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As is well known, Palladium's system is pretty horrific for multiclassing. The OCCs are heavily
front-loaded, with you gaining most of your abilities at 1st level, and only moderate increases
thereafter. As such, switching classes doesn't really work... even if your old skills stop at 3rd
level, they're still there, and integrating similar abilities from multiple classes can be difficult.

However, people still want to do it. They want to go from the Farm Boy OCC to the Jedi OCC,
or from the Shire Gentlefolk OCC to the Ringbearer RCC. They must haves it, their precious.
And, so, I've put some preliminary thought into it, just to fiddle with the idea.

Many of the skill based OCCs aren't too bad. If you want your Rogue Scientist to become more
of a Headhunter, spend the skills to increase your Hand to Hand and pick up some Weapon
Proficiencies. You're still a Rogue Scientist, but you pretend to be a headhunter when the
firefights start. You advance as a Rogue Scientist, because you are. Any special abilities can
be learned like skills. It's simple, and avoids having to futz about with numbers.

The tricky bit comes when someone wants to add a magical or psionic class. To me, the
simplest method is to declare an arbitrary training time ("You're going to need to apprentice for 4
years" or "You have to earn XP while training before you can go ahead."), and then give them
the abilities of a 1st level whatever, while keeping them a 5th level Rogue Scientist. However,
two important things change. First, they move to the more expensive of the two XP tables
involved, while staying their current level and XP. Furthermore, they take a 10% penalty to their
XP for every OCC involved... so our hypothetical Rogue Scientist turned Ley Line Walker would
switch over to the Ley Line Walker table, and may be a little bit behind where 5th level for a Line
walker actually starts. He'd have to earn enough experience, taking a penalty of 10% to all
awards, to reach 6th level before he could do things as a 2nd level Line Walker, and would
simultaneously be a 6th level Rogue Scientist. He would gain new skills at the Rogue Scientist
rate (so if RS's get new skills at 6th level, he'd get them), but would gain PPE and ISP at his Ley
Line Walker rate, because that's the better of the two. He can keep adding classes, but as time
goes on, he gets less and less able to learn more, simply because he's got so much he's trying
to keep up with.

This makes changing classes unattractive, but not impossible. For those who aspire to be
alchemists (who need to be a 6th level Wizard, 6th level Diabolist, and 3rd level summoner),
they started in one of the three (probably Wizardry or Diabolism, if they had alchemy as an early
goal), picked up another one ASAP (probably 2nd level), and the third at 3rd or 4th level. When
they finally pick up Alchemy, they're swinging around a 30% penalty to XP, working on the very
expensive Alchemist table... but they're improving in four areas of magic at once.
Dual OCCs
Characters that wish to learn a new O.C.C. must first advance at least one level in their current
O.C.C./R.C.C. At second level (or wherever desired), they may opt for training in the new
O.C.C. as SOON as they reach that new level (it cannot be done after they have advanced in
their new experience level).
When the character begins their new training, they are zero-level in the new O.C.C. The
character must earn experience points equal to the new O.C.C.'s second level (if Men of arms
or adventurers) or third level (if magical or psychic). When that amount of experience points is
acquired, the character has passed their apprenticeship and is now at first level in his new
Once characters change over to their new O.C.C., they retain their old skills (but frozen at the
levels they achieved before the change) but all new PPE, S.D.C., and other increases will be
based upon their new O.C.C. ALL new experience points are awarded to the new O.C.C.

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