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Unit3 : Education in the World Sequence III :Listening and speaking

Rubric :Listening Comprehension

Level : 3AS.F.L & L. P Time allotted :1 Hour

Objectives: SWABT

- make predictions/guesses by studying a picture .

- make a short oral biography .

Anticipatory set ( Pre-listening) :05 mns

Aim : To detect the meaning of a proverb and predict the topic of the lesson

I will start my lesson by writing a proverb on the board and ask lrs to explain it .
Then I will show lrs a picture and gets them guess who the woman is.
I will then ask lrs some questions about the picture .

Direct instruction (During Listening ) :05 mns

Aim : To listen for general gist and check predictions

I will get lrs listen to the first part of the lady’s life story and check their guesses to the previous

Guided practice ( During listening ) :20 mns

Aim : To demonstrate understanding by selecting the right answer, answer questions and completing a
table while listening .

I will pass on handouts to lrs and gets them do some the tasks given one by one .

Task 1 : Listen to the lecture and Choose the right answer .

Task 2 : Listen again and answer the questions given .

Task 3:Complete the table with the missing Information .

Closure ( Post-listening ): 10 mns

Aim : To produce a biography story.

I will first ask the lrs : What is the lesson that you learn from Marie’s life story ?
I will open a class discussion about how to write a biography .
Lrs then are asked to make an oral biography of Marie Curie using the notes in the previous tasks

Materials : Picture , board , listening script , handouts

Prepared by Sally Mourdjane

Anticipatory set

Where there is a will, there is a way : if someone has the desire and determination to do something, he or
she can find a method for accomplishing it .
Who is the woman ?
Where is she from ?
What is her job ?
What helped her to become a scientist ?
Lrs will answer these questions depending on their background knowledge .

Direct instruction
Lrs will check their guesses
The woman is Marie Curies. A famous Polish scientist .

Guided practice :

Task 1 Key answer

A- The listening text is a : life story

B- Marie was born in Warsaw
C- Marie’s father was a Professor of Physics at first
D- When Marie was 18 years old , she started teaching

Task 2 key answer

A- Marie Curie’s real name was Manya Skoldovsky

B- Russia ruled Warsaw .
C- No , she did not .
D- Marie went to Paris for further studies .

Task 3 key answer

Event Marie curie Went to Gained degree in Started Was awarded died
was born Paris Maths Investigating The Nobel prize
Uranium for chemistry
Year 1867 1891 1894 1897 1911 1934

Lrs will give different answers to the question :
Suggested answer :
 You’ll have bad times, but it will always wake you up to the good stuff you weren’t paying
attention to.
 There is no success without hardship.
Suggested biography
This story recounts the life of Marie Curie, born Manya Sklodowska in Poland occupied then by Russia.
Curie experienced many hardships during her childhood. She lost her mother at an early age, and her father,
a professor of physics, had problems with the Russian rulers. She made heavy sacrifices to pursue her
further studies. She went to Paris to study at Sorbonne University . Marie obtained a doctorate from the
university (Paris) and married Professor Curie. Later , she won the Noble Prize twice for physics and
chemistry .She died in 1934 at the age of 67.
First part

Good morning all,

Today you are going to learn about one of the famous people in history , Marie curie .
Marie Curie was a famous Polish scientist. Her name was Manya Skoldovsky and she was born in
Warsaw on 7 November 1867. Her father was a professor of physics . Warsaw then was then ruled by
Russia. Russian inspectors made sudden visits to the unhappy country roundabout , seeking to spy out
possible trouble. Even the schools were watched.

Second part

When Manya was very young , her mother died and her father lost his position and had to become
a teacher . From that time , Manya, faced struggle and hardship. So, at the age of 18 , she started working
as a teacher in a private home to earn money to study abroad .

In 1891, she went to Paris for further studies . She began studying at Sorbonne University .There she
changed her name to Marie .

Marie did very well at University and in 1893 she gained a degree in Physics. In 1894 she gained a degree in

In 1894 she met Pierre Curie and she married him in 1895. In 1897 Marie Curie started investigating uranium.
(In 1898 she coined the term radioactive to describe any substance that gave off the mysterious rays).

In 1898 isolated an element they called polonium (after Poland). However they realized there was another
element in pitchblende. Finally in 1902 ,Marie and her husband Pierre isolated radium. In 1903 Marie and
Pierre Curie were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics and in 1911 , she was given the Nobel Prize for
Chemistry. Marie Curie died in 1934 at the age of 66 .

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