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a aa Ley Before you read Which will be the boom industries ofthe future? Reading Read this article from the Financial Times by Luke Johnson and do the exercises that follow. Time to work on the jobs of the future Lake Johnson 1 What the hell are the jobsthatevery-__logicaladvances mean many sectors fossil fuels and create new indus- fone is going to be doing in the such as manufacturing, mining and tes. But the short-term burden of future? That i the question that no agriculture are much more efficient _carbon-limiting legislation will ‘one seems able oanswer.Notmany than they used tobe, solesslabouris increase costs and lead to more job ‘of those in power even appear tobe required fora greater output. And losses, as companies shift yet more thinking seriously about it. Yt itis third,employing people in countries production t0 cheaper places. perhaps the most important single such'as Britain has become much Service and support professions Issue facing the West: what are the more expensive: not simply because such as healthcare and education industries and professions that of wage inflation but othe obliga- will no doubt require more people ~ represent our salvation. and how do tions such as increased holiday, if we can afford to pay them, Yet ‘we prepare our citizens for them? catitlements such as maternity and even in growth sectors such as phar- 2 Paying jobs do not just crop up paternity eave, higher payroll uxes maceuticals and software, our through chance or political dream- and soon. competitive advantages are being ing. New jobs in the private sector + Thethree sectors that I hear about swiftly eroded. that add value generally only arise most are healthcare, education and —Think-tanks, civil servants, trade when there is optimism and new green energy. But who is doing the associations and business schools capital formation, in locations that research, who is placing the erucial should be combining thei intellec: are competitive in terms of costs bets? Poor venture capital returns tual resources to tell us where and skills. ‘mean the asset classes are attracting _investors, entrepreneurs and the 1 Three main structural trends are much less money and talent, This is _state should be directing their ener- apparent in the world of work in the likely to mean less innovation and _gies s0 as 10 boost job prospects. West. First, jobs are being shipped _commercialsation of new ideas Because a nation without enough offshore to lower-cost economies _ There issuperticial talk of “green” a miserable place. such as China and India. Second, jobs and clean energy. Perhaps perhaps more significantly, wechno- inventions will emerge to replace 1. Look through the whole article to find the order in which these ideas occur. Two of the ideas do not occur. a) ‘What remains ofthe coal industey wll dectine even further. b) Some industries are more productive than before ©) Noone in government seems to be thinking about hhow jobs are to be created in the future. 4d) New industries may emerge based on new fuels. €) Jobs are not created by accident. £) Healthcare is often cited as an industry of the future. 8) Four types of organisation should pool resources to develop thinking in this area. h) Companies need tax concessions to encourage them to create jobs. ') Drug manufacturing is an area where the West is {ess efficient in relation to other counties than it was before, 2. Find expressions in paragraphs 1 and 2 that could be replaced by these expressions without changing the meaning. 2) in goveenment ) arguably ©) are the things that will save us. occur ©. positive sentiment about the future f) creation ®) places 3. Decide whether these statements related to expressions used in paragraph 3 are true or false, a) You can refer to big changes in the economy as structuraist. ) If jobs are shipped offshore, they are done on ‘ships going to developing countries. less labours required for greater output, there isa fallin productivity, 8) Wage inflation is when workers pay rises. ©) Obligations could be replaced by entitlements, and entitlements by obligations with no change of meaning, 1) Payroll taxes are a form of personal income tax. 4 Match the two parts of these expressions from paragraphs 4, 5 and 6. 1 asset 2) jobs 2 clean 1) advantages 3 fossil ©) fuels 4 competitive @) resources 5 cucial ©) classes 6 seen 0) enetgy 7 intellectual ) bets 5 Match each of the expressions in Exercise 4 to one of these examples. a) Coal and oil ) Different activities in which venture capitalists caninvest ©) The ideas produced by think tanks, et. ) Jobs making wind turbines ©) The activities of the future that investors decide toback 1). The ability todo oF make something more cficently than others ®) Tidal power 6 Complete this table with words from paragraphs 4, 5 and 6, and related words. ‘Over to you 1 Identity a competitive advantage that your country has. Will this advantage increase or decrease over the next 30 years? Give your reasons. Over to you 2 Do some research onthe Internet to see what the government ofa country that you are intrested ins doing to encourage development of industries ofthe future. (You could look at the websites of government department, think tank, universities, ete.) THE FUTURE OF WORK 2 Before you read What wil be the biggest trend inthe workplace over the nest 30 years? Reading Read the article from the Financial Times by Lynda Gratton and do the exercises that follow. Winds of change head for the workplace am halfway through o four-year research project involving academics and letecutives from across the world to try to figure out which direction we are heading in, and how it will affect the nature of work, Based on our study, here ‘are some clues tothe big challenges. | Most corporations have hung on to valuing careers that enable a more same taste for fossil fuels and command and control structures, _halanced and creative life consumption? Suddenly, it looks with reliance on strategic directions Developed economies have had a. ‘like a challenge that will require a from the top. But what happens near monopoly on research and__level of global cooperation never ‘hen, within 10 years, more than development spending and the before witnessed. nine billion people will be actively high-value innovations that flow 5 Employees have tended to have connecting toeach other and engag- from this. So what happens when the some trust in their companies, theit Ing in purposeful creation online? ht frugal innovations from emerging governments and their communities. could shift the balance of power markets begin to look 2 lot more The deal was that they worked hard from within companies to the exciting, when even old-timers 10 make money to buy stuff that ‘microentrepreneurial-rich ecosys- move their labs to Bangalore made them happy. Plus. they spent tems that will increasingly dominate and when more of the Indian and about 20 hours a week of their their value chains. Chinese diasporas move home? leisuretime watching television, But 2 Thebaby-boomers’generationhas Expect disarray in the classic what happens when institutional preity much been in conurl of the Western talent pipelines and a dash trust cbbs, when it seems that the corporate agenda for the past 20 for Asian talent. wealthy are no happier, and we years, But what will happen when «The carbon footprints of US and now replace a couple of hours of generation Y.a group now in their Europeanemployees and consumers television with connecting creatively ‘mid-20s, takes control? They want have dwarfed the rest ofthe world’s with billions of other people online’? work-life balance and they tend to for decades. What happens when Perhaps its these billions of poten bbe cooperative and empathetic. This Chinese and Indian employees and tal grassroots activists and workers could create a shift from valuing consumers (and by 2020 there will bat will make a real difference. ‘careers that propel you tothe top to _be three billion of them) get the 1 Match each of these headings (a-e) to one of the paragraphs (1-5). 2) Carbon emissions in industralising economies 1) Work-ife balance ©) Connecting with others 4) Newmanagement methods €) Rap talent 2 In paragraph 1, find... 4) an adjective whose opposite ends in less. b) a noun with a similar form with the same meaning that ends in vty, ©) a two:word expression relating tall the steps involved in making money. 4) athree-word expression referring to new types of ‘work environment. e) a verb used also to talk about changing gear ina cat £)_athree-word expression also used to refer to ‘relationships between counties, 8) a fourword expression relating to traditional forms of management. 3. Decide whether these statements about ‘expressions in paragraph 2 are true or false. a) The baby-boomers’ generation includes people bboun between about 1925 and 1940. ) Generation ¥ includes people born between the rmid-1970s and the early 2000s ©) you tend to behave in a particular way. you always behave that way. @) Ifyou are cooperative, you work well with others, ©) IF you are empathetic, you don't understand how ‘other people are feeling £)_ If something propels you ina particular direction, it prevents you from getting there. 4 Choose the correct alternative (a, b or c) to replace the expressions in italic from paragraph 3, keeping the same meaning. 1 Developed economies have had « near monopoly ‘on research and development spending a) controled al b) controlled most © controtted some 2 ..and the high-value innovations that flow from this a}result b)cause ccome out 3 Sowhat happens when the frugal innovations from emerging markets begin to look aot more exciting, a) resource-hungey by resourceful © economical 4. when even old-timers move thei labs to Bangalove and when more ofthe indian and Chinese iasporas move home? a}expattiots b)expatiators expatriates 5. Expect isarray in the classic Western talent pipelines 2) disorganisation Dy uterchaos ©) total breakdown 6 anda dosh or Asian talent. a)demand byexodus rush 5. Look at paragraphs 4 and § and answer these questions. a) Will it be possible for Chinese and Indian consumers to use cil and oat, and consume goods in the same ways as their Western counterparts? 1) What will be required to deal with the call on fesources in relation tothe tend mentioned in (a) above? 0) Did employees have total trust in companies, governments and communities in the past? 4) Has this trust increased? ©) What has been people's main leisure activity? 1) what wll this be replaced by? 8) What will this bring abou? Over to you 1 Do you agree with the writer's ideas about these five future trends? Why? / Why not? Over to you 2 Think about your own work-life balance and leisure activities. How would you lke to see them develop in tie future?

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