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BIBL 110: New Testament Survey

12 1-2 Thessalonians, 1-2 Timothy & Titus

1-2 Thessalonians
 Introductory Issues
o Special Issues
 1st and 2nd Thessalonians are considered some of
the ____Earliest____ of Paul's letters
o Authorship
 ____All external____ evidence affirms Pauline authorship of 1-
2 Thess.
 Internal evidence points to Pauline authorship. Some features
have invited questions over authorship:
 ____Style____ of the letter
 ____Similarity____ between 1st and 2nd Thess.
 ____Unique____ content
o Date
 1-2 Thessalonians: ~50AD
 1 Thessalonians: Paul's ____First____ missionary
 2nd Thessalonians: Roughly 2 ____months____ after 1st
o Destination
 Thessalonica was a ___Harbor_____ city, located on the Via
Egnatia, a main Roman road.
 The city was inhabited by ____Greeks____, Romans
and ____Jews____

o Location
 1 Thessalonians: ____Corinth____
 2 Thessalonians: ____Athens____
o Occasion
 To ____Defend____ Paul's ministry
 To address false ____Teaching____
 To ___encourage ethical_____ living
 To articulate the ___Implications_____ of the resurrection

 Outline
o 1 Thessalonians
 1:1-3:13 - Expressions of thanks and love for the
 4:1-5:28 - Exhortations and Instructions
o 2 Thessalonians
 1:1-12 - Assurance that the Day of the Lord has not occurred
 2:1-17 - Exhortations to know the signs
 3:1-18 - Exhortations for holy living in light of its coming
 Theme
o ____Holiness____ in Light of the Coming of the ___DAY OF THE

1 Thessalonians
O 1 Thessalonians 1:1-3:13 - Expressions of thanks and love for the
O Paul's motives for ministry
 To please ___God_____ alone (2:4)
 The encouragement and _____Adification___ of the believers
O Paul's prayer for the church
 Live lives ___Worthy_____ of
God, ____Blameless____ and ___Holy_____ (1:12; 3:13)
 Be strengthened, standing firm in faith in the midst
of _____Persecution___ (3:2, 8), with love for one
another _____Abounding___ (3:12)
 1 Thessalonians 4:1-5:28 – Exhortations and Instructions
O Personal Holiness
 Pleasing God must be the controlling ____Desire____ (4:1)
 Sanctification is expressed through ___Holy living_____
 One expression of holiness is ___Love_____ for brothers
and sisters (4:9)
o Instructions related to the Second Coming
 As "____Children of light____ ", believers are to live soberly,
righteously and ___Expectantly_____, knowing that the Lord
can return at any time (5:4-6)
2 Thessalonians
 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12 – Assurance that the Day of the Lord has not
O Warning and exhortation about the coming judgment

 "He will punish those who ___Do not know
God_____ and _____Do not obey___ the gospel of our Lord
Jesus" (1:8)
 Paul prays that "God may make you worthy of his calling, and
that by his power he may bring to fruiting every good pleasure
of ____Goodness____ and ___Work of faith_____ with
power...that the Lord Jesus may be ____Glorified____ in you"
 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17 - Exhortations to Know the Signs
O Instructions to the Church
 Be assured that the end has not yet come (2:2)
 Be informed about the person and work of
the _____Antichrist___ ("man of ___Lawlessness_____ ")
 He will operate according to ___Satan’s_____ power and
proclaim himself to be ____God____ (2:5)
 He will lead people to ___Eternal_____ damnation, those
who "refused to love the truth and so be saved" (2:10)
 2 Thessalonians 3:1-18 – Exhortations for Holy Living in Light of Its
o Be committed to standing ____Firm____ and ____Working____ until
Jesus comes
 God is faithful
to ___Strengthen_____ and _____Protect___ those who belong
to him (3:3)
 "May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who
loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and
good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every
good deed and work" (2:16-17)
 "May the Lord direct your hearts into ___God’s
love_____ and ____Christ’s Perseverance____“(3:15)
 Theological Themes
o The ____Second____ Coming
o The __Antichrist______
o Christian ____Ethic____

1-2 Timothy
 “The Pastoral Epistles”
o Chronology: 1 Timothy; Titus; 2 Timothy OR Titus; 1 Timothy; 2
 Introductory Issues

o Authorship
 External evidence: All external evidence
affirms ____Pauline____ authorship
 Internal evidence: Questions about ____Style____ and
o Destination
 1-2 Timothy: To Timothy and the church in ___Ephesus_____
 Titus: To Titus and the church in ____Crete____
o Date
 Early ____60’s____ AD
o Occasion
 To ___Refute_____ false teaching and
articulate ____Sound____ doctrine
 To articulate matters important to
the ____Church____ and ____Ministers____ of the Gospel

1 Timothy
o 1:1-4:5 - Addressing and Correcting Problems among the
 Correction of false teaching (1:3-11)
 Exhortation for the church to ____Model godliness____ in their
conduct (2:2)
o 4:6-6:21 – Instructions to Timothy
 The church should be ___Virtues_____ in personal conduct
(4:12), in care for the ___Vulnerable_____ (5:3), and
in ____Submission____ to authority (5:17)
 Pursue ___Godliness_____ rather than ____Riches____ (6:6)

2 Timothy
o 1:1-2:13 - Call to Faithfulness and Dedication
 Like
a ___Soldier_____ , ___Athlete_____ and ___Famrer_____ ,
be obedient, ____disciplined____ and ____patient____ through
God's power (2:3-6)
o 2:14-4:22 - Commitment in the Calling
 Present yourself faithful, prepared and approved (2:15, 20-21)
 Be ___on gaurd_____ against sin (2:22-24) and be faithful in
the face of
an ___insincere_____ and ____selfish____ generation (3:1-9)
 ____Pour____ yourself out for the ministry; finish
your ____race____ and fight the ____fight____ of faith (4:6-8)

o 1:1-3:15 - Instructions for order and godliness in the church
 Order and ____qualifications____ in church leadership (1:1-
 ____Theology____ is the foundation for godly living (2:11-
o Theological Themes
 Qualifications of Church Leaders
 ____Expectations____ for believers
 Nature of salvation
 "____Trustworthy Sayings____ "
 1 Tim. 1:15
 1 Tim. 3:1
 1 Tim. 4:8-9
 2 Tim. 2:11-13
 Titus 3:4-8

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