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Received: 20 June 2019 Revised: 9 February 2020 Accepted: 10 February 2020

DOI: 10.1002/jrs.5859


Online analysis of minerals from sulfide ore using near-

infrared Raman spectroscopy

Sanna Uusitalo1 | Tuomas Soudunsaari1 | Juha Sumen1 | Olli Haavisto2 |

Jani Kaartinen2 | Jarmo Huuskonen3 | Aki Tuikka3 |
Katariina Rahkamaa-Tolonen1 | Janne Paaso1

Optical Measurements, VTT Technical
Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Oulu,
Finland Efficient recovery of minerals from bedrock ore requires precise knowledge of
Outotec, Automation Concept the mineral levels during enrichment processes. Froth flotation is a commonly
Development, Espoo, Finland
used method for efficient separation of different minerals from finely grinded
Pyhäsalmi Mine Oy, Rikastamo,
Pyhäjärvi, Finland
sulfide ore. The mineral level information is an important tool for the optimi-
zation of flotation process parameters as it is uneconomical to make mineral
Correspondence products with unacceptably low concentrations and to lose a share of the valu-
Sanna Uusitalo, Optical Measurements,
VTT Technical Research Centre of able minerals of the ore to the tailings. Online mineral control is commonly
Finland Ltd. Oulu, Finland. executed with X-ray fluorescence detection or laser-induced breakdown spec-
troscopy, which detect the elements of the minerals during flotation. Unfortu-
Funding information nately, in case of sulfide ores, the method suffers from inadequate detection of
European Union’s Horizon 2020 research lightweight materials such as sulfur and the common nature of iron, as iron is
and innovation programme project IbD
constantly present in several different minerals found in sulfide ores. Raman
Intensified by Design® for the
intensification of processes involving spectroscopy can be used to detect the minerals instead of mere elements of
solids handling, Grant/Award Number: ore. This paper presents the study of Raman spectroscopy for online detection
680565; PREIN The Flagship program on
Photonics Research and Innovation,
of enriched sulfide ore minerals from froth flotation. The Raman instrument
Grant/Award Number: 320168; CALMIN with a custom-made probe connector allowed for the recording of good quality
project; APASSI Autonomous Processes Raman spectra during froth flotation and for the identification and analysis of
Facilitated by Artificial Sensing
Intelligence Co-Innovation project
the valuable minerals levels. The comparison of Raman analysis to online
X-ray fluorescence and offline mineral liberation analysis show that Raman
spectroscopy is a suitable method for the online analysis of sulfide ores.

analysis, beneficiation, online, ore, sulfide

1 | INTRODUCTION material supply, efficient ore beneficiation is a critical

sector for material production.[1,2] Optimization of the
Raman spectroscopy (RS) is a novel analysis tool for mineral production requires optimization of the mineral
process control at mineral beneficiation facilities. As the enrichment process, which is dependent on the informa-
well-being of modern societies depend on sufficient tion of the mineral levels in the feed, concentrate, and

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
© 2020 The Authors. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

978 J Raman Spectrosc. 2020;51:978–988.


tailings. Thus, efficient ore beneficiation requires accu- content on raw ore has evaluated the ability of multivari-
rate mineralogical online analysis. However, the current ate calibration models to predict the mineral concentra-
online analysers tend to suffer from inaccuracy in deter- tion in filtered froth flotation powder samples obtained
mining certain mineral levels due to common material from a concentrator.[15] According to the study, RS could
elements such as iron (Fe) or light-weighted material ele- be used to determine the mineral content of stibnite with
ments such as sulfur (S). The current online analysers are sufficient accuracy from samples collected after froth flo-
commonly based on X-ray fluorescence (XRF) or laser- tation with the help of multivariate data processing. This
induced breakdown spectroscopy, which give informa- could in theory improve precision in reagent chemical
tion on the material elements, but not on the minerals dosing at the enrichment facility and improve the end-
themselves. Typically, the mineralogy of the ore has to be product quality. However, the evaluation of RS was per-
analysed offline in a laboratory with mineral liberation formed with dry mineral powders offline, which delays
analysis (MLA), atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) or the analysis results. An evaluation of RS performance for
X-ray diffraction (XRD) for periodic calibration of the online process optimization for industrial mineral enrich-
online analysers.[3] RS could be a complementary if not ment at mining sites is still missing. In this study, the
substitutionary analysis method for online detection as it applicability of RS for online detection of liquid flotation
has the ability to detect the minerals themselves instead froth and tailing samples was evaluated in a Pyhäsalmi
of mere elements through vibrations of the mineral mineral beneficiation facility in synchronization with
bonds. Thus, RS is able to form an individual fingerprint online XRF detection. A Pyhäsalmi mine excavates sul-
spectrum for each detected mineral.[4] fide ore from volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits. The
The prior use of RS for mineralogical analysis shows volcanogenic massive sulfide ore type is the most
extensively that Raman scattering can differentiate a vari- exploited type in Fennoscandia Shield.[16] The ore of
ety of minerals from each other.[5–11] Additionally a digi- Pyhäsalmi contains copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), and
talization project RRUFF ( has gathered sulfur (S). In general, the mineral composition of ore
a free access mineral spectral database containing the deposits varies in terms of changing ore minerals, their
Raman spectra of approximately 3,500 different mineral quantitative ratios, and even as variation in mineral
species.[12] In regard of the ore beneficiation, there have forms. Thus, the enrichment process can suffer from vari-
been some studies on highlighting the ability of RS on ation of ore, and the enrichment efficiency can change
qualitative analysis of mineral levels in ores. A manga- depending on the ore. The enriched minerals in
nese (Mn) oxide ore study by Pani, Singh, and Mohapatra Pyhäsalmi are chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and pyrite, which
compared the results of XRD, Fourier-transform infrared are sold to the manufacturing industry as minerals with
and RS analysis of bulk manganese oxide rocks from specific purity state. Higher purity can affect the price of
three Mn ore samples from four mine profiles with differ- the product. This is why it is important for the mine to be
ent mineral compositions. The results demonstrated that able to enrich the minerals with high efficiency. For min-
RS with support by corresponding infrared (IR) and XRD eral beneficiation, Pyhäsalmi utilizes flotation enrich-
spectral data can be used for qualitative analysis of man- ment, which has a leading position in separation of
ganese (Mn) oxide ores and could be suitable as a stan- minerals from nonferrous iron ores containing sulfides.
dard procedure for qualitative assessment in a geological Globally, flotation is applied for extraction of approxi-
set-up.[13] Furthermore, a study on drill core sample discs mately a hundred different minerals.[17]
by Secchi et al. showed that a quantitative determination Froth flotation utilizes rotation velocity, air input,
of mineral phase composition can be reached with a com- and prepared chemical composition to control the enrich-
bination of RS, XRF, and XRD analyses.[8] Another study ment process.[18] A graphical illustration of this technol-
by Escarate et al. compared following three analysis tech- ogy is presented in Figure S1 (Supporting Information).
niques: RS, ultraviolet fluorescence spectroscopy, and During flotation, the hydrophobic mineral particles are
energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction for determination of selectively separated from hydrophilic particles. The
calcite (CaCO3) concentration in copper (Cu) ore. The chemicals ensure that the air bubbles bind hydrophobic
study used a portable Raman spectrometer with an exter- particles and carry them to the surface to form a froth
nal probe for the detection of Cu ore powders from a qua- containing valuable minerals and water. The remaining
rtz cuvette. RS achieved quite similar accuracy levels as ore particles are collected from the bottom and moved to
the comparative techniques while showing considerably the next mineral flotation cycle or to the waste. The
faster signal recording times.[14] online mineral information is utilized at the plant to
In mining industry, there is a need for a fast and pre- guide the amount of needed chemicals, air inflow and
cise quantification method for the minerals of interest in rotation. The aim is to ensure that the mineral yield in
enrichment processes. A study focusing on stibnite the froth is at the expected level and that excess amounts

of this mineral are not forwarded to the next flotation the enriched mineral slurries, and their tailings. The
cycle or waste. The Pyhäsalmi beneficiation facility ana- Pyhäsalmi beneficiation process flow from mining to
lyses the process efficiency constantly with online XRF froth flotation and the order of the enrichment steps
analysis and occasionally with offline AAS analysis for during flotation are presented in Figure S2 . The domi-
the calibration of the XRF prediction models. The XRF nant ore minerals at Pyhäsalmi include pyrite, pyrrho-
prediction can be used to analyse the cause of possible tite, chalcopyrite, and sphalerite. Additionally, the ore
insufficient separation. Problems in separation are usu- comprises small amounts of jordanite, bourgonite,
ally caused by unliberated particles or poor mechanical, seligmannite, hessonite, fahlore, arsenic, wehrlite, and
reagent, or separator performance. At Pyhäsalmi, the molybdenite. The gangue includes quartz, barite, cal-
XRF estimation of chalcopyrite and sphalerite amounts is cite, dolomite, plagioclase, tourmaline, and talc among
direct, because the former contains all of the copper and other minerals with smaller quantities. The elemental
the latter contains all of the zinc. However, XRF estima- compositions of the original ore, froths and the tail
tion of pyrite is only predictive due to the fact that iron is slurries can be found in Figure S3.
present not only in pyrite, but also in chalcopyrite and, to
a lesser degree, the sphalerite and even one of the gangue
minerals (augite). Although periodical metallurgical AAS 2.2 | Online Raman spectroscopy of
analyses in laboratory offers more precise and reliable enriched sulfide ore minerals
results than predictive XRF, it cannot be used as an
online tool due to the time consumption and hands-on 2.2.1 | Instrumentation for online
process of the wet chemical analysis. RS, on the other Raman measurements with a custom
hand, is a valid choice for the detection of chalcopyrite, connector
sphalerite, and pyrite as in general the sulfide minerals
are Raman active and give characteristic spectra that can In this study, a Raman spectrometer was connected to an
be used for identification.[19] The aim of this study is to online XRF analyser input pipeline at a Pyhäsalmi mine
determine, if the RS analysis could prove reliable mineral beneficiation plant with a custom designed probe connec-
quantification from liquid-immersed sulfide ore after tor. A depiction of the connector and the connected
mineral enrichment cycles and thus in the future serve as Raman system are shown in Figure 1a–c. The Raman
a tool for reaching better flotation process control in ben- measurements used an Immersion Optic probe designed
eficiation facilities. for reaction monitoring and a RamanRxn2™ Systems
Analyzer (Kaiser Optical Systems, Inc.) with excitation
laser wavelength of 785 nm. A near-IR wavelength was
2 | MATERIALS AND METHODS chosen to reduce mineral fluorescence issues. Raman
spectra were recorded roughly with the same timing as
2.1 | Mineral enrichment and online the XRF detection. The parameters for Raman spectrom-
XRF detection of enriched sulfide ore eter were chosen to fit the automated sample intake and
elements washing steps of existing Courier XRF analyser. The pro-
cess froth samples were pumped into the XRF analyser in
The Pyhäsalmi mineral beneficiation facility has 17 pro- a sequence, where sample cross-contamination was
cess phases, which are analysed with an online XRF prevented with a washing step between samples. Ana-
detector (Courier 6 On-Stream XRF analyzer, Outotec, lyser was washed by pumping water through analyser
Finland). The XRF analysis has several aims to support pipes. The XRF analyser is not recording data during
the mining and mineral recovery. The first aim is to washing steps. However, because the Raman spectrome-
support the ore quarry with mineral information of the ter was not electrically triggered to the XRF recording,
original ore and to ensure that the mineral levels are as Raman spectra were recorded also during the washing
expected. The second aim is to detect the purity and steps. The approximate intake time for each froth sample
concentration level of the flotation froths and to ensure for the XRF analyser was 30 s with a short 20-s washing
that the sold mineral products meet the quality parame- step after each XRF sampling cycle. Because it was not
ters set by the buyers. The third aim is to analyse the possible to synchronize the Raman signal recording with
mineral tailings and final ore waste to ensure that con- the XRF analyser signal recording, the Raman signal was
siderable amounts of valuable minerals do not end up collected continuously with 10-s integration time and 5-s
in the waste. Table S1 shows the analysed process delay between recorded spectra to assure that one per-
phases with description of the analysed froth samples. fectly timed Raman spectra would be recorded for each
The most important process samples are the sulfide ore, XRF input sample. The Raman system used maximum

F I G U R E 1 (a) Depiction of
the custom probe connector.
(b) Probe connector integrated to
the online X-ray fluorescence
(XRF) detector. (c) Picture of the
connected RamanRxn2™ system
to the Pyhäsalmi mine
beneficiation plant online
Courier XRF analyser [Colour
figure can be viewed at]

excitation laser power of 400 mW. Although this is a high XRF analyser has an built-in valve system, which can be
laser power level for minerals, there was no laser-induced used to collect samples on-demand for the calibration of
heating and consequent modifications of the mineral the XRF system. Samples were dried and sent to
spectrums observed with the used power due to the liquid ERZLABOR Advanced Solutions GmbH for reference
immersion.[8] The collection optics had direct contact to MLA analysis as compacted powder discs. The MLA
the ore slurry with 0-mm focal distance and 100-μm analysis gives reference information on the mineral levels
beam diameter. Outlier spectrums were observed during in different flotation samples. Figure S4 shows the min-
the measurements as the ore smudged the immersion eral composition of the original ore, concentrate froths,
probe window occasionally for a short time period. In and their tailings obtained from the analysis. Although,
constant online detection, it is however possible to dis- the flotation froths mainly consist of the enriched min-
card the outliers from the final analysis as the amount of erals (chalcopyrite 85, sphalerite 95 to pyrite 99 weight
data is not dependent on single spectra. percent [wt%] of the dried matter), chalcopyrite and
sphalerite froth do have small amounts of trace minerals
as well. Chalcopyrite has 7% pyrite, 2.2% pyrrhotite, and
2.2.2 | Sample intake for online Raman 2.5% sphalerite content. Sphalerite has 1.5% pyrrhotite
measurements with custom connector and 2% pyrite content. Pyrite froth contains mainly
pyrite, and even MLA cannot distinguish the remaining
The intake of the XRF online analyser was directing sam- 1% content.
ples of different froth phases and tailings to the analyser
in a customized sequence with emphasis on samples of
importance for the froth flotation process control. Thus, 2.3 | Enriched mineral concentration
the online XRF analyser analysed some ore slurry phases series and data analysis
several times and others more rarely, and during a 4-hr
online experiment, the amount of samples for process 2.3.1 | In situ sample collection
phases differed as follows: chalcopyrite 41 samples, sphal-
erite 130 samples, and pyrite 31 samples. The mineral The sensitivity and accuracy of RS to detect the min-
levels of the XRF element data were calculated with cali- erals of interest was studied by creating a concentra-
bration formulas (1)–(4), which can be found in the tion series for each enrichment mineral: chalcopyrite,
Supporting Information. sphalerite, and pyrite. To form the concentration
series, several in situ samples were collected during
the measurement campaign at Pyhäsalmi. The in situ
2.2.3 | MLA reference analysis of the ore samples included chalcopyrite froth (CuR1), chalcopy-
mineral samples rite tailing (CuJ), sphalerite froth (ZnR), sphalerite tail-
ing (ZnJ), pyrite forth (SR1), and pyrite tailing (SJ).
During the measurement campaign, the reference froth Mineral concentration series were created to simulate
samples were collected from the XRF analyser intake. a situation, where the mineral levels of the process

samples have wider fluctuation range. During measure- 2.3.4 | Data analysis from RS spectra
ment campaign, the froth flotation process at the
Pyhäsalmi mine beneficiation facility was stable, and it The raw RS data had an elevated background both in the
was not possible to monitor large fluctuation ranges online trial and in the laboratory trial. This elevation is
online. In situ samples for laboratory measurements related to disturbing factors such as mineral fluorescence
were collected together with the reference samples, created by the laser excitation. In this study, the signal
which were sent to the MLA analysis. The reference background was subtracted using baseline correction
information was used to calculate the concentration method based on asymmetric least squares (baseline)
series. smoothing. The two parameters, which distinguish the
shape of the background envelope, are p for asymmetry
and λ for smoothness.[20,21] For the spectral data of this
2.3.2 | Mineral concentration trials in trial, the parameters were set to be p = 0.0001 and
laboratory λ = 30000. Figure S5 presents an example of Raman spec-
trum of chalcopyrite froth and asymmetric least squares
The sensitivity and accuracy of RS to detect the minerals baseline-corrected spectrum.
of interest was studied by creating the concentration The spectral Raman data was transformed into signal
series for each enrichment mineral: chalcopyrite, sphaler- intensity information by utilizing area-to-area integration
ite, and pyrite. The concentration series were formulated with linear fit. Because the sulfide ore did not have con-
by mixing the dry matter of enriched mineral to 0.5 dl of sistent peaks originating from side rock minerals, the
respective mineral tailing immersed in water. The min- mineral signal was proportioned to the immersion probe
erals were mixed into their tailing to simulate the min- sapphire window peak. Additionally, the superimposition
eral variance in the original ore gangue rather than of adjacent mineral peaks in case of chalcopyrite and
mixing them into pure water. This ensured that the cre- sphalerite was analysed with a Voigt function. It has been
ated samples had the effect of gangue minerals present shown previously that collision broadening of Raman
and the solid content was more realistic than what a peaks results in a peak shape that is a combination of
water–mineral enrichment mixture would have had. The both Lorentz and Gauss forms.[22,23] The Voigt function
enriched mineral dry matter was separated from water combines the Lorentz and Gauss forms in adjustable pro-
with Buchner filtration. The mineral froths were first fil- portions. The MATLAB software environment
tered and then diluted to their equivalent tailings. The (MathWorks, USA) was used for this Voigt modelling of
concentration series had enrichment mass ratios of overlapping chalcopyrite and sphalerite peaks. Because it
10, 5, 1, 0.5, and 0.1%. Although the minerals were mixed was not practical to perform this Voigt modelling for
into their tailings, the original solid content of the sam- every Raman spectrum produced in the inline test and in
ples did differ slightly from the original ore content, and the laboratory study, the Voigt modelling was used to
the concentration series can only indicate the ability of identify a shoulder region of the chalcopyrite peak that is
the RS to gain quantitative information on the mineral largely unaffected by the sphalerite peak and vice versa
ratios. for the purposes of routine mineral-proportion

2.3.3 | Raman measurements of mineral

concentration series 3 | RESULTS

The laboratory study was executed with the same immer- 3.1 | Laboratory analysis of in situ
sion probe and Raman device as used in the online detec- samples
tion study at Pyhäsalmi. The Raman signal integration
time was set to 10 s, and the laser power was 400 mW. The Raman peaks detected from the original sulfide ore
The sample slurry was constantly mixed with a mechani- are presented in Figure 2. Using the reference spectra
cal rotator to prevent the gravitational sedimentation of downloaded from the RRUFF database, Raman peaks
the enriched ore and tailing dry matter to the bottom of from different minerals were identified to be chalcopy-
the sample container. The immersion probe was fixed in rite, sphalerite, pyrite, augite, and barite. Table 1 shows
the near vicinity of the rotator. The test series consisted the minerals with detected Raman peaks and the relation
of two concentration series for each mineral (total of peak intensities of single mineral peaks for each min-
10 samples/mineral). The concentration series were mea- eral. In addition, the sulfide ore spectrum includes three
sured three times. peaks, which do not originate from the mineral

F I G U R E 3 The average Raman spectra of chalcopyrite froth,

F I G U R E 2 Original sulfide ore Raman spectrum with chalcopyrite tailing, sphalerite froth, sphalerite tailing, and pyrite
subtracted background. The main Raman peaks and their mineral froth calculated from 150 spectra recorded during laboratory trial
associations have been indicated with numbers [Colour figure can [Colour figure can be viewed at]
be viewed at]
The average spectra of the froths are presented in Figure 3.
Because the chalcopyrite and sphalerite have partly over-
T A B L E 1 Normalized Raman peak intensities calculated from
lapping dominant peaks 291 and 299 cm−1, the effect of
the reference spectra acquired from RRUFF database and from the
recorded ore froth spectra. The dominant Raman peaks have been
sphalerite peak has to be taken into account in
indicated with bold text chalcopyrite analysis. The superimposition of the sphaler-
ite and chalcopyrite peak was analysed by adjusting the
Normalized chalcopyrite spectrum to Voigt fit by utilizing the refer-
Normalized peak
ence spectra from RRUFF database. The analysis of the
peak intensity
intensity from
spectra superimposition is presented in Figure 4. This peak
Raman shift from detected overlapping affects signal quantification. Additionally, the
Mineral (cm−1) reference spectra main 338 cm−1 peak from pyrite has fluctuation not seen
Chalcopyrite 291 1 1
with the lower peak 374 cm−1. This could be related to
gangue mineral peaks such as augite and calcite. Gangue
Sphalerite 299 0.76 1
mineral peaks are listed in Table S2 . Other gangue min-
Pyrite 338 1 1 erals such as pyrrhotite, which is present in chalcopyrite
Pyrite 374 0.4 0.32 and sphalerite froth, can have low mineral peaks in the
Pyrite 797 0.05 0.06 spectra, but their peak wavenumbers are not disturbing
Pyrite 860 0.06 0.06 the enriched mineral Raman peak analysis.
Barite 987 1 1 The Raman mineral peaks selected for the signal
analysis were the left slope of 291 cm−1 for chalcopyrite,
Augite 1012 1 1
the right slope of 299 cm−1 for sphalerite, and 374 cm−1
Sapphire 417 1 1
for pyrite. The exact Raman peak areas used in the calcu-
Sapphire 430 0.11 0.14 lations of Raman signal intensity are shown in Figure S6.
Sapphire 448 0.03 0.12 The relation between signal intensity and mineral con-
Sapphire 576 0.07 0.26 centration in ore was studied with sample series utilizing
Sapphire 750 0.13 0.58 the in situ collected froths. In the trial, dried minerals
froth powders were mixed into their tailings to create
concentration series. It would have been possible to mix
components. These peaks originate from the sapphire the froth powders into water, but that would have been a
probe window. There are also peaks originating from the simplified simulation as the liquid immersion consistency
gangue minerals augite and barite. The rest of the peaks would have been very different with the strongest and
belong to sulfide minerals. the lowest sample concentration. The tailings of the flota-
The Raman spectra of in situ collected froth flotation tion cycles include the same gangue minerals present in
samples were studied in a laboratory to analyse the effect the original ores. The aim was to simulate the presence
of different mineral levels to their Raman peak intensities. of enriched minerals in the presence of gangue minerals

F I G U R E 4 Voigt fit to the chalcopyrite

spectrum. The effect of sphalerite peak broadens
the chalcopyrite peak and shifts the
superimposed peak position to 295 cm−1. The
fitting can be applied, when the peaks and
mineral ratios distinguish from each other. If the
peak heights are similar, it is more difficult to
calculate the superposition [Colour figure can be
viewed at]

to simulate a situation where the enriched mineral con- The enriched mineral concentration series were
tent was low in the original ore before flotation with used for the validation of linearity of the Raman signal
changing amounts of minerals of interest, namely chalco- response to the actual mineral levels in the sulfide
pyrite, sphalerite and pyrite. slurry samples. The linearity was studied using the con-
To exclude the effect of background signal coming centration series with enriched mineral content in w-%
from water or flotation chemicals to the mineral spectra, ratios of 0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, and 10%. Results for the average
the Raman signal of water, Dowfroth, zinc sulfide, and Raman signals of enriched mineral concentration series
xanthate were recorded. According to the results shown are presented in Figure 5. The slope of the fitted linear
in Figure S7 , the zinc sulfide and xanthate do have functions for chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and pyrite was
Raman peaks, but the location of the peaks does not used to assess the current limit of detection, which was
interfere with the froth mineral analysis. A water spec- 1.5, 0.5, and 30% respectively.[25] The pyrite shows
trum shows only the Raman probe sapphire window unacceptably high variation and limit of detection even
peaks. for semiquantitative analysis. Pyrite slurry consists of
As discussed in Section 2, after background removal, particles with larger average size than chalcopyrite and
the quantification of the Raman response requires a tran- sphalerite slurries have. As can be seen in Figure S8,
sition of spectral data into an accountable value. In this pyrite has more particles with diameter exceeding
study, the possible variance in the optical path of the 40 μm. According to literature, the intensity of Raman
laser beam was removed using intensity ratio between scattering can be highly dependent on particle distribu-
mineral and background peak, in this case sapphire tion of the sample as has been shown in studies focus-
window peak. The variance in optical path length was ing on pharmaceutical research.[26] Thus, the pyrite
compensated as the Raman signal can change due to particles are more affected by the external forces, and
momentary sample consistency change between sam- the Raman signal of pyrite has larger fluctuations than
pling cycles. In addition, signal intensity fluctuations can the other enriched minerals during the trial. Similar
happen if there are changes in brightness of the excita- behaviour of signal fluctuation can be observed with
tion laser and efficiency of light collection.[24] online RS analysis of pyrite recorded at Pyhäsalmi

F I G U R E 5 The average Raman signal response in function of mineral concentration for (a) chalcopyrite, (b) sphalerite, and (c) pyrite
with standard error [Colour figure can be viewed at]

mine. However, the relation between concentration and 3.2 | The online trial at Pyhäsalmi
Raman signal of chalcopyrite and sphalerite in Figure 5 beneficiation facility
show that it is possible to detect minerals in sulfide ore
slurries with an average linear behaviour as long as the The online Raman data measured at Pyhäsalmi mine
average particle size is in the range of 30 μm. It seems beneficiation facility was consistent with the spectra
that for successful mineralogical analysis, the particles acquired during the laboratory trials. For the first time,
of the mineral slurry need to be finely grinded to be the mineral levels of sulfide ore were recorded in an
reliably analysed by RS. In addition, the RS analysis online arrangement in a beneficiation facility. The
should consist of numerous Raman spectra with longer recorded RS data was synchronized with the simulta-
integration time in order to be able to discard occa- neously recorded XRF data to see the correlation of the
sional outliers, see Figure S9, and average out Raman Raman peaks and the detected material elements. The
peak areas for more statistically reliable data analysis. results are shown in Figure 6a for chalcopyrite (Raman)

F I G U R E 6 (a) Comparison of
online-detected chalcopyrite Raman
signal level to the detected X-ray
fluorescence (XRF) copper weight
percent (wt%) signal level.
(b) Comparison of online detected
sphalerite Raman signal level to the
detected XRF zinc wt% signal level.
(c) Comparison of online detected pyrite
Raman signal level to the calculated
XRF pyrite wt% signal level [Colour
figure can be viewed at]

and copper (XRF) levels in ore slurry samples, in in Table S3 with molecule space groups and mineral
Figure 6b for sphalerite (Raman) and zinc (XRF) levels, formula information.
and in Figure 7c for pyrite Raman intensity and XRF esti-
mation. The graphs show similar signal indications for
the same time stamps for both Raman and XRF data. 4.2 | Need for accurate mineral analysis
However, it can be seen that the changes in signal height at beneficiation facilities
are more prominent with Raman intensity than with
XRF estimation. In addition, the noise level fluctuations The process control of Pyhäsalmi mine flotation uses a
are stronger. This could be related to several things calibrated online XRF analyser, to estimate the mineral
including the changes in solid–liquid content or particle quantities of the sulfide slurries in a stable process situa-
size distributions and the partial overlapping of the chal- tion, where the quarried ore consistency stays within the
copyrite and sphalerite peak. boundaries of the XRF calibration. The XRF information
is used to control the froth flotation process. The process
control has a need for real time information on the stabil-
4 | DISCUSSION ity of the mineral collection and the consistency of differ-
ent process phases. The quarried ore can have different
4.1 | Raman analysis of sulfide minerals mineral consistencies depending on the location of the
mining. Although froth flotation may sound like a simple
RS has been shown to be a suitable detection method process with three main phases: manipulation of hydro-
for qualitative identification of different minerals.[27] phobicity, air bubble bonding of minerals and froth col-
Although sulfides such as chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and lection, and recovery of hydrophilic gangue minerals
pyrite are Raman active, they are not as strong scat- from tank bottom, in reality there are over 100 variables
terers as carbonate and sulfate minerals.[28] However, that affect the flotation process. This is due to the subpro-
this is not necessarily a restriction in mineral beneficia- cesses such as entrainment of gangue into the froth
tion analysis as the mineral levels in the froths are phase, coalescence of bubbles, deattachment of mineral
high, and it is possible to use high power lasers, particles from bubbles, feed composition, and grinding
because the samples are a mixture of solids and water. stages prior to flotation.[31] The beneficiation process at
It should be noted that the detected mineral Raman Pyhäsalmi mine is quite stable in regards to the mineral
spectra can be dependent on the used excitation wave- consistency of the ore. Thus, the current consistency of
length. The colour of minerals and the effect of Raman froths stays inside the calibration boundaries of the XRF
resonance condition can affect Raman scattering.[29,30] analyser. This is a requirement for the online XRF ana-
As mentioned in the Section 2, this study utilized lyser to give reliable results as an outcome of the elemen-
Raman excitation wavelength of 785 nm, which is off- tal analysis, because the mineral estimation is a result of
resonance for sulfide mineral analysis. In this study, the mineral calibration with AAS. However, the ore situation
recorded mineral spectra were compared with the spec- is not always stable in mines not even at Pyhäsalmi.
tra presented in RRUFF reference database using Changes in the ore consistency affect the calibration, and
corresponding unpolarized 785-nm laser excitation. finding the right algorithms for the new XRF calibration
Thus, the peak placement and identification is based on is both time consuming and laborious. In many cases,
similar Raman conditions with both the reference spec- there is a need for an analyser, which could detect the
tra and the detected spectra. In reference database, mineral levels instead of the elements. For mining com-
sphalerite shows a wide Raman peak triplet at 299, panies, the information would give input on the actual
320, and 350 cm−1 although the detected spectra show products they sell, the quarry gravel, which has certain
only one narrow peak at 299 cm−1. This could be mineral concentration limits it has to meet in order to be
related to the variable composition of sphalerite (Zn,Fe) graded as a good quality product and reach the best price
S), which can have a zinc-replacing element in its struc- class. Mines also need to know if their product includes
ture, namely iron (Fe). The spectra of chalcopyrite trace minerals, which are listed as harmful and can cause
(CuFeS2) and pyrite (FeS2) are more in line with the price penalties, when selling the product to the customer.
database spectra. Chalcopyrite has one main Raman In an ideal case, the mine can react to unwanted changes
band at 290 cm−1, and pyrite has two dominant Raman in flotation process and make sure that second class prod-
bands at 338 and 374 cm−1.[28] The RRUFF reference ucts are not produced, when they have reliable online
spectra and their main Raman bands are presented in data on the mineral consistency of each flotation cycle.
Figure S10 . The associated molecular Raman band The results of this study indicate that RS could be a
assignments for each ore originating peak can be found future tool for online mineral analysis of sulfide ore as

the detection of chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and pyrite is fea- 5 | CONCLUSIONS

sible. RS could simplify the online analysis for mineral
quantification, as there would be no need for estimation This study used RS for online characterization of
of different element distributions between minerals. The volcanogenic massive sulfide ferrous iron ores containing
uncertainties of mineral consistency would decrease in sulfide minerals at the Pyhäsalmi mine with the custom
situations, where the flotation process is not in a stable probe connector. According to the results, RS is a suitable
state due to the change in the ore consistency. online tool for the rapid identification of enriched sulfide
minerals from different flotation process phases. Compar-
ison of the online Raman and XRF data showed that RS
4.3 | Online Raman spectroscopic is a feasible analysis tool for mineral level indication from
analysis finely grinded liquid-immersed sulfide minerals con-
taining light-weighted or common elements. The labora-
In this study, it was shown that the RS can detect the sul- tory trials with in situ samples of chalcopyrite and
fide mineral levels as an online tool at a beneficiation sphalerite showed linear relation between Raman signal
facility. Although the RS analysis gave mineral level indi- intensity and mineral concentration. Moreover, Raman
cation with semiquantitative accuracy, it is possible in analysis clearly identifies different mineral spectra pro-
future to optimize the online mineral detection. An duced by three flotation phases: chalcopyrite, sphalerite
important observation was that the particle size distribu- and pyrite.
tion of the minerals affects the results both in laboratory
trials and during the online measurements. Additionally, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
differences in solid–liquid content of the samples can This project has received funding from Finnish govern-
affect the Raman results. This has been previously dis- ment through VTT-funded CALMIN-project and from
cussed in studies concentrating on pharmaceutical analy- the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and
sis using RS.[26] Another method for signal optimisation Innovation Programme under grant agreement No
could utilize a larger Raman beam in comparison with 680565. The work is also part of the Academy of Finland
particle size and increased integration times. The estima- Flagship Programme, Photonics Research and Innovation
tion for optimal Raman beam diameter should consider (PREIN), decision 320168. Business Finland has
the effect of moving particles and light scattering from supported this publication during APASSI project.
small particles to the final Raman beam diameter. Finally,
the Raman analysis could utilize more accurate estimation ORCID
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