MHDP Bylaws

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MALOLOS LODGE # 46 F. and A. M.


This DeMolay Chapter, by authorization of the Philippine Supreme Council Order

of DeMolay shall be known as MARCELO H. DEL PILAR CHAPTER ORDER OF
DEMOLAY” herein referred to as the “Chapter”.

It shall be governed first by the By-Laws and Rules and Regulations of the
Philippines, Philippine Supreme Council of the Order of DeMolay of the Republic of the
Philippines; second by the following by laws:

II. Members of the Chapter, Sponsorship, and Advisory Council

Section 1. The Chapter shall be composed only of boys aged 12-21 residing, or based in
Bulacan. However, petition for membership by those outside of Bulacan are not regarded as
a disqualification.

Section 2. The existing members of the Chapter by a two thirds (2/3) vote of all
member present during the meeting shall elect Membership by Ballot. Once elected no more
objections to his qualifications shall be entertained. Any objection against admission must be
first be deliberated and voted as valid by a unanimous vote of the Chapter before it is given
due course.

Section 4. The Chapter will be sponsored by MALOLOS LODGE # 46 F. and A. M.

and it shall institute an Advisory Council composed of Masters Masons which will have a
term of 12 months. Any Senior DeMolay may be invited to join the Advisory Council
provided he is member of good standing or a lifetime member of the Supreme Council of
the Order of DeMolay of the Republic of the Philippines, or if also a Master Mason, good
standing in his Blue Lodge at the time of his application, and/or a member in Good
Standing of the Bulacan DeMolay Alumni Association Chapter. The Council will hold
regular meetings called for the Chairman. Advisory Council members are also required to
attend the Chapter’s meetings. The elected Auditor of the Sponsoring Body shall be the Ex-
Officio Auditor of the Chapter and Council. Any objection against admission to the Council
must be first be deliberated and voted as valid by a unanimous vote of the Lodge before it is
given due course.

Section 5. The Advisory Council is composed of the Chairman with the Worshipful
Master of the Sponsoring Body as Ex-Officio Chairman in which he will appoint the Vice-
Chairman, the Chapter Advisor, Secretary, Treasurer, and Six (6) Members. The Chairman
will not vote in the Council Deliberations unless to break a tie. The Council shall serve co-
terminously with the appointing Worshipful Master. The Council Chairman may appoint
other officers and committees of the Council as needed.

Section 6. The Chapter and Council will be housed in Malolos Masonic Center, Sto.
Rosario, Malolos, Bulacan and shall hold its stated meeting in the said lodge unless agreed
upon to hold it in other lodges with the approval of the Advisory Council.

III. Meetings

Section 1. The meeting of the Chapter shall be called by the Master Councilor with
proper notice to all members.
Section 2. The Chapter shall meet every 1st and 3rd Sundays of the Month at 2pm and
presided over by the Master Councilor, and in his absence by the Senior Councilor or in the
absence of both, the Junior Councilor.

IV. Officers and Terms of Office

Section 1. The Elected Officers of the Chapter are the Master Councilor, Senior
Councilor, Junior Councilor, Scribe, and Treasurer.

Section 2. The Officers shall be elected at the General Membership Meeting for a 6
(SIX) month term thus Annually, there will be a Term A and Term B, each Term succeeding
6 months after each other.

Section 3. The rest of the officers as the Philippine Supreme Council Order of DeMolay
requires may be appointed by the Master Councilor and is co-terminus to his term of six (6)
months years and shall serve at his pleasure.

Section 4. Only members who are fully paid of their dues and had complied with the
proficiency exams shall be eligible to vote and can be voted upon to any elective positions.

V. The Master Councilor

Section 1. The Master Councilor shall preside at all the meeting. It is his duty to see to
it that all the edicts, circulars, statues, rules and regulations of the Supreme Council of the
Oder of DeMolay of the Republic of the Philippines, Advisory Council, and the sponsoring
body are fully observed and implemented.

Section 2. He shall make sure the accurate and true records of the Chapter are kept and
just account is rendered. It is also his duty that all remittances to the Supreme Council of the
Oder of DeMolay of the Republic of the Philippines are made at the time required.

Section 3. He is required to appoint committees to assist him in the management of the

Chapter and its programs.

Section 4. He shall ensure the holding of all “observance days” of DeMolay such as
Frank S. Lang Memorial Day, Day of Remembrance, Conclaves, among others as required
by the Supreme Council of the Oder of DeMolay of the Republic of the Philippines, the
Advisory Council, and the sponsoring body.

Section 5. He shall be the signatory along with the Treasurer for all checks and
disbursements of the funds of the Chapter whether on hand or in bank.

VI. The Senior Councilor

Section 1. The Senior Councilor shall preside all meetings in the absence of the Master
Councilor. It is his duty to assist him in the discharge of his duties.

Section 2. He shall take charge of all DeMolay Paraphernalia’s of the Chapter.

Section 3. Such other duties the Master Councilor may or chapter may require.

VII. The Junior Councilor

Section 1. The Junior Councilor shall preside all meetings in the absence of the Master
Councilor or the Senior Councilor. It is his duty to assist the Master Councilor in the
discharge of his duties.
Section 2. He shall take charge of all Petition for Memberships of the Chapter.

Section 3. Such other duties the Master Councilor may or chapter may require.

VIII. The Treasurer

It shall be the duty of the Treasurer:

 To receive and safe keep all the money or properties of the chapter placed in his
 To disburse or transfer the same or any part thereof upon the order of the
Master Councilor with the consent of the members of the chapter and the
 To keep a correct account of his receipts and disbursement in Approval Record
Book; To maintain files of all original Receipts/Vouchers, and other Records
ready for Audit;
 To prepare the prescribed Form for each year the Audited Financial Report of
the Chapter to be presented during the Annual Meeting; and,
 Such other duties the Master Councilor may or chapter may require.
 He shall be the signatory along with the Master Councilor for all checks and
disbursements of the funds of the Chapter whether on hand or in bank.

IX. The Scribe

It shall be the duty of the Scribe:

 To record the proceedings of each meeting proper to be written in the Minutes
Book and submit record of the Chapter at its next stated meeting for approval;
 To submit a copy of the approved Minutes to the Supreme Council, Advisory
Council or Sponsoring Body when required;
 To collect and receive all moneys due to the chapter, deliver/remit them to the
Treasurer as soon as possible and obtain the Chapter’s Official Receipts thereof.
If the Treasurer is not available, monies received must be deposited to the
Chapter’s Bank Account established on the first banking day after receipt, and
the deposit slip turned over to the Treasurer who will issue the Chapter’s Official
 Answer all official communication of the Supreme Council, Advisory Council,
and Sponsoring Body with the approval and signature on behalf of the Master
Councilor; and,
 Such other duties the Master Councilor may or chapter may require.

X. Membership Fees

Section 1. Annual Membership Fees and Petition Fees shall be determined in

accordance with the fees required by the Supreme Council.

XI. Amendments
 Amendments to these By-Laws may be proposed only during Stated Meetings;
 Amendment procedure shall be as follows:
o A written motion containing the proposed amendment shall be presented to the
Master Councilor;
o The Master Councilor shall call a meeting for the purpose of deliberation;
o A minimum 2/3 vote of all the members present in the stated meeting shall be
required to ratify any proposed amendment.
o Ratified amendments shall be elevated to the Sponsoring Body through the
Advisory Council.
o The Advisory Council or the Sponsoring Body has veto power over any


Joaquin V. Trinidad Jr. Jose Rafael B. Mansilla John Paul S. Navarrete

Master Councilor Senior Councilor Junior Councilor

John Nazaren E. Berzamina Gian Anjelo D.R. Trinidad

Scribe Treasurer

Executive Officer Region III

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