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Using ChatGPT in Creative Writing:

A 3 Day Creative Project to End My English 1 Short Stories Unit

Day 1: Drafting & Planning

Objective: SWBAT demonstrate their knowledge of plot, plot techniques, characterization,

setting, mood, and tone through crafting their own unique short stories. SWBAT show a
command of figurative language and grammar in their narrative. SWBAT craft a unique,
original narrative.

● Do Now: Students should ask ChatGPT to generate a random character.
● Character Profile: After getting a character they like, students should begin to create
a character profile. In this profile, they must draw the character based on the
descriptions provided. Then, they must begin to indirectly characterize this
character by creating dialogue that demonstrates who they are, creating thoughts
for the character, explaining how their effects on other characters in the story,
deciding what major actions they take during their story, and describing what they
look like.
● Conflict, Setting, & Mood: After familiarizing themselves with their character,
students will be asked to create a problem that this character must overcome. Then,
they will generate a random setting using ChatGPT and begin to decide how their
character would exist and overcome their problem in that setting.
● Exit Ticket Plot Pyramid: Using the character profile and their decided setting, mood,
and tone, students will bullet point a story outline in a plot pyramid

Materials: Short Stories (shared on Classroom) , Plot Notes (shared on Classroom),

Characterization Notes (shared on Classroom)

Technology: Chromebooks, Google Classroom, Google Suites, ChatGPT

Assessment: Profile & Plot Pyramid Completion,, Class Participation, Teacher Observation

Homework: Finish any work not completed during class.

Modifications: Written and verbal clarification will be given on all directions, additional
accommodations and modifications have been made based on the IEPS/504/I&RS plans of
the students who require them.
Day 2: Writing Draft 1

Objective: SWBAT demonstrate their knowledge of plot, plot techniques, characterization,

setting, mood, and tone through crafting their own unique short stories. SWBAT show a
command of figurative language and grammar in their narrative. SWBAT craft a unique,
original narrative.

● Do Now: Students will review their Character Profiles & Plot Pyramids
● Creative Writing: Students will be given time to transform their plot pyramid into
an original short story. They will need to incorporate vivid descriptions, so as to
elicit their desired mood. They will also need to include speech and thoughts
throughout their piece that indirectly characterize their protagonist.
● Self-Editing & Revision: Once they finish drafting, students will be given a self-
editing & revision checklist to begin working on a second draft.

Materials: Short Stories (shared on Classroom) , Plot Notes (shared on Classroom),

Characterization Notes (shared on Classroom)

Technology: Chromebooks, Google Classroom, Google Suites

Assessment: Draft 1 Completion, Class Participation, Teacher Observation

Homework: Finish any work not completed during class.

Modifications: Written and verbal clarification will be given on all directions, additional
accommodations and modifications have been made based on the IEPS/504/I&RS plans of
the students who require them.
Day 3: Draft 2

Objective: SWBAT demonstrate their knowledge of plot, plot techniques, characterization,

setting, mood, and tone through crafting their own unique short stories. SWBAT show a
command of figurative language and grammar in their narrative. SWBAT craft a unique,
original narrative.

● Do Now: Students will highlight an area of strength in their writing. They will also
identify an area where they want to improve, but need help and suggestions on
how to make it better.
● Peer Revision: Students will be peer sharing their work with a partner. In their
partner’s work, they will be required to leave bubble comments on successful
elements, areas that are unclear, and areas they have suggestions to improve.
● Draft 2 Writing: After peer reviewing, students will be required to create a second
draft of their short story. At the end of their second draft, they will have to write a
reflection describing what edits and revisions they made, why they made them,
and what adjustments they will make to their writing process in the future based
on the self-reflection and the feedback they received from their partner.

Materials: Short Stories (shared on Classroom) , Plot Notes (shared on Classroom),

Characterization Notes (shared on Classroom)

Technology: Chromebooks, Google Classroom, Google Suites

Assessment: Draft 2 Completion, Class Participation, Teacher Observation

Homework: Finish any work not completed during class.

Modifications: Written and verbal clarification will be given on all directions, additional
accommodations and modifications have been made based on the IEPS/504/I&RS plans of
the students who require them.

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