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MYP Drama 9/10 (Year 4 and 5)

Course Outline 2015-2016

Teacher: Mrs J Ohlhauser



Welcome to Drama 9 and 10. In these courses we will explore the techniques and skills in dramatic performance,
skills and attitudes appropriate to a variety of theatre performance contexts and theatre theory. Throughout the
course every effort will be made to show how Drama connects to other areas of study.

You will be encouraged to communicate your ideas and consider the thoughts and opinions of others. You will also
work to develop yourself as communicating, caring, inquiring, risk taking, knowledgeable, reflective, open-minded,
principled, balanced, and thinking individual.

Aims and Objectives:

This course meets the Prescribed Learning Outcomes set out by the BC Ministry of Education and the MYP aims and
objectives as described by the International Baccalaureate Organization.

The aims for this course are to:

• demonstrate an ability to internalize the experiences of another while
maintaining their own identity
• concentrate on role while sustaining and developing situations
• apply vocal and physical techniques to create role an character
• consistently use precise language to reflect on experiences both in and out of
• apply stage vocabulary and theatrical conventions to dramatic forms
• select technical elements to create mood and atmosphere
• represent concepts from original and scripted work through presentation
• realize, in production, relevant issues of cross-cultural importance
• create drama that demonstrates a responsibility to the community
• use knowledge of diverse cultures and historical periods in developing work

The objectives of this course are:

A: Knowing and understanding –

students should be able to: displaced contexts iii. use
acquired knowledge to purposefully
i. demonstrate knowledge and
inform artistic decisions in the
understanding of the art form
process of creating artwork.
studied, including concepts,
B: Developing skills – students
processes, and the use of subject- should be able to:
specific terminology ii.
demonstrate an understanding of the i. demonstrate the acquisition
role of the art form in original or and development of the skills and
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techniques of the art form studied
behaviours iii. demonstrate the
ii. demonstrate the application exploration of ideas to shape
of skills and techniques to create, artistic intention through to a point
perform and/or present art. of realization.

D: Responding: students should be

able to:

C: Thinking creatively – students i. construct meaning and transfer

should be able to:
learning to new settings ii.
create an artistic response which
i. develop a feasible, clear,
intends to reflect or impact on the
imaginative and coherent artistic
world around them iii. critique
intention ii. demonstrate a range
the artwork of self and others.
and depth of creative-thinking

Approaches to Learning:

Throughout this course, we will be using various approaches to learning, these include:

Category Skill indicator (an example)

Communication skills Listen actively and endorse the views or opinions of others.
Social skills Work collaboratively in a production team with assigned roles and responsibilities.
Self-management skills Plan the rehearsal schedule for a performance or plan the time needed to prepare
a scene.
Research skills Create storyboards or sketches which translate an idea into practice.
Thinking skills Map the creative thought process in the arts process journal to generate new ideas
and questions.

Concept Based Learning through Global Contexts:

MYP inquiry recognizes the integrity of subject disciplines, but learning is richer and deeper when conceptually
driven. Building a deep understanding requires meaningful reflection. MYP uses a fluid, differentiated model to
encourage learning and uses the Global Contexts as a context to drive inquiry.

The global contexts and key/related concepts will be addressed in MYP Drama 9/10 by exploring the following Key
Concepts: aesthetics, change, communication and identity. Other key concepts are important in the arts.
Creativity, culture, form, perspective, relationships as well as time, place and space, are all key concepts applied in
arts units of study.

Unit Titles for MYP Drama 9/10 include:

• Drama Elements: Space, Character, Place, Tension, Structure, Sound, Movement, Timing, Rhythm, Symbol,
Mood, Moment, Beat
• Concentration, Trust and Focus, Sense Awareness
• Mime and physical comedy
• Elements of Technical Theatre: costumes, props, set, lighting, sound
• Improvisation: short form and long form
• Scripted scene work
• Monologues
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• Playwriting via social issues

Some units are in development. Since the MYP Drama 9/10 course runs in combination at Rockridge Secondary
School there will be year-one and year-two rotation of the course.

Texts/Resources and Required Materials:

Students require a pencil and highlighter when we are working on scripted scenes or plays.

Students require a West Vancouver School district log in and Google Classroom email to register for our Google
classroom. MYP Drama 9/10 2-1 can be found at class code: xvebfbe MYP Drama 9/10 2-4 can be found at class
code: zao9nq0

Methods of assessment:

Formative Assessment: Students will have daily samples and explorations of key concepts. Students will be
encouraged to discuss their thinking about the various topics covered in class. The information gained guides the
next steps in instruction and helps consider the additional learning opportunities needed to ensure success

Summative Assessment: At the end of each unit students will demonstrate their learning through performance and
self and peer-reflection. Students will partake in individual and group projects. Students will be required to
demonstrate their knowledge, their understanding, applications of skills and concepts in a manner that is clear and
organized in all the above mentioned forms of summative assessment.

• Summative assessments provide information about the attainment of knowledge

• Results translate to an overall level of achievement.
• The goal is to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it to the
IB standards

All grading will be based on MYP assessment rubrics (attached) and BC Prescribed Learning Outcomes.

Evaluation Guide:

Criterion A: Knowing and Understanding

Criterion B: Developing Skills
Criterion C: Thinking Creatively
Criterion D: Responding

In MYP, student’s work is assessed on an 8 point scale. This is not a score “out of 8”, therefore a result
of 4/8 does not equate to 50% but is closer to a 70%.

MYP Grade Approximate Letter Grade

8 A+ Exceeds expectations
7 A Excellent work
6 A-/B+ Very good work
5 B Good work
4 B-/C+ Decent effort, Satisfactory work
3 C Satisfactory work
2 C/C- Meets minimal standards, all work is
being completed
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1 C-/I Insufficient effort, but work is usually
0 I Work is not being completed/No

All marks are cumulative. Students must show continuous growth from September through June. Though a
student may start with a 1 or 2 does not mean they cannot achieve a higher MYP level by the end of the year.

The final mark is not an average of all three terms. Current level of progress or trending results are used to report
level of achievement. Therefore, always try your best and don’t give up!

For the term 3 report card, each student will receive a FINAL IB grade (1-7) for IB IB grade BC %
each subject. That is determined by adding the most recent and consistent Criterion Conversion
achievement level on each of the 4 criteria together and then using the chart total /32
to the right to make the conversion. On the grade 9 and 10 FINAL report cards 1-5 1 0-44
– a percent and corresponding letter grade will also be awarded. Please see 6-9 2 45-55
the chart to the right for how that conversion is made. 10-14 3 56-69
15-18 4 70-77
19-23 5 78-86
The descriptors for each IB Final Grade are explained below from 1 (lowest) to 24-27 6 87-95
7 (highest). These descriptors reflect the objectives of the eight subject areas. 28-32 7 96-100
All of the IB MYP subject criteria, along with the Rockridge Assessment Policy,
can be found on the MYP page of our school website.

IB Final Grade Descriptor

Produces work of very limited quality. Conveys many significant misunderstandings or
1 lacks understanding of most concepts and contexts. Very rarely demonstrates critical or
creative thinking. Vary rarely applies knowledge or skills.
Produces work of limited quality. Expresses misunderstandings or significant gaps in
2 understanding for many concepts and contexts. Infrequently demonstrates critical or
creative thinking. Infrequently applies knowledge and skills.
Produces work of an acceptable quality. Communicates basic understanding of many
concepts and contexts, with occasionally significant misunderstandings or gaps. Begins to
demonstrate some basic critical and creative thinking. Occasionally applies knowledge
and skills, requiring support even in familiar classroom situations.
Produces good-quality work. Communicates basic understanding of most
concepts and contexts with few misunderstandings and minor gaps. Often
demonstrates basic critical and creative thinking. Applies knowledge and skills in
familiar classroom situations, but requires support in unfamiliar situations.
Produces generally high-quality work. Communicates secure understanding of
concepts and contexts. Demonstrates critical and creative thinking, sometimes
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with sophistication. Applies knowledge and skills in familiar classroom and real-
world situations and, with support, some unfamiliar real-world situations.
Produces high-quality, occasionally innovative work. Communicates extensive
understanding of concepts and contexts. Demonstrates critical and creative
thinking, frequently with sophistication. Applies knowledge and skills in familiar
and unfamiliar classroom and real-world situations, often with independence.
Produces high-quality, frequently innovative work. Communicates
comprehensive, nuanced understanding of concepts and contexts. Consistently
7 demonstrates sophisticated critical and creative thinking. Frequently applies
knowledge and skills with independence and expertise in a variety of complex
classroom and real-world situations.

Policies and Procedures:

Follow the Rockridge Secondary School Code of Conduct as defined in the school agenda. Respectful behaviour is
expected at all times regarding fellow students, staff, materials and leaning environment.


Attendance is expected for every class. In the event, that a student has an unexcused and/or non-communicated
absence on a scene performance day, particularly where the other group members are counting on the student, an
MYP 0 (zero) will be given.


Please be on time to class. Please eat and drink outside the Drama room.

Always do your work to the best of YOUR abilities. Always ask questions.

Take risks, be creative, have fun.

Please read the above outline entirely and sign below. Note my e-mail address located on the front (top right) of
this outline. Please e-mail me with any questions, concerns or to inform me of an absence ahead of time.

I, _____________________________________________ (student’s full name) have read and understand the above
course expectations.

Signature of student: __________________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Student e-mail address: ____________________________________________________________________

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