5x5 Advanced (Aka StrongLifts Advanced)

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StrongLifts 5x5 Advanced Training Program

More info: http://stronglifts.com/stronglifts-advanced/

How to Use this Spreadsheet

Enter your current 1RM or 3RM or 5RM into the yellow cases
Make sure you choose a weight you're 100% certain you can lift
I highly recommend to start with 10% less than your best weight the first time
If it turns out you started too heavy, just add a 5 th or 6th week before entering the deload phase
If it turns out you started too light, you're quite bluntly screwed, so better to start too light than too heavy
The spreadsheet will automatically calculate how much weight you should lift each workout, just go to sheet 2 (bottom)

Exercise Test Weight Reps 1RM 5RM 5x5RM New 1RM 3RM 3x3RM
Squat 335 5 375 335 310 395 375 355
Bench Press 240 5 270 240 220 280 265 250
Deadlift 335 5 375 335 310 395 375 355
Overhead Press 135 5 150 135 125 155 145 140
Barbell Row 165 5 185 165 155 195 185 175

Weight rounded t 5 (must be in pounds)

STRONGLIFTS BVBA © 2011and beyond. All Rights Reserved.

Spreadsheet created by StrongLifts Member Greg

StrongLifts 5x5 Advanced Training Program
More info: http://stronglifts.com/stronglifts-advanced/

Day Exercise Reps W1 W2 W3 W4 Reps W5 – Deload Reps W6 W7 W8 W9

5 250 280 310 325 3 325 3 335 345 355 365
5 250 280 310 325 3 325 3 335 345 355 365
Squat 5 250 280 310 325 3 325 3 335 345 355 365
5 250 280 310 325
5 250 280 310 325
5 145 165 180 190 3 200 3 205 210 210 215
5 155 175 195 205 3 225 3 230 235 240 245
Monday Bench Press 5 165 190 210 220 3 250 3 255 260 265 270
5 180 200 225 235
5 190 215 240 250
5 100 115 125 135 3 140 3 145 145 150 150
5 105 125 135 145 3 160 3 160 160 165 170
Barbell Row 5 115 130 145 155 3 175 3 180 180 185 190
5 120 140 155 165
5 130 150 165 175
5 225 245 265 275
5 225 245 265 275 NO Squats on Wednesday from week 5 to 9
Squat 5 225 245 265 275 Start with Deadlifts instead, then do Overhead Pres
5 225 245 265 275 I recommend you do 3x3 Weighted Pull-ups after Pr
5 225 245 265 275
5 100 115 125 130 3 130 3 135 135 140 145
Wednesday 5 100 115 125 130 3 130 3 135 135 140 145
Overhead Press 5 100 115 125 130 3 130 3 135 135 140 145
5 100 115 125 130
5 100 115 125 130
5 250 280 310 325 3 325 3 335 345 355 365
Deadlift 5 250 280 310 325 3 325 3 335 345 355 365
5 250 280 310 325 3 325 3 335 345 355 365
5 205 230 255 265 3 280 3 290 290 300 310
5 220 250 275 285 3 315 3 325 330 340 345
Squat 5 240 270 295 310 3 350 3 360 365 375 385
5 255 285 315 330
5 270 305 335 350
5 175 200 220 230 3 230 3 235 245 250 255
5 175 200 220 230 3 230 3 235 245 250 255
Friday Bench Press 5 175 200 220 230 3 230 3 235 245 250 255
5 175 200 220 230
5 175 200 220 230
5 125 140 155 165 3 165 3 170 180 185 190
5 125 140 155 165 3 165 3 170 180 185 190
Barbell Row 5 125 140 155 165 3 165 3 170 180 185 190
5 125 140 155 165
5 125 140 155 165

STRONGLIFTS BVBA © 2011and beyond. All Rights Reserved.

Spreadsheet created by StrongLifts Member Greg


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