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WP 13. Questions and auxiliary verbs 1 ‘To make a question, invert the subject and the auxiliary verb, If there isno auxiliary ver, use do/doesiid, Question She's wearing jeans, Whar is she wearing? You aren't working. Why aren't you working? You were borm in Pari. Where were you born? Peers been fo China Has Peter boon to China? We have been studying. Have you been studying? Tow you Dol kxow you? “He wants ice-cream, What does he want? They didn’ go out Why didn? they go out? ‘There is usually no do/does/did in subject questions. Compare: Who wants ice-cream? What flavour ice-cream do you want? What happened to your ye? What did you do to your eye? Who broke the window? How did you break the window? [> 14 Short answers and auxiliary verbs Short answers are very commot Past Simple, use do/does/d Short answer Are you coming with us? Yes Lam. “Have you had breakfast? ‘No, U haven't Kate fkes walking. 1No, she doesn't She hates it ‘Mary didn't phone. Yi, she did. You were out. Don's forget to write, No, Twon' in spoken English. Ifyou just say Yes fr No, ican sound rude, We use short answers afer Yes | No questions ‘To make a short answer, repeat the auxiliary verb. In the Present and UNIT 2 Bp 21 Present Simple Form Positive and negative Question T T We | work we You don't work. a you They Where they _| iver He he works, She ; does | she She | does work 5 Short answer Do you ive in Bristol? Yes, wedo. Does he have a car? Na he does Use ‘The Present Simple is used to express: 1 an action that happens again and again (a habit) 1 go t0 work by car. ‘She drinks tn cups of coffee a day. wash my hair twice a week 2 a fact that is alays rue Ronaldo comes from Brasil Some birds fly sour in winter (My daughter has brown eyes 13a fact thats true for along time (a stat) “He works in a bank, live ina flat near the centre of town I prefer coffee to ea. Spelling of verb + -# 1 Most verbs add -sto the base form ofthe ver. wants eats helps drives 2 Add -esto verbs that end in ~~ -ch, x and -0. Kisses washes watches fixes goes 3 Verbs that end in a consonant + -y change the -yto-ies carries fies worries tres But verbs that end in a vowel + -y only adds duys says plays enjoys Ph Workbook pl4 Pronunciation of -sat the end of a word Adverbs of frequency 1 We often use adverbs of frequency wit the Present Simple. o§ sx 100 never rarely notoften sometimes often usually always 2 They go before the main verb, but after the verb be. Compare: Lusually start school at 9.00. They’re usually ina hurry inthe morning. don't often goto bed late. I'm not often late for school ‘She mever ents meat He's never late. rarely see Peter these days, We've rarely at home atthe weekends. Grammar Reference 13-21 135 3. Sometimes and usually can also goat the beginning or the end, Sometimes we play cards. We play cards sometimes. Usually Igo shopping with fiends, I go shopping with fiends usually. ‘Never, alway, rarely, and seldom cannot move in this way. NOT Never gesethemevies, Abort bowen moming 4 Every dayset, gest the end He phones me every night, ID 22 Present Continuous Form Positive and negative 1 HelShet cating wert | Question am [i what [is” | hesheft | doing? axe_| wevulthey Short answer ap) ee tam. aneyouringby tnt | Shoe Use “The Present Continuous is used to express 1am activity that is happening now. Don's tr the TV off. Pm watching it Youcan' speak to Lio, She's having bat. 2 an activity or situation that is true now, but is not necessarily happening a the moment of speaking, Doni ake hat bok. Jane’ reading it. 1m doing a French evening cls hs ear. 3) a temporary activity. Peter ica student, but i’ working asa waiter during the holiday. 1h ving with lends un finda place of my owne 4 aplnned ftuce arrangement 1 having lh with Gla tomorrve Were meting o 1.00 outside he rena spelling of verb + -ing 1) Most verbs add ~ngt the base form of the ver. sing wearing visting cting 2 Verbs that end in one -elose the smoking coming hoping writing Verbs that end in -oe dn’ drop an agreeing seing Oc bing 3 Verbs of one syle, with one vowel and one consonant, double the consonant. ‘topping geting running planting jogging If the final consonant is -y or -w it is not doubled. lying showing [> 23 state verbs 1 ‘There ate certain groups of verbs that are usually ony used in the Present Simple, Ths is because their meanings are related to states ‘or conditions that are facts and not activit isa feature of the use of the Present Simple. The groups of verbs axe: Verbs of thinking and opinions believe think understand suppose expect agree doubt = know. remember forget mean imagine realize deserve prefer Thelieve you. Do you understand? Thaow his fac, but [forget his name, Verbs of emotions and feelings like love hate care hope wish want admit like black cofe. Do you want t0 g0 out? T don't care Verbs of having and being belong own have possess contain cost seem appear need depend on weigh come from resemble This book belongs to Jane. How much does it cost? He has a lot of money. Verbs of the senses look ear taste smell feel The food smells good. ‘We often use can when the subject isa person. Can you smell something burning? Tean hear someone crying 2, Some of these verbs can be used in the Present Continuous, but with a change of meaning. In the continuous, the verb expresses an activity, nota state, Compare: Think you're right. We've thinking of going t the cinema, (opinion) (ental activity) He has alot of money. Shes having a bad dey. (possession) (activity) Tsee what you mean. Ave you seeing Nigel morro? (understand) (activity) The soup tastes awful. Tm tasting the soup to seit needs sl (state) (activity)

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