Writeup - Destiny

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I guess life has forged its path...

And some things are destined to be...

[FONT=Courier New][SIZE=5][B]SONG AVERAGE : 9.7692[/B]
[B]LOVELINUS : @Slice of Life (11) @codecat @ysev @RUNAWAY @junglefish @Ana Raquel
@Wills @FunkyButChic (10) [/B]
[B]PROLAPSED ANUS : The rest (9) [/B]
@Attis SCORE : 10[/SIZE]

"You’re my destiny
I can never leave you
You’re my Earth
The center of my day"


[SPOILER]4 voters : #2
8 voters : #1 (TIE)
11 voters : #1
13 voters : #1[/SPOILER]

Congratulations to our winner Destiny ! Since day one, it seems like Destiny, just
like the title, has been destined to win this, never leaving the Top 2 completely
throughout the rate process. 1Piece once again bestow their golden hands to craft
Destiny for Lovelyz.

Destiny is a masterpiece, not just as a K-pop song, but as an important achievement

in music history. It's a perfect combination of many musical influences from the
past, from classical music, jazz, electronic and even funk, that eventually shaped
into the masterpiece of Destiny that we hear today.

The dramatic string greet us right away, alerting us to witness drama that Lovelyz
has woven, the heartbreaking confession of unrequited love. Segued by another
beautiful string arrangement, the verse saw the first taste of Destiny's unique
combination : deep, funky bass with sawtooth synths and melancholic 90s synths
sprinkled on top of that while Lovelyz echoes their repressed feelings.

The fake pre-chorus build a tension, before resorting the energy back a bit and
launching right into the tragique mammoth of chorus that sounds like it has been
stolen from some magical girl anime in 90s, where all the elements amp themselves
and the girl's emotions can't hide any longer and erupt into a plea for their
lovers. A plea to notice them, to read the story that only they know.

The excellent bridge provides a slight rest from the intensity, like a silent
moment in this fight hoping the lover will somehow turn their attention to us. But
this is not a fantasy, life is cruel and the emotions rush and flood once again as
a final cry.

Destiny becoming a masterpiece isn't just carried by the strength of songwriting

and production, but by the powerful performances from Lovelyz themselves. In the
hand of another artists / idols, Destiny would crumble without the needed
desperation and emotional touch that Lovelyz could provide. Once again and last but
not least, let's give our final applause for the girls.

Destiny to me is the ultimate representation of what Lovelyz brand is and deeply in

their consciousness something that Lovelyz wish they could achieve, a hopelessly
romantic who only want their lover to notice their love. A hopelessly desperate
idols who want the public to notice them.

But in such a cruel twist of fate, the love for Destiny in public's eyes
is...robbed. Covered by OHMYGIRL, suddenly Destiny is appreciated and loved, but
not for the Lovelyz themselves.

It's truly saddening to witness. And I'm saying this with love for the other group
and trying to objective, but the cover still can't and won't capture the magic of
the original Lovelyz's Destiny itself. It would be too long to explain why I
dislike it, but in a simple answer it just felt like a performance piece that's
been stripped away the needed intensity and emotional rollercoaster.

But the public has spoken. Just like ABBA said, the winner really takes it all.
Maybe the world just love to hear the most blandest take like how they love a
certain cretin sing Dancing On My Own in the most slowest way possible. Maybe
humanity is always terrible like this.


The MV, thanks to the creative hand of Digipedi, complements the song so well. Just
like how Destiny tells the story of "orbiting" the lover, the imagery is absolutely
smart and stunning by utilizing Moon and other cyclical objects like marbles,
compass, heck even the camera movement is also cyclical !

I also love the set itself isn't looking perfect, with some spots in the wall and
carpet. Complete with the grimy undertone, the whole imagery immediately sets a
somber and depressive tone. Also the camerawork my God, it's thematically correct
and also felt very intense that adds the dramatic feeling to it. Also that space
clip and Venn diagram being overlayed in the bridge, absolutely breathtaking.

Ana Raquel understood the assignment : " Why does this have a shoujo anime vibe
somehow?" while Wills found something to complain about : "The melody’s sturdy, but
it’s the strings – climbing, hanging, and swooping like vines – that bring this to

Slicey weirdly doesn't write anything for his 11, so I guess we will let my good
judy ysev close this rate. Give it up to ysev you guys ! : " Gorgeous song and
hands down one of the best music videos in k-pop history"


8 : @WowWowWowWow
1 : @ohnoitisnathan @Up N Down

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