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Absolute vs constitutional monarchy


Hereditary is where the power to the throne is be passed from the parents (King and Queen) to
their son/daughter.

Monarchy is hereditary

In a constitutional monarchy, the centre of power is the government, while the monarch is
sometimes the figurehead. The power is split between them, but not always equally.

There are There are 6 types of governments: 1)Absolute monarchy

2) Constitutional monarchy 3) Parliamentary democracy 4)
Presidential Monarchy 5) Theocracies 6) Dictatorship

Absolute Monarchy
Louis the 14th of France was a manipulative figure, part of an absolute monarchy.
His power was inherited. The monarch (in this case Louis the 14th) is 'always right'.
They believe that the monarch has the power of God.

Charles XI | king of Sweden

Charles XI, (born Nov. 24, 1655, Stockholm—died April 5, 1697, Stockholm), king
of Sweden who expanded royal power at the expense of the higher nobility and
the lower estates, establishing an absolutist monarchy that ended only with the
death of Charles XII in 1718. Charles, the only son of Charl…

Russia- Peter the Great

Peter the great demonstrated absolute monarchy when in the first year of his rule he embarked
on the “Grand Embassy," a long visit to Western Europe.

In an absolute monarchy the power is cantered on the monarch whose power is absolute.

Constitutional monarchy
Countries which follow an Absolutism Governments
Saudi Arabia, Vatican City, Oman and Brunei

Henry VIII (r.1509-1547)

Henry VIII was born at Greenwich on 28 June 1491, the second son of Henry VII
and Elizabeth of York. He became heir to the throne on the death of his elder
French King Louis XIV brother, Prince Arthur, in 1502 and succeeded in 1509. In his youth he was
athletic and highly intelligent.

Peter the great

Example of an absolute monarchy is the Saudi Arab country. The monarch is one which is highly
educated and cultured and also raised to become head of state.

Absolute monarchy
The ruler has the power to rule their country and citizens freely without any laws or legally-
organized direct opposition telling the monarchy what to do.

absolutism is founded on the power from God and the principle of

divine right


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