Trapped Quotes and Poems Something For Every Mood Quotev

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Quotes and Poems

~Something for Every Mood


< Trapped Trapped >

I feel trapped

I feel like I'm stuck in a routine and it's killing me

I need to get out

But I can't

I'm trapped

It's like the walls are closing in

And every argument or disagreement

It's all just leading to a bigger feeling

A feeling of being trapped

I'll never really escape the feeling of being


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One day I'll have complete freedom

And the next I'm in shackles

It's like I'm trapped in my mind and in reality

But nobody can see the cage I'm in

Therefore it does not exist

If you can't see something than it doesn't exist



I can't see the cage and yet I'm trapped

People can't see God and they believe

Being trapped is tiring

Sometimes when life gets so tiring you think

about giving up

I need to run away from this

I have to get out

But I can't

I'm trapped

At school I'm the happy girl

I'm the girl everyone goes to with problems

Begging for solutions

That I'll always give

Because sometimes dealing with everyone

else's shit is easier than dealing with you're own

Being the happy girl is tiring

Maybe one day they'll see that all this sunshine

is just a built up storm that will eventually blow


Maybe one day they'll understand what I'm

going through

Because one day they'll feel trapped


Everyone is trapped in their own ways

Being trapped in a cycle that is never ending is


Some days I just want to end it all

Because it just seems like I'll never get away

from this feeling

Being trapped in your own mind and never

being able to tell anyone because they'll shrug it

It's tiring

I can't stop feeling trapped


I'm trapped

I need to get out

I don't know how to get out

I need to run into the sunset

And even then the I'll still feel trapped

Because maybe that's why I'm here

I'm just a punching bag that never gets touched

but is always being punched

All these mental blows are killing me

One day I'll leave

Leave the house

Leave the town

Leave the state

Leave Australia

Leave the world

Being trapped is hard

Because even though you know you're trapped

You can't escape

Because you're trapped

Trying to tell someone you feel trapped is hard

They'll never understand

They'll try

And they'll try

But they won't get it

They'll never get it

Because even though you know what you're


You'll never know how to describe it

Or what caused it

I try to run because maybe running will help

But no matter how far or how fast I run

I will still feel trapped

No matter how free I am

I will always be the girl

That girl

The girl that was trapped

~ Caitie

Everything will get better

I hope

Cuts That Spell

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