Writeup - WoW!

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And the winner is.......

Not you honey....

[FONT=Courier New][SIZE=5][B]SONG AVERAGE : 9.7115[/B]
[B]LOVELINUS : @FunkyButChic (11) @codecat @Slice of Life @RUNAWAY @Hawari @Crisp X
@Wills @Remorque (10) [/B]
[B]PROLAPSED ANUS : @Ana Raquel (7.5) [/B]
@Attis SCORE : 10[/SIZE]

"But love is a strange dimension

A story that will smudge with tears
Though I wanna hold your hand"


[SPOILER]4 voters : #3 (TIE)
8 voters : #3
11 voters : #2
13 voters : #2[/SPOILER]

I'm gagged. Honestly gagged. I'm truly not expecting WoW! to be such a big fan
favorite like this, to even make it to #2. Congratulations WoW! As per usual, WoW!
is written and produced by team 1Piece.

It's pretty amazing how WoW! and Destiny both occupy Top 2 on Lovelyz's whole
discography. To me, both of them shares similar DNA, two sides of the same coin. We
will discuss Destiny later, but WoW! balance the Lovelyz's melancholic vibes with
quirky hooky verses.

WoW! is insane in the most amazing way, the most daring and experimental Lovelyz's
single could get. Greeted with chirpy synths and choppy high-pitched vocals, the
verse turn into a weird, 100% hook that is paired with the most delicious bass
slaps ever created. As if the verse is an playful, sarcastic answer from them to
netizens / naysayers who dismiss their music as not catchy.

Instead of letting the whole song turn into an overbearing soup of aegyo-hook, the
chorus suddenly takes turn into Lovelyz's ante : A heavily melancholic chorus that
as usual delivered beautifully by the members. And then the transition into second
verse OH MY GOD, it's like a tease before we delve into that godly bridge.

The bridge is absolutely deranged and that's a praise ! After that cute little
aegyo-section with Kei and Jiae, WoW! suddenly turns into a full electronic
debauchery. It's also amazing how it perfectly contrast the melody that's written
on top of that, rotating between every members. It's serving that Neon Genesis
Evangelion scene where everyone clapping the protagonist for curing his depression.

WoW! is serving that, it cures my depression, anxiety, my Covid-19, my financial

crisis. What's Neon Genesis Evangelion you may ask ? I don't know I'm not a weeb,
it's just a sudden stream of consciousness.


And the MV OH MY GOD. Look how they ate that ! The absolute mind of the mastermind,
like no one even come close to this creativity. Not even Digipedi could repeat this
excellency, LOONA whomst ?

From the house setting that exudes warmthness, cozy feeling and instant nostalgia
to the pin-up retro fashion that is kinda ugly but also camp. The absolutely genius
idea to use cardboard models and cuts of their previous era's references / images.
Just wow, deserved OScar for Best Picture tbh. They really take the "unafraid to
reference" part of Lejdi Gagu's speech seriously. Once again LOONA whomst ? Lovelyz
keeps inspiring the trend.

It's also mindblowing that the WoW! MV also works in the deeper level. The usage
and constant references on the past makes WoW! felt like an early celebration into
Lovelyz's career and the fans themselves. Like if you let casuals watch it, they're
probably think it's cute and quirky. But to the fans, it's endearingly funny and
familiar. Like that smiley sticker with one of them has little tears on that ? OMG
That's from Hi~ ! Yein sticker blowing that yellow paper from Jin ? Oh that's from
Ah-Choo !

Looking at it as a whole, WoW! felt like an actual sweet gift to the fans. A rarely
genuine appreciation and celebration for enjoying their music, video and everything
in between to this day.

Wills is more fond on the verse : "Genius verses, excellent everything else" while
RUNAWAY adore it so much : "This is one of their best ever tracks. Seriously epic,
and has tremendous replay value <3". Slice of Life thankfully had a change of heart
: " SCREAM!!!!!!! I hated this with a passion back then but now I’m actually super
stanning??? Wig! It was truly ahead of its time." Exactly mother !

Lastly, final words from the 11 giver, FunkyButChic : " Hook after hook after hook
after hook after hook after… okay, you get the point. There’s not one part in this
song that hasn’t been stuck in my head at some point in the past 5 years. Probably
some of the best synth work done on a K-pop song ever for one of the best pop
songs… like, ever. I will die on this hill." PERIODT !


8 : @WowWowWowWow
1 : @ohnoitisnathan @Up N Down

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