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Quarter 1 ; Week 2
Module in Conventions in Citing

Mika Ella O. Perez



Use conventions in citing sources (ENG8SS-IIIg-1.6.4).

LESSON 2: Conventions in citing sources


The rise of digital advancement in the
world brought convenience in gathering
information; the recounts of older people on how
difficult it is to gather sources for their school-
related tasks are already distant memories. In the
present, aside from the existing physical
references (books, journals, newspaper articles,
etc.), the internet and various digitized references
make information gain wider reach and data
gathering more efficient.
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The number of potential sources for your
projects is indeed overwhelming. Still, as similar as instances where you consider picking the
best fruit or meat in the market, you must be considerate of the sources you incorporate in your
written outputs. You do not just pick what you think looks appropriate, but you also have to keep
in mind that the source you have gathered came from somebody, and they should be given the
utmost credit they deserve.
One of the means in maintaining your credibility as a student, who presents information
through your academic papers, is through adhering to the conventions of citing sources. This
module will let you discover ways on how to pattern various references according to the
prescribed citation styles.
As you embark on a new journey of learning, you can effectively use this module by
reading the discussions carefully, having diligence in performing various tasks, and keeping an
open mind in asking for clarifications, through your parents/guardians or your English teacher,
on parts you find confusing.

After studying this module, you should be able to:
 identify different conventions in citing sources;
 name the key elements found in a citation;
 take note of the governing rules in APA citation style; and
 prepare citations adhering to the prescribed citation style.

Directions: Read carefully the questions below. Encircle the letter of your answer.
1. What does APA stand for?
A. American Philanthropic Arbitrage C. American Psychological
B. American Philosophical Assembly Association
D. American Pulmonary Association
2. Which APA edition is currently in use as guide in writing academic papers?
A. Sixth edition C. Eleventh edition
B. Seventh edition D. Twelfth edition
3. What is the term for the list of references used by the author usually found at the latter part
of a written article?
A. Bibliography C. Glossary
B. Curriculum Vitae D. Table of Contents

4. What is the term for both intentional and unintentional usage of statements or sources
without the consent of the original author?
A. CTTO C. Credits
B. Copy-Paste D. Plagiarism
5. Which of the following is NOT an element of citation?
A. Author C. Setting
B. Page D. Titl


Task 1: With the help of your parent/guardian go around your place and determine the
references you have used in your studies. Once identified, determine the importance
of these materials in your learning as a whole. Write your response in each box below.

Book/s: Book/s: Periodical/s

Online source/s: Audiovisual/s:

Read carefully the article indicated below.

The COVID-19 pandemic made everybody stay indoors and observe rigid health and
sanitation precautions. Consequently, while in quarantine, most of the students like you use the
internet as a way to get informed, communicate with now distant peers, be entertained and
make transactions.

At times, while you scroll on your social media feed, you come across information or
statements that capture your attention, whether that enlightened you or gave you strong
emotions. Most likely you have observed that some of the posts of random people often end
with “#ctto,” “credits to the owner,” or anything similar to those. Eventually, you have realized
that those do not manifest as the original source, rather copied the statements elsewhere
making the original source unknown. However, the namelessness of the original source is just
the tip of what’s more concerning.
Attributing a statement without proper acknowledgement is starting to be the common
act of people in social media. They tend to become lazy in identifying the source of the
information. This action is being imitated by some students and can eventually be reflected in a
student’s written output, thus, resulting to academic negligence and lack of credibility. This act is
known as plagiarism, or a willful or unconscious act of incorporating sources in your material
without the consent of the original author.

How can the scenario of plagiarism be minimized and later on eliminated? It could be
done through: (1) making yourself aware of the different conventions of citation (a reference to
any material acknowledging the source’s original author and its location); and (2) putting the
awareness into practice.

By exercising awareness and practice of correctly citing sources, you can gradually gain
the importance of acknowledging references, not just a student seeking mastery of the lesson,
but as a person with a sense of accountability.


Before dealing with the rules in writing a

citation, let’s define first the word “citation.” It is
defined as “a reference to any item (book, journal

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article, dissertation, archival manuscript, newspaper editorial, report, website, musical
composition, etc.) which clearly identifies the source in which the full text of the item is to be
found. A citation provides sufficient information to acknowledge the author and locate them”
(Rhodes College Barret Library, 2015). The citations made within the text (also called as “in-text
citations”) are further elaborated in the bibliography.

A bibliography is a list of references found at the latter part of a book or an article. The
entries are arranged alphabetically according to the names of the authors. A bibliography is
essential because it identifies the sources a writer used. Furthermore, a bibliography helps the
reader retrieve and validate sources which he/she may find helpful in his/her own research.

In writing a citation entry, there are multiple style guides being followed; one of the most
popular style guides is from the American Psychological Association (APA) which is
currently in its seventh edition. The APA citation style is most commonly used in the field of
social sciences (psychology, anthropology, communication, etc).

Accordingly, there are four citation elements that should be present in your entries:
author (the one who crafted the work), date (the specific period of the time the source was
made), title (the overall concept of the material), and source/publisher (the point of origin
where the source can be retrieved). With these elements in mind, your citation will achieve
clarity and reliability.

The next section of the lesson will discuss how to write a citation according to its
reference. Take note of the details in each variation, such as the sequence of entries,
capitalization, alignment, punctuation, and style of fonts.


1.1. One Author/One Editor

Author, A. A. (Year of Publication). Title of the book. Publisher.
De Mayo, L. (2015). Writing informative essays. Hanz Publishing House.
1.2. Two Authors
Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (Year of Publication). Title of the book. Publisher.
Salazar, B. N. & Almazan, Q. A. (2019). Fundamentals in mathematics. Quality Books
Publishing House.
1.3. Three or More Authors
Author, A. A., Author B. B. & Author, C. C. (Year of Publication). Title of the book.
Palaris, W. M., Asuncion, B. T. & Aguado, P. R. (2014). Visayan mythology and
folklore. Pluma Publications.
1.4. No Author or Editor
Title of Work. (Year of Publication). Publisher.
Worktext in essay writing. (2020). Anahaw Publishing House.

Task 2: Arrange the following elements into a citation entry. Observe proper alignment,
capitalization, and punctuations.

Year: 2012
Publisher: Jo-Re Publishing House
Author: Emilio Rivera
Title: Superstitious Beliefs and Science
Year: 2014
Publisher: Purdue Publishing House
Authors: Leslie Y. Santos & Lester Rebleza
Title: Empowering Youth Leadership


2.1. Magazines

Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (Year, Month). Title of the article. Title of Periodical,
volume number(issue number), page range.
Mui, J. M. (2017, June). Ang huling el bimbo: An erasherheads nostalgia. Philippine
Panorama, 22(4), 7-8.

2.2. Newspapers

Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Title of

Newspaper, page range.
Rama, M. C. (2019, November 30). Golden age for children literature. Philippine Daily
Inquirer, p.20.

2.3. Journals

Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (Year of publication). Title of the article. Title of

Periodical, volume number(issue number), page range.
Lee, J. G. & Langley, A. S. (2017). Developing confidence in easing writing anxiety.
Journal on Language Teaching, 25, 5-17.

Task 3: Arrange the following elements into a citation entry. Observe proper alignment,
capitalization, and punctuations.

Date: May 2011
Magazine title: Best Housekeeping
Author: Mila Gregorio
Article title: 10 Trendy Embroidery Patterns
Pages: 7-16
Issue number: 21
Volume number: 5
Date: December 2019
Magazine title: Crafts for Kids
Author: James Alegrio
Article title: Affordable Art Projects at Home
Pages: 3-6
Issue number: 11
Volume number: 4
Date: June 15, 2020
Newspaper title: Manila Bulletin
Author: Richa Noriega
Article title: 3 UST students land in Top 10 of
young architect designers’ competition
Page: A12
Date: June 7, 2020
Newspaper title: The Philippine Star
Author: Jeremiah Opiniano
Article title: Pandemic brings hard lessons to
Philippine migrant health policy
Page: 2
Year: 2020
Article title: Preparing teachers for reflexive
leadership roles in schools
Author: Mary Ryan & Tony Loughland

Journal title: Journal of Education for
Pages: 38-41
Volume number: 46
Issue number: 3
Year: 2020
Article title: Leveraging technology to
mitigate hunger
Author: Aradhana Porwal
Journal title: Journal of School Affairs
Pages: 25-28
Volume number: 2
Issue number: 1


3.1. Website article

Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (Year, Month Day). Title. Website name. Unified
Reference Location/Unified Reference Location (or URL)
Delgado, B. A. (2018, October). Analysis the soul of the great bell. Course Hero.

3.2. Online media

3.2.1. Facebook post

Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Content of the post up to the first 20
words [Description of audiovisuals]. Site name. Unified Reference
Santos, B. N. (2020, February 27). The BNSCWC State of the Nation Series:
Ang Teatro Ngayon: A Roundtable Discussion on the State of Philippine
Theatre held [Image attached] [Status update]. Facebook.

3.2.2. YouTube video

Content Creator, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Video title [Description of
audiovisuals]. Site name. Unified Reference Location/URL
Nance, T. (2020, April 19). Shakespeare’s “venus and adonis” – summary and
discussion [Video]. YouTube.

Task 4: Arrange the following elements into a citation entry. Observe proper alignment,
capitalization, and punctuations.
Website articles
Date: May 6, 2020
Website name: Medical News Today
Author: Anna Smith
Title: What are the early symptoms of
coronavirus (COVID-19)?
Date: March 26, 2020
Website name: CNN Philippines
Author: CNN Philippines
Title: Volunteers design cheap, easy-to-
build sanitation tents vs. COVID-19

Online Media
Site name: Facebook
Audiovisual type: Status with image
Author: National Museum Western
Date: April 10, 2020
Content: Pana-et Ritual of Tubungan,
Iloilo. At exactly 3 PM Good Friday last
year, a number of babaylans in Batga
Site name: Facebook
Audiovisual type: Status with link
Author: The Aswang Project
Date: June 15, 2020
Content: Malakas and Maganda:
Examining the ’First Man & Woman’
Tagalog Myth

 Citation refers to determining and acknowledging a reference according to its author,
title, location, and source. Furthermore, writing a citation entry should follow the
conventions of style accordingly.
 APA citation style pertains to the conventions and standards in documenting sources
and formatting academic papers set by the American Psychological Association.
 You must keep in mind the following sequence of citation elements when you write your
citation entry: author, date, title, and source/publisher.

To gain more idea on how to format your paper and

identify more citation rules according to APA
standards, you can access the YouTube video titled
“APA Style 7th Edition: Student Paper Formatting"
through this link (, or by
scanning the QR code below:

You can also check out what makes the APA 7th edition different
from its earlier counterparts in the YouTube video titled “APA
Manual 7th Edition: 17 Most Notable Changes” through this link
(, or through scanning the QR
code below:


Task 5: Carefully read and answer the questions provided below. Write your answer on the
blank spaces after each question.

1. How is citation of sources in APA style generally done? Support your description with
information you have learned from this module.
2. Why is it important to adhere to the conventions in documenting your sources? What are
the possible outcomes if the writer neglects the conventions in citing sources?

3. After learning about the conventions in citing sources, in what ways can you advocate
responsible documentation of sources despite the limitations you have during this

A. Directions: Examine each citation entry below. Draw  if it followed the correct sequence of
citation or  if not on the blank space provided before the number.

______ 1. Campos, J. (2015). Exploring language arts. Regina Publishing House.

______ 2. Alberto, A. C. (2015, November 30). Understanding peer pressure. Philippine Daily
Inquirer, p.18.

______ 3. Ikari, S. (2020). Youth and anxiety. Journal in Counseling, 7, 1-9.

______ 4. Ruiz, T. (2020, April 19). Indian literature. YouTube.

______ 5. Journal in theme Writing. (2017). J&V Printing Press.


Activity 7: Write your takeaways, guided by the following prompts, inside each box

Your key takeaway/s (What are the important concepts you have
learned from this module?):

Your new discoveries through the help of the lesson (What are the
ideas in the module that you found new, striking and helpful for you?):

Areas of the lesson where you need more clarification (Which part of
the discussions you find hard to grasp?):


Looking back
Task 1
Books: ______________
Periodicals: ______________
Online Resources: ______________
Audiovisuals: ______________

Task 2
1. _______________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________

Task 3:
1. _______________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________________________________

Task 4:
1. _______________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________________

Task 5:
1. _______________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________



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