C. head D. back
18. This information is too important, you can’t sweep it under the ______.
A . tracks B. carpet C. back D. hat
19. After all, he only __________ . He never does what he promised .
A. speaks with a forked tongue B. has one foot in the grave
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C. smells a rat D. jumps through hoops
20. I was surprised to find he’d gone behind my _____.
A. hat B. back C. thought D. leg
21. Supermarkets buy goods at _____ prices.
A. steady B. fixed C. stuck D. hooked
22. The boy bought a toy gun that is ______ to distinguish from a real gun.
A. impractical B. unable C. impossible D. incapable
23. I'm on friendly _______ with my friends at my school.
A. relationship B. link C. term D. contact
24. Nowadays, the number of people who are out of ______ is rapidly increasing .
A. order B. work C. danger D. luck
25. Ha Long Bay is always a tourist ________ when summer comes.
A. attract B. attractive C. attraction D. attractiveness
26. The two boys look ______ , but they are not brothers.
A. similar to B. like C. alike D. same
27. The tanks were ______ for the battle-field.
A. heading B. going C. running D. travelling
28. The company allows some customers to buy goods on _______ and pay for them later.
A. cash B. cheque C. card D. credit
29. The competition attracted a large ____ of carpenters from the whole country.
A. deal B. number C. lot D. amount
30. Could you do me a(n) ______? My bike’s front tyre is flat.
A. favour B. help C. assistance D. support
31. You should _____ attention to what teacher is saying if you want to get high mark.
A. pay B. draw C. gain D. attract
32. She makes a great effort in order to graduate with ______ colours.
A. jumping B. walking C. flying D. red
33. We have stopped buying goods from that shop as most of them are _____ poor quality.
A. in B. under C. with D. on
34. My watch was _________. Could you have the time ?
A. out of order B. out of reach C. out of work D. out of the blue
35. They escaped from the smoke-filled house just in the _______ of time.
A. nick B. moment C. course D.fullness
36. These days, more and more teenagers __________ a crime at the early age.
A. make B. commit C. have D. do
37. She completed the 500 meters in ______ time.
A. record B. folded C. broken D. taken
38. You need _____a chance if you don’t miss it again.
A. seize B. jump C. take D. gain
39. He was given a dose of morphine to ______ his pain.
A. release B. repair C. retain D. relieve
40. You have 2 days to ______ a decision whether to go or not.
A. carry out B. make C. do D.take
1. He kindly offered to _ me the way to the station.
A. explain B. direct C. describe D. show
2. It was such a boring speech that I fell .
A. asleep B. sleep C. sleepy D. sleepily
3. English is now an effective medium of International .
A. communication B. talking C. speech D. saying
4. I wonder if you could me a small favor, Tom?
A. bring B. make C. give D. do
5. Students can a lot of information just by taking an active part in class.
A. concern B. install C. appear D. memorize
6. It was raining so that we couldn’t go out.
A. heavily B. silly C. strongly D. lazily
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7. Oh, I stayed at home and my homework. Nothing special.
A. give B. do C. earn D. go
8. Although Lan is a cold, she is going to partake in outdoor activities.
A. learning B. going C. making D. catching
9. The villagers had to work hard in fields all day and could hardly ends meet.
A. do B. know C. make D. fly
10. You've been very _ and I would like to thank you.
A. kind B. thoughtless C. grateful D. appreciative
11. You're completely _! You never think about anybody but yourself.
A. mean B. selfish C. tight-fisted D. greedy
12. “How was your exam?” “A couple of questions were tricky, but on the it was pretty easy.”
A. spot B. general C. hand D. whole


1. The footballers often sing the national at the beginning of a match.
A. version B. lyrics C. anthem D. composition
2. The 22nd South East Asian Games were the first big sports event Vietnam .
A. owned B. hosted C. presented D. led
3. Commercial exploration has driven many species to the of extinction.
A. verge B. bank C. limit D. edge
4. “What’s Peter’s cousin’s name?” “It’s on the tip of my , but I can’t quite remember”
A. mouth B. lips C. tongue D. memory

5. I decided to visit a fortune- teller. That’s what I to do.

A. made up B. made up my mind C. minded D. cared
6. Don’t have much cash , but I can get some from an automatic teller machine.
A. in hand B. on hand C. into hand D. under hand
7. You can’t get a soda from that machine. There’s a sign on it says that “ ”.
A. Out of job B. Out of hand C. Out of order D. Out of mind
8. Everything could be done by .
A. a nod and bow B. a nod and wink C. a wink and a nod D. a nod and a wink
9. The biggest company in our local area is _ the verge of bankruptcy
A. in B. on C. at D. to
10. Books are a wonderful of knowledge.
A. source B. resource C. flow D. provision
11. The shop assistant is ready to me a helping hand. She was very nice.
A. offer B. take C. get D. lend
12. Janet has to travel a lot in her new job. She is on the all the time.
A. field B. mood C. way D. go
13. If you practice regularly, you can learn the language skill in short of a time.
A. period B. aspect C. arrangement D. activity
14. If you too much on study, you will get tired and stressed.
A. concentrate B. develop C. organize D. complain
15. Overpopulation tends to create conditions which may result in of food in developing countries
A. supplies B. surpluses C. shortages D. failures
16. You should read this novel. It has been recommended by all the critics.

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A. deeply B. fully C. highly D. truly
17. Our class team has won four football matches.
A. successful B. unsuccessful C. success D. successive
18. It was a mistake. I wasn't trying to cheat you.
A. genuine B. sincere C. truthful D. frank
19. Don’t to conclusions; we don’t yet know all the relevant facts.
A. hurry B. jump C. rush D. run
20. Scientists warn that many of the world’s great cities are flooding.
A. being B. at risk C. in danger of D. endangered
21. The Women’s World Cup is in popularity.
A. competing B. establishing C. advancing D. growing
22. I prefer jobs because I don’t like keep on moving and changing all the time.
A. demanding B. challenging C. tough D. secure
23. In China, there are still a lot of families sharing the same house.
A. extent B. extension C. extended D. extensive
24. The deadline is coming, and we still have a lot of problems.
A. unsolving B. unsolved C. insolved D. solving
25. He received a medal in to his bravery.
A. turns B. response C. favor D. reward
26. He left the country _ arrest of he returned.
A. in fear that B. with fear of C. under threat of D. with threat of

27. Before choosing a job, you should take into consideration several demand for professionals in any
particular field.
A. turns B. factors C. remarks D. sides
28. The Business Advisory Council has been specially designed for those in of advice
about setting up new businesses.
A. absence B. duty C. want D. need
29. “Please, will you just tidy your room, and stop excuse! (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2009)
A. having B. making C. doing D. taking
30. “How do you like your steak done?” – “ , please”. (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2009)
A.I don’t like it very much. B. Very little
C. Well-done D. Very much
31. The curtains have because of the strong light. (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2008)
A. weakened B. faded C. fainte D. delighted
32. The case against the corruption scandal was . (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2007)
A. discarded B. refused C. eliminated D. dismissed
33. A meeting will be to discuss the matter. (trích đề thi TNPT năm 2009, 3 năm)
A. run B. taken C. held D. done
34. Make exercise part of your daily .(trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2006)
A. regularity B. chore C. routine D. frequency
35. Many people like the of life in the countryside. (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2006)
A. step B. pace C. speed D. space
36. Today, household chores have been made much easier by electrical . (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2008)
A. instruments B. applications C. appliance D. utilities
37. The referee the coin to decide which team would kick the ball first. (trích đềthi ĐH-CĐnăm 2008)

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A. cast B. tossed C. threw D. caught
38. The hotel is so expensive. They you sixty pounds for bed and breakfast. (trích ĐT ĐH-CĐnăm2008)
A. charge B. take C. fine D. cost
39. Having the table, Mrs. Roberts called the family for supper. (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2008)
A. laid B. spread C. ordered A. passed B.
completed used C.
40. I looked up their number in the telephone . (trích đề spent D.
thi ĐH-CĐ 2008) occupied
A. guide B. list C. directory
III. Mark the letter A, B,
catalogue C, or D on your answer
41. How long does the play ? (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ 2008) sheet to indicate the
word whose underlined
A. last B. stretch C. extend
prolong part differs from the
42. They all day swimming and sunbathing at the orther three in
beach. (trích đề thi TNTHPT năm 2005, 7 năm) pronunciation in each of
the following questions.

Question 1. A. Mood B. flood C. spoon D. moon

Question 2. A. Casebook B. briefcase C. suitcase D. purchase
Question 3. A. Production B. propaganda C. promotion D. proceed
Question 4. A. command B. community C. complete D. common
Question 5. A. Houses B. rises C. horses D. chooses
Question 6. A. Except B. excel C. excess D. exhaust
Question 7. A. Equation B. dedication C. option D. exemption
Question 8. A. Bruise B. circuit C. biscuit D. guilt
Question 9. A. Stone B. top C. pocket D. modern
Question 10. A. Family B. famine C. famous D. fabricate
Question 11. A. Islander B. alive C. vacancy D. habitat
Question 12. A. Suggest B. survive C. support D. summer
Question 13. A. Eventually B. shore C. proficient D. assure
Question 14. A. Preparation B. susceptible C. experiment D. genetically
Question 15. A. Hesitate B. excessive C. saturate D. restrict
Question 16. A. Private B. marriage C. romantic D. attract
Question 17. A. Coach B. goat C. toad D. broad
Question 18. A. Purpose B. compose C. suppose D. propose
Question 19. A. Stagnant B. vacancy C. charity D. habitat
Question 20. A. Champagne B. chaos C. scheme D. chemist
Question 21. A. Daunt B. astronaut C. vaulting D. aunt
Question 22. A. Towed B. towel C. vowel D. crowded
Question 23. A. coast B. board C. load D. toad

Question 24. A. moment B. monument C. slogan D. quotient

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Question 25. A. sharp B. hammer C. apple D. applicant

Question 26. A. shape B. passion C. push D. discuss

Question 27. A. passionate B. pessimism C. assessment D. passages

Question 28. A. endanger B. contractual C. defensive D. synchronize

Question 29. A. culture B. justice C. sudden D. campus

Question 30. A. none B. dozen C. youngster D. home

Ex 2
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1. A. smooth B. sunbath C. youth D. cloth
Question 2. A. rough B. touchy C. southern D. coup
Question 3. A. crucial B. partial C. material D. financial
Question 4. A. embarrassed B. beloved C. naked D. adopted
Question 5. A. digestion B. suggestion C. question D. perfection
Question 6. A. pedal B. petrol C. pretty D. petty
Question 7. A. fossil B. session C. discuss D. progress
Question 8. A. desperate B. irritate C. grateful D. frustrate
Question 9. A. malaria B. eradicate C. character D. spectacular
Question 10. A. opponent B. compose C. podium D. advocate
Question 11. A. competitor B. illegal C. epidemic D. education
Question 12. A. sculpture B. result C. justice D. figure
Question 13. A. custom B. cushion C. mushroom D. culture
Question 14. A. promise B. devise C. surprise D. realise
Question 15. A. comment B. development C. confidence D. reference
Question 16. A. supportive B. substantial C. compulsory D. curriculum
Question 17. A. average B. natural C. family D. already
Question 18. A. breakfast B. feature C. peasant D. pleasure
Question 19. A. campus B. plane C. game D. base
Question 20. A. volunteer B. trust C. fuss D. judge
Question 21. A. explanation B. existence C. exciting D. experience
Question 22. A. ancient B. educate C. stranger D. transfer
Question 23. A. none B. phone C. zone D. stone
Question 24. A. flour B. hour C. pour D. sour
Question 25. A. pure B. durable C. cure D. pursue
Question 26. A. opposite B. technology C. economic D. appropriate
Question 27. A. initiate B. substantial C. attention D. particular
Question 28. A. considerable B. represent C. atmosphere D. customer
Question 29. A. ploughs B. photograghs C. coughs D. laughs

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Question 30. A. hurry B. under C. pressure D. rush
Ex 3
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions
Question 1. If you wanted to be chosen for the job, you’ll have to be experienced in the field.
A. in B. experienced C. wanted D. chosen for
Question 2. Mr.Merlin, that dies at the end of the film Kingsman, is really good at computing and
A. computing B. is C. at D. that
Question 3. No one in our office want to drive to work because there are always traffic jams at rush hour.
A. want B. because C. are D. at rush hour
Question 4. Fifty minutes are the maximum length of time allotted for the exam.
A. are B. length C. maximum D. allotted
Question 5. There is an unresolved controversy as to whom is the real author of the Elizabethan plays
commonly credited to William Shakespeare.
A. There is B. whom C. is D. commonly
Question 6. Our teacher encourages us using a dictionary whenever we are unsure of the
meaning of a word.
A. of B. using C. meaning of the word D. whenever
Question 7. The number of students attending universities to study economics have increased
steadily in the last few years.
A. economics B. of students C. have D. attending
Question 8. Several people have apparent tried to change the man’s mind, but he refuses to listen.
A. Several B. apparent C. mind D. listen
Question 9. You must find a more efficiently way of organizing your time.
A. efficiently B. must C. a more D. organizing
Question 10. We were advised not drinking the water in the bottle.
A. in B. the water C. drinking D. advised
Question 11. After John eaten dinner, he wrote several letters and went to bed.
A. eaten B. went C. letters D. he wrote
Question 12. She wishes that we didn’t send her the candy yesterday because she’s on a diet.
A. didn’t send B. because C. on D. her the candy
Question 13. He used to smoking a cigar after meal but now he quit smoking because he has
got some respiratory problem.
A. after B. used to smoking C. because D. smoking
Question 14. Last week Mark told me that he got very bored with his present job and is looking for a new
A. told B. got C. is looking D. new one
Question 15. There are many single mothers and single fathers which are raising children by themselves.
A. are B. many C. which D. themselves
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Question 16. I feel both excited and nervously because I have an interview tomorrow.
A. feel B. excited C. bervously D. have
Question 17. The students are going to hearing three short conversations about food.
A. hearing three short B. going C. The students D. about food
Question 18. Higher education is very importance to national economies, and it is also a source of trained
and educated personnel for the whole country.
A. educated B. economies C. importance D. the whole country
Question 19. The puppy stood up slowly, wagged its tail, blinking its eyes, and barked.
A. slowly B. its C. blinking D. and
Question 20. A conductor uses signals and gestures to let the musicians to know when to play various
parts of composition.
A. the musicians B. to play C. uses D. to know
Question 21. Communication is the act of transferring information through neither verbal messages or
non-verbal signals.
A. through B. neither C. transferring D. Communication

Question 22. There is only one Chinese restaurant in town , isn’t it?

A. is only B. Chinese C. in town D. isn’t it

Question 23. You had better to tell her the truth or she’ll get angry with you.

A. to tell B. the C. she’ll D. with

Question 24. He was the last one leaving the burning building in time.
A. one B. in time C. burning D. leaving
Question 25.Poverty in the United States is noticeably different from that in other country.
A. from B. noticeably C. the D. other country
Question 26.When he was a college student, he learned to play tennis, to ski, and swimming.
A. When B. a college student C. learned D. swimming
Question 27. When precipitation occurs, some of it evaporates, some runs off the surface it strikes, and
some sinking into the ground.
A. When B. some C. the D. sinking
Question 28. She said to her mother that she will take an exam the next month.

A. that B. next month C. said to D. will take

Question 29. The letters written by the man was translating into Vietnamese by my sister.
A. written B. into C. by my sister D. was translating
Question 30. The abilities to work hard, follow directions, and thinking independently are some of the
criteria for success in the work space.
A. to work B. thinking C. are D. for success
Question 31. The number of homeless people in Nepal have increased sharply due to the recent
severe earthquake.
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D. severe
A. of B. have C. due to earthquake
Question 32. Caroline has worn her new yellow dress only once since she buys it.
A. has worn B. yellow C. once D. buys
Question 33. Below are some pieces of advice that can help you reduce the feeling of pressure and
a good impression on your interviewer.
A. Below are B. help you reduce C. creating D. impression on
Question 34. A number of large insurance companies has their headquarters in the capital city.
A. A number B. has C. their headquarters D. capital city
Question 35. Much peopple agree that we should protect the
A. Much B. agree that C. protect D. environment
Question 36. He failed the final exam last year because his laziness.
A. failed B. the final exam C. because D. laziness
Question 37. They asked me how long did it take to get to Paris by train.
A. how long B. did it take C. get to D. by train
Question Mr. Ha is very interested in working as a teacher because he enjoy teaching
38. children.
A. enjoy B. teaching C. working D. is
39. The food that my mom is cooking in the kitchen smells deliciously.
A. that B. is cooking C. smells D. deliciously
Question 40. The Oxford English Dictionary is well known for including many different meanings of words
and to give real examples.
A. The B. well known C. meanings D. to give

Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.
1. His uncle_________the boy after his parents died.
A. call off B. bring about C. account for D. brought up
2. The show has been_________because of the heavy rain.
A. brought in B. called off C. based on D. blown out
3. Could you_________me at my house this evening? My bike is out of order.
A. call for B. call off C. call after D. call up
4. Will her fans still continue to_________after the scandal?
A. back her up B. bring her down C. break up her D. call after her
5. The boy was_________his great grandfather, Tom.
A. called off B. called for C. called after D. called up
6. When we were out, someone_________our house and took some valuable things.
A. broke out B. broke up C. broke into D. broke down
7. I don’t_________what they said. I need more persuasive suggestions.
A. add up to B. agree with C. blowout D. bringdown
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8. More stricter laws against overhunting should be_________.
A. called on B. accounted for C. broken down D. brought in
9. Rural people_________80% of the population in this country.
A. bring about B. call up C. account for D. break up
10. When he visited the village, it _________lots of memories.
A. agreed with B. brought back C. broke into D. called for

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including the supply and

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