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Education is a necessity that cannot be separated from everyday life. Each person must have
triedto get a good education in the formal and non-formal institutions. Success or failure of a school
is oftenmeasured by the results of the assessment at the end of the learning process, although it is
not the soledeterminant tool an education, but it is still used in the world of education.In education
there are a variety of disciplines, including lessons learned. Lessons include the fourskills namely
listening, speaking, writing and reading. All it should also be tested to determine the abilityof the
already gained during the study through a test or exam.

Someone language skills to determine whether or not he is in communication with the

peoplearound him. !astery of language is not only the mother tongue or regional language but more
importantis the mastery of a foreign language, in this case English as a second language. Language
skills a personcan be tested with a so called tests of language or language testing, well testing or
language or language assessment.

Questions about the tests to be tested can be made by teachers themselves or others. #ot
allteachers understand about the creation of good, $uality matter made or things that need to be
tested. !any people do not know how to test the Quality of Questions that tested or will be tested. It
is also not freefrom their ignorance of what is language testing or language tests. Language testing
needs to be known because it would provide the basis for language testing.

Language testing is the practice and study of Evaluating the proficiency of an individual in a
particular language using Effectively. This evaluation to measure whether students can use the
languagethey have learned to fluently both in speaking, listening, writing, and reading. %his is also
used as a gauge whether students can receive lessons or material submitted by the teachers well.&or
this time, we as the first group will only discuss the outline of Language !easurement,
test,Assessment, Evaluation, and what should be tested.

B.Problem Statement

1. What is Assessment?

2. What is Measurement?

3. What is Evaluation?

4. What is Test?

5. What should be tested?




1. Definition Of Assement

Assessment of achievement is what a student has learned in relation to a particular

coursecontent or course objectives. formative assessment is carried out by teachers during the
learning process with the aim of using the results to improve instruction. Summative assessment is
done at theend of a course to provide information on program to educational authorities.

Assessment is the process of gathering information to monitor progress and make

educational decisions if necessary. As noted in my definition of test, an assessment may include a
test, but alsoincludes methods such as observations, interviews, behavior monitoring, etc.

Assessment has a different meaning to the evaluation. The Task group on Assessment and
Testing (TGAT) described the assessment as all the methods used to assess the performance of
theindividual or group (Griffin & Nix, 1991:3). Popham (1995 : 3 ) . defines assessment in the contect
of education as a formal attempt to determine the status of the student regard to the interests of
education. Boyer & Ewel define assessment as a process that provides information about
individualstudents, about curriculum or program, the institution or everything related to institutional
system.Processes that provide information about individual students, about curricula or programs,
about institutions, or about entire systems of institutions (Stark & Thomas, 1994 : 46 ). Based on the
various descriptions of the above can concluded that the assessment or assessment can be defined
as activities interpreting the data presented.


1. Definition & Assessment

Assessment of achievement is what a student has learned in relation to a particular coursecontent or

course objectives. &ormative assessment is carried out by teachers during the learning process with
the aim of using the results to improve instruction. Summative assessment is done at theend of a
course to provide information on program to educational authorities. Assessment is the process of
gathering information to monitor progress and make educational decisions if necessary. As noted in
my definition of test, an assessment may include a test, but also includes methods such as
observations, interviews, behavior monitoring, etc. Assessment has a different meaning to the
evaluation. The task Group on Assessment and testing (TGAT ) described the assessment as all the
methods used to assess the performance of theindividual or group (Griffin & Nix , 1991 : 3 ). Popham
(1995 : 3) defines assessment in the contect of education as a formal attempt to determine the
status of the student regard to the interests of education. Boyer & Ewel define assessment as a
process that provides information about individual students, about curriculum or program, the
institution or everything related to institutional system. Processes that provide information about
individual students, about curricula or programs, about institutions, or about entire systems of
institutions 5+Stark  %homas, //60 67. 4ased on the variousdescriptions of the above can
concluded that the assessment or assessment can be defined as activitiesinterpreting the data

. T)*e( o& A((e((ment

%he term assessment is generally used to refer to all activities teachers use to helpstudents learn
and to gauge student progress. %hough the notion of assessment is generally morecomplicated than
the following categories suggest, assessment is often divided for the sake of convenience using the
following distinctions0a.&ormative and SummativeAssessment is often divided into formative and
summative categories for the purpose of considering different ob)ectives for assessment practices.

Summative assessment is generally carried out at the end of a course or pro)ect. In aneducational
setting, summative assessments are typically used to assign students a coursegrade. Summative
assessments are evaluative.

&ormative assessment is generally carried out throughout a course or pro)ect.

&ormativeassessment, also referred to as 5educative assessment,5 is used to aid learning. In
aneducational setting, formative assessment might be a teacher +or peer or the learner

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