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Child Development, March/April 2021, Volume 92, Number 2, Pages 691–703

Visual Attention Preference for Intermediate Predictability in Young Children

Laura S. Cubit Rebecca Canale
University of Rochester and Children’s Hospital of Philadel- University of Rochester and Yale University

Rebecca Handsman Celeste Kidd

University of Rochester and Children’s National Medical University of California, Berkeley

Loisa Bennetto
University of Rochester

How do children allocate their attention? There is too much information in the world to encode it all, so chil-
dren must pick and choose. How do they organize their sampling to make the most of the learning opportu-
nities that surround them? Previous work shows infants actively seek intermediately predictable information.
Here we employ eye-tracking and computational modeling to examine the impact of stimulus predictability
across early childhood (ages 3–6 years, n = 72, predominantly Non-Hispanic White, middle- to upper-middle-
income), by chronological age and cognitive ability. Results indicated that children prefer attending to stimuli
of intermediate predictability, with no differences in this pattern based on age or cognitive ability. The consis-
tency may suggest a robust general information-processing mechanism that operates across the lifespan.

Infants and young children face the remarkable task Early work in this area proposed that infants
of learning about the world by extracting relevant preferentially attend to stimuli that are moderately
information from a complex environment. To do so, discrepant from the infant’s prior knowledge (Kin-
attentional resources must be allocated carefully to ney & Kagan, 1976). Similarly, early theoretical
stimuli that provide the most useful information. work in the area of curiosity suggested that an opti-
Substantial research has shown that young children mal level of complexity may drive exploration (Ber-
track and learn from contingencies and statistical lyne, 1960). In line with these theories, recent work
regularities in their environment (Fiser & Aslin, showed that in both visual and auditory domains,
2001, 2002a, 2002b; Saffran, Aslin, & Newport, 8-month-old infants’ attention is best captured by
1996; Tarabulsy, Tessier, & Kappas, 1996). Yet, there information with intermediate predictability relative
is still relatively little research quantifying how the to previous observations (Kidd, Piantadosi, & Aslin,
statistical properties of incoming information 2012, 2014). In these studies, infants viewed or lis-
impact attention. tened to sequences of events, and eye-tracking was
used to measure the event at which infants termi-
nated attention to the sequence. The predictability
We thank Steve Piantadosi for help with data analysis; Tonya
of events in a sequence was quantified using an
Bortz, Emily Ballou, Shannon Cahalan, and Holly Palmeri for ideal learner model (see Experiment and Modeling
help with stimulus development and data collection; and Yim Approach). Results revealed a U-shaped function
Register and Amanda Yung for help with task programming and
data processing. This work was supported by a Ruth L. Kirsch-
relating stimulus predictability and attentional pref-
stein National Research Service Award from the National Insti- erences (termed the “Goldilocks Effect”) such that
tute of Mental Health (F31 MH113269) to Laura S. Cubit, the infants were more likely to look away from stimu-
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disor-
ders (R21 DC016165; PI: Loisa Bennetto), Google (Faculty
lus events that were either highly predictable or
Research Award; PI: Celeste Kidd), and the Jacobs Foundation highly unpredictable, and were more likely to
(Early Career Research Fellowship; PI: Celeste Kidd).
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to
Laura S. Cubit, Center for Autism Research, Children’s Hospital © 2021 Society for Research in Child Development
of Philadelphia, 2716 South Street, 5th Floor, Philadelphia, PA All rights reserved. 0009-3920/2021/9202-0018
19146. Electronic mail may be sent to DOI: 10.1111/cdev.13536
692 Cubit, Canale, Handsman, Kidd, and Bennetto

attend to stimuli of intermediate predictability, both increases in cognitive ability. For the purpose of the
at the group and individual levels (Kidd, Pianta- present study, three brief measures of nonverbal
dosi, & Aslin, 2012, 2014; Piantadosi, Kidd, & Aslin, cognitive abilities were selected that were poten-
2014). These findings are in line with the long-s- tially most relevant to implicit visual attentional
tanding theory that children construct knowledge preferences and predictability, due to their reliance
by seeking material that is just beyond mastery on visual attention skills and lack of verbal or social
(Piaget, 1970). No study, however, has examined content. Specifically, measures consisted of two
the impact of stimulus predictability on attention tasks measuring executive functioning skills (includ-
post-infancy. ing selective attention/inhibitory control, and set
Extending investigation of this phenomenon into shifting) and one measuring visual processing
childhood is a critical next step for understanding speed.
whether the U-shaped pattern observed in infants Given the rapid development of higher-order
represents a robust information-processing mecha- cognitive abilities across early childhood, it would
nism that operates beyond infancy. Early childhood be reasonable to expect that with increasing age
is a time of rapid learning and development across and cognitive maturity, children might show a gen-
higher-order skill domains. Higher-order cognitive eral shift toward preferring more complex, or less
abilities, such as executive functions, emerge and predictable, stimuli. This pattern of results would
begin to differentiate (Anderson, 2002; Carlson, suggest that neural development or accumulated
2005; Zelazo et al., 2003). Specifically, between the experience play a role in shaping attentional prefer-
ages of 2 and 6 years old, children experience rapid ences for predictability. However, findings of con-
gains in their ability to regulate attention, including sistency in the impact of predictability on attention
skills such as selective attention and attention across the age range of children in the study (3–
switching (for a review, see Garon, Bryson, & 6 years old), and across levels of nonverbal cogni-
Smith, 2008). It is possible that maturation in execu- tive ability, would provide support for the hypothe-
tive functioning abilities across the early develop- sis that the drive to prioritize attentional resources
mental period relate to changes in attentional for information at an intermediate level of pre-
mechanisms that support information processing dictability may represent a more automatic, low-
efficiency, such as the Goldilocks effect. Further- level phenomenon.
more, in the United States, formal teaching and
learning typically begin during early childhood,
Experiment and Modeling Approach
underscoring the importance of deepening our
understanding of environmental factors and cogni- Many prior attempts to examine visual attention
tive processes that contribute to optimal informa- to stimuli varying in complexity or predictability
tion-seeking behavior, attention, and learning have lacked a quantitative definition of complexity.
during this developmental period. Finally, charac- The present study utilizes a formalized definition
terizing the impact of predictability on attention based on previous work by Kidd et al. (2012, 2014),
preferences in early childhood lays a foundation for in which the predictability values of sequential
investigating this phenomenon in clinical popula- events were estimated according to an ideal learner
tions with characteristic deficits in attention and model. This model represents a formal theory for
executive functioning, such as autism spectrum dis- how a learner might track incoming statistics and
order and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder use this observed information to form probabilistic
(Craig et al., 2016), as these developmental disor- expectations about what sort of events are likely to
ders are commonly diagnosed in the early child- occur in the future. The model thus allows us to
hood period (Maenner et al., 2020; Visser et al., compute how predictable or surprising an ideal
2014). learner would find an event to be, according to the
The present study involved exploratory analyses model’s probabilistic expectations. Events that differ
quantifying the impact of predictability on visual substantially from what the ideal learner model
attention in children ages 3–6 years, and addition- expected are very surprising, while events that are
ally explored whether there is a shift in the impact in line with the model’s expectations are very pre-
of predictability on attention preferences with mat- dictable. Previous work has employed similar prob-
uration across this age range. In addition to exam- abilistic models for understanding learning
ining potential changes in attention allocation (Griffiths & Tenenbaum, 2006; Teglas et al., 2011;
strategies with age, the present study also explored Tenenbaum, Griffiths, & Kemp, 2006). Here, we cal-
whether children’s attentional preferences shift with culate predictability by taking the negative log
Attention and Predictability in Young Children 693

probability of each event according to this model. example represents a unigram version of the ideal
This negative log probability value, also called “sur- observer model, but we can employ the same
prisal,” represents the information content of each method to investigate whether children also track
stimulus event and quantifies the number of bits of transitional statistics about incoming stimuli.
information required for an ideal learner to encode In the present experiment, eye-tracking was used
the new stimulus based on previously observed to measure at which event in the sequence children
stimuli (Shannon, 1948). looked away from the display. While many previ-
To further illustrate, imagine there are four possi- ous studies measure attentional preferences with
ble visual events that can be observed by an ideal mean looking time, the present study instead mea-
learner (see Figure 1). In this case, we assume a flat, sured the likelihood that children looked away at
uninformative prior belief before observing any stim- each event to capture children’s real-time atten-
uli, representing the learner’s belief that each event tional behavior as informational content changes as
has an equal chance of occurring in the absence of the sequence unfolds. This allowed for characteriza-
direct evidence at the onset (i.e., events A, B, C, and tion of children’s attentional behavior as a function
D are equally likely). After observing each stimulus of stimulus predictability, according to both uni-
event, the ideal learner updates their belief about the gram and transitional versions of ideal observer
true probability of each of the four events. After models. Previous work showed that both unigram
observing the six events depicted in Figure 1, the and transitional statics predicted infants’ attentional
updated belief would be that a D event is most likely preferences (Kidd, Piantadosi, & Aslin, 2012, 2014).
to occur next in this sequence, C and B events have Therefore, both unigram and transitional models
intermediate probabilities of occurring next, and an were tested in the present study.
A event is relatively unlikely to occur next. Therefore,
if a D event is observed next, this stimulus event will
have a low surprisal value (high predictability), Method
whereas an A event occurring next would have a
high surprisal value (low predictability). This
In all, 75 children ages 3;2–6;11 years were
enrolled in the study between May 2018 and April
2019. Three participants did not yield sufficient
usable eye-tracking data (see Procedure) and were
excluded from analyses. The final sample included
72 children (49 males and 23 females), with a
roughly equal distribution of participants across the
age span (Mage = 4.8 years, SD = 1.1; see Support-
ing Information for age distribution). Children were
majority Non-Hispanic White (92%) from predomi-
nantly middle- to upper-middle-income families
(93% with annual household income over $55,000)
and were recruited from local hospitals and com-
munity events in the greater Rochester, NY area.
Participants were screened for caregiver-reported
developmental, learning, or mental health concerns,
vision and motor deficits, and neurological prob-
lems. All procedures were approved by the univer-
sity’s Institutional Review Board and informed
consent for participation was obtained from each
child’s legal guardian. Participants received finan-
cial compensation for participation. Study proce-
dures took place across two visits.

Figure 1. Schematic of the ideal learner model. A uniform prior Attention Preference Eye-Tracking Task
is combined with observed events to form expectations about the
likelihood of upcoming events. [Color figure can be viewed at The present study aimed to test how the pre-] dictability of visual sequences of events in the
694 Cubit, Canale, Handsman, Kidd, and Bennetto

environment influences attention preferences in itl/attentionpredictability). Child-friendly music

young children. This task was based on similar with no words was played quietly in the back-
tasks used with infants (Kidd et al., 2012, 2014), ground to maintain participants’ engagement with
and was adapted for children ages 3–6 years. the task, which was unrelated to the unfolding of
visual event on the screen and thus not expected to
systematically influence behavior event-to-event.
The primary outcome measure for each sequence
Children were presented with visual displays was the probability value of the specific event at
depicting sequences of events varying in pre- which the child looked away from the area covered
dictability (Figure 2). The displays featured a large, by the colored rectangle (a “look-away”). Each
colored rectangle with four windows. Each window sequence of events continued until either (a) the
was located in one of the four quadrants of the rect- participant met the look-away criterion (i.e., gaze
angle, and its position within the quadrant was ran- directed outside of the viewing area continuously
domized on each sequence to one of four locations for > 1,000 ms) or (b) 30 s, the maximum duration
within the quadrant. Novel objects were animated of a sequence. Before the start of each new
to pop in and out of the windows, one after sequence, an attention-attracting stimulus was dis-
another in sequence. Objects consisted of real played on the screen until the child fixated on the
images of unique, unfamiliar objects that were not center of the screen for 1,000 ms, at which point the
easily nameable (to reduce semantic content). Each next sequence was initiated. Children were
object was unique to each window. No objects were prompted to take brief breaks between sequences
repeated across event sequences. The number of as necessary to facilitate successful completion of
possible objects (4) was chosen to be within the the task. The amount of time children spent com-
range children in the study’s age range are reason- pleting this task varied based on the amount of
ably able to track (Alvarez & Franconeri, 2007). time they looked at the sequences as well as time
Each event in the sequence lasted 1,000 ms (500 ms required for breaks and ranged from 12 to 34 min.
“pop-out,” 500 ms “pop-in”). Events were pre- To maintain engagement, a simple cover task was
sented sequentially with no overlap or delay. Stim- inserted randomly between sequences of the main
uli for the eye-tracking task were programmed in task. Children were only given instructions related
Python (see Kid Experimental Library in Python; to the cover task, and were informed they may also
KELPY, see other pictures appear on the screen that were
different from the cover task. Importantly, children
were never explicitly instructed to look at or attend
to the screen.
This task was conducted using a table-mounted Sequences were discarded prior to analysis if (a)
Tobii Pro T60XL eye-tracker (Tobii Technology, Inc., the participant looked continuously for the full 30 s
Falls Church, VA) in a partially darkened room. (11.8%), as the final event of the sequence in this
Experimenters and caregivers were directly outside case does not represent the point at which children
of the room while the task was completed. Children stopped attending, (b) the participant looked for
were seated with their eyes approximately 23 in. fewer than four events within a sequence, since so
from the monitor. At this viewing distance, the 24- few observations is likely insufficient to establish
in. LCD screen was subtended 24 9 32 degrees of expectations about the distribution of events in the
visual angle. A five-point calibration procedure was sequence (18.0%), or (c) a false look-away (the eye-
conducted at the onset of the experiment. tracker temporarily stopped tracking the eyes while
Participants were presented with the same set of the child was still looking at the screen due to child
32 sequences of events, each consisting of 30 possi- movement), other equipment failure, or experi-
ble events. The objects and sequence order were menter error (6.8%) occurred.
randomized across participants. Sequences varied Participants yielded an average of 20.3 (SD = 4.5)
in the probabilities of each of the four objects useable sequences out of 32 possible sequences.
appearing in their respective windows, ranging Children attended to useable sequences for an aver-
from very simple (e.g., A, A, A, A, A, . . .) to more age of 12.2 events (SD = 7.0) per sequence before
varied (e.g., A, B, D, A, C, . . .; see Supporting looking away (see Supporting Information for
Information for details and full sequences. Full details). Importantly, participants were not expected
sequences also available at to look for all 30 items within a sequence, as the
Attention and Predictability in Young Children 695

Figure 2. Example of progression of eye-tracking task. [Color figure can be viewed at]

key outcome of interest was the predictability of performance data). For participants whose comple-
the event at which participants looked away. tion of the tasks was discontinued based on low
performance on the practice trials (Flanker, n = 7;
DCCS, n = 13), no standard scores were calculated.
Measures of Cognitive Ability
These participants were not included in analyses
Three cognitive measures from the NIH Toolbox utilizing the tasks for which they did not receive
Cognition Battery (Weintraub et al., 2013) were scores.
used to assess key areas of cognitive functioning,
including attention, inhibitory control, set shifting,
Analytic Approach
and processing speed (Anderson, 2002; Zelazo
et al., 2013). Tasks included the Flanker Inhibitory Modeling and data analytic methods used to
Control and Attention Test (Flanker; selective visual quantify predictability and examine the impact of
attention, inhibitory control), the Dimensional predictability on attention preferences are based
Change Card Sort (DCCS; set shifting), and Pic- on methods used in previous studies of atten-
ture Comparison Processing Speed (PCPS; process- tional preference in infants (Kidd et al., 2012,
ing speed). These tasks have been validated in 2014). The probability value of each event in a
young children in this age range, and have been sequence was quantified according to the ideal
shown to be sensitive to developmental changes in learner model using a Markov Dirichlet-Multino-
cognitive functions (Weintraub et al., 2013; Zelazo mial model, a probabilistic model that uses counts
et al., 2013). Tasks were administered via a 9.7 in. of observed events to calculate a posterior distri-
touchscreen tablet at the second study visit. bution for an underlying multinomial distribution
For all three cognitive measures, analyses uti- of events (see Supporting Information for details).
lized the Uncorrected Standard Score, which repre- We built both a unigram and transitional version
sents a child’s score compared to the population of the model to test both types of probabilistic
mean across ages 3–85 years, facilitating compar- expectations.
ison of cognitive ability across children of different To examine the nature of the relation between
ages. Performance data for all three measures indi- predictability and attention preferences, the sur-
cated substantial variability in performance within prisal value (predictability) of each event was then
the study sample, despite screening for develop- compared with children’s probability of looking
mental delays (see Supporting Information for away from that event to yield the linking function.
696 Cubit, Canale, Handsman, Kidd, and Bennetto

For visualizations of the linking function, a General- Results

ized Additive Model (GAM; Hastie & Tibshirani,
Unigram and Transitional Models for Full Sample
1990) was fit to the data to visually examine the
shape of a continuous linking function between pre- The Cox regression for the unigram model
dictability and likelihood of looking away. Separate (Table 1) yielded a significant quadratic effect
GAM functions were fit to the data to address each (b = .061, z = 3.729, p = .0001) indicating a signifi-
unique question. Importantly, these modeling meth- cant U-shaped association between predictability
ods do not attempt to force the linking function to (surprisal) and attentional preferences, where chil-
fit a specific shape; rather, the shape of linking dren were most likely to continue attending to stim-
function is free to vary, allowing us to detect any uli of intermediate predictability, and most likely to
potential pattern relating stimulus predictability look away from stimuli of either relatively high or
and children’s likelihood of looking away (e.g., relatively low predictability (Figure 3A). The size of
preference for novelty, preference for familiarity, this effect was exp(b) = 1.063, which means that
preference for intermediate predictability, no impact with each increase in squared surprisal by 1 stan-
of predictability on children’s attention). dard deviation from the mean, the likelihood of
To test the significance of the impact of pre- looking away increased by a factor of 1.063. While
dictability on look-away likelihood, Cox regression this is a relatively small effect, it is highly signifi-
was used to account for the fact that once the child cant (p = .0001). The linear effect of surprisal was
looks away they provide no more data on that also significant (b = .071, z = 2.942, p = .003),
sequence (Hosmer, Lemeshow, & May, 2008; Klein which indicates that the U-shaped function is not
& Moeschberger, 2005). The Cox regression controls symmetrical around the mean, shifted toward lower
for the baseline distribution of look-aways in the surprisal values.
sample and accounts for the number of events into Results from the Cox regression for the transi-
the sequence that the look-away occurred (as chil- tional model (Table 1) showed a similar overall pat-
dren are naturally more likely to look away the fur- tern as the unigram model, yielding significant
ther they are into the sequence). Linear and quadratic (b = .058, z = 4.428, p < .0001) and linear
quadratic surprisal terms were included in the (b = .054, z = 2.238, p = .03) effects of surprisal
regression as predictors of look-away likelihood. (Figure 3B). The size of the quadratic effect was
Surprisal was centered and standardized before also relatively small (exp(b) = 1.060) but highly sig-
being squared. Model fit comparisons were con- nificant (p < .0001). The fits of the unigram and
ducted using the Akaike information criterion (AIC; transitional models were compared using AIC val-
Akaike, 1974). ues to understand whether either model better
explained the relation between predictability and
attention preferences. The absolute difference
between AIC values for the unigram
(AIC = 18,351.3) and transitional (AIC = 18,350.7)
models was < 2, which is considered strong evi-
Table 1
dence of no difference in model fit (Burnham &
Cox Regression of the Effect of Predictability on Attention Preferences
Anderson, 2004).
Coef exp SE To examine the potential impact of other task-re-
Covariate (b) (b) (b) z p lated factors that could influence look-away likeli-
hood, additional Cox regression analyses were
Unigram model conducted with these factors as covariates. Covari-
Linear surprisal .071 0.931 .024 2.942 .003**
ates were selected based on task-related factors
Quadratic .061 1.063 .016 3.729 .0001***
examined in infants (Kidd et al., 2012), and
Transitional model
included whether this was the first appearance of
Linear surprisal .054 0.948 .024 2.238 .03* the item in the sequence, whether this event was
Quadratic .058 1.060 .013 4.428 1 9 10 5*** the same as the previous event (repeated event),
surprisal and the sequence number (indexing how far into
the experiment the child was). Results from these
Note. For each regression model, linear and quadratic effects analyses indicated that even when including these
were entered simultaneously. Surprisal was centered and stan-
dardized to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1
covariates, the quadratic surprisal term remained
before being squared. significant for both unigram and transitional mod-
*p ≤ .05. **p ≤ .01. ***p ≤ .001. els, and there was no difference in model fit
Attention and Predictability in Young Children 697

Figure 3. Look-away likelihood as a function of (A) unigram and (B) transitional surprisal (predictability). Curves represent the fit of a
Generalized Additive Model (with 95% confidence intervals) linking predictability to probability of looking away. Low values on the y-
axis indicate increased attentional preference, whereas low values on the x-axis indicate increased predictability (decreased surprisal).
Dots represent raw data binned into 5 bins ( SE) equally spaced across the x-axis. Vertical lines on the x-axis represent count of data
points collected at each predictability value. [Color figure can be viewed at]

between unigram and transitional models (see Sup- such that children are least likely to look away for
porting Information for details). events of intermediate predictability.
Taken together, these results suggest that young
children are also tracking the statistics of both sin-
Developmental Trajectory
gle events and pairs of events in their environment,
and that there is a U-shaped association between The present study also explored potential
predictability (surprisal) and attentional preferences changes in the impact of predictability on attention
698 Cubit, Canale, Handsman, Kidd, and Bennetto

preferences across early childhood, which was done n = 26; Higher Ability, n = 31), and PCPS (Lower
by examining changes based on both chronological Ability, n = 33; Higher Ability, n = 35). For each
age and cognitive ability level. Because analyses uti- measure, separate GAMs for Lower Ability and
lize group-level data, to maximize the ability to Higher Ability groups were plotted to examine the
detect any possible differences with maturation, the association between predictability and attention
sample was divided into two groups based on preferences for each group according to unigram
median splits for both chronological age and cogni- and transitional models (Figure 5). Visualization of
tive ability analyses. these curves indicates overlap of 95% confidence
intervals of the two GAMs across the length of the
x-axis for all measures, for both the unigram and
Chronological Age
transitional models. These findings indicate no sig-
The sample was divided into two equal-sized nificant differences in the shape of the function link-
groups based on a median split of chronological ing attention preferences and predictability based
age (Younger [3.12–4.61 years, n = 36], Older [4.62– on cognitive ability, suggesting that the U-shaped
6.95 years, n = 36]). Younger and older children association between predictability and attention
yielded a similar average number of useable preferences does not change significantly with
sequences (M (SD) for Younger = 20.4 (4.6); increases in nonverbal cognitive abilities tested.
Older = 20.1 (4.4)). Additionally, younger and older
children attended to each useable sequence for a
similar average of number of events before looking
away (M (SD) for Younger = 11.7 (6.7);
Older = 12.7 (7.4)). Separate GAMs for each age The present study quantified the impact of pre-
group were plotted to examine the association dictability on visual attentional preferences in
between predictability and attention preferences for young children, and examined the developmental
each group according to both the unigram and trajectory of this phenomenon across early child-
transitional models (Figure 4). Visualization of these hood. Consistent with previous findings in infants,
curves indicates overlap of 95% confidence intervals results revealed a U-shaped association between
of the two GAMs across the length of the x-axis for predictability and attention such that young chil-
both the unigram and transitional models, indicat- dren were most likely to maintain attention to stim-
ing no significant differences in the shape of the uli of intermediate complexity and were more
function linking attention preferences and pre- likely to terminate attention to highly predictable or
dictability based on age. These results suggest that highly unpredictable stimuli. Results also provided
the U-shaped association between predictability preliminary evidence that a “Goldilocks effect” may
and attention preferences is relatively stable across be consistent across development in 3- to 6-year-old
the age range of 3–6 years. children, both by chronological age and cognitive
ability. This is the first evidence that the Goldilocks
effect extends beyond infancy, suggesting that this
Cognitive Ability
attentional preference may be preserved across
In all, 69 out of the 72 children who yielded use- childhood and perhaps the lifespan.
able data on the eye-tracking task also completed at Furthermore, this U-shaped association was sig-
least one of the selected subtests from the NIH nificant for both unigram and transitional models
Toolbox Cognition Battery. Analyses utilized partic- of predictability, suggesting that children tracked
ipants’ Uncorrected Standardized Scores, which both types of statistics in a task with minimal
represent each child’s performance compared to the demands. It is likely that the optimal model of
general population mean and do not correct for environmental probability impacting attention allo-
age. Children were grouped into two roughly cation would change based on task demands or in
equal-sized groups based on a median split of task contexts where prior learning indicates certain
performance as measured by Uncorrected Standard statistics are more informative than others. Addi-
Scores (“Lower Ability” included participants tionally, consistent with findings in infants (Kidd
below and including the median; “Higher Ability” et al., 2012, 2014), the size of this effect for both
included participants above the median). Groups models was small, though highly significant. This is
were created separately for each of the three mea- expected, as many other stimulus factors also
sures, including Flanker (Lower Ability, n = 33; impact visual attention (e.g., salience, movement;
Higher Ability, n = 31), DCCS (Lower Ability, Itti & Koch, 2001). The predictability of visual
Attention and Predictability in Young Children 699

Figure 4. Look-away likelihood as a function of (A) unigram and (B) transitional surprisal (predictability) for younger and older groups.
The curves represent the fit of separate Generalized Additive Models for each age group (with 95% confidence intervals), linking pre-
dictability to probability of looking away separately for each group. Dots represent raw data binned into 5 bins ( SE) equally spaced
along the x-axis. Vertical lines on the x-axis represent count of data points collected at each predictability value. [Color figure can be
viewed at]

stimuli may also have greater influence on attention visual information in their environment and prefer-
preferences in a task where tracking statistical prop- entially attending to intermediately predictable
erties of events improves performance. information. This implicit attentional strategy may
Taken together, these findings contribute to our serve as a domain-general mechanism prioritizing
understanding of how statistical properties of infor- information that is optimal for learning, thereby
mation in the environment influence attentional maximizing cognitive efficiency in the complex nat-
patterns and subsequent learning across develop- ural environment. Given the sociocultural homo-
ment. Young children are tracking probabilistic geneity of the present study sample, it will be
700 Cubit, Canale, Handsman, Kidd, and Bennetto

Figure 5. Look-away likelihood as a function of (A, C, E) unigram and (B, D, F) transitional surprisal (predictability) for Lower Ability
and Higher Ability groups for NIH Toolbox tasks. Measures included Flanker Inhibitory Control and Attention Test (Flanker), Dimen-
sional Change Card Sort (DCCS), and Picture Comparison Processing Speed (PCPS). Curves represent the fit of separate Generalized
Additive Models (with 95% confidence intervals) linking predictability to probability of looking away separately for each group. Dots
represent raw data binned into 5 bins ( SE) equally spaced along the x-axis. Vertical lines on the x-axis represent count of data points
collected at each predictability value. [Color figure can be viewed at]

critical for future work to examine this phe- due to the paradigm and group-level analyses con-
nomenon in more diverse populations to better ducted, as they maximized our ability to observe
understand the generalizability of these findings. any possible shift in attentional behavior with mat-
Another limitation of this work is that age and cog- uration. It may be valuable for future studies to
nitive ability differences were examined cross-sec- explore potential subtle developmental changes in
tionally. Furthermore, median splits on age and this attentional mechanism by estimating individual
cognitive ability were used in the present study linking functions, as has been done in infants
Attention and Predictability in Young Children 701

(Piantadosi et al., 2014). To draw meaningful con- Finally, predictability of visual events in a
clusions from this sort of analysis would require sequence is just one of many aspects of stimulus
collecting significantly more data from each indi- complexity, and this phenomenon has only been
vidual, perhaps even using a variety of tasks or examined in highly controlled, laboratory-based
stimuli. However, to fully characterize the impact experimental tasks. Additional work is necessary to
of predictability on attention across the lifespan, it gain a more sophisticated understanding of the
will be important to extend this work to a broader combined impact of various types of complexity on
age range and to examine individual developmental how children allocate attention in the natural envi-
trajectories of this phenomenon. ronment. It will also be important to explore other
Our findings have important implications for environmental factors that may impact the optimal
ongoing work in curiosity and learning, and the level of predictability for capturing attention (e.g.,
interaction of these processes across development. distracting environments, social interactions). Con-
The present study demonstrated that in the absence tinued work in this area will deepen our under-
of an explicit goal, young children across a range of standing of typical cognitive development, and
ages beyond infancy and across cognitive ability provide a foundation for exploring potential devia-
levels track the statistical properties of incoming tions from this process in developmental disorders
information, and modulate their attention to priori- (e.g., autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit/
tize information that is intermediately predictable hyperactivity disorder).
based on their prior observations. These results are
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Zelazo, P. D., M€
uller, U., Frye, D., Marcovitch, S., Argitis, Appendix S1. Supporting information includes
G., Boseovski, J., . . . Sutherland, A. (2003). The devel- additional details regarding 1) participant age dis-
opment of executive function in early childhood. Mono- tribution, 2) sequences used in the experiment, 3)
graphs of the Society for Research in Child Development, number of events seen by participants in each
sequence, 4) participants’ performance on cognitive
measures, 5) the analytic approach, and 6) addi-
tional analyses that include task-related covariates.
Supporting Information
Additional supporting information may be found in
the online version of this article at the publisher’s

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